728 resultados para Cemented carbide.


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The tribology of linear tape storage system including Linear Tape Open (LTO) and Travan5 was investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Optical Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technologies. The purpose of this study was to understand the tribology mechanism of linear tape systems then projected recording densities may be achieved in future systems. Water vapour pressure or Normalized Water Content (NWC) rather than the Relative Humidity (RH) values (as are used almost universally in this field) determined the extent of PTR and stain (if produced) in linear heads. Approximately linear dependencies were found for saturated PTR increasing with normalized water content increasing over the range studied using the same tape. Fe Stain (if produced) preferentially formed on the head surfaces at the lower water contents. The stain formation mechanism had been identified. Adhesive bond formation is a chemical process that is governed by temperature. Thus the higher the contact pressure, the higher the contact temperature in the interface of head and tape, was produced higher the probability of adhesive bond formation and the greater the amount of transferred material (stain). Water molecules at the interface saturate the surface bonds and makes adhesive junctions less likely. Tape polymeric binder formulation also has a significant role in stain formation, with the latest generation binders producing less transfer of material. This is almost certainly due to higher cohesive bonds within the body of the magnetic layer. TiC in the two-phase ceramic tape-bearing surface (AlTiC) was found to oxidise to form TiO2.The oxidation rate of TiC increased with water content increasing. The oxide was less dense than the underlying carbide; hence the interface between TiO2 oxide and TiC was stressed. Removals of the oxide phase results in the formation of three-body abrasive particles that were swept across the tape head, and gave rise to three-body abrasive wear, particularly in the pole regions. Hence, PTR and subsequent which signal loss and error growth. The lower contact pressure of the LTO system comparing with the Travan5 system ensures that fewer and smaller three-body abrasive particles were swept across the poles and insulator regions. Hence, lower contact pressure, as well as reducing stain in the same time significantly reduces PTR in the LTO system.


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Economic factors such as the rise in cost of raw materials, labour and power, are compelling manufacturers of cold-drawn polygonal sections, to seek new production routes which will enable the expansion in the varieties of metals used and the inclusion of difficult-to-draw materials. One such method generating considerable industrial interest is the drawing of polygonal sections from round at elevated temperature. The technique of drawing mild steel, medium carbon steel and boron steel wire into octagonal, hexagonal and square sections from round at up to 850 deg C and 50% reduction of area in one pass has been established. The main objective was to provide a basic understanding of the process, with particular emphasis being placed on modelling using both experimental and theoretical considerations. Elevated temperature stress-strain data was obtained using a modified torsion testing machine. Data were used in the upper bound solution derived and solved numerically to predict drawing stress strain, strain-rate, temperature and flow stress distribution in the deforming zone for a range of variables. The success of this warm working process will, of course, depend on the use of a satisfactory elevated temperature lubricant, an efficient cooling system, a suitable tool material having good wear and thermal shock resistance and an efficient die profile design which incorporates the principle of least work. The merits and demerits of die materials such as tungsten carbide, chromium carbide, Syalon and Stellite are discussed, principally from the standpoint of minimising drawing force and die wear. Generally, the experimental and theoretical results were in good agreement, the drawing stress could be predicted within close limits and the process proved to be technically feasible. Finite element analysis has been carried out on the various die geometries and die materials, to gain a greater understanding of the behaviour of these dies under the process of elevated temperature drawing, and to establish the temperature distribution and thermal distortion in the deforming zone, thus establishing the optimum die design and die material for the process. It is now possible to predict, for the materials already tested, (i) the optimum drawing temperature range, (ii) the maximum possible reduction of area per pass, (iii) the optimum drawing die profiles and die materials, (iv) the most efficient lubricant in terms of reducing the drawing force and die wear.


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High speed twist drills are probably the most common of all metal cutting tools and also the least efficient. In this study, detailed research was undertaken into aspects of drill performance and ways in which drilling could be improved in short hole depths of up to two diameters. The work included an evaluation of twist drill geometry and grinding parameters. It was established that errors in point grinding lead to increased hole oversize and reduced drill life. A fundamental analysis was made to establish predictive equations for the drill torque and thrust using modified orthogonal cutting equations and empirical data. A good correlation was obtained between actual and predicted results. Two new techniques for extending twist drill life by the use of coolant feeding holes and also the application of titanium nitride coatings were evaluated. Both methods were found to have potential for improving drill performance. A completely new design of carbide tipped drill was designed and developed. The new design was tested and it compared favourably with two commercially available carbide tipped drills. In further work an entirely different type of drill point geometry was developed for the drill screw. A new design was produced which enabled the drilling time to be minimised for the low thrust forces that were likely to be used with hand held power tools.


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Modern engineering requirements are frequently near the limits of application of conventional materials. For many purposes, particularly tribological, the most satisfactory solution is frequently the application of a resistant coating to the surface of a common metal. Electrodeposited cermet coatings have proved very satisfactory: some of the factors underlying the cernet electrodeposition process have been investigated. A ceramic particle in contact with an electrolyte solution will carry a charge which may affect the kinetics of the suspended particle under electroplating conditions. Measurerment has been made of this charge on particles of silicon carbide, chrornium diboride and quartz, in contiact with solutions of copper sulphate/ sulphuric acid in terms of the electrokinetic (zeta) potential and also as surface charge density. The methocl used was that of streaming potential and streaming current measurement


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The.use of high-chromium cast irons for abrasive wear resistance is restricted due to their poor fracture toughness properties. An.attempt was made to improve the fracture characteristics by altering the distribution, size and.shape of the eutectic carbide phase without sacrificing their excellent wear resistance. This was achieved by additions of molybdenum or tungsten followed by high temperature heat treatments. The absence of these alloying elements or replacement of them with vanadium or manganese did not show any significant effect and the continuous eutectic carbide morphology remained the same after application of high temperature heat treatments. The fracture characteristics of the alloys with these metallurgical variables were evaluated for both sharp-cracks and blunt notches. The results were used in conjunction with metallographic and fractographic observations to establish possible failure mechanisms. The fracture mechanism of the austenitic alloys was found to be controlled not only by the volume percent but was also greatly influenced by the size and distribution of the eutectic carbides. On the other hand, the fracture mechanism of martensitic alloys was independent of the eutectic carbide morphology. The uniformity of the secondary carbide precipitation during hardening heat treatments was shown to be a reason for consistant fracture toughness results being obtained with this series of alloys although their eutectic carbide morphologies were different. The collected data were applied to a model which incorporated the microstructural parameters and correlated them with the experimentally obtained valid stress intensity factors. The stress intensity coefficients of different short-bar fracture toughness test specimens were evaluated from analytical and experimental compliance studies. The.validity and applicability of this non-standard testing technique for determination of the fracture toughness of high-chromium cast irons were investigated. The results obtained correlated well with the valid results obtained from standard fracture toughness tests.


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The deposition efficiencies of a number of electroless nickel and cobalt plating solutions were studied and in the case of nickel compared with a commercial plating solution Nifoss 80. At the optimum plating conditions (92ºC and pH 4.5) Nifoss 80 produced nickel layers most efficiently, the alkaline cobalt solution operated most efficiently at 90ºC and pH 9. The methods of producing compostte layers containing 2-3 µm carbide particles and chromium powder is described. Nickel and cobalt layers containing approximately 27% carbide particles, or 40% (Ni) and 30% (Co) chromium particles by volume were obtained. This value is independent of the particle concentration in the plating solution within the range (20~200 g/l). Hardness of the nickel. as deposited was 515 Hv, this was increased to a maximum of 1155 Hv by heat treatment at 200ºC for 5 hours in vacuum. Incorporation. of .chromium carbide particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 1225 Hv after heating at 500ºC for 5 hours in vacuum and chromium particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 16S0 Hv after heat treatment at 400ºC for 2 hours in vacuum. Similarly the hardness of cobalt as deposited was 600 Hv, this was increased to a maximum of 1300 Hv after heat treatment at 400ºC for 1 hour. Incorporation of chromium carbide particles resulted jn a maximum hardness of 1405 Hv after heating at 400ºC for 5 hours in vacuum and chromium particles resulted in a maximum hardness of 1440 Hv after. heat treating for 2 hours at 400ºC in vacuum. The structure of the deposits was studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The wear rate and coefficient of friction was determined by a pin and disc method. Wear rate and coefficient of friction decreased with increase in hardness. The wear resistance of the materials was also determined using a simulated forging test. Dies made of standard die steel were coated and the wear rates of the layers as deposited and after heat treatment were compared with those of uncoated tools. The wear resistance generally increased with hardness, it was 50-75% more than the uncoated die steel. Acetic acid salt spray test and outdoor exposure for six months was used to study the corrosion behaviour of the deposits and potentiodynamic curves plotted to find their corrosion potential. Nickel deposit exhibited less staining than carbide composite deposits and nickel-chromium deposits had the most noble corrosion potential.


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The effect of thermochemical treatment namely carburising on the fatigue behaviour of one carbon and two alloy steels has been studied in rotating and unidirectional bending. The effect of carbon profile on the unidirect¬ional bending fatigue strength of 63SA14 was assessed, and it was found that single stage carburising with a surface carbon content of 0.8% has resulted in a higher fatigue strength than other types of carbon profiles. Residual stresses and other metallurgical variables arising from different carbon profiles, were also considered. The highest compressive stresses h~e resulted from boost-diffuse-carburising. On the other hand surface decarburisation was associated with tensile residual stresses and a reduced fatigue strength. Retained austenite was found to be detrimental in unidirectional bending fatigue; however its presence in carburised 83SAIS did not seem to influence the rotating bending fatigue strength. Carbide particles in globular and/or intergranular form were detrimental to compressive residual stresses; the unidirectional bending fatigue strength is markedly lowered. The highest fatigue strength was accomplished by vacuum carburising. The absence of internal oxidation was the key factor in the increased fatigue strength; the presence of uniformly distributed fine carbide particles did not upset the superior fatigue strength of vacuum carburised pieces. The effect of mean stress on the fatigue strength of carburised 63SA14 was studied. Increasing the mean stress as would be expected resulted in a decreased fatigue strength. Carburisation showed its advantages at low mean stress, but at high mean stress it offers little advantage over the uncarburised hardened conditions. Notch effect was also studied in unidirectional bending of carburised 080MlS. The general trend showed that the fatigue strength decreases with increasing the stress concentration factor. But different carburising conditions have different effect on notch sensitivity.


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The wear behaviour of a series of chromium containing white irons has been investigated under conditions of high stress grinding abrasion using a specimen on track abrasion testing machine. The measured abrasion resistance of the irons has been explained in terms of microstructure and hardness and with respect to the wear damage observed at and beneath abraded surfaces. During abrasion material removal occurred by cracking and detachment from the matrix of eutectic carbides as well as by penetration and micromachining effects of the abrasive grits being crushed at the wearing surface. Under the particular test conditions used martensitic matrix structures gave higher resistance to abrasion than austenitic or pearlitic. However, no simple relationship was found between general hardness or matrix microhardness at wear surfaces and abrasion resistance, and the test yielded pessimistic results for austenitic irons. The fine structures of the 15% Cr and 30% Cr alloys were studied by thin foil transmission electron microscopy. It was found that both the matrix and carbide constituents could be thinned for examination at 100 Kv using conventional dishing followed by ion beam thinning. Flany of the rodlike eutectic N7C3 carbides were seen to consist of clusters of scalier rods with individual 117C3 crystals quite often containing central cores of matrix constituent. 3oth eutectic and secondary N7C3 carbides were found to contain stacking faults on planes normal to the basal plane. In the eutectic carbides in the 30A Cr iron there was evidence of an in-situ PI7C3 C. transition which had taken place during the hardening heat treatment of this alloy. In the as-cast austenitic matrix iron strain induced martensite was produced at the wear surface contributing to work hardening. The significance of these findings have been discussed in relation to wear performance.


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Osteo-odonto-keratoprostheses (OOKP) is a unique form of keratoprosthesis involving surgical removal of a tooth root and surrounding bone from the patient which are then used to construct an osteo-odonto lamina into which an optical cylinder is cemented. The OOKP procedure is successful and capable of withstanding the very hostile ocular environments found in severe Stevens–Johnson syndrome, pemphigoid, chemical burns, trachoma and multiple corneal graft failure. The existing procedure is complex and time consuming in terms of operative time, and additionally involves sacrifice of the oral structures. This paper discusses the rational search for a “synthetic” analogue of the dental lamina, capable of mimicking those features of the natural system that are responsible for the success of OOKP. In this study the degradation of selected commercial and natural bioceramics was tested in vitro using a purpose-designed resorption assay. Degradation rate was compared with tooth and bone, which are currently used in OOKP lamina. At normal physiological pH the degradation of bioceramics was equivalent to tooth and bone; however, at pH 6.5–5.0, associated with infectious and inflamed tissues, the bioceramics degrade more rapidly. At lower pH the degradation rate decreased in the following order: calcium carbonate corals > biphasic calcium phosphates > hydroxyapatite. Porosity did not significantly influence these degradation rates. Such degradation is likely to compromise the stability and viability of the synthetic OOKP. Consequently more chemically stable materials are required that are optimized for the surrounding ocular environment.


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This research was carried for an EC supported project that aimed to produce ethyl levulinate as a diesel miscible biofuel from biomass by acid hydrolysis. The objective of this research was to explore thermal conversion technologies to recover further diesel miscible biofuels and/or other valuable products from the remaining solid acid hydrolysis residues (AHR). AHR consists of mainly lignin and humins and contains up to 80% of the original energy in the biomass. Fast pyrolysis and pyrolytic gasification of this low volatile content AHR was unsuccessful. However, successful air gasification of AHR gave a low heating value gas for use in engines for power or heat with the aim of producing all the utility requirements in any commercial implementation of the ethyl levulinate production process. In addition, successful fast pyrolysis of the original biomass gave organic liquid yields of up to 63.9 wt.% (dry feed basis) comparable to results achieved using a standard hardwood. The fast pyrolysis liquid can be used as a fuel or upgraded to biofuels. A novel molybdenum carbide catalyst was tested in fast pyrolysis to explore the potential for upgrading. Although there was no deoxygenation, some bio-oil properties were improved including viscosity, pH and homogeneity through decreasing sugars and increasing furanics and phenolics. AHR gasification was explored in a batch gasifier with a comparison with the original biomass. Refractory and low volatile content AHR gave relatively low gas yields (74.21 wt.%), low tar yields (5.27 wt.%) and high solid yields (20.52 wt.%). Air gasification gave gas heating values of around 5MJ/NM3, which is a typical value, but limitations of the equipment available restricted the extent of process and product analysis. In order to improve robustness of AHR powder for screw feeding into gasifiers, a new densification technique was developed based on mixing powder with bio-oil and curing the mixture at 150°C to polymerise the bio-oil.


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A review of the literature pertaining to the mechanical properties, solidification and segregation effects in nodular cast iron has been made. A series of investigations concerning the influence of microsegregation on mechanical properties of :pearlitic, ferritic and austenitic nodular cast iron have then been reported. The influence of section size on the tensile and impact properties of cornmercial purity and refined ferritic nodular cast iron has been studied. It has been shown. that an increase in section caused a decrease in impact transition temperature of the commercial purity material without greatly affecting the impact transition temperature of the purer material. This effect has been related to increased amounts of segregation effects such as cell boundary carbides in heavier sections of the commercial purity material. Microsegregation studies on the materials used in this thesis have been carried out using an electron probe microanalyser. This technique has shown that concentrations of chromium and manganese and depletions of nickel and silicon occurred at eutectic cell boundaries in nodular cast iron and were often associated with brittle carbides in these areas. These effects have been shown to be more prevalent in heavier sections. The nature of segregation during the solidification of nodular cast iron has been studied by quenching samples of nodular iron during the solidification process. Micro-analysis of such samples has shown that segregation of manganese and chromium occurs by a gradual build-up of these elements at the solid/liquid interface. The microstructures of the quenched specimens revealed carbide filaments connecting graphite nodules and areas of quenched liquid. These filaments have been used as evidence for a revised hypothesis for the solidification of nodular cast iron by a liquid diffusion mechanism. A similar series of experiments has been carried out on two high nickel austenitic irons containing 0.5 per cent manganese and 4 per cent manganese respectively. In both these materials a decrease in elongation was experienced with increasing section. This effect was more drastic in the 4 per cent manganese material which also contained much greater amounts of cell boundary carbide in heavy sections. Micro-analysis of samples of the 4 per cent manganese material quenched during solidification revealed that manganese concentrated in the liquid and that nickel concentrated in the solid during solidification. No segregation of silicon occurred in this material. Carbide filaments appeared in the microstructures of these specimens. A discussion of all the above effects in terms of current concepts is included.


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The effects of a thermal residual stress field on fatigue crack growth in a silicon carbide particle-reinforced aluminum alloy have been measured. Stress fields were introduced into plates of material by means of a quench from a solution heat-treatment temperature. Measurements using neutron diffraction have shown that this introduces an approximately parabolic stress field into the plates, varying from compressive at the surfaces to tensile in the center. Long fatigue cracks were grown in specimens cut from as-quenched plates and in specimens which were given a stress-relieving overaging heat treatment prior to testing. Crack closure levels for these cracks were determined as a function of the position of the crack tip in the residual stress field, and these are shown to differ between as-quenched and stress-relieved samples. By monitoring the compliance of the specimens during fatigue cycling, the degree to which the residual stresses close the crack has been evaluated. © 1995 The Minerals, Metals & Material Society.


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Measurement of the coating fracture strain of an aluminide coating on a single crystal nickel base superalloy has been performed both in three-point bending and using variable wall thickness testpieces. As-aged specimens, 28 to 33 μm in thickness, were tested at room temperature, 600, 700 and 750 °C; specimens pre-exposed for 140 h at 850 and 1100 °C in air and vacuum were tested at room temperature. Fracture strains varied from 0.52 to 0.70% for as-aged specimens tested at temperatures up to 700 °C and specimens exposed at 850 °C and tested at room temperature. The crack path for these conditions was intergranular or transgranular in the main coating, along carbide-matrix interfaces in the coating transition zone, and at an angle of 30-45° to the original crack path in the substrate. The as-aged coating tested at 750 °C was ductile; a ductile-brittle transition occurs between 700 and 750 °C for the strain rate used (1 × 10-5 s-1). Following 1100 °C pre-exposure, specimens were ductile at room temperature with fractures strains of several percent. In this condition the crack morphology changed to one of subsurface nucleation in β grains and at β-γ′ interfaces. © 1993.


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Unique electrical and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have made them one of the most promising candidates for next-generation nanoelectronics. Efficient utilization of the exceptional properties of SWNTs requires controlling their growth direction (e.g., vertical, horizontal) and morphologies (e.g., straight, junction, coiled). ^ In this dissertation, the catalytic effect on the branching of SWNTs, Y-shaped SWNTs (Y-SWNTs), was investigated. The formation of Y-shaped branches was found to be dependent on the composition of the catalysts. Easier carbide formers have a strong tendency to attach to the sidewall of SWNTs and thus enhance the degree of branching. Y-SWNTs based field-effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated and modulated by the metallic branch of the Y-SWNTs, exhibiting ambipolar characteristics at room temperature. A subthreshold swing of 700 mV/decade and an on/off ratio of 105 with a low off-state current of 10-13 A were obtained. The transport phenomena associated with Y- and cross-junction configurations reveals that the conduction mechanism in the SWNT junctions is governed by thermionic emission at T > 100 K and by tunneling at T < 100 K. ^ Furthermore, horizontally aligned SWNTs were synthesized by the controlled modification of external fields and forces. High performance carbon nanotube FETs and logic circuit were demonstrated utilizing the aligned SWNTs. It is found that the hysteresis in CNTFETs can be eliminated by removing absorbed water molecules on the CNT/SiO2 interface by vacuum annealing, hydrophobic surface treatment, and surface passivation. SWNT “serpentines” were synthesized by utilization of the interaction between drag force from gas flow and Van der Waals force with substrates. The curvature of bent SWNTs could be tailored by adjusting the gas flow rate, and changing the gas flow direction with respect to the step-edges on a single-crystal quartz substrate. Resistivity of bent SWNTs was observed to increase with curvature, which can be attributed to local deformations and possible chirality shift at curved part. ^ Our results show the successful synthesis of SWNTs having controllable morphologies and directionality. The capability of tailoring the electrical properties of SWNTs makes it possible to build an all-nanotube device by integrating SWNTs, having different functionalities, into complex circuits. ^


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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) could serve as potential reinforcement for metal matrix composites for improved mechanical properties. However dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in the matrix has been a longstanding problem, since they tend to form clusters to minimize their surface area. The aim of this study was to use plasma and cold spraying techniques to synthesize CNT reinforced aluminum composite with improved dispersion and to quantify the degree of CNT dispersion as it influences the mechanical properties. Novel method of spray drying was used to disperse CNTs in Al-12 wt.% Si prealloyed powder, which was used as feedstock for plasma and cold spraying. A new method for quantification of CNT distribution was developed. Two parameters for CNT dispersion quantification, namely Dispersion parameter (DP) and Clustering Parameter (CP) have been proposed based on the image analysis and distance between the centers of CNTs. Nanomechanical properties were correlated with the dispersion of CNTs in the microstructure. Coating microstructure evolution has been discussed in terms of splat formation, deformation and damage of CNTs and CNT/matrix interface. Effect of Si and CNT content on the reaction at CNT/matrix interface was thermodynamically and kinetically studied. A pseudo phase diagram was computed which predicts the interfacial carbide for reaction between CNT and Al-Si alloy at processing temperature. Kinetic aspects showed that Al4C3 forms with Al-12 wt.% Si alloy while SiC forms with Al-23wt.% Si alloy. Mechanical properties at nano, micro and macro-scale were evaluated using nanoindentation and nanoscratch, microindentation and bulk tensile testing respectively. Nano and micro-scale mechanical properties (elastic modulus, hardness and yield strength) displayed improvement whereas macro-scale mechanical properties were poor. The inversion of the mechanical properties at different scale length was attributed to the porosity, CNT clustering, CNT-splat adhesion and Al 4C3 formation at the CNT/matrix interface. The Dispersion parameter (DP) was more sensitive than Clustering parameter (CP) in measuring degree of CNT distribution in the matrix.