994 resultados para Cattle-ticks.


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Contents: Strategic supplementation of P4 may be used to increase conception rates in cattle, but timing of supplementation in relation to ovulation, mass of supplementary P4 and formulation of the P4-containing supplement has not been determined for beef cattle. Effects of supplementation of long-acting progesterone (P4) on Days 2 or 3 post-ovulation on development, function and regression of corpus luteum (CL) were studied in beef cattle. Cows were synchronized with an oestradiol/P4-based protocol and treated with 150 or 300 mg of long-acting P4 on Day 2 or 3 post-ovulation (6-7 cows/group). Colour-doppler ultrasound scanning and blood sample collection were performed from Day 2-21.5. Plasma P4 concentrations were greater (p < 0.05) from Day 2.5-5.5 in the Day 2-treated groups and from Day 3.5-5.5 in the Day 3-treated cows than in the control group. CL area and blood flow during Day 2-8.5 did not differ (p > 0.05) among groups, suggesting no effect of P4 treatment on luteal development. The frequency of cows that began luteolysis before Day 15 was greater (p < 0.04) in cows treated with 300 mg than in the controls, but there were no differences between non-treated and 150 mg-treated cows. The interval from pre-treatment ovulation to functional and structural luteolysis was shorter (p < 0.01) in the combined P4-treated groups than in the control cows. In conclusion, was showed for the first time that long-acting P4 supplementation on Day 2 or 3 post-ovulation increases P4 concentrations for ≥3 day, has no effect on luteal development, but anticipates the beginning of luteolysis in beef cattle. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Studies on the molecular bases of the neurotoxic action of acaricides are found in the literature; but there are no studies of this action on the nervous system of ticks at the cellular level. The present study describes the morphological and cytochemical changes in the synganglion of Rhipicephalus sanguineus semi-engorged females exposed to different concentrations of permethrin, a pyrethroid with recognized neurotoxic action. Permethrin induced the degeneration of the synganglion through a process of apoptosis involving autophagy, characterized by the condensation and margination of the chromatin, formation of blebs in the nuclear envelope and fragmentation of the nucleus, loss of shape of neural cells and integrity of cellular membrane, cytoplasmic shrinkage, and lower levels of acid phosphatase in the nervous tissue as the concentration of permethrin increased. This study provided further evidence of the neurotoxic action of permethrin, which impairs the metabolism of R. sanguineus nervous systems, and consequently the physiology of other systems, dependent on the neural control. These results provide cytochemical and histological confirmation of the neurotoxic action of permethrin, previously inferred from molecular and tick behavioral evidence. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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We analyzed 46,161 monthly test-day records of milk production from 7453 first lactations of crossbred dairy Gyr (Bos indicus) x Holstein cows. The following seven models were compared: standard multivariate model (M10), three reduced rank models fitting the first 2, 3, or 4 genetic principal components, and three models considering a 2-, 3-, or 4-factor structure for the genetic covariance matrix. Full rank residual covariance matrices were considered for all models. The model fitting the first two principal components (PC2) was the best according to the model selection criteria. Similar phenotypic, genetic, and residual variances were obtained with models M10 and PC2. The heritability estimates ranged from 0.14 to 0.21 and from 0.13 to 0.21 for models M10 and PC2, respectively. The genetic correlations obtained with model PC2 were slightly higher than those estimated with model M10. PC2 markedly reduced the number of parameters estimated and the time spent to reach convergence. We concluded that two principal components are sufficient to model the structure of genetic covariances between test-day milk yields. © FUNPEC-RP.


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The aims of this study were to assess the validity and the feasibility of the qualitative behavior assessment (QBA) method as indicator of Nellore cattle temperament under field conditions, evaluating its associations with four other traditional methods and weight gain. The temperament and live weight of 2229 Nellore cattle was assessed at approximately 550 days of age. Five measurements of cattle temperament were recorded: flight speed test (FS, in m/s), visual scores of movement in the crush (MOV), crush score (CS), temperament score (TS), and the qualitative behavior assessment method (QBA), by using a list of 12 behavioral based adjectives as descriptors of temperament. Average daily weight gain (ADG) was calculated for each animal. For statistical analysis of QBA data, the Principal Component Analysis was used. A temperament index (TI) was defined for each animal using the scores for the first principal component. Pearson's correlation coefficients were estimated between TI with FS and ADG. A mixed model ANOVA was used to analyze the TI variation as a function of TS, CS, and MOV. The score plot for the first and second principal components was used to classify the cattle in four groups (from very bad to very good temperament). The first principal component explained 49.50% of the variation in the data set, with higher positive loadings for the adjectives 'agitated' and 'active', and higher negative loadings for 'calm' and 'relaxed'. TI was significantly correlated with FS (r=0.49; P<0.01) and ADG (r=-0.10; P<0.01). The means of ADG, FS, and the temperament scores (CS, TS, MOV) differed significantly (P<0.01) among the four groups, from very bad to very good temperament. The QBA method could discriminate different behavioral profiles of Nellore cattle and were in agreement with other traditional methods used as indicators of cattle temperament. Additional studies are needed to assess the inter- and intra-observers reliability and to study its association with physiological parameters. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Research for acaricides with lower toxicity and impact on the environment has been intensified. An alternative would be the use of natural compounds or of synthetic products in lower concentrations than the ones sold commercially. Thus, this study describes the action of andiroba seed oil on the nuclei of the ovary and synganglion cells of Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and presents an analysis of the nuclear morphology of the nervous system cells of this tick species when exposed to permethrin. The results obtained showed that, although no changes have been observed in the genetic material of the ovary cells exposed to the andiroba oil, this compound, as well as permethrin, has neurotoxic action on the females of this species. The damages caused to the physiology of the synganglion, due to the loss of integrity of the genetic material, would result in the impairment of the metabolism of other systems of R. sanguineus ticks. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O principal método de controle do carrapato bovino Boophilus microplus é o uso de carrapaticidas sintéticos. Entretanto, o rápido desenvolvimento de resistência ao princípio ativo, os riscos de resíduo nos produtos de origem animal e a contaminação ambiental tem incentivado a busca por fontes alternativas de controle desse parasita. Dentro desse contexto, o uso de fitoterápicos aponta como uma alternativa no controle do carrapato, podendo reduzir os impactos econômicos e ambientais ao uso de produtos químicos sintéticos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar “in vitro” o efeito dos óleos essenciais de capim-salsar (Cymbopogon interanius Jowitt) e priprioca (Cyperus articulatus L.), substâncias químicas isoladas do timbó (Derris nicou; Derris urucu): rotenona, rotenolona e deguelina e óleos de andiroba (Carapa guianensis Aublet.) e nim (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.), no controle do carrapato. As pesquisas foram desenvolvidas nas instalações da Unidade de Pesquisa Animal “Sen. Álvaro Adolpho”, da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, no município de Belém, estado do Pará, no período de março a julho de 2008. As fêmeas ingurgitadas de Boophilus microplus foram colhidas manualmente, de bovinos naturalmente infestados, em propriedade particular localizada à uma hora de Belém. Após a coleta, foram transportadas para o laboratório em vasilhames plásticos, identificados, limpos e aerados. No laboratório, foram lavadas em água corrente, secas em papel absorvente e pesadas em balança analítica (precisão de 0,0001g). A metodologia utilizada foi a imersão de teleóginas por tempo de cinco minutos. Após a imersão, os carrapatos foram secos em papel absorvente, fixados em placas de Petri e mantidos em temperatura ambiente para realização da postura. Durante todo período experimental a temperatura e umidade relativa do ar em laboratório foi aferida com auxílio de um termohigrometro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Os percentuais de mortalidade de fêmeas ingurgitadas de B. microplus ,no dia 5 e 15, variaram de: 45% a 90%; 37% a 90% e 60 a 90%; 60% a 90%, para capim-salsar e priprioca, respectivamente. Os resultados referentes a postura não evidenciaram diferença estatística entre as concentrações 2% e 10%, em relação ao controle (água + etanol). Entretanto, houve diferença na concentração 50%, tanto para capim-salsar quanto priprioca. Para capim-salsar, nesta concentração, foi observada postura de ovos inférteis. Com relação aos percentuais de eficiência do produto, os valores obtidos foram de: 100%; 95,63%; 98,77%; 100% e 99,30%; 96,97%; 99,85% e 100%, para os efeitos do óleo essencial de capim-salsar e priprioca nas concentrações 2%, 5%, 10%, 50%, respectivamente. As taxas de mortalidade, no dia 5, variaram de 37% a 41%, 49% a 64% e 52% a 41% para rotenona, rotenolona e deguelina, da menor para maior concentração, respectivamente. Todas as substâncias testadas apresentaram taxa de mortalidade significativamente maior do que as obtidas pelo grupo controle (água + etanol). Os melhores resultados de percentual da postura foram de 49% e 26% para rotenona e deguelina a 200ppm, respectivamente e 34% para rotenolona a 100ppm. Os percentuais de eficiência nos testes com rotenona foram de 95,24% e 98,68%, para rotenolona da ordem de 97,29%; 98,08%; 100% e deguelina 95,45%; 98,23% e 100%, em 100ppm, 200ppm e 300ppm, respectivamente. Para andiroba e nim, o percentual de mortalidade foi observado no dia 15 e demonstrou um comportamento natural do ciclo biológico dos carrapatos, pois não houve diferença estatística significativa entre o controle (água + etanol) e os tratamentos nas diferentes concentrações. Para andiroba e nim a maior eficiência obtida foi de 98,01% e 100%, na concentração de 50%, respectivamente.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)