994 resultados para Café: Resíduos


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In this work, magnetic photocatalysts were synthesized containing differents levels of TiO2 (40, 60 e 80%) supported at the supporter of C/LV, forming the photocatalysts 40, 60, 80Ti/C/LV, using tar pitch as carbon (C) source and red mud (LV) as iron source. The prepared magnetic photocatalysts and TiO2 were used to degrade the Remazol Black textile dye (PR5) and the organic material present in samples of a textile dye effluent. The characterization of photocatalysts by Raman, X-Ray Diffraction, Transmission Electron Micoscope and Scanning, Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, Termogravimetry and Elemental Analysis, confirms the presence of carbon and magnetite in support C/LV and the presence of TiO2 in prepared photocatalysts. The photocatalytic reactions with TiO2 were analyzed by different experimental conditions, such as: mass of TiO2 (30-240 mg), solution pH (2-10), light intensity (0.871 and 1.20 mWcm-2), type of radiation (UV and sunlight-1.420 mWcm-2), radiation incidence area (44.2 to 143.1 cm2) and dissolved oxygen (OD, 1.9 and 7.6 mg L- 1). Results showed that reactions with the following conditions: 220 mg of TiO2, pH 10, solar radiation, 7.6 mg L-1 of OD and an incidence area of radiation of 143.1 cm2 showed the best results for degradation of PR5 dye. Photocatalytic reactions with magnetic photocatalysts for degrading PR5 shows that efficiency increases with TiO2 content in the C/LV support, where, above 60% of TiO2, there was not significant increase in reaction velocity. In addition, solar radiation has proved to be advantageous for photocatalytic reactions. In order to verify the presence of a non-magnetic fraction in the photocatalyst 60Ti/C/LV0, magnetic separation was proceeded. The characterizations of the magnetic (FM) and nonmagnetic (NMF) fraction confirmed that about 25% of TiO2 did not fixed in 60Ti/C/LV photocatalyst. Results of photocatalytic reactions with FM and FNM showed that both phases have photocatalytic activity for degradation of PR5. The reactions executed for the degradation of organic matter present in the actual sample of textile effluent showed that TiO2 and magnetic photocatalyst 60Ti/C/ LV have better results for color removal (85 to 35%), soluble solids ( 11 and 3%), DQO (90 and 86%) and turbidity (94 and 11%) than the treatment done by the textile industry. Sedimentation kinetics tests in presence of a magnet showed that photocatalysts are separated faster from aqueous environment than pure TiO2. Obtained results showed that magnetic photocatalysts have excellent photocatalytic activity and can be separated from the reaction environment on a simple and quick way when a magnetic field is applied.


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The consumption of snack bars is based especially on the demand for practical and nutritious food. Coffee is highlighted for being appreciated and consumed worldwide, presenting elevated antioxidant activity, in addition to peculiar sensorial attributes. Therefore, it has great potential for use in many formulations. However, the success in the acceptance of a new product also derives from adequate marketing strategies. In this context, the present study aimed at evaluating the feasibility of introducing to the market a snack bar added with coffee, by means of sensorial acceptance and purchase intent of the consumers, in addition to identifying the best concept and the possible market segments. This work was a qualitative, by means of a focus group (content analysis), and quantitative research, by means of sensorial analysis and structures questionnaires (descriptive – frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, crosstabs and t test – and multivariate – cluster and discriminate analysis - statistical techniques). With the results, we showed that the main aspects considered by the consumers regarding the snack bar added with coffee. According to the qualitative evaluation, the consumer prefers packaging with matte colors ranging in the tones related to the coffee grain. The analysis of the quantitative data allows us to infer that the evaluations of the product regarding overall impression, purchase intent, preference and expectation before and after consuming the product are better for packaging containing the information “special coffee flavor – 100% arabic”. Regarding market segment, it was possible to conclude that, of the three extracted groups, the group of “healthy and conscious consumers” was the segment with higher potential for exploitation regarding purchase and consumption of the snack bar added with coffee.


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This study was to evaluate the solubility of nepheline syenite rocks and glauconite as alternative sources of K by organic humic acid arrays, citrus and coffee pods at various times from 0 to 180 days of incubation. The experiment was conducted in the fertility laboratory in the Department of Soil Science at the Federal University of Lavras in a completely randomized design with 90 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were arranged in a factorial arrangement (2 x 3 x 7 + 3), 2 nepheline syenite rocks and glauconite incubated with water and 3 matrix organic humic acid, citric acid and coffee husk in six different incubation times of 0, 7, 15, 30, 75, 120 and 180 days, incubation were performed with the three above-mentioned organic matrix in increasing doses of 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10% humic acids and citric 0, 5, 10 20 and 40% for coffee husk. We evaluated the K2O content by different extractants soluble in 2% citric acid and water all treatments at all incubation times quoted above. Incubation and the application of organic matrix rocks nepheline syenite and generally glauconite provided a significant increase in solubility of K of the rocks studied in this work. Among the organic matrix has been observed that the coffee husk which provided the greatest release of K2O in both rocks mainly into the extractor 2% citric acid showed that the most efficient extraction K2O in all treatments.


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Coffee seeds have limitations regarding to its conservation because of their sensitivity to desiccation and storage behavior. The establishment of a methodology for seed storage is difficult due to its deterioration. Deterioration can enhance the production of reactive oxygen species and cause lethal oxidative damage to plant tissues. The damage caused by harmful levels of free radicals can be softened by the action of endogenous or exogenous antioxidants. Recent research shows new antioxidative protection technologies, being cathodic protection a promising technique with relevant results in other recalcitrant species and even in other living organisms. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify the antioxidant effect of cathodic water in Coffea arabica L. seeds with the purpose of investigating a new technology to improve seed quality. The study was conducted at the Central Seed Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, at the Federal University of Lavras. Coffea arabica L. seeds were used. The study was conducted in two stages, in the first a preliminary analysis of the use of cathodic water was carried out in batches with different levels of quality. In the second it was evaluated the effect of light and of the imbibition period of the seeds in cathodic water. The seeds were immersed in distilled water and in cathodic water for eight distinct soaking periods, in absence and presence of light and then evaluated by physiological tests. It can be concluded that cathodic water can positively influence the physiological performance of the coffee seeds with poor quality, especially when embedded during periods between 4.5 to 7.5 hours in the absence of light.


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the potential of the oil extracted from tilapia residues filleting for biodiesel production, select the one that presents the greatest potential for this purpose and characterize the obtained biodiesel to be neutralized or refined and analyzed according to their physicochemical and yield characteristics. For this, the crude heads, carcasses and offal which have undergone physical and chemical analysis and yield were extracted. For this, the crude oil was extracted from the heads, carcasses and guts, which have passed through physicochemical and yield analysis.For the statistical analysis, a completely randomized design was used with 3 treatments (head, carcass and viscera) and 5 replications.It was observed significant differences in the oils (P <0.05) being the viscera oil the one that showed higher yield although it presented the worst values for all evaluated indices. For this reason this oil was selected for further studies. In this new stage of the study the treatments were: neutralized crude oil and viscera refined oil with different volumes of NaOH 16%.It was adopted a completely randomized design, with a 2x3 factorial (types of oil x soda volumes) with 3 replications. The analyzed variables were acid value, saponification index, peroxide value and iodine value. It was also evaluated the performance of all the obtained biodiesel. It can be concluded that: among the filleting residues oil of tilapias, the one which is more suitable for biodiesel production, due to its high yield, was the viscera oil. The use of all stages of refining is indispensable, once the obtained index and the yield were greater in the biodiesel refined oil; the produced biodiesel from tilapia’s viscera oil meets the ANP standards and, therefore, it is adequate for use.


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The Agroindustrial System coffee after decades of state regulation has become a decentralized economic activity. This situation compelled most of the actors in the production chain to resort to self r egulatory systems offered by certification agencies, which have specific criteria and procedures. However the diversity criteria of the agencies do not offer resources able to ensure efficient management of the governance structure. There is a need to reduce the asymmetry of information, which is possible through the sharing of data compatible with the production tracking feature. This work is supported in this contextualized problem, based on Transaction Cost Theory and the use of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The first part of the work seeks to know the procedures required by leading regulatory agencies in Brazil, with perspective to emphasize the similarities and compatibilities between them, which was reached after analysis of standards and comparison of similarities. Next is registered the operation and the coffee traceability of the structure, in order to identify, through observation, documental and bibliographical analysis, the systems in place and traceable information in line with the recommendations of the coffee certification. Finally, he sought to create a labeling model that allows to generate and share information about the product from the field to the sale for consumption. The information obtained in the previous steps were the basis for data collection with the production chain agents through a structured questionnaire administered to 618 agents of the production chain, whose answers were treated by multivariate methods of statistical analysis. The results showed that actors in the chain are in favor of inclusion and sharing information related to rural production and economic and environmental data. This knowledge enabled develop a labeling model where the information sharing agents is an efficient mechanism to mitigate the governance problems identified.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)