994 resultados para CHEMICAL PLANTS
This paper reports the first attempt of characterizing various physical, mechanical and chemical properties of Quiscal fibres, used by the native communities in Chile and investigating the influence of atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment on various properties such as diameter and linear density, fat, wax and impurity%, moisture regain, chemical elements and groups, thermal degradation, surface morphology, etc. According to the experimental observations, Quiscal fibre has lower tenacity than most of the technical grade natural fibres such as sisal, hemp, flax, etc., and plasma treatment at optimum dose improved its tenacity to the level of sisal fibres. Plasma treatment also reduced the amount of fat, wax and other foreign impurities present in Quiscal fibres as well as removed lignin and hemicellulose partially from the fibre structure. Plasma treatment led to functionalization of Quiscal fibre surface with chemical groups, as revealed from attenuated total reflection spectroscopy and also confirmed from the elemental analysis using energy dispersive Xray technique and pH and conductivity measurements of fibre aqueous extract. The wetting behavior of Quiscal fibre also improved considerably through plasma treatment. However, untreated and plasma treated Quiscal fibres showed similar thermal degradation behavior, except the final degradation stage, in which plasma treated fibres showed higher stability and incomplete degradation unlike the untreated fibres. The experimental results suggested that the plasma treated Quiscal fibres, like other technical grade natural fibres, can find potential application as reinforcement of composite materials for various industrial applications.
Las fibras del seudotallo de plátano (FSP) fueron modificadas mediante epiclorhidrina (EP), anhídrido acético (AA), y su combinación (AA_EP), y con plasma a tres descargas de barrera dieléctrica (DBD) 1, 3 y 6 kW min m-2. Las FSP tratadas y sin tratar fueron caracterizadas mediante espectroscopia infrarroja por la transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), termogravimetría (TGA), microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y pruebas mecánicas de tensión y de humectabilidad. Los espectros FT-IR, las micrografías SEM, y el análisis TGA indicaron pérdidas de lignina, hemicelulosa, impurezas y ceras. Estos efectos en conjunto con las reacciones de grupos OH y -C-C-, con los tratamientos químicos y de plasma respectivamente, incrementaron la hidrofobicidad de las FSP tratadas. Los tratamientos químicos produjeron reacciones de esterificación, eterificación y entrecruzamiento de los grupos OH libres en las FSP, lo que hizo que mostraran mayor rigidez que las expuestas al plasma. Las micrografías SEM mostraron que las FSP expuestas al plasma quedaron con superficie más irregular y rugosa que la de las FSP tratadas químicamente. La humectabilidad de las fibras, medida mediante pruebas de ángulo de contacto, se redujo como consecuencia de ambos tratamientos, característica importante para un relleno en los materiales compuestos.
In the present study, different aerial parts from twelve Amazonian plant species found in the National Institute for Amazon Research's (INPA's) Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve (in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil) were collected. Separate portions of dried, ground plant materials were extracted with water (by infusion), methanol and chloroform (by continuous liquid-solid extraction) and solvents were removed first by rotary evaporation, and finally by freeze-drying which yielded a total of seventy-one freeze-dried extracts for evaluation. These extracts were evaluated initially at concentrations of 500 and 100 µg/mL for in vitro hemolytic activity and in vitro inhibition of platelet aggregation in human blood, respectively. Sixteen extracts (23 % of all extracts tested, 42 % of all plant species), representing the following plants: Chaunochiton kappleri (Olacaceae), Diclinanona calycina (Annonaceae), Paypayrola grandiflora (Violaceae), Pleurisanthes parviflora (Icacinaceae), Sarcaulus brasiliensis (Sapotaceae), exhibited significant inhibitory activity towards human platelet aggregation. A group of extracts with antiplatelet aggregation activity having no in vitro hemolytic activity has therefore been identified. Three extracts (4 %), all derived from Elaeoluma nuda (Sapotaceae), exhibited hemolytic activity. None of the plant species in this study has known use in traditional medicine. So, these data serve as a baseline or minimum of antiplatelet and hemolytic activities (and potential usefulness) of non-medicinal plants from the Amazon forest. Finally, in general, these are the first data on hemolytic and inhibitory activity on platelet aggregation for the genera which these plant species represent.
Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the volatile constituents from resin of Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand subsp. ulei (Swat) Daly (PHU), and Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand subsp. heptaphyllum (PHH), Burseraceae were performed using GC-MS and GC-FID. The resins were collected around the city of Cruzeiro do Sul, state of Acre, Brazil. Essential oils from the two subspecies were extracted by hydrodistillation with a yield of 8.6% (PHU) and 11.3% (PHH); the main components were terpinolene (42.31%) and p-cymene (39.93%) for subspecies ulei (PHU) and heptaphyllum (PHH), respectively.
Three coumarins, 5-methoxypsoralene, xanthyletin, and (-)-marmesin, have been isolated from the ethanolic extract of the stem of the Amazonian plant Brosimum potabile. The structures were determined on the basis of NMR analyses and by comparison with spectroscopic data in the literature. The analysis of the hexane fractions by GC-MS in EIMS mode suggested the presence of (1-methylpentyl)-benzene; α,α-dimethyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-benzenemethanol; 1-methyl-3,5-bis(1-methylethyl)-benzene; urs-12-ene; chola-5,22-dien-3β-ol; cholesta-4,6-dien-3β-ol; sitosteryl 9(Z)-octadecenoate; cholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol; cholesta-4,6,22-trien-3-one; and cholesta-4,22-dien-3-one. NMR data of other hexane fractions indicated the presence of 3β-acetoxy-lup-12,20(29)-diene; 3β-acetoxy-olean-12-ene; 3β-acetoxy-urs-12-ene; and adian-5-ene. All these compounds are first described in B. potabile.
The ethanol extract from stem bark of Sacoglottis uchi Huber (popularly known as uchi in the Amazon Region) was submitted to chromatographic fractionation. The dichloromethane fractions provided the pentacyclic triterpene 3-oxo-friedelin (1). The dichloromethane:methanol fractions provided the pentacyclic triterpenes pseudotaraxasterol (2), lupeol (3), a-amyrin (4), betulin (5), and methyl 2ß,3ß-dihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oate (6) and a mixture of the steroids sitosterol (7) and stigmasterol (8). Their chemical structures were determined by NMR spectroscopy and comparison with spectroscopic data from the literature. All compounds are described for the first time in this species.
Promoting environmental and health education is crucial to allow students to make conscious decisions based on scientific criteria. The study is based on the outcomes of an Educational Project implemented with Portuguese students and consisted of several activities, exploring pre-existent Scientific Gardens at the School, aiming to investigate the antibacterial, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of plant extracts, with posterior incorporation in soaps and creams. A logo and a webpage were also created. The effectiveness of the project was assessed via the application of a questionnaire (pre- and post-test) and observations of the participants in terms of engagement and interaction with all individuals involved in the project. This project increased the knowledge about autochthonous plants and the potential medical properties of the corresponding plant extracts and increased the awareness about the correct design of scientific experiments and the importance of the use of experimental models of disease. The students regarded their experiences as exciting and valuable and believed that the project helped to improve their understanding and increase their interest in these subjects and in science in general. This study emphasizes the importance of raising students’ awareness on the valorization of autochthonous plants and exploitation of their medicinal properties.
Phytoplankton is important bioindicator of chemical and biological modifications of natural ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the total chemical composition of the phytoplankton of the Pará and Mocajuba estuaries on the eastern coast of the Amazon region in the Brazilian state of Pará. The chemical composition of the surface water, bottom sediments (total sample and bioavailable fraction), and the phytoplankton were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Phytoplankton contained high concentrations of Ca, P, Mn, Fe, Zn, Al, Ba, and Pb. The phytoplankton of the Mocajuba estuary is rich in Fe (2,967-84,750 µg g-1), while those from the Pará is rich in Al (1,216-15,389 µgg-1), probably reflecting divergent anthropogenic inputs. Both samples indicated a high bioconcentration factor derived from both the water and the bioavailable fraction, reflecting the efficiency of these organisms in the concentration of metals.
Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.
In the Southern Pantanal, the hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), an endangered species, often chooses the manduvi tree (Sterculia apetala) as a nesting site, because of its physical properties. In addition, the chemical composition of the wood may also contribute to a nesting selection by the hyacinth macaws. The objective of this study was to determine the main chemical components of S. apetala bark for two seasons, and evaluate its fungicidal potential. Bark samples from S. apetala trees with and without nests of A. hyacinthinus were collected in January (wet season) and August (dry season) of 2012. The inhibition of mycelium growth (MGI) from tree samples with and without nests were assessed using a phytochemical analysis to evaluate their antifungal activity against Trichoderma sp. Phytochemical analysis confirmed the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. In both seasons, samples obtained from nested trees had higher content of total phenols than those collected from non-nested trees. The average content of total flavonoids was higher in January for samples with nest and in August for samples without nest. All selected samples showed antifungal activity, and those with nest collected in August (peak of hyacinth macaw breeding) resulted in an MGI of 51.3%. Therefore, this percentage, related to the content of flavonoids and the presence of coumarins, may influence the reproductive success of hyacinth macaws and other species of birds, in this region. This is the first chemical study report with the stem bark of S. apetala.
Influence of river ecological condition on changes in physico-chemical water parameters along rivers
Dissertação de mestrado em Ecology
Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas
This paper reports the first attempt of characterizing several physical, mechanical and chemical properties of Quiscal fibres, usually used by the native communities in Chile and on investigations concerning the influence of atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma treatment on various properties such as diameter and linear density, percent of impurity, moisture regain, chemical elements and groups, thermal degradation, surface morphology, among others.
The aim of this study was to characterize sweet cherry regarding nutritional composition of the fruits, and individual phytochemicals and bioactive properties of fruits and stems. The chromatographic profiles in sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, tocopherols and phenolic compounds were established. All the preparations (extracts, infusions and decoctions) obtained using stems revealed higher antioxidant potential than the fruits extract, which is certainly related with its higher phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) concentration. The fruits extract was the only one showing antitumor potential, revealing selectivity against HCT-15 (colon carcinoma) (GI50~74 μg/mL). This could be related with anthocyanins that were only found in fruits and not in stems. None of the preparations have shown hepatotoxicity against normal primary cells. Overall, this study reports innovative results regarding chemical and bioactive properties of sweet cherry stems, and confirmed the nutritional and antioxidant characteristics of their fruits.
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