933 resultados para CD4 T lymphocytes


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Background: Pagetoid reticulosis is a rare variant of mycosis fungoides. This rare condition typically presents as a solitary plaque located on the extremities with an indolent clinical course (Woringer-Kolopp disease) or as a more generalized presentation with diffuse cutaneous involvement and a more aggressive clinical course (Ketron-Goodman disease). Purpose: To review the cutaneous manifestations, pathology, and treatment of localized pagetoid reticulosis. Methods: The authors describe a 24-year-old woman with a slowly enlarging, localized plaque of seven months duration, representing the localized form of pagetoid reticulosis with CD8+ immunophenotype. Results: The histological, immunohistochemical, and clinical features of the patient's skin lesion were characteristic for a diagnosis of Woringer-Kolopp disease. Systemic work-up for lymphoma was negative. Conclusion: Woringer-Kolopp disease is most commonly seen in middle-aged men as a solitary lesion of the extremities, and it should always be considered in the differential diagnosis when a patient presents with such a lesion. A histological analysis demonstrated atypical lymphocytes preferentially localized to the epidermis with a CD4+, CD8+, or CD4-/CD8- phenotype. The treatment of choice for a solitary lesion may be localized radiation therapy, but newer therapies, such as bexarotene, may warrant further investigation.


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Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health burden. The immunocompetant host responds to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection by the formation of granulomas, which initially prevent uncontrolled bacterial proliferation and dissemination. However, increasing evidence suggests that granuloma formation promotes persistence of the organism by physically separating infected cells from effector lymphocytes and by inducing a state of non-replicating persistence in the bacilli, making them resistant to the action of antibiotics. Additionally, immune-mediated tissue destruction likely facilitates disease transmission. The granulomatous response is in part due to mycobacterial glycolipid antigens. Therefore, studies were first undertaken to determine the innate mechanisms of mycobacterial cord factor trehalose-6’6-dimycolate (TDM) on granuloma formation. Investigations using knock-out mice suggest that TNF-a is involved in the initiation of the granulomatous response, complement factor C5a generates granuloma cohesiveness, and IL-6 is necessary for maintenance of an established granulomatous responses. Studies were next performed to determine the ability of lactoferrin to modulate the immune response and pathology to mycobacterial cord factor. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein with immunomodulatory properties that decrease tissue damage and promote Th1 responses. Mice challenged with TDM and treated with lactoferrin had decreased size and numbers of granulomas at the peak of the granulomatous response, accompanied by increased IL-10 and TGF-b production. Finally, the ability of lactoferrin to serve as a novel therapeutic for the treatment of TB was performed by aerosol challenging mice with MTB and treating them with lactoferrin added to the drinking water. Mice given tap water had lung log10 CFUs of 7.5 ± 0.3 at week 3 post-infection. Lung CFUs were significantly decreased in mice given lactoferrin starting the day of infection (6.4 ± 0.7) and mice started therapeutically on lactoferrin at day 7 after established infection (6.5 ± 0.4). Total lung inflammation in lactoferrin treated mice was significantly decreased, with fewer areas of macrophages, increased total lymphocytes, and increased numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ cells. The lungs of lactoferrin treated mice had increased CD4+ IFN-g+ cells and IL-17 producing cells on ELISpot analysis. It is hypothesized that lactoferrin decreases bacterial burden during MTB infection by early induction of Th1 responses.


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CD4+ T helper (Th) lymphocytes are vital for integrating immune responses by orchestrating the function of other immune cell types. Naïve Th cells can differentiate into different effector subsets that are characterized by their cytokine profile and immune regulatory functions. These subsets include Th1, Th2, Th17, natural and inducible regulatory T cells (nTreg and iTreg respectively), among others. We focused our investigation on two Th lineages, Th17 and regulatory T cells, with opposing functions in the immune system. These subsets have been suggested to be reciprocally regulated since they both require TGF-b for their development. We investigated the role of the Treg-associated master transcription factor Foxp3, and found that Foxp3 inhibits Th17 cell generation by preventing the transcriptional activity of the two main Th17-specific transcription factors, nuclear orphan receptors RORa and RORgt. At the molecular level, we identified two different functional domains in Foxp3 required for such inhibition: the LQALL sequence in exon 2 and the TIP60/HDAC7 binding domain. These domains could be crucial to either prevent the association of the nuclear receptors to coactivators or to recruit histone deacetylases to RORa- or RORgt-target genes. Since TGF-b is a common cytokine required for the commitment towards both Th lineages, we determined the role of the TGF-b-dependent signaling pathway in the generation of each subset. By using mice with deficiencies in signaling molecules downstream of TGF-b, we found that while Smad2, Smad3 and Smad4 are required for the generation of iTreg cells, only Smad2 is indispensable for the induction of IL-17-producing cells, suggesting that TGF-b induces these T helper lineages through differential signaling pathways. Thus, our findings describe novel transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that control the generation of two T helper lineages with opposing functions. These findings could provide novel therapeutic targets to treat diseases where the balance of these T cells is dysregulated, such as in autoimmunity, chronic infectious diseases and cancer.


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Chronic hepatitis occurs when effector lymphocytes are recruited to the liver from blood and retained in tissue to interact with target cells, such as hepatocytes or bile ducts (BDs). Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1; CD106), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, supports leukocyte adhesion by binding a4b1 integrins and is critical for the recruitment of monocytes and lymphocytes during inflammation. We detected VCAM-1 on cholangiocytes in chronic liver disease (CLD) and hypothesized that biliary expression of VCAM-1 contributes to the persistence of liver inflammation. Hence, in this study, we examined whether cholangiocyte expression of VCAM-1 promotes the survival of intrahepatic a4b1 expressing effector T cells. We examined interactions between primary human cholangiocytes and isolated intrahepatic T cells ex vivo and in vivo using the Ova-bil antigen-driven murine model of biliary inflammation. VCAM-1 was detected on BDs in CLDs (primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, alcoholic liver disease, and chronic hepatitis C), and human cholangiocytes expressed VCAM-1 in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha alone or in combination with CD40L or interleukin-17. Liver-derived T cells adhered to cholangiocytes in vitro by a4b1, which resulted in signaling through nuclear factor kappa B p65, protein kinase B1, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. This led to increased mitochondrial B-cell lymphoma 2 accumulation and decreased activation of caspase 3, causing increased cell survival. We confirmed our findings in a murine model of hepatobiliary inflammation where inhibition of VCAM-1 decreased liver inflammation by reducing lymphocyte recruitment and increasing CD8 and T helper 17 CD4 Tcell survival. Conclusions: VCAM-1 expression by cholangiocytes contributes to persistent inflammation by conferring a survival signal to a4b1 expressing proinflammatory T lymphocytes in CLD.


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Untreated AKR mice develop spontaneous thymic lymphomas by 6-12 months of age. Lymphoma development is accelerated when young mice are injected with the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU). Selected molecular and cellular events were compared during the latent period preceding "spontaneous" (retrovirally-induced) and MNU-induced thymic lymphoma development in AKR mice. These studies were undertaken to test the hypothesis that thymic lymphomas induced in the same inbred mouse strain by endogenous retroviruses and by a chemical carcinogen develop by different mechanisms.^ Immunofluorescence analysis of differentiation antigens showed that most MNU-induced lymphomas express an immature CD4-8+ profile. In contrast, spontaneous lymphomas represent each of the major lymphocyte subsets. These data suggest involvement of different target populations in MNU-induced and spontaneous lymphomas. Analyses at intervals after MNU treatment revealed selective expansion of the CD4-8+ J11d+ thymocyte subset at 8-10 weeks post-MNU in 68% of the animals examined, suggesting that these cells are targets for MNU-induced lymphomagenesis. Untreated age-matched animals showed no selective expansion of thymocyte subsets.^ Previous data have shown that both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas are monoclonal or oligoclonal. Distinct rearrangement patterns of the J$\sb2$ region of the T-cell receptor $\beta$-chain showed emergence of clonal thymocyte populations beginning at 6-7 weeks after MNU treatment. However, lymphocytes from untreated animals showed no evidence of clonal expansion at the time intervals investigated.^ Activation of c-myc frequently occurs during development of B- and T- cell lymphomas. Both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas showed increased c-myc transcript levels. Increased c-myc transcription was first detected at 6 weeks post-MNU, and persisted throughout the latent period. However, untreated animals showed no increases in c-myc transcripts at the time intervals examined. Another nuclear oncogene, c-fos, did not display a similar change in RNA transcription during the latent period.^ These results supports the hypothesis that MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors develop by multi-step pathways which are distinct with respect to the target cell population affected. Clonal emergence and c-myc deregulation are important steps in the development of both MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors, but the onset of these events is later in spontaneous tumor development. ^


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Tumor specific immunity is mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that recognize peptide antigen (Ag) in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules and by helper T (Th) lymphocytes that recognize peptide Ag in the context of MHC class II molecules. The purpose of this study is (1) to induce or augment the immunogenicity of nonimmunogenic or weakly immunogenic tumors by genetic modification of tumor cells, and (2) to use these genetically altered cells in cancer immunotherapy. To study this, I transfected a highly tumorigenic murine melanoma cell line (K1735) that did not express constitutively either MHC class I or II molecules with syngeneic cloned MHC class I and/or class II genes, and then determined the tumorigenicity of transfected cells in normal C3H mice. K1735 transfectants expressing either $\rm K\sp{k}$ or $\rm A\sp{k}$ molecules alone produced tumors in normal C3H mice, whereas most transfectants that expressed both molecules were rejected in normal C3H mice but produced tumors in nude mice. The rejection of K1735 transfectants expressing $\rm K\sp{k}$ and $\rm A\sp{k}$ Ag in normal C3H mice required both $\rm CD4\sp+$ and $\rm CD8\sp+$ T cells. Interestingly, the $\rm A\sp{k}$ requirement can be substituted by IL-2 because transfection of $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive/A$\sp{\rm k}$-negative K1735 cells with the IL-2 gene also resulted in abrogation of tumorigenicity in normal C3H mice but not in nude mice. In addition, 1735 $(\rm I\sp+II\sp+)$ transfected cells can function as antigen presenting cells (APC) since they could process and present native hen egg lysozyme (HEL) to HEL specific T cell hybridomas. Furthermore, the transplantation immunity induced by K1735 transfectants expressing both $\rm K\sp{k}$ and $\rm A\sp{k}$ molecules completely cross-protected mice against challenge with $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive transfectants but weakly protected them against challenge with parental K1735 cells or $\rm A\sp{k}$-positive transfectants. Finally, I demonstrated that MHC $(\rm I\sp+II\sp+)$ or $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive/IL-2-positive cells can function as anti-cancer vaccines since they can abrogate the growth of established tumors and metastasis.^ In summary, my results indicate that expression of either MHC class I or II molecule alone is insufficient to cause the rejection of K1735 melanoma in syngeneic hosts and that both molecules are necessary. In addition, my data suggest that the failure of $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive K1735 cells to induce a primary tumor-rejection response in normal C3H mice may be due to their inability to induce the helper arm of the anti-tumor immune response. Finally, the ability of MHC $(\rm I\sp+II\sp+)$ or $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive/IL-2-positive cells to prevent growth of established tumors or metastasis suggests that these cell lines can serve as potential vaccines for the immunotherapy of cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in the suppression of initial viremia after acute infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Most HIV-infected individuals attain a high titer of anti-HIV antibodies within weeks of infection; however this antibody-mediated immune response appears not to be protective. In addition, anti-HIV antibodies can be detrimental to the immune response to HIV through enhancement of infection and participating in autoimmune reactions as a result of HIV protein mimicry of self antigens. Thus induction and maintenance of a strong HIV-specific CTL immune response in the absence of anti-HIV antibodies has been proposed to be the most effective means of controlling of HIV infection. Immunization with synthetic peptides representing HIV-specific CTL epitopes provides a way to induce specific CTL responses, while avoiding stimulation of anti-HIV antibody. This dissertation examines the capacity of synthetic peptides from the V3 loop region of the gp120 envelope protein from several different strain of HIV-1 to induce HIV-specific, MHC-restricted CD8$\sp+$ CTL response in vivo in a mouse model. Seven synthetic peptides representative of sequences found throughout North America, Europe, and Central Africa have been shown to prime CTLs in vivo. In the case of the MN strain of HIV-1, a 13 amino acid sequence defining the epitope is most efficient for optimal induction of specific CTL, whereas eight to nine amino acid sequences that could define the epitope were not immunogenic. In addition, synthesis of peptides with specific amino acid substitutions that are important for either MHC binding or T cell receptor recognition resulted in peptides that exhibited increased immunogenicity and induced CTLs that displayed altered specificity. V3 loop peptides from HIV-1 MN, SC, and Z321 induced a CTL population that was broadly cross-reactive against strains of HIV-1 found throughout the world. This research confirms the potential efficacy of using synthetic peptides for in vivo immunization to induce HIV-specific CTL-mediated responses and provides a basis for further research into development of synthetic peptide-based vaccines. ^


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The present study examined cellular mechanisms involved in the production and secretion of human (gamma)IFN. The hypothesis of this investigation was that (gamma)IFN is an export glycoprotein whose synthesis in human T lymphocytes is dependent on membrane stimulation, polypeptide synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, packaging in the Golgi complex, and release from the cell by exocytosis.^ The model system for this examination utilized T lymphocytes from normal donors and patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) induced in vitro with the tumor promoter, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and the lectin, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) to produce (gamma)IFN. This study reconfirmed the ability of PMA and PHA to synergistically induce (gamma)IFN production in normal T lymphocytes, as measured by viral inhibition assays and radio-immunoassays for (gamma)IFN. The leukemic T cells were demonstrated to produce (gamma)IFN in response to treatment with PHA. PMA treatment also induced (gamma)IFN production in the leukemic T cells, which was much greater than that observed in similarly treated normal T cells. In these same cells, however, combined treatment of the agents was shown to be ineffective at inducing (gamma)IFN production beyond the levels stimulated by the individual agents. In addition, the present study reiterated the synergistic effect of PMA/PHA on the stimulation of growth kinetics in normal T cells. The cell cycle of the leukemic T cells was also responsive to treatment with the agents, particularly with PMA treatment. A number of morphological alterations were attributed to PMA treatment including the acquisition of an elongated configuration, nuclear folds, and large cytoplasmic vacuoles. Many of the effects were observed to be reversible with dilution of the agents, and reversion to this state occurred more rapidly in the leukemic T cells. Most importantly, utilization of a thin section immuno-colloidal gold labelling technique for electron microscopy provided, for the first time, direct evidence of the cellular mechanism of (gamma)IFN production and secretion. The results of this latter study support the idea that (gamma)IFN is produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, transferred to the Golgi complex for accumulation and packaging, and released from the T cells by exocytosis. ^


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Lymphoid organ hypertrophy is a hallmark of localized infection. During the inflammatory response, massive changes in lymphocyte recirculation and turnover boost lymphoid organ cellularity. Intriguingly, the exact nature of these changes remains undefined to date. Here, we report that hypertrophy of Salmonella-infected Peyer's patches (PPs) ensues from a global "shutdown" of lymphocyte egress, which traps recirculating lymphocytes in PPs. Surprisingly, infection-induced lymphocyte sequestration did not require previously proposed mediators of lymphoid organ shutdown including type I interferon receptor and CD69. In contrast, following T-cell receptor-mediated priming, CD69 was essential to selectively block CD4+ effector T-cell egress. Our findings segregate two distinct lymphocyte sequestration mechanisms, which differentially rely on intrinsic modulation of lymphocyte egress capacity and inflammation-induced changes in the lymphoid organ environment.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages populate the intestinal lamina propria to initiate immune responses required for the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. To investigate whether CX3CR1(+) phagocytes communicate with CD4 T cells during the development of transfer colitis, we established an antigen-driven colitis model induced by the adoptive transfer of DsRed OT-II cells in CX3CR1(GFP/+) × RAG(-/-) recipients challenged with Escherichia coli expressing ovalbumin (OVA) fused to a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP). After colonization of CX3CR1(GFP/+) × RAG(-/-) animals with red fluorescent E. coli pCherry-OVA, colonic CX3CR1(+) cells but not CD103(+) DCs phagocytosed E. coli pCherry-OVA. Degraded bacterial-derived antigens are transported by CD103(+) DCs to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), where CD103(+) DCs prime naive T cells. In RAG(-/-) recipients reconstituted with OT II cells and gavaged with OVA-expressing E. coli, colonic CX3CR1(+) phagocytes are in close contact with CD4 T cells and presented bacterial-derived antigens to CD4 T cells to activate and expand effector T cells.


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INTRODUCTION According to reports from observational databases, classic AIDS-defining opportunistic infections (ADOIs) occur in patients with CD4 counts above 500/µL on and off cART. Adjudication of these events is usually not performed. However, ADOIs are often used as endpoints, for example, in analyses on when to start cART. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the database, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) database, we identified 91 cases of ADOIs that occurred from 1996 onwards in patients with the nearest CD4 count >500/µL. Cases of tuberculosis and recurrent bacterial pneumonia were excluded as they also occur in non-immunocompromised patients. Chart review was performed in 82 cases, and in 50 cases we identified CD4 counts within six months before until one month after ADOI and had chart review material to allow an in-depth review. In these 50 cases, we assessed whether (1) the ADOI fulfilled the SHCS diagnostic criteria (www.shcs.ch), and (2) HIV infection with CD4 >500/µL was the main immune-compromising condition to cause the ADOI. Adjudication of cases was done by two experienced clinicians who had to agree on the interpretation. RESULTS More than 13,000 participants were followed in SHCS in the period of interest. Twenty-four (48%) of the chart-reviewed 50 patients with ADOI and CD4 >500/µL had an HIV RNA <400 copies/mL at the time of ADOI. In the 50 cases, candida oesophagitis was the most frequent ADOI in 30 patients (60%) followed by pneumocystis pneumonia and chronic ulcerative HSV disease (Table 1). Overall chronic HIV infection with a CD4 count >500/µL was the likely explanation for the ADOI in only seven cases (14%). Other reasons (Table 1) were ADOIs occurring during primary HIV infection in 5 (10%) cases, unmasking IRIS in 1 (2%) case, chronic HIV infection with CD4 counts <500/µL near the ADOI in 13 (26%) cases, diagnosis not according to SHCS diagnostic criteria in 7 (14%) cases and most importantly other additional immune-compromising conditions such as immunosuppressive drugs in 14 (34%). CONCLUSIONS In patients with CD4 counts >500/ µL, chronic HIV infection is the cause of ADOIs in only a minority of cases. Other immuno-compromising conditions are more likely explanations in one-third of the patients, especially in cases of candida oesophagitis. ADOIs in HIV patients with high CD4 counts should be used as endpoints only with much caution in studies based on observational databases.