684 resultados para Brushing abrasion
Electroless coating is much appropriate process at engineering surface. Since the discovery of electroless nickel-phosphorus coating in 3996, due to technical and economic advantages as well as desirable characteristics such as resistance to corrosion, abrasion and a high hardness has found wide application at engineering industries. Properties of electroless nickel-phosphorus coating depend on the characteristics of the used bath and heat treatment. In this study, optimal conditions and concentration of sodium citrate, sodium acetate and lactic acid in the bath of electroless nickel-phosphorus coating to the steel ck67 surface was determined. Structure, chemical composition and phases occurring in the coating were investigated using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The corrosion behavior of coatings in solution 3.5٪ NaCl was studied using electrochemical. The results showed that corrosion resistance of the coating with composition sodium citrate, sodium acetate and lactic acid decreased respectively.
A caracterização anatômica, física, mecânica e química da madeira fornece informações importantes para sua melhor utilização. Contudo, para que madeiras se tornem boa opção para o mercado de pisos, adicionalmente é necessária a realização de ensaios que simulem suas reais condições em serviço. Esses ensaios simulam o pisoteio executado pelos sapatos de salto com pequenas áreas de pressão, o arraste e a queda de objetos, a resistência à abrasão da superfície e o atrito oferecido durante o deslocamento de pessoas que caminham sobre ele. Grande dificuldade da seleção de novas madeiras para pisos está na ausência de valores de referência físico-mecânicos. O presente trabalho visou a caracterizar as madeiras de Eucalyptus clöeziana F. Muell, de Eucalyptus microcorys F. Muell e de Corymbia maculata Hook, para as propriedades de densidade básica, retratibilidade, aplicação de carga rolante, de atrito estático e dinâmico, endentação causada por cargas aplicadas em pequenas áreas, impacto da esfera de aço cadente e resistência à abrasão. Foi observado que as madeiras estudadas podem ser utilizadas para a confecção de pisos, de acordo com seus resultados obtidos e por meio de comparações com resultados de literatura.
The failure of materials is always an unwelcome event for several reasons: human lives are put in danger, economic losses, and interference in the availability of products and services. Although the causes of failures and behaviour of materials can be known, the prevention of such a condition is difficult to be guaranteed. Among the failures, wear abrasion by the low voltage is the kind of failure that occurs in more equipment and parts industry. The Plants Sucroalcooleiras suffer significant losses because of such attrition, this fact that motivated their choice for the development of this work. For both, were considered failures in the swing hammers desfibradores stopped soon after the exchange provided in accordance with tonnage of cane processed, then were analyzed by the level of wear testing of rubber wheel defined by the standard ASTM G65-91.The failures were classified as to the origin of the cause and mechanism, moreover, were prepared with samples of welding procedures according to ASME code, sec. IX as well, using the technique of thermal spraying to analyze the performance of these materials produced in laboratories, and compares them with the solder used in the plant. It was observed that the bodies-of-proof prepared by the procedure described as welding, and the thermal spraying the results of losing weight have been minimized significantly compared to the preparations in the plant. This is because the use of techniques more appropriate and more controlled conditions of the parameters of welding. As for the thermal spraying, this technique has presented a satisfactory result, but requires the use of these coatings in the best condition for real affirmation of the results
The main objective is to analyze the abrasive wear resistance to the low stress of the elements that make up the organs of road machinery that are exposed directly to contact with abrasives. These samples were analyzed after these elements are coated superficially by the process of welding electrode coated with (SAER) and the manual process of coating type LVOF thermal spraying. As well, is to provide suggestions for a better recovery and return of these elements, which are reducing costs and avoiding downtime in the fronts of service. The samples were made from a substrate of carbon ABNT 1045 tempered steel, following the same specifications and composition of metals and alloys of constituents was followed the standard governing the dimensions of these samples and in accordance with the corresponding size. The results were evaluated by testing the hardness, abrasion resistance to wear by the low stress and the loss of volume involving the microstructure of coatings analyzed
Aim: To evaluate, in vitro, the effect of brushing with a Ricinus communis -based experimental toothpaste on color stability and surface roughness of artificial teeth. Methods: Ninety artificial teeth (maxillary central incisors) in different shades, light and dark (NatusDent Triple Pressing, Dentbras) were used. Initial color (Spectrophotometer Easyshade, VITA) and surface roughness (Rugosimeter Surfcorder SE 1700, Kosakalab) readouts were performed. After baseline measurements, samples were assigned to 10 groups (n=9) according to the artificial tooth shade and type of toothpaste used during the mechanical brushing test (Pepsodent, MAVTEC): Sorriso Dentes Brancos – SDB, Colgate Luminous White - CLW (Colgate-Palmolive), Close up White Now - CWN (Unilever), Trihydral - THL (Perland Pharmacos) and Ricinus communis - RCE (Experimental). After 29,200 cycles of brushing, corresponding to 2 years of brushing by a healthy individual, new color and roughness readouts of the specimens were performed. Data (before and after the tests) were statistically analyzed (2-way repeated measures ANOVA, Tukey, p<0.05). Results: RCE toothpaste produced the greatest color stability for dark tooth shade and the second best color stability for light tooth shade. For surface roughness alteration, there was no difference (p>0.05) for any tested toothpaste regardless of tooth shade. Conclusions: The experimental Ricinus communis toothpaste did not cause color and surface roughness alteration in the artificial teeth, and it may be considered a suitable option for denture cleaning.
Currently the search for new materials with properties suitable for specific applications has increased the number of researches that aim to address market needs. The poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is one of the most important polymers of the family of polyacrylates and polymethacrylates, especially for its unique optical properties and weathering resistance, and exceptional hardness and gloss. The development of polymer composites by the addition of inorganic fillers to the PMMA matrix increases the potential use of this polymer in various fields of application. The most commonly used inorganic fillers are particles of silica (SiO2), modified clays, graphite and carbon nanotubes. The main objective of this work is the development of PMMA/SiO2 composites at different concentrations of SiO2, for new applications as engineering plastics. The composites were produced by extrusion of tubular film, and obtained via solution for application to commercial PMMA plates, and also by injection molding, for improved the abrasion and scratch resistance of PMMA without compromising transparency. The effects of the addition of silica particles in the polymer matrix properties were evaluated by the maximum tensile strength, hardness, abrasion and scratch resistance, in addition to preliminary characterization by torque rheometry and melt flow rate. The results indicated that it is possible to use silica particles in a PMMA matrix, and a higher silica concentration produced an increase of the abrasion and scratch resistance, hardness, and reduced tensile strength
Fossils of terrestrial mammals preserved in submarine environment have been recorded in several places around the world. In Brazil such fossils are rather abundant in the southernmost portion of the coast, associated to fossiliferous concentrations at depths up to 10 m. Here is presented a review of such occurrences and the first record of fossils in deeper areas of the continental shelf. The fossils encompass several groups of both extinct and extant mammals, and exhibit several distinct taphonomic features, related to the marine environment. Those from the inner continental shelf are removed and transported from the submarine deposits to the coast during storm events, thus forming large konzentrat-lagerstatte on the beach, called "Concheiros". The only fossils from deeper zones of the shelf known so far are a portion of a skull, a left humerus and of a femur of Toxodon sp. and a lower right molar of a Stegomastodon waringi, all collected by fishermen at depths around 20 m. The presence of fossils at great depths and distances from the present coastline, without signs of abrasion and far from areas of fluvial discharges does indicate that these remains have not been transported from the continent to the shelf, but have been preserved directly on the area that today correspond to the continental shelf. These remains indicate the existence of large fossiliferous deposits that have developed during periods of sea-level lowstand (glacial maxima) and have been submerged and reworked by the sea-level rise at the end of the last glaciation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Iron ore concentrate pellets have the potential to fracture and abrade during transportation and handling, which produces unwanted fine particulates and dust. Consequently, pellet producers characterize the abrasion resistance of their pellets, using an Abrasion Index (AI), to indicate whether their products will produce unacceptable levels of fines. However, no one has ever investigated whether the AI correlates to pellet dustiness. During the course of this research, we investigated the relationship between AI and iron ore concentrate pellet dustiness using a wide range of industrial and laboratory pellet samples. The results showed that, in general, AI can be used to indicate high levels of dust. However, for good-quality pellets, there was no correlation between the two. Thus, dust generation from shipping and handling pellets will depend on the quantity of pellets handled and how much they are handled. These results also showed that the type of industrial furnace used to harden iron ore concentrate pellets may affect their fines generation and potential dustiness.
No âmbito da Medicina Dentária define como Paciente com Necessidades Especiais (PNE) todos o indivíduo que apresenta determinados desvios dos padrões de normalidade, identificáveis ou não e que por isso necessitam de atenção e abordagens especiais por um período da sua vida ou indefinidamente. De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), cerca de 10% da população mundial é constituída por pacientes especiais, sendo 50% portadores de deficiência mental, 20% de deficiência física, 15% de deficiência auditiva, 5% de deficiência visual e, 10% de alterações múltiplas. Indivíduos com necessidades especiais têm um risco elevado de ter doenças orais. Se, por um lado, um dos grandes objetivos deste trabalho é realçar a importância da higiene oral, não será menos importante, por outro lado, refletir sobre a eficácia da remoção do biofilme dentário através da técnica mais adequada para pacientes com necessidades educativas especiais. Assim, os principais objetivos deste estudo são: i. Perceber previamente ao estudo, quais as noções de higiene oral dos encarregados de educação dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais e os hábitos de saúde oral que lhes estão associados; ii. Promover e melhorar a saúde oral desta população através de técnicas de motivação como jogos, apresentações de slides através do programa Microsoft powerpoint, filmes; iii. Levar os alunos com NEE a aprender a técnica mais adaptada às suas necessidades através do treino em macromodelos; iv. Comparar os valores do índice de placa no início e no final do estudo para perceber se houve ou não melhoria. Foi utilizada a base de dados do Pubmed, tendo sido pesquisados artigos com as palavras-chave “dental care in special children”, “especial needs”, “oral hygiene”, “oral health”; “deaf children and oral health”, “dental plaque” e “mechanic plaque control”. Foram incluídos os artigos escritos em Português e Inglês, aos quais houvesse acesso integral do artigo, dos últimos 10 anos. Foi realizada também uma consulta de livros relacionados com o tema. A população alvo foram os utentes da instituição CERCIPENICHE, portadores de dificuldade intelectual e desenvolvimental (DID) que compreendiam idades entre os 20 e os 57 anos. A amostra é constituída por 53 indivíduos. O estudo inclui todos aqueles alunos da instituição que conseguiam realizar a escovagem dentária sozinhos, sem qualquer ajuda. A investigação dividiu-se em 3 fases: na primeira fase foi avaliada a eficácia da escovagem dentária dos utentes sem qualquer instrução por parte do investigador, recorrendo a um revelador de placa bacteriana sem qualquer contraindicação para a saúde do indivíduo; numa segunda etapa foram dadas instruções de técnicas de escovagem com base nos resultados da fase anterior, auxiliando com atividades de motivação para a higiene da cavidade oral; por fim foi realizada uma nova avaliação do índice de placa bacteriana para verificar se houve ou não eficácia na remoção do biofilme dentário. Apesar das limitações físicas e mentais destes pacientes atuarem como um travão para uma boa higiene oral, os resultados são positivos, indicam que se verificou a existência de melhorias significativas no IHO-s após a intervenção. Do primeiro para o segundo momento houve uma diminuição dos valores médios deste índice, ou seja, houve uma melhoria na higiene oral desta população, após a instrução. Conclui-se que é importante para estes pacientes reforçar-se continuamente os hábitos de higiene oral, uma vez que reforça a interiorização do conhecimento, havendo não só melhorias na saúde oral destes indivíduos como melhoria na sua qualidade de vida e na saúde em geral.