921 resultados para Brams, Steven J.: The win-win solution
The quality control optimization of medical processes that use ionizing radiation in the treatment of diseases like cancer is a key element for patient safety and success of treatment. The major medical application of radiation is radiotherapy, i.e. the delivery of dose levels to well-defined target tissues of a patient with the purpose of eliminating a disease. The need of an accurate tumour-edge definition with the purpose of preserving healthy surrounding tissue demands rigorous radiation treatment planning. Dosimetric methods are used for dose distribution mapping region of interest to assure that the prescribed dose and the irradiated region are correct. The Fricke gel (FXG) is the main dosimeter that supplies visualization of the three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution. In this work the dosimetric characteristics of the modified Fricke dosimeter produced at the Radiation Metrology Centre of the Institute of Energetic and Nuclear Research (IPEN) such as gel concentration dose response dependence, xylenol orange addition influence, dose response between 5 and 50Gy and signal stability were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Using the same gel solution, breast simulators (phantoms) were shaped and absorbed dose distributions were imaged by MRI at the Nuclear Resonance Laboratory of the Physics Institute of Sao Paulo University. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The control of size and shape of metallic nanoparticles is a fundamental goal in nanochemistry, and crucial for applications exploiting nanoscale properties of materials. We present here an approach to the synthesis of gold nanoparticles mediated by glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilized on solid substrates using the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) technique. The LbL films contained four alternated layers of chitosan and poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS), with GOD in the uppermost bilayer adsorbed on a fifth chitosan layer: (chitosan/PSS)(4)/(chitosan/GOD). The films were inserted into a solution containing gold salt and glucose, at various pHs. Optimum conditions were achieved at pH 9, producing gold nanoparticles of ca. 30 nm according to transmission electron microscopy. A comparative study with the enzyme in solution demonstrated that the synthesis of gold nanoparticles is more efficient using immobilized GOD. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
One of the key issues in e-learning environments is the possibility of creating and evaluating exercises. However, the lack of tools supporting the authoring and automatic checking of exercises for specifics topics (e.g., geometry) drastically reduces advantages in the use of e-learning environments on a larger scale, as usually happens in Brazil. This paper describes an algorithm, and a tool based on it, designed for the authoring and automatic checking of geometry exercises. The algorithm dynamically compares the distances between the geometric objects of the student`s solution and the template`s solution, provided by the author of the exercise. Each solution is a geometric construction which is considered a function receiving geometric objects (input) and returning other geometric objects (output). Thus, for a given problem, if we know one function (construction) that solves the problem, we can compare it to any other function to check whether they are equivalent or not. Two functions are equivalent if, and only if, they have the same output when the same input is applied. If the student`s solution is equivalent to the template`s solution, then we consider the student`s solution as a correct solution. Our software utility provides both authoring and checking tools to work directly on the Internet, together with learning management systems. These tools are implemented using the dynamic geometry software, iGeom, which has been used in a geometry course since 2004 and has a successful track record in the classroom. Empowered with these new features, iGeom simplifies teachers` tasks, solves non-trivial problems in student solutions and helps to increase student motivation by providing feedback in real time. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Let f: M -> M be a fiber-preserving map where S -> M -> B is a bundle and S is a closed surface. We study the abelianized obstruction, which is a cohomology class in dimension 2, to deform f to a fixed point free map by a fiber-preserving homotopy. The vanishing of this obstruction is only a necessary condition in order to have such deformation, but in some cases it is sufficient. We describe this obstruction and we prove that the vanishing of this class is equivalent to the existence of solution of a system of equations over a certain group ring with coefficients given by Fox derivatives.
Artificial vesicles or liposomes composed of lipid bilayers have been widely exploited as building blocks for artificial membranes, in attempts to mimic membrane interaction with drugs and proteins and to investigate drug delivery processes. In this study we report on the immobilization of liposomes of 1,2-dipalmitoyi-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (Sodium Salt) (DPPG) in layer-by-layer (LbL) films, alternated with poly (amidoamine) G4 (PAMAM) dendrimer layers. The average size of the liposomes in solution was 120 nm as determined by dynamic light scattering, with their spherical shape being inferred from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in cast films. LbL films containing up to 20 PAMAM/DPPG bilayers were assembled onto glass and/or silicon wafer substrates. The growth of the multilayers was achieved by alternately immersing the substrates into the PAMAM and DPPG solutions for 5 and 10 min, respectively. The formation of PAMAM/DPPG liposome multilayers and its ability to interact with BSA were confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The structural features and film thickness were obtained using X-ray diffraction and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The adsorption behavior of several amphiphilic polyelectrolytes of poly(maleic anhydride-alt-styrene) functionalized with naphthyl and phenyl groups, onto amino-terminated silicon wafer has been studied by means of null- ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle measurements. The maximum of adsorption, Gamma(plateau), varies with the ionic strength, the polyelectrolyte structure and the chain length. Values of Gamma(plateau) obtained at low and high ionic strengths indicate that the adsorption follows the ""screening-reduced adsorption"" regime. Large aggregates were detected in solution by means of dynamic light scattering and fluorescence measurements. However. AFM indicated the formation of smooth layers and the absence of aggregates. A model based on a two-step adsorption behavior was proposed. In the first one, isolated chains in equilibrium with the aggregates in solution adsorbed onto amino-terminated surface. The adsorption is driven by electrostatic interaction between protonated surface and carboxylate groups. This first layer exposes naphtyl or phenyl groups to the solution. The second layer adsorption is now driven by hydrophobic interaction between surface and chains and exposes carboxylate groups to the medium, which repel the forthcoming chain by electrostatic repulsion. Upon drying some hydrophobic naphtyl or phenyl groups might be oriented to the air, as revealed by contact angle measurements. Such amphiphilic polyelectrolyte layers worked well for the building-up of multilayers with chitosan. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A fast and robust analytical method for amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) based on batch injection analysis (BIA) on an array of gold microelectrodes modified with platinum is proposed. The gold microelectrode array (n = 14) was obtained from electronic chips developed for surface mounted device technology (SMD), whose size offers advantages to adapt them in batch cells. The effect of the dispensing rate, volume injected, distance between the platinum microelectrodes and the pipette tip, as well as the volume of solution in the cell on the analytical response were evaluated. The method allows the H(2)O(2) amperometric determination in the concentration range from 0.8 mu mol L(-1) to 100 mu mol L(-1). The analytical frequency can attain 300 determinations per hour and the detection limit was estimated in 0.34 mu mol L(-1) (3 sigma). The anodic current peaks obtained after a series of 23 successive injections of 50 mu L of 25 mu mol L(-1) H(2)O(2) showed an RSD < 0.9%. To ensure the good selectivity to detect H(2)O(2), its determination was performed in a differential mode, with selective destruction of the H(2)O(2) with catalase in 10 mmol L(-1) phosphate buffer solution. Practical application of the analytical procedure involved H(2)O(2) determination in rainwater of Sao Paulo City. A comparison of the results obtained by the proposed ampermetric method with another one which combines flow injection analysis (FIA) with spectrophotometric detection showed good agreement. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The human protein Ki-1/57 was first identified through the cross reactivity of the anti-CD30 monoclonal antibody Ki-1; in Hodgkin lymphoma cells. The expression of Ki-1/57 in diverse cancer cells and its phosphorylation in peripheral blood leukocytes after mitogenic activation suggested its possible role in cell signaling. Ki-1/57 interacts with several other regulatory proteins involved in cellular signaling, transcriptional regulation and RNA metabolism, suggesting it may have pleiotropic functions. In a previous spectroscopic analysis, we observed a low content of secondary structure for Ki-1/57 constructs. Here, Circular dichroism experiments, in vitro RNA binding analysis, and limited proteolysis assays of recombinant Ki-1/57(122-413) and proteolysis assays of endogenous full length protein from human HEK293 cells suggested that Ki-1/57 has characteristics of an intrinsically unstructured protein. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments were performed with the C-terminal fragment Ki-1/57(122-413). These results indicated an elongated shape and a partially unstructured conformation of the molecule in solution, confirming the characteristics of an intrinsically unstructured protein. Experimental curves together with ab initio modeling approaches revealed an extended and flexible molecule in solution. An elongated shape was also observed by analytical gel filtration. Furthermore, sedimentation velocity analysis suggested that Ki-1/57 is a highly asymmetric protein. These findings may explain the functional plasticity of Ki-1/57, as suggested by the wide array of proteins with which it is capable of interacting in yeast two-hybrid interaction assays.
This thesis is related to the broad subject of automatic motion detection and analysis in videosurveillance image sequence. Besides, proposing the new unique solution, some of the previousalgorithms are evaluated, where some of the approaches are noticeably complementary sometimes.In real time surveillance, detecting and tracking multiple objects and monitoring their activities inboth outdoor and indoor environment are challenging task for the video surveillance system. Inpresence of a good number of real time problems limits scope for this work since the beginning. Theproblems are namely, illumination changes, moving background and shadow detection.An improved background subtraction method has been followed by foreground segmentation, dataevaluation, shadow detection in the scene and finally the motion detection method. The algorithm isapplied on to a number of practical problems to observe whether it leads us to the expected solution.Several experiments are done under different challenging problem environment. Test result showsthat under most of the problematic environment, the proposed algorithm shows the better qualityresult.
PAPRO operates within the Forest Research company and their mission is to develop value-addingindustry solutions. At present there are no good ways for mills to easily test the printing quality on newsprintpaper. There is a great need for a fast way to do this on different paper qualities; with a laboratory-offset press this can be both a time and money saving method. At PAPRO Forest Research, NewZealand, a laboratory offset press has been developed and designed, during the past seven years, concerningthis issue. Earlier projects were made concerning the press, e.g. to establish the optimal settings.The mission with this project was to partly determine the present variability of the print quality andto evaluate if the fountain solution, distilled water and 2% Diol green concentrate, used at the momentmixed with different percentages of Isopropanol could decrease the variability and contribute to morestabile results. Throughout the whole project the print quality showed a high variation and was evenmore variable when the Isopropanol was added. All in all 50 print rounds times twelve printed paperstrips was carried out through the project divided into three parts. To analyse the print quality, amicroscope with an image capture camera has been used. Data from the taken images was analysedand inserted into charts to see the variations.The conclusions of the whole project are not satisfying because no final evaluations were possible tomake. Main conclusions are that the additive of Isopropanol to the ordinary fountain solution, used atpresent, only contributed to more unstable results of the print quality. And it seems to be difficult toget some stable results from the lab press as long as the room where it is placed is not fully conditionedas required for the process of offset printing. And the fact that the airbrush which applies theamount of fountain solution is also variable, as shown in earlier projects, which contributes to unstableresults as well. For further work more exact parameters as a conditioned room are required and thepossibility to further design the laboratory press to use waterless offset printing instead.
Various pellet heating systems are marketed in Sweden, some of them in combination with a solar heating system. Several types of pellet heating units are available and can be used for a combined system. This article compares four typical combined solar and pellet heating systems: System 1 and 2 two with a pellet stove, system 3 with a store integrated pellet burner and system 4 with a pellet boiler. The lower efficiency of pellet heaters compared to oil or gas heaters increases the primary energy demand. Consequently heat losses of the various systems have been studied. The systems have been modeled in TRNSYS and simulated with parameters identified from measurements. For almost all systems the flue gas losses are the main heat losses except for system 3 where store heat losses prevail. Relevant are also the heat losses of the burner and the boiler to the ambient. Significant leakage losses are noticed for system 3 and 4. For buildings with an open internal design system 1 is the most efficient solution. Other buildings should preferably apply system 3. The right choice of the system depends also on whether the heater is placed inside or outside of the heated are. A large potential for system optimization exist for all studied systems, which when applied could alter the relative merits of the different system types.
This paper elaborates the routing of cable cycle through available routes in a building in order to link a set of devices, in a most reasonable way. Despite of the similarities to other NP-hard routing problems, the only goal is not only to minimize the cost (length of the cycle) but also to increase the reliability of the path (in case of a cable cut) which is assessed by a risk factor. Since there is often a trade-off between the risk and length factors, a criterion for ranking candidates and deciding the most reasonable solution is defined. A set of techniques is proposed to perform an efficient and exact search among candidates. A novel graph is introduced to reduce the search-space, and navigate the search toward feasible and desirable solutions. Moreover, admissible heuristic length estimation helps to early detection of partial cycles which lead to unreasonable solutions. The results show that the method provides solutions which are both technically and financially reasonable. Furthermore, it is proved that the proposed techniques are very efficient in reducing the computational time of the search to a reasonable amount.
O presente trabalho estuda a viabilidade da utilização do processo de flotação a ar dissolvido (FAD) no tratamento de efluentes contendo cromo. Tal processo é analisado comparativamente à sedimentação. Urna revisão dos diferentes tipos de processos de separação ou de recuperação do cromo é, também, aqui apresentada. Soluções contendo 200 mg.l" de cromo tri ou hexavalente foram estudadas quanto às condições ideais de precipitação, às características de sedimentação e de flotação a ar dissalvido em regime descontínuo e contlnuo. Agentes poliméricos foram testados no intuito de melhorar as condições de clarificação. O processo de FAD foi o que apresentou melhores resultados no que se refere a cinética de separação sólido/líquido, e em termos de clarificação das soluções. Estudos de separação sólido/líquido de soluções contendo cromo VI foram feitos por estes dois processos empregando sulfato ferroso e sulfito de sódio como agentes redutores. A FAD mostrou ser eficiente para tratar as soluções quando reduzidas com sulfito de sódio. Porém, no caso da utilização do sulfato ferroso como redutor, o rendimento da FAD diminuiu no tratamento de soluções que continham sólidos suspensos acima de uma concentração crítica. Polímeros também foram empregados neste caso, e confirmaram sua atuação melhorando a cinética de separação sólido/líquido e como agentes que beneficiam a clarificação das soluções. Os resultados dos estudos de flotação por ar dissolvido em uma unidade contínua mostraram que é viavel a FAD sem agentes floculantes ou tensoativos. No entanto, estes aumentam os níveis de clarificação das soluções. Apenas os floculantes a base de amido mostraram-se ineficientes nesta aplicação. Conclui-se que o processo de FAD pode ser utilizado no tratamento de efluentes contendo cromo permitindo obter efluentes finais dentro dos padrões de emissão da legislação brasileira.
A solução de preservação da Universidade de Wisconsin (UW) é considerada a solução padrão para preservação de fígados, rins e pâncreas. A frutose-1,6-bisfosfato (FBP) é uma substância que apresenta efeito protetor do fígado contra injúrias provocadas por agentes químicos e ocorridas durante o período de isquemia-reperfusão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da FBP na composição de soluções para preservação de fígados para transplante. Neste estudo experimental, a perfusão e a preservação dos fígados foram realizadas em cada grupo com as soluções de UW, UW contendo 10 mmol/L de FBP (UWM) e FBP 10 mmol/L (FBPS), respectivamente. Os fígados foram armazenados em um recipiente plástico contendo solução de preservação a 4oC por 24 horas. As mensurações bioquímicas de AST, ALT, LDH e TBARS foram realizadas em amostras das soluções de preservação nos tempos de 0, 12, 18 e 24 horas. A análise histológica foi realizada em fígados preservados por 24 horas. O grau de preservação observado com as soluções de UW e FBPS foi similar até 18 horas de armazenamento. A adição de 10 mmol/L de FBP à solução de UW provocou um aumento das injúrias ocorridas e uma pior preservação quando comparado ao grupo armazenado em UW. A FBP protegeu os fígados contra danos causados pelos radicais livres por tempos de preservação inferiores a 18 horas. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na análise histológica dos fígados preservados no tempo de 24 horas. A FBP utilizada em solução foi eficaz na preservação de fígados, podendo ser um importante constituinte para outras formulações.
Estudou-se o comportamento do aço inoxidável ABNT 304 à corrosão-sob-tensão (C.S.T.) em soluções aquosas com 0,1%, 3,5% e 20% de NaCl, na temperatura de 103°C, através de ensaios de carga constante. Com auxílio das técnicas e conceitos de Mecânica de Fratura Linear Elástica e das análises eletroquímicas procurou-se encontrar as condições em que ocorre C.S.T. no sistema aço inoxidável austenítico/solução aquosa de NaCl a 103°C. Utilizou-se o corpo-de-prova do tipo dupla viga em balanço (T-notch double cantilever beam: TN-DCB), com intuito de observar a influência do fator de intensidade de tensão, concentração da solução e potencial eletroquímico. Estimou-se o valor do fator de intensidade de tensão limite (KICST) e a velocidade de propagação das trincas; também foram analisadas outras importantes características em termos mecanísticos. Definiu-se faixas de potenciais e valores de intensidade de tensão a partir dos quais ocorre o surgimento de trincas por C.S.T.. Fêz-se análises metalográficas dos corpos-de-prova onde se pode constatar trincas transgranulares bem típicas do fenômeno de C.S.T.. Foram feitos alguns testes em solução aquosa saturada de MgCl2, em ebulição, para se comparar as diferentes soluções quanto ao fenômeno de C.S.T.. Alterou-se as dimensões do corpo-de-prova para avaliar a orientação da propagação das trincas por C.S.T..