986 resultados para Benign liver tumor
Benign focal epilepsy in childhood with centro-temporal spikes (BECTS) is one of the most common forms of idiopathic epilepsy, with onset from age 3 to 14 years. Although the prognosis for children with BECTS is excellent, some studies have revealed neuropsychological deficits in many domains, including language. Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) reflect activation of different neuronal populations and are suggested to contribute to the evaluation of auditory discrimination (N1), attention allocation and phonological categorization (N2), and echoic memory (mismatch negativity – MMN). The scarce existing literature about this theme motivated the present study, which aims to investigate and document the existing AERP changes in a group of children with BECTS. AERPs were recorded, during the day, to pure and vocal tones and in a conventional auditory oddball paradigm in five children with BECTS (aged 8–12; mean = 10 years; male = 5) and in six gender and age-matched controls. Results revealed high amplitude of AERPs for the group of children with BECTS with a slight latency delay more pronounced in fronto-central electrodes. Children with BECTS may have abnormal central auditory processing, reflected by electrophysiological measures such as AERPs. In advance, AERPs seem a good tool to detect and reliably reveal cortical excitability in children with typical BECTS.
Thirty-two patients bitten by venomous snakes sixteen by Bothrops spp. and sixteen by Crotalus durissus terrificus were studied. The group comprised thirty males and two females, aged eight to sixty-three years (mean 33±15). Bromsulphalein tests were increased in the majority of patients bitten by Crotalus durissus terrificus. The correlation coefficient of Spearman was positive between bromsulphalein tests and alanine aminotransferase levels, and between alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels only in the Crotalus group. The only patient who died was bitten by Crotalus durissus terrificus and showed hydropic degeneration and mitochondrial injury in the liver. It was concluded that the hepatic damage might have been caused by at least two possible mechanisms: venom effect on liver mitochondria and cytokine effects on hepatocyte, specially interleukin-6.
Febs Journal (2009)276:1776-1786
The objective of this study was to compare the histopathological changes and expression of CR3 and CR4 in the liver and spleen of dogs naturally and experimentally infected with L. chagasi. The basic histopathological lesions observed mainly in naturally infected dogs were: epithelioid hepatic granulomas, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells, Malpigui follicles and mononucleated cells of the red pulp of the spleen. Sections from the liver and spleen by immunocytochemistry technique showed the presence of CD11b,c\CD 18 antigens in the control and infected animals and no qualitative or quantitative differences in the liver. Nevertheless, CD18 was always increased in the spleen of naturally and experimentally infected dogs. These results indicate that there is a difference in the activaton of CD 18 in both experimental and natural cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis that should play an important role in the immunological response to Leishmania chagasi infection.
Evaluation of TNF-alpha in patients with Kala-azar has drawn increasing interest due to its regulatory role on the immune system, in addition to its cachetizing activity. The objective of this study was to examine the association between plasma levels of TNF-alpha, measured by immunore-activity (ELISA) and bioactivity (cytotoxicity assay with L-929 cells), and clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis. Plasma samples from 19 patients with Kala-azar were obtained before, during and at the end of antimonial therapy. TNF-alpha determinations was done by using the cytotoxicity assay (all patients) and the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA - 14 patients). A discrepancy between results obtained by ELISA and cytotoxicity assay was observed. Levels of circulating TNF-alpha, assessed by ELISA, were higher in patients than in healthy controls, and declined significantly with improvement in clinical and laboratory parameters. Plasma levels before treatment were 124.7 ± 93.3 pg/ml (mean ± SD) and were higher than at the end of therapy 13.9 ± 25.1 pg/ml (mean ± SD) (p = 0.001). In contrast, plasma levels of TNF-alpha evaluated by cytotoxicity assay did not follow a predicted course during follow-up. Lysis, in this case, might be not totally attributed to TNF-alpha. The discrepancy might be attributed to the presence of factor(s) known to influence the release and activity of TNF-alpha.
A 73 year-old white male, living in the interior of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in central Brazil, after an initial diagnosis of sinusitis was transferred to the neurology service with a 3-day evolution of intracranial hypertension. Exams showed lymphocytic leukemia and a tumor-like lesion, either an expanding inflammatory process such as an abscess or a neoplasm. Treatment with Ceftriaxone and Decadron was started and intracranial hypertension was controlled. Methotrexate was injected on the occasion of the next puncture considering a possible leukemia infiltration. Flagellate forms of T. cruzi were observed in the CSF and treatment with Benznidazole was started. After 4 days the CSF presented fractionated forms of trypomastigotes. The protein level was 27%. Signs of intracranial hypertension ceased. Tomography and magnetic resonance images showed an important reduction of the tumor-like lesion. The clinical condition of the patient improved.
In order to investigate epidemiological aspects of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Brazil, basic informations about cases diagnosed from January 1992 to December 1994 were requested to several medical centers of different Brazilian States. A simple questionnaire included age, sex, alcohol abuse (over 80g/day), associated liver cirrhosis, persistent HBV infection (HBsAg), HCV infection (anti-HCV) and serum levels of alpha fetoprotein. 287 cases, over 16 years old, from 19 medical centers of 8 States (Pará, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul) were analysed. The results showed: (a) Mean age was 56.3 ± 14.4 for men and 54.7 ± 16.8 yr for women and the male/female ratio was 3.4:1. (b) 69.6% were caucasians, 21.8% mullatoes, 4.8% orientals and 3.7% blacks. (c) HBsAg (+) in 77/236 cases (41.6%) without differences between males and females. (d) Anti-HCV (+) in 52/193 cases (26.9%). (e) 7/180 cases were positive both for HBsAg and anti-HCV (3.8%). (f) There was chronic alcoholism in 88/235 cases (37%). (g) HCC was found in cirrhotic livers in 71.2% of 202 cases in which the presence or absence of cirrhosis was reported. (h) Alpha-fetoprotein above 20 ng/ml was found in 124/172 cases (72%) and above 500 ng/ml only in 40 cases (23.2%). These results showed that the HCC in Brazil has an intermediate epidemiological pattern as compared to those from areas of low and high incidence of the tumor. In spite of the high frequency of the association of HCC with the HBV and/or HCV infections, 42% of 180 cases were negative both for HBsAg and anti-HCV, indicating the possible role of other etiological factors. The comparison of data from different States showed some regional differences: higher frequency of associated HBsAg in Pará, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, higher frequency of associated HCV infection in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and States of the Southern region and low frequency of associated liver cirrhosis in Salvador and Rio de Janeiro (55.5 and 50% respectively). Further investigation will be necessary to study the presence of other possible etiological factors as aflatoxins, suggested by the favourable climatic conditions for food contamination by fungi in the majority Brazilian regions
Experimental murine L. major infection is characterized by the expansion of distinct CD4+ T cell subsets. The Th1 response is related to production of IFN-g and resolution of infection, whereas Th-2 response with production of IL-4 and IL-10 and dissemination of infection. The objective of this study was to measure the circulating levels of IFN-g, IL-10 and TNF-a in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) before, during and at the end of therapy and to examine the association between cytokine levels and activity of VL. Fifteen patients with VL were evaluated. The cytokine determinations were done by using the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) before, during and at the end of therapy. At baseline, we detected circulating levels of IFN-g in 13 of 15 patients (median = 60 pg/ml); IL-10 in 14 of 15 patients (median = 141.4 pg/ml); and TNF-a in 13 of 14 patients (median = 38.9 pg/ml). As patients improved, following antimonial therapy, circulating levels of IL-10 showed an exponential decay (y = 82.34 e0,10367x, r = 0.659; p < 0.001). IFN-g was no longer detected after 7/14 days of therapy. On the other hand, circulating levels of TNF-a had a less pronounced decay with time on therapy, remaining detectable in most patients during the first seven days of therapy (y = 36.99-0.933x, r = 0.31; p = 0.05). Part of the expression of a successful response to therapy may, therefore, include reduction in secretion of inflammatory as well as suppressive cytokines. Since IL-10 and IFN-g are both detected prior to therapy, the recognized cellular immune depression seen in these patients may be due to biological predominance of IL-10 (type 2 cytokine), rather than lack of IFN-g (type 1 cytokine) production.
BACKGROUND: Use of polyclonal anti-hepatitis B surface antigen immunoglobulin (HBIg) has been shown to reduce hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) and to decrease the frequency of acute cellular rejection (ACR). However, the protective role of HBIg against ACR remains controversial, since HBV infection has been also associated with a lower incidence of ACR. AIM: To assess the relationship between HBIg immunoprophylaxis and the incidence of rejection after LT. METHODS: 260 patients (158 males, 43 ± 14 years old) submitted to LT were retrospectively evaluated and divided into three groups, according to the presence of HBsAg and the use of HBIg. Group I was comprised of HBsAg-positive patients (n = 12) that received HBIg for more than 6 months. Group II was comprised of HBsAg-positive patients that historically have not received HBIg or have been treated irregularly for less than 3 months (n = 10). Group III was composed of 238 HBsAg-negative subjects that have not received HBIg. RESULTS: HBIg-treated patients (group I) had significantly less ACR episodes, when compared to group II and III. No differences between groups II and III were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term HBIg administration contributes independently to reduce the number of ACR episodes after LT.
A case is reported of a woman who lived in a rural area with a chronic illness that consisted of weight loss and abdominal pain in the epigastrium and upper right quadrant. The initial diagnosis was a mass in the liver, which was later, demonstrated, both by direct and histological examination, to be an abscess caused by Ascaris lumbricoides. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and abundant Charcot-Leyden Crystals were found.
As little is known about liver histology in the co-infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis G virus (HGV), HGV RNA was investigated in 46 blood donors with hepatitis C, 22 of them with liver biopsy: co-infection HCV / HGV (n = 6) and HCV isolated infection (n = 16). Besides staging and grading of inflammation at portal, peri-portal and lobular areas (Brazilian Consensus), the fibrosis progression index was also calculated. All patients had no symptoms or signs of liver disease and prevalence of HGV / HCV co-infection was 15.2%. Most patients had mild liver disease and fibrosis progression index, calculated only in patients with known duration of infection, was 0.110 for co-infection and 0.130 for isolated HCV infection, characterizing these patients as "slow fibrosers". No statistical differences could be found between the groups, although a lesser degree of inflammation was always present in co-infection. In conclusion co-infection HCV / HGV does not induce a more aggressive liver disease, supporting the hypothesis that HGV is not pathogenic.
Bacteremia due to non-typhi Salmonella is more frequent in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, focal complications have been rarely described. We report a case of liver abscess due to Salmonella enteritidis in an HIV-infected patient who recently returned to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from a trip in the Caribbean. A good clinical and radiological response was seen with both percutaneous catheter drainage and antibiotic treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first culture proven case of non-typhi Salmonellaliver abscess in an HIV-infected patient in Brazil.