982 resultados para Beman, Nathan S. S. (Nathan Sidney Smith), 1785-1871.
Commercialization efforts to diffuse sustainable energy technologies (SETs1) have so far remained as the biggest challenge in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Limited success of diffusion through government driven pathways urges the need for market based approaches. This paper reviews the existing state of commercialization of SETs in the backdrop of the basic theory of technology diffusion. The different SETs in India are positioned in the technology diffusion map to reflect their slow state of commercialization. The dynamics of SET market is analysed to identify the issues, barriers and stakeholders in the process of SET commercialization. By upgrading the ‘potential adopters’ to ‘techno-entrepreneurs’, the study presents the mechanisms for adopting a private sector driven ‘business model’ approach for successful diffusion of SETs. This is expected to integrate the processes of market transformation and entrepreneurship development with innovative regulatory, marketing, financing, incentive and delivery mechanisms leading to SET commercialization.
Tutkielma käsittelee intertekstuaalisuuden eri muotoja Zadie Smithin romaanissa On Beauty (suom. Kauneudesta). Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on osoittaa kuinka oleellisesti intertekstuaalisuuden teoria on vaikuttanut kirjallisuustieteen metodeihin ja postmoderniin kirjallisuuskäsitykseen, sekä käsitellä sen soveltuvuutta nykykirjallisuuden tutkimiseen analysoimalla teorian sisäistä monimuotoisuutta ja ristiriitoja. Tutkimusmateriaalina käytetään Smithin romaanin lisäksi E. M. Forsterin romaania Howards End (suom. Talo jalavan varjossa), johon On Beauty tietoisesti viittaa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkielmassa toimii Gérard Genetten teoksessa Palimpsests sekä Roland Barthesin esseessä Tekijän kuolema esille tuodut kirjallisuusteoreettiset käsitykset. Valittu metodologia antaa mahdollisuuden hahmottaa intertekstuaalisuus kahdella eri tavalla: Genetten strukturalistinen lähestymistapa soveltuu teosten välisten viittaussuhteiden tutkimiseen, kun taas Barthesin jälkistrukturalistinen diskurssi auttaa ymmärtämään tekstienvälisyyden osana merkityksen jatkuvaa epävakautta. Tutkielman ensimmäinen osio keskittyy analysoimaan lähiluvun keinoin romaanien On Beauty ja Howards End välistä strukturalistista suhdetta vertailemalla teosten eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä Genetten intertekstuaalisuusteorian valossa. Vertailussa kiinnetetään erityisesti huomiota teosten juoneen, rakenteeseen, aikaan ja paikkaan, sekä uudelleenkirjoitusten yleiseen tendenssiin päivittää alkuperäistä tarinaa kohdeyleisölle paremmin sopivaksi. Toisessa osiossa tutkimusta esille nousee jälkistrukturalistinen näkemys intertekstuaalisuudesta osana lukijan tuottaman merkityksen tulkinnanvaraisuutta. Osiossa käsitellään Rembrandtin taideteosten roolia Smithin romaanissa ja analysoidaan hahmojen tulkintoja sekä suhtautumista Rembrandtin tuotantoon Barthesin teoreettisten käsitteiden kautta. Keskeiseksi analyysin kohteeksi nousee lukija sekä lukijan tuottamat tulkinnat ja niiden merkitys Smithin romaanin tematiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan kuinka intertekstuaalisuus ei ole niin yksinkertainen termi kuin sen laaja käyttö niin kirjallisuustieteessä kuin mediassakin antaa ymmärtää, sekä selvitetään intertekstuaalisuuden teorian kehitystä 60-luvulta nykypäivään. Vaikka strukturalistisessa muodossa käsite soveltuu etenkin kahden toisiinsa kytkeytyneen teoksen tutkimiseen, vertaileva analyysi kuitenkin osoittaa, että On Beauty ei ole pelkkä uudelleenkirjoitus, vaan romaanin tulkintaan tarvitaan myös jälkistrukturalistisen dekonstruktion käsitteitä, jotta laajemmat tekstuaalisuuden verkostot aukeavat lukijalle. Romaanissa esiintyvä taitelijakuva myös osoittaa, että Smith itse on hyvin tietoinen kirjallisuusteoreettisesta keskustelusta.
Critical exponent of the electrical conductivity in the paracoherence region (gamma) of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) has been estimated for high quality thin film on ZrO2 substrate prepared by high pressure oxygen sputtering. High energy ion irradiation was carried out using 100 MeV O-16(7+) ions at liquid nitrogen to see the effects of disorder on the value of the exponent. The critical exponent from a value of about 2 to 1.62 upon irradiation. Studies were also carried film to see the effect of ageing and annealing.
The kinetics of the processes in facing targets sputtering of multicomponent oxide films is presented. The novel configuration of the process exhibits an enhanced ionization efficiency. Discharge diagnostics performed using optical emission spectroscopy revealed strong dependence of plasma parameters on process conditions. Numerical simulation based on thermalization and diffusion of sputtered atoms has been performed to estimate the transport efficiency in off-axis mode. Composition, structure and epitaxial quality of YBa2Cu3O7-x films prepared was found to be strongly dependent on atomic flux ratios (of Cu/Y and Ba/Y) arriving at the substrate, resputtering effect and phase stability of YBa2Cu3O7-x These studies have been shown to be useful in understanding the complex processes that occur in sputtering of multicomponent films. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Niche differentiation has been proposed as an explanation for rarity in species assemblages. To test this hypothesis requires quantifying the ecological similarity of species. This similarity can potentially be estimated by using phylogenetic relatedness. In this study, we predicted that if niche differentiation does explain the co-occurrence of rare and common species, then rare species should contribute greatly to the overall community phylogenetic diversity (PD), abundance will have phylogenetic signal, and common and rare species will be phylogenetically dissimilar. We tested these predictions by developing a novel method that integrates species rank abundance distributions with phylogenetic trees and trend analyses, to examine the relative contribution of individual species to the overall community PD. We then supplement this approach with analyses of phylogenetic signal in abundances and measures of phylogenetic similarity within and between rare and common species groups. We applied this analytical approach to 15 long-term temperate and tropical forest dynamics plots from around the world. We show that the niche differentiation hypothesis is supported in six of the nine gap-dominated forests but is rejected in the six disturbance-dominated and three gap-dominated forests. We also show that the three metrics utilized in this study each provide unique but corroborating information regarding the phylogenetic distribution of rarity in communities.
We present an analytical field-effect method to extract the density of subgap states (subgap DOS) in amorphous semiconductor thin-film transistors (TFTs), using a closed-form relationship between surface potential and gate voltage. By accounting the interface states in the subthreshold characteristics, the subgap DOS is retrieved, leading to a reasonably accurate description of field-effect mobility and its gate voltage dependence. The method proposed here is very useful not only in extracting device performance but also in physically based compact TFT modeling for circuit simulation.
Segregating the dynamics of gate bias induced threshold voltage shift, and in particular, charge trapping in thin film transistors (TFTs) based on time constants provides insight into the different mechanisms underlying TFTs instability. In this Letter we develop a representation of the time constants and model the magnitude of charge trapped in the form of an equivalent density of created trap states. This representation is extracted from the Fourier spectrum of the dynamics of charge trapping. Using amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O TFTs as an example, the charge trapping was modeled within an energy range of Delta E-t approximate to 0.3 eV and with a density of state distribution as D-t(Et-j) = D-t0 exp(-Delta E-t/kT) with D-t0 = 5.02 x 10(11) cm(-2) eV(-1). Such a model is useful for developing simulation tools for circuit design. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
The colubrid snake Chrysopelea taprobanica Smith, 1943 was described from a holotype from Kanthali (= Kantalai) and paratypes from Kurunegala, both localities in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) (Smith 1943). Since its description, literature pertaining to Sri Lankan snake fauna considered this taxon to be endemic to the island (Taylor 1950, Deraniyagala 1955, de Silva 1980, de Silva 1990, Somaweera 2004, Somaweera 2006, de Silva 2009, Pyron et al. 2013). In addition, earlier efforts on the Indian peninsula (e.g. Das 1994, 1997, Das 2003, Whitaker & Captain 2004, Aengals et al. 2012) and global data compilations (e.g. Wallach et al. 2014, Uetz & Hošek 2015) did not identify any record from mainland India until Guptha et al. (2015) recorded a specimen (voucher BLT 076 housed at Bio-Lab of Seshachalam Hills, Tirupathi, India) in the dry deciduous forest of Chamala, Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve in Andhra Pradesh, India in November 2013. Guptha et al. (2015) further mentioned an individual previously photographed in 2000 at Rishi Valley, Andhra Pradesh, but with no voucher specimen collected. Guptha’s record, assumed to be the first confirmed record of C. taprobanica in India, is noteworthy as it results in a large range extension, from northern Sri Lanka to eastern India with an Euclidean distance of over 400 km, as well as a change of status, i.e., species not endemic to Sri Lanka. However, at least three little-known previous records of this species from India evaded most literature and were overlooked by the researchers including ourselves.
La marchitez bacteriana de la papa causada por Ralstonia solanacearum (E. F. Smith) es una de las principales limitantes en la producción de es te cultivo. R.olanacearum es una especie altamente variable, el estudio de su diversidad poblacional es un importante factor a considerar para su control. Con el objetivo de conocer la distribución y la variabilidad, se realizó un estudio durante el perÃodo comprendido de Septiembre de 2006 a Enero de 2007, en diferentes localidades distribuidas en tres departamentos de Nicaragua (EstelÃ, Matagalpa y Jinotega ), donde se recolectaron 18 muestras de tejidos vegetales (tubérculos y tallos) de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) y suelo, las que fueron analizadas en laboratorio de MicrobiologÃa de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA), para el aislamiento, identificación y multiplicación de la bacteria. Se realizaron siembras en plato petri que contenÃan medio de cultivo medio agar sacarosa-peptona. Posterior a su aislamiento se realizó purificación en un medio especÃfico (tetrazolium). Las cepas bacterianas se identificaron mediante la determinación de caracterÃsticas culturales, morfológicas, fisiológicas y bioquÃmicas. En el primer caso, se observaron caracterÃsticas de borde, elevación, consistencia y color de las cepas individuales cultivadas en el medio agar sacarosa- peptona. Las caracterÃsticas morfológicas se comprobaron a través observación en el microscopio óptico. La confirmación de las caracterÃsticas fisiológicas y bioquÃmicas, se realizó a través de pruebas de KOH al 3%, oxidasa, catalasa y revelación de flagelos. Las colonias bacterianas identificadas como Ralstonia solanacearun, se les realizó la prueba de carbohidratos para la caracterización de biovares, basada en la utilización de azúcares y oxidación de alcoholes (Hayward, 1991). Las pruebas de hipersensibilidad se realizaron en plantas de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacumL.). Estas fueron inoculadas mediante la infiltración de la suspensión bacteriana de 24 hrs de crecimiento. Como resultado de la prueba, se identificaron dieciséis aislamientos pertenecientes al biovar 3 y dos aislamientos pertenecientes al biovar 1. Siendo el biovar 3 el más prevaleciente en los sitios de muestro. La raza fue identificada en base a sintomatologÃa presentada, resultando ser la raza 1.
Este estudio fue realizado con el objetivo de determinar el periodo critico para el control de spodoptera fruiperda en la producción de chilotes tanto en época de riego como de primera. Para su realización se usó carboofurán al momento de la siembra (30 lbs/mz) y clorpirifos en dósis de 0.5 lts/mz, estableciéndose 8 perÃodos de protección para s. frugiperda que van desde 0 hasta 50 dÃas después de la emergencia (DDE), tiempo en el cual la planta de maÃz es suceptible al ataque de cogollero. Los resultados indican que las aplicaciones de cabofurán no ejercen control sobre corgollero en las 2 épocas de siembra. En primera, cuando las infestaciones son menores del 45% de corgollos infestados, las aplicaciones de clorpirifos resultan innecesarias. en época de Riego 1 aplicación de clorpirifos después de los 20 DDE es suficiente para obtener los rendimientos máximos. Esta aseveración es fundamentada en el análisis económico el que demuestra que los 5 diferentes tratamientos (0-50, 20-40, 20-50 y 10-40 dÃas de protección) ejercen igual control y no existe diferencia estadÃstica entre ellos en relación a la ganancia neta.
Con los objetivos de determinar el efecto de carbofuran y número de aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos sobre la infestación de Spodopters trugiperla (J.E. Smith), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) y los rendimientos en el cultivo de mal (grano), en la época de riego y de primera de 1988, se establecieron dos ensayos en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Granos Básicos "San Cristobal" (Managua). Se establecieron perÃodos protegidos de 0-10,0-20,0-50,10-40, 20-40, 20-50, 20-30 dÃas después de la emergencia (DDE) y testigo sin protección. Los periodos de 0-10 DDE recibieron aplicaciones de carbofuran (681 gr i.a) al suelo, los demás recibieron aplicaciones de chlorpyrtfos dirigidos al cogollo a una dosis de 0.5 1/mz. Los resultados demuestran que protección con Carbofuran durante el periodo de 0-10 DDE no hubo efecto en ambas épocas sobre las infestaciones de Spodoptera trugiperda (J.E. Smith) ni sobre el número de plantas sobrevivientes, esto indica que es un producto que no controla plagas del follaje. En época de riego, las aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos tuvieron efecto sobre el rendimiento y fueron suficientes solo 2 aplicaciones de chlorpyrifos en la segunda mitad de estadio de cogollo en forma dirigidas al cogollo, para obtener rendimientos y ganancias Iguales que las parcelas que recibieron 4 aplicaciones. En época de primera no hubo efecto de los tratamientos sobre el rendimiento debida a las bajas infestaciones de cogollero que se presentaron.
Ink-jet printing is an important process for placing active electronics on plastic substrates. We demonstrate ink-jet printing as a viable method for large area fabrication of carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film transistors (TFTs). We investigate different routes for producing stable CNT solutions ("inks"). These consist of dispersion methods for CNT debundling and the use of different solvents, such as N -methyl-2-pyrrolidone. The resulting printable inks are dispensed by ink-jet onto electrode bearing silicon substrates. The source to drain electrode gap is bridged by percolating networks of CNTs. Despite the presence of metallic CNTs, our devices exhibit field effect behavior, with effective mobility of ∼0.07 cm2 /V s and ON/OFF current ratio of up to 100. This result demonstrates the feasibility of ink-jet printing of nanostructured materials for TFT manufacture. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Nanocomposite thin film transistors (TFTs) based on nonpercolating networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and polythiophene semiconductor [poly [5, 5′ -bis(3-dodecyl-2-thienyl)- 2, 2′ -bithiophene] (PQT-12)] thin film hosts are demonstrated by ink-jet printing. A systematic study on the effect of CNT loading on the transistor performance and channel morphology is conducted. With an appropriate loading of CNTs into the active channel, ink-jet printed composite transistors show an effective hole mobility of 0.23 cm 2 V-1 s-1, which is an enhancement of more than a factor of 7 over ink-jet printed pristine PQT-12 TFTs. In addition, these devices display reasonable on/off current ratio of 105-10 6, low off currents of the order of 10 pA, and a sharp subthreshold slope (<0.8 V dec-1). The work presented here furthers our understanding of the interaction between polythiophene polymers and nonpercolating CNTs, where the CNT density in the bilayer structure substantially influences the morphology and transistor performance of polythiophene. Therefore, optimized loading of ink-jet printed CNTs is crucial to achieve device performance enhancement. High performance ink-jet printed nanocomposite TFTs can present a promising alternative to organic TFTs in printed electronic applications, including displays, sensors, radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, and disposable electronics. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.