1000 resultados para Bellevue Hospital.
A Consultation Paper
La ventilació mecánica no invasiva(VMNI) associada al tractament farmacològic de l’edema agut de pulmó(EAP) ha demostrat millorar de forma precoç els parà metres clÃnics i gasomètrics, reduïr el nombre d’IOT, ingressos a UCI i mortalitat quan es compara amb el tractament convencional. Evaluà rem el perfil clÃnic, factors associats a mortalitat, comparà rem la mortalitat, temps mig d’està ncia hospitalà ria e incidència de complicacions(IAM) pels dos tipus de tractaments realizats(VMNI vs terà pia convencional) en pacients admesos a l’Hospital per EAP entre 2006-2008. El tabaquisme, pressió arterial sistòlica, xifra d’urea i radiografia de tórax amb cardiomegà lia i redistribució són predictors independents de mortalitat.
Estudi prospectiu observacional realitzat entre gener 2003-juny 2010 amb casos diagnosticats de EI. Vam estudiar l’epidemiologia i els factors de risc de l'endocarditis infecciosa associada al medi hospitalari (EIAMH). Vam incloure 212 casos, el 34,9% eren EIAMH. Observarem un augment en la incidència en els darrers 4 anys (del 45,9% al 54,1%). La EIAMH s'ha associat a pacients grans i amb més comorbiditat. Staphylococcus aureus (21,7%) va ser el més freqüent. Aquests pacients van ser rebutjats per a la cirurgia amb major freqüència (40% vs 22%) i van presentar una major mortalitat (44,6% vs 19,6%) respecte al grup d'endocarditis comuniataria.
Volume 1: Programme of Care
Volume 1: Programme of Care
Volume 1: Programme of Care
Volume 1: Programme of Care
Report of A Working Group
This study had the objective of to analyze the demographic and bacteriologic data of 32 hospitalized newborns in an neonatal intensive care unit of a public maternity hospital in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil, seized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis during a period ranged from July 1997 to July 1999, and to determine the antimicrobial resistance percentage, serotypes and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns of 32 strains isolated during this period. The study group presented mean age of 12.5 days, with higher prevalence of hospital infection in males (59.4%) and vaginal delivery (81.2%), than females (40.6%) and cesarean delivery (18.8%), respectively. In this group, 20 (62.5%) patients received antimicrobials before positive blood cultures presentation. A total of 87.5% of the patients were premature, 62.5% presented very low birth weight and 40.6% had asphyxia. We detected high antimicrobial resistance percentage to b-lactams, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline among the isolated strains. All isolated strains were classified as multi-drug resistant. Most strains presented serotype O11 while PFGE analysis revealed seven distinct clones with isolation predominance of a single clone (75%) isolated from July 1997 to June 1998.
The introduction of a maximum 48 hour working week for Non Consultant Hospital Doctors by 2010 will have significant implications for both Doctors in training and service delivery in our hospitals. This report focuses on how this reduction in working hours can be achieved and the many directly related issues that need to be addressed Download the Report here
The Programme for Prosperity and Fairness outlined the commitment of the Government to a review of hospital bed capacity in both acute and non-acute settings, to be carried out by the Department of Health and Children in conjunction with the Department of Finance and in consultation with the Social Partners. The focus of this report is on bed capacity in publicly-funded acute hospitals in Ireland. The capacity needs of the sub-acute sector have been assessed separately in the context of the Health Strategy, Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You. Download document here
Monaghan General Hospital – Proposals for further and future development The Independent Review Panel recommended a review of the existing protocol for emergency obstetric cases presenting at Hospitals such as Monaghan which have no on-site obstetric expertise, and the implementation of a revised protocol. They also recommended that each maternity incident should be reviewed by a multidisciplinary team from the Cavan Monaghan Group. Click here to download PDF 49kb Appendix PDF 2.5mb
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L'objectiu de l'estudi ha estat conèixer l'etiologia,caracterÃstiques clÃniques, tractament i evolució dels pacients diagnosticats de bronquiectà sies i controlats en el Servei de Pneumologia de l'H Llà tzer. Des de gener 2003 fins juny 2009 s'identifiquen 48 pacients, amb edat mitjana de 60 a. i predomini de dones. L'etiologia més freqüent va ser la post-infecciosa i P. aeruginosa el germen més habitual. El patró ventilatori dominant va ser el obstructiu. Després de 45 mesos de seguiment no es va apreciar deteriorament de la funció pulmonar, probablement relacionat amb el tractament antibiòtic i antiinflamatori en la colonització / infecció bronquial crònica. Paraules clau: bronquiectà sies, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Tomografia computada (TC) de tòrax.