856 resultados para Barrier Island
In this paper, we discuss the tunneling time of a quantum particle through a rectangular barrier. The reflection and transmission times associated with the wave packets representing the particle are discussed. By using an initial Gaussian momentum distribution, we carry out a comparative analysis of the stationary phases of the incident, reflected, and transmitted wave packets leading to the reflection and transmission times at, and Delta t(T), respectively. In the present treatment of this old and very known problem we take into account the deformations of the reflected and transmitted momentum distributions. These deformations produce a dependence of the reflection and transmission times on the location of the initial wave packet. In a parallel calculation, by numerically monitoring the time evolution of the system, we characterize a reflection and a transmission time. Such times agree with the ones obtained via the stationary phase method. [S1050-2947(98)07912-8].
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
New structural data from Elephant Island and adjacent islands are presented with the objective to improve the understanding of subduction kinematics in the area northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula. on the island, a first deformation phase, D-1, produced a strong SL fabric with steep stretching and mineral lineations, partly defined by relatively high pressure minerals, such as crossite and glaucophane. D-1 is interpreted to record southward subduction along an E-W trench with respect to the present position of the island. A second phase, D-2, led to intense folding with steep E-W-trending axial surfaces. The local presence of sinistral C'-type sheer bands related to this phase and the oblique inclination of the L-2 stretching lineations are the main arguments to interpret this phase as representing oblique sinistral transpressive shear along steep, approximately E-W-trending shear zones, with the northern (Pacific) block going down with respect to the southern (Antarctic Peninsula) block. The sinistral strike-slip component may represent a trench-linked strike-slip movement as a consequence of oblique subduction. Lithostatic pressure decreased and temperature increased to peak values during D-2, interpreted to represent the collision of thickened oceanic crust with the active continental margin. The last deformation phase, D-3, is characterised by post-metamorphic kink bands, partially forming conjugate sets consistent with E-W shortening and N-S extension. The rock units that underlie the island probably rotated during D-3, in Cenozoic times, together with the trench, from an NE-SW to the present ENE-WSW position, during the progressive opening of the Scotia Sea. The similarity between the strain orientation of D-3 and that of the sinistral NE-SW Shackleton Fracture Zone is consistent with this interpretation. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The nonohmic electrical features of (Ca-1/4,Cu-3/4)TiO3 perovskite ceramics, which have very strong gigantic dielectric is believed originate from potential barriers at the grain boundaries. In the present study, we used the admittance and impedance spectroscopy technique to investigate (Ca-1/4,Cu-3/4)TiO3 perovskite ceramics with low nonohmic electrical properties. The study was conducted under two different conditions: on as-sintered ceramics and on ceramics thermally treated in an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The results confirm that thermal treatment in oxygen-rich atmospheres influence the nonohmic properties. Annealing at oxygen-rich atmospheres improve the nonohmic behavior and annealing at oxygen-poor atmospheres decrease the nonohmic properties, a behavior already reported for common metal oxide nonohmic devices and here firstly evidenced for the (Ca-1/4,Cu-3/4)TiO3 perovskite related materials. The results show that oxygen also influences the capacitance values at low frequencies, a behavior that is indicative of the Schottky-type nature of the potential barrier. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, the effect of cerium (IV) ammonium nitrate (CAN) addition on the polymerization of bis-[triethoxysilyl]ethane (BTSE) film applied on carbon steel was studied. The electrochemical characterization of the films was carried out in 0.1 mol L(-1) NaCl solution by open-circuit potential measurements, anodic and cathodic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Morphological and chemical characterization were performed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements, infrared-spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and thermogravimetric analysis. The results have clearly shown the improvement on the protective properties of the Ce(4+) modified film as a consequence of the formation of a more uniform and densely reticulated silane film. A mechanism is proposed to explain the accelerating role of Ce(4+) ions on the cross-linking of the silane layer. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study presents an environmental oil spill sensitivity map of Cardoso Island State Park, located in São Paulo state, Brazil, including some of its surrounding areas. This map was designed following the procedures determined by the Brazilian Federal Environment Organ (Ministry of the Environment), which separates coastal habitats in different littoral sensitivity indexes (LSI) to oil spills. We have also analysed some seasonal variations in morphologic and textural parameters at the local marine beaches that could affect their sensitivity, having found that they are more sensitive during summer due to a wider foreshore zone during these periods. Local most sensitive habitats are estuarine mangroves (LSI 10) and estuarine mud banks (LSI 9). Marine beaches were ranked LSI 3, and littoral rocky shores were subdivided in exposed flat rocky shores (LSI 1), boulder rocky shores (LSI 6) and sheltered rocky shores (LSI 8). Due to the elevated sensitivity of an estuarine system in the area, we considered necessary the installation of an Environmental Emergency Centre and the design of an emergency plan for the region in case of an accident resulting in oil spills within its vicinities. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biotic interactions between brachiopods and spionid polychaete worms, collected around San Juan Islands (USA), were documented using observations from live-collected individuals and traces of bioerosion found in dead brachiopod shells. Specimens of Terebratalia tranversa (Sowerby), Terebratulina unguicula (Carpenter), Laqueus californianus (Koch), and Hemithiris psittacea (Gmelin) were collected from rocky and muddy substrates, from sites ranging from 14.7-93.3 m in depth. Out of 1,131 specimens, 91 shells showed traces of bioerosion represented by horizontal tubes. Tubes are U-shaped, straight or slightly curved, sometimes branched, with both tube openings communicating externally. on internal surfaces of infested shells, blisters are observed. All brachiopod species yielded tubes, except for H. psittacea. Tubes are significantly more frequent on live specimens, and occur preferentially on larger, ventral valves. This pattern suggests selectivity by the infester rather than a taphonomic bias. Given the mode of life of studied brachiopods (epifaunal, sessile, attached to the substrate, lying on dorsal valve), ventral valves of living specimens should offer the most advantageous location for suspension-feeding infesters. Frequent infestation of brachiopods by parasitic spionids is ecologically and commercially noteworthy because farmed molluscs are also commonly infested by parasitic polychaetes. In addition, brachiopod shells are among the most common marine macroscopic fossils found in the Phanerozoic fossil record. From a paleontological perspective, spionid-infested brachiopod shells may be a prime target for studying parasite-host interactions over evolutionary time scales.
The phenomenon of electrical degradation in ZnO varistors was studied by application of high-intensity current pulses. A wave shape of 8 X 20-mu-s and rectangular waves of 1 and 2 ms were used. The degradation was estimated by reference electric-field variation and by Schottky voltage barrier deformation. The results showed that current pulses reduce both the height and the width of the barrier voltage. It was also observed that the donor density N(d) did not change but the surface states density N(s) decreased with degradation.
Transient decay of persistent photoconductivity measurements are carried out in samples of different compositions. The capture barrier for electron trapping by DX centers is obtained using a method which employs the Brooks-Herring equation for the electronic mobility. The effect of polarization of the screening cloud is analysed using Takimoto's potential and specifies the limits of applicability of the Brooks-Herring equation in AlxGa1-xAs.
Seven species of marine bivalves, including six new taxa, are described from the Cape early Miocene Melville Formation which crops out on the Melville Peninsula, King George Island, West Antarctica. The bivalve assemblage includes representatives of the families Nuculidae, Ennucula frigida sp. nov., E. musculosa sp. nov.; Malletidae, Neilo (Neilo) rongelii sp. nov.; Sareptidae, Yoldia peninsularis sp. nov.; Limopsidae, Limopsis psimolis sp. nov.; Hiatellidae, Panopea (Panopea) sp. cf. P. regularis; and Pholadomyoida (Periploma acuta sp. nov.). Species studied come from four sedimentary sections measured in the upper part of the unit. Detailed morphologic features of nuculoid and areoid species are exceptionally well preserved and allow for the first time reconstruction of muscle insertions as well as dentition patterns of Cenozoic taxa. Known geological distribution of the species is in agreement with the early Miocene age assigned to the Cape Melville Formation. The bivalve fauna from Cape Melville Formation is the best known from Antarctic Miocene rocks, a time of complex geologic, paleogeographic and paleoclimatic changes in the continent. The new fauna introduces new taxonomic and palaeogeographic data that bear oil the question of opening of sea gateways and distribution of Cenozoic biota around Antarctica.
The metal-insulator or metal-amorphous semiconductor blocking contact is still not well understood. Here, we discuss the steady state characteristics of a non-intimate metal-insulator Schottky barrier. We consider an exponential distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We present analytical expressions for the electrical potential, field, thickness of depletion region, capacitance, and charge accumulated in the depletion region. We also discuss ln I versus V(ap) data. Finally, we compare the characteristics in three cases: (i) impurity states at only a single energy level; (ii) uniform energy distribution of impurity states; and (iii) exponential energy distribution of impurity states.In general, the electrical characteristics of Schottky barriers and metal-insulator-metal structures with Schottky barriers depend strongly on the energy distribution of impurity states.
A quantum treatment for nonlocal factorizable potentials is presented in which the Weyl-Wiper quantum phase space description plays an essential role. The nonlocality is treated in an approximated form and allows for a Feynman propagator that can be handled in standard way. The semi-classical limit of the propagator is obtained which permits the calculation of the transmission factor in quantum tunnelling processes. An application in nuclear physics is also discussed.
This article presents a new approach to minimize the losses in electrical power systems. This approach considers the application of the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables, and the other inequality constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian function aggregates all the constraints. The first-order necessary conditions are reached by Newton's method, and by updating the dual variables and penalty factors. Test results are presented to show the good performance of this approach.