943 resultados para Bacterial Protein Secretion


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Cysteine string protein (Csp) is essential for neurotransmitter release in Drosophila. It has been suggested that Csp functions by regulating the activity of presynaptic Ca2+ channels, thus controlling exocytosis. We have examined the effect of overexpressing Csp1 in PC12 cells, a neuroendocrine cell line. PC12 cell clones overexpressing Csp1 did not show any changes in morphology, granule number or distribution, or in the levels of other key exocytotic proteins. This overexpression did not affect intracellular Ca2+ signals after depolarization, suggesting that Csp1 has no gross effect on Ca2+ channel activity in PC12 cells. In contrast, we show that Csp1 overexpression enhances the extent of exocytosis from permeabilized cells in response to Ca2+ or GTPγS in the absence of Ca2+. Because secretion from permeabilized cells is not influenced by Ca2+ channel activity, this represents the first demonstration that Csp has a direct role in regulated exocytosis.


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A hybrid protein, tPA/GFP, consisting of rat tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed in PC12 cells and used to study the distribution, secretory behavior, and dynamics of secretory granules containing tPA in living cells with a neuronal phenotype. High-resolution images demonstrate that tPA/GFP has a growth cone-biased distribution in differentiated cells and that tPA/GFP is transported in granules of the regulated secretory pathway that colocalize with granules containing secretogranin II. Time-lapse images of secretion reveal that secretagogues induce substantial loss of cellular tPA/GFP fluorescence, most importantly from growth cones. Time-lapse images of the axonal transport of granules containing tPA/GFP reveal a surprising complexity to granule dynamics. Some granules undergo canonical fast axonal transport; others move somewhat more slowly, especially in highly fluorescent neurites. Most strikingly, granules traffic bidirectionally along neurites to an extent that depends on granule accumulation, and individual granules can reverse their direction of motion. The retrograde component of this bidirectional transport may help to maintain cellular homeostasis by transporting excess tPA/GFP back toward the cell body. The results presented here provide a novel view of the axonal transport of secretory granules. In addition, the results suggest that tPA is targeted for regulated secretion from growth cones of differentiated cells, strategically positioning tPA to degrade extracellular barriers or to activate other barrier-degrading proteases during axonal elongation.


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In neutrophils activated to secrete with formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, intermediate filaments are phosphorylated transiently by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase). cGMP regulation of vimentin organization was investigated. During granule secretion, cGMP levels were elevated and intermediate filaments were transiently assembled at the pericortex to areas devoid of granules and microfilaments. Microtubule and microfilament inhibitors affected intermediate filament organization, granule secretion, and cGMP levels. Cytochalasin D and nocodazole caused intermediate filaments to assemble at the nucleus, rather than at the pericortex. cGMP levels were elevated in neutrophils by both inhibitors; however, with cytochalasin D, cGMP was elevated earlier and granule secretion was excessive. Nocodazole did not affect normal cGMP elevations, but specific granule secretion was delayed. LY83583, a guanylyl cyclase antagonist, inhibited granule secretion and intermediate filament organization, but not microtubule or microfilament organization. Intermediate filament assembly at the pericortex and secretion were partially restored by 8-bromo-cGMP in LY83583-treated neutrophils, suggesting that cGMP regulates these functions. G-kinase directly induced intermediate filament assembly in situ, and protein phosphatase 1 disassembled filaments. However, in intact cells stimulated with formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, intermediate filament assembly is focal and transient, suggesting that vimentin phosphorylation is compartmentalized. We propose that, in addition to changes in microfilament and microtubule organization, granule secretion is also accompanied by changes in intermediate filament organization, and that cGMP regulates vimentin filament organization via activation of G-kinase.


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Bacterial photosynthesis relies on the interplay between light harvesting and electron transfer complexes, all of which are located within the intracytoplasmic membrane. These complexes capture and transfer solar energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient. In this study, we identify one of the factors that determines the organization of these complexes. We undertook a comparison of the organization of the light-harvesting complex 1 (LH1)/reaction center (RC) cores in the LH2− mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides in the presence or absence of the PufX protein. From polarized absorption spectra on oriented membranes, we conclude that PufX induces a specific orientation of the reaction center in the LH1 ring, as well as the formation of a long-range regular array of LH1-RC cores in the photosynthetic membrane. From our data, we have constructed a precise model of how the RC is positioned within the LH1 ring relative to the long (orientation) axis of the photosynthetic membrane.


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Staphylococcus aureus produces a virulence factor, protein A (SpA), that contains five homologous Ig-binding domains. The interactions of SpA with the Fab region of membrane-anchored Igs can stimulate a large fraction of B cells, contributing to lymphocyte clonal selection. To understand the molecular basis for this activity, we have solved the crystal structure of the complex between domain D of SpA and the Fab fragment of a human IgM antibody to 2.7-Å resolution. In the complex, helices II and III of domain D interact with the variable region of the Fab heavy chain (VH) through framework residues, without the involvement of the hypervariable regions implicated in antigen recognition. The contact residues are highly conserved in human VH3 antibodies but not in other families. The contact residues from domain D also are conserved among all SpA Ig-binding domains, suggesting that each could bind in a similar manner. Features of this interaction parallel those reported for staphylococcal enterotoxins that are superantigens for many T cells. The structural homology between Ig VH regions and the T-cell receptor Vβ regions facilitates their comparison, and both types of interactions involve lymphocyte receptor surface remote from the antigen binding site. However, T-cell superantigens reportedly interact through hydrogen bonds with T-cell receptor Vβ backbone atoms in a primary sequence-independent manner, whereas SpA relies on a sequence-restricted conformational binding with residue side chains, suggesting that this common bacterial pathogen has adopted distinct molecular recognition strategies for affecting large sets of B and T lymphocytes.


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Although many proteins essential for regulated neurotransmitter and peptide hormone secretion have been identified, little is understood about their precise roles at specific stages of the multistep pathway of exocytosis. To study the function of CAPS (Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion), a protein required for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of dense-core vesicles, secretory responses in single rat melanotrophs were monitored by patch-clamp membrane capacitance measurements. Flash photolysis of caged Ca2+ elicited biphasic capacitance increases consisting of rapid and slow components with distinct Ca2+ dependencies. A threshold of ≈10 μM Ca2+ was required to trigger the slow component, while the rapid capacitance increase was recorded already at a intracellular Ca2+ activity < 10 μM. Both kinetic membrane capacitance components were abolished by botulinum neurotoxin B or E treatment, suggesting involvement of SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor)-dependent vesicle fusion. The rapid but not the slow component was inhibited by CAPS antibody. These results were further clarified by immunocytochemical studies that revealed that CAPS was present on only a subset of dense-core vesicles. Overall, the results indicate that dense-core vesicle exocytosis in melanotrophs occurs by two parallel pathways. The faster pathway exhibits high sensitivity to Ca2+ and requires the presence of CAPS, which appears to act at a late stage in the secretory pathway.


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Specific antagonists of central dopaminergic receptors constitute the major class of antipsychotic drugs (APD). Two principal effects of APD are used as criteria for the pre-clinical screening of their antipsychotic action: (i) inhibition of basal and depolarization-induced activity of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons; (ii) antagonism of the locomotor effects of dopaminergic agonists. Given that glucocorticoid hormones in animals increase dopamine release and dopamine-mediated behaviors and that high levels of glucocorticoids can induce psychotic symptoms in humans, these experiments examined whether inhibition of endogenous glucocorticoids might have APD-like effects on mesolimbic dopaminergic transmission in rats. It is shown that suppression of glucocorticoid secretion by adrenalectomy profoundly decreased (by greater than 50%): (i) basal dopaminergic release and the release of dopamine induced by a depolarizing stimulus such as morphine (2 mg/kg, s.c.), as measured in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving animals by microdialysis; (ii) the locomotor activity induced by the direct dopaminergic agonist apomorphine. The effects of adrenalectomy were glucocorticoid specific given that they were reversed by the administration of glucocorticoids at doses within the physiological range. Despite its profound diminution of dopaminergic neurotransmission, adrenalectomy neither modified the number of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons nor induced gliosis in the mesencephalon or in the nucleus accumbens, as shown by tyrosine hydroxylase and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunostaining. In conclusion, these findings suggest that blockade of central effects of glucocorticoids might open new therapeutic strategies of behavioral disturbances.


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Elevation of the neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the brain is associated with a reduction of food intake and body weight gain in normal and obese animals. A protein that binds CRF and the related peptide, urocortin, with high affinity, CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), may play a role in energy homeostasis by inactivating members of this peptide family in ingestive and metabolic regulatory brain regions. Intracerebroventricular administration in rats of the high-affinity CRF-BP ligand inhibitor, rat/human CRF (6-33), which dissociates CRF or urocortin from CRF-BP and increases endogenous brain levels of “free” CRF or urocortin significantly blunted exaggerated weight gain in Zucker obese subjects and in animals withdrawn from chronic nicotine. Chronic administration of CRF suppressed weight gain nonselectively by 60% in both Zucker obese and lean control rats, whereas CRF-BP ligand inhibitor treatment significantly reduced weight gain in obese subjects, without altering weight gain in lean control subjects. Nicotine abstinent subjects, but not nicotine-naive controls, experienced a 35% appetite suppression and a 25% weight gain reduction following acute and chronic administration, respectively, of CRF-BP ligand inhibitor. In marked contrast to the effects of a CRF-receptor agonist, the CRF-BP ligand inhibitor did not stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion or elevate heart rate and blood pressure. These results provide support for the hypothesis that the CRF-BP may function within the brain to limit selected actions of CRF and/or urocortin. Furthermore, CRF-BP may represent a novel and functionally selective target for the symptomatic treatment of excessive weight gain associated with obesity of multiple etiology.


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The regulatory regions surrounding many genes may be large and difficult to study using standard transgenic approaches. Here we describe the use of bacterial artificial chromosome clones to rapidly survey hundreds of kilobases of DNA for potential regulatory sequences surrounding the mouse bone morphogenetic protein-5 (Bmp5) gene. Simple coinjection of large insert clones with lacZ reporter constructs recapitulates all of the sites of expression observed previously with numerous small constructs covering a large, complex regulatory region. The coinjection approach has made it possible to rapidly survey other regions of the Bmp5 gene for potential control elements, to confirm the location of several elements predicted from previous expression studies using regulatory mutations at the Bmp5 locus, to test whether Bmp5 control regions act similarly on endogenous and foreign promoters, and to show that Bmp5 control elements are capable of rescuing phenotypic effects of a Bmp5 deficiency. This rapid approach has identified new Bmp5 control regions responsible for controlling the development of specific anatomical structures in the vertebrate skeleton. A similar approach may be useful for studying complex control regions surrounding many other genes important in embryonic development and human disease.


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We studied the signaling pathways coupling gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion to elevations in cAMP levels in the GT1 GnRH-secreting neuronal cell line. We hypothesized that increased cAMP could be acting directly by means of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) cation channels or indirectly by means of activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). We showed that GT1 cells express the three CNG subunits present in olfactory neurons (CNG2, -4.3, and -5) and exhibit functional cAMP-gated cation channels. Activation of PKA does not appear to be necessary for the stimulation of GnRH release by increased levels of cAMP. In fact, pharmacological inhibition of PKA activity caused an increase in the basal secretion of GnRH. Consistent with this observation activation PKA inhibited adenylyl cyclase activity, presumably by inhibiting adenylyl cyclase V expressed in the cells. Therefore, the stimulation of GnRH release by elevations in cAMP appears to be the result of depolarization of the neurons initiated by increased cation conductance by cAMP-gated cation channels. Activation of PKA may constitute a negative-feedback mechanisms for lowering cAMP levels. We hypothesize that these mechanisms could result in oscillations in cAMP levels, providing a biochemical basis for timing the pulsatile release of GnRH.


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The Nef protein is an important virulence factor of primate lentiviruses, yet the mechanisms by which it exerts this influence are imperfectly understood. Here, using an inducible system, we demonstrate that Nef increases IL-2 secretion from T cells stimulated via CD3 or CD28. This effect requires the conservation of the Nef myristoylation signal and SH3-binding proline-based motif. Together with several proteins involved in the initiation and propagation of T cell signaling, Nef associates with membrane microdomains known as rafts. The Nef-mediated superinduction of IL-2 reflects the activation of both NFAT and NFκB. Accordingly, Nef also enhances HIV-1 transcription in response to CD3 or CD28 stimulation. Nef-induced IL-2 hyperresponsiveness is also observed in primary CD4 lymphocytes. Overall, these data suggest that Nef acts at the level of rafts to prime T cells for activation. Likely consequences of this effect are the promotion of HIV-1 replication and the facilitation of virus spread.


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Interleukin (IL)-18, formerly called interferon γ (IFN-γ)-inducing factor, is biologically and structurally related to IL-1β. A comparison of gene expression, synthesis, and processing of IL-18 with that of IL-1β was made in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and in human whole blood. Similar to IL-1β, the precursor for IL-18 requires processing by caspase 1. In PBMCs, mature but not precursor IL-18 induces IFN-γ; in whole human blood stimulated with endotoxin, inhibition of caspase 1 reduces IFN-γ production by an IL-1β-independent mechanism. Unlike the precursor for IL-1β, precursor for IL-18 was expressed constitutively in PBMCs and in fresh whole blood from healthy human donors. Western blotting of endotoxin-stimulated PBMCs revealed processed IL-1β in the supernatants via an caspase 1-dependent pathway. However, in the same supernatants, only unprocessed precursor IL-18 was found. Unexpectedly, precursor IL-18 was found in freshly obtained PBMCs and constitutive IL-18 gene expression was present in whole blood of healthy donors, whereas constitutive IL-1β gene expression is absent. Similar to human PBMCs, mouse spleen cells also constitutively contained the preformed precursor for IL-18 and expressed steady-state IL-18 mRNA, but there was no IL-1β protein and no spontaneous gene expression for IL-1β in these same preparations. We conclude that although IL-18 and IL-1β are likely members of the same family, constitutive gene expression, synthesis, and processing are different for the two cytokines.


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The immunodominant, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to the HLA-B8-restricted peptide, RAKFKQLL, located in the Epstein–Barr virus immediate-early antigen, BZLF1, is characterized by a diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire. Here, we show that this diversity can be partitioned on the basis of crossreactive cytotoxicity patterns involving the recognition of a self peptide—RSKFRQIV—located in a serine/threonine kinase and a bacterial peptide—RRKYKQII—located in Staphylococcus aureus replication initiation protein. Thus CTL clones that recognized the viral, self, and bacterial peptides expressed a highly restricted αβ TCR phenotype. The CTL clones that recognized viral and self peptides were more oligoclonal, whereas clones that strictly recognized the viral peptide displayed a diverse TCR profile. Interestingly, the self and bacterial peptides equally were substantially less effective than the cognate viral peptide in sensitizing target cell lysis, and also resulted only in a weak reactivation of memory CTLs in limiting dilution assays, whereas the cognate peptide was highly immunogenic. The described crossreactions show that human antiviral, CD8+ CTL responses can be shaped by peptide ligands derived from autoantigens and environmental bacterial antigens, thereby providing a firm structural basis for molecular mimicry involving class I-restricted CTLs in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease.


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The process of human erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum parasites involves a calcium-dependent serine protease with properties consistent with a subtilisin-like activity. This enzyme achieves the last crucial maturation step of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) necessary for parasite entry into the host erythrocyte. In eukaryotic cells, such processing steps are performed by subtilisin-like maturases, known as proprotein convertases. In an attempt to characterize the MSP1 maturase, we have identified a gene that encodes a P. falciparum subtilisin-like protease (PfSUB2) whose deduced active site sequence resembles more bacterial subtilisins. Therefore, we propose that PfSUB2 belongs to a subclass of eukaryotic subtilisins different from proprotein convertases. Pfsub2 is expressed during merozoite differentiation and encodes an integral membrane protein localized in the merozoite dense granules, a secretory organelle whose contents are believed to participate in a late step of the erythrocyte invasion. PfSUB2’s subcellular localization, together with its predicted enzymatic properties, leads us to propose that PfSUB2 could be responsible for the late MSP1 maturation step and thus is an attractive target for the development of new antimalarial drugs.


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Many biological processes require proteins to undergo conformational changes at the surface of membranes. For example, some precursor proteins unfold at the surface of mitochondria and chloroplasts before translocation into the organelles, and toxins such as colicin A unfold to the molten globule state at bacterial surfaces before inserting into the cell membrane. It is commonly thought that the membrane surfaces and the associated protein machinery destabilize the substrate proteins and that this effect is required for membrane insertion or translocation. One of the best characterized translocation processes is protein import into mitochondria. By measuring the contributions of individual interactions within a model protein to its stability at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution, we show here that the mitochondrial surface neither induces the molten globule state in this protein nor preferentially destabilizes any type of interaction (e.g., hydrogen bonds, nonpolar, etc.) within the protein. Because it is not possible to measure absolute protein stability at the surface of mitochondria, we determined the stability of a tightly associated proteinprotein complex at the mitochondrial import site as a model of the stability of a protein. We found the binding constants of the proteinprotein complex at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution to be identical. Our results demonstrate that the mitochondrial surface does not destabilize importing precursor proteins in its vicinity.