849 resultados para Back -- Muscles
Subjects with temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) have been found to have clinical signs and symptoms of cervical dysfunction. Although many studies have investigated the relationship between the cervical spine and TMD, no study has evaluated the endurance capacity of the cervical muscles in patients with TMD. Thus the objective of this study was to determine whether patients with TMD had a reduced endurance of the cervical flexor muscles at any level of muscular contraction when compared with healthy subjects. One hundred and forty-nine participants provided data for this study (49 subjects were healthy, 54 had myogenous TMD, and 46 had mixed TMD). There was a significant difference in holding time at 25% MVC between subjects with mixed TMD when compared to subjects with myogenous TMD and healthy subjects. This implies that subjects with mixed TMD had less endurance capacity at a lower level of contraction (25% MVC) than healthy subjects and subjects with myogenous TMD. No significant associations between neck disability, jaw disability, clinical variables and neck flexor endurance test were found.
The aim of this study involving 170 patients suffering from non-specific low back pain was to test the validity of the spinal function sort (SFS) in a European rehabilitation setting. The SFS, a picture-based questionnaire, assesses perceived functional ability of work tasks involving the spine. All measurements were taken by a blinded research assistant; work status was assessed with questionnaires. Our study demonstrated a high internal consistency shown by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98, reasonable evidence for unidimensionality, spearman correlations of >0.6 with work activities, and discriminating power for work status at 3 and 12 months by ROC curve analysis (area under curve = 0.760 (95% CI 0.689-0.822), respectively, 0.801 (95% CI 0.731-0.859). The standardised response mean within the two treatment groups was 0.18 and -0.31. As a result, we conclude that the perceived functional ability for work tasks can be validly assessed with the SFS in a European rehabilitation setting in patients with non-specific low back pain, and is predictive for future work status.
BACKGROUND: Most people experience low back pain (LBP) at least once in their lifetime. Only a minority of them go on to develop persistent LBP. However, the socioeconomic costs of persistent LBP significantly exceed the costs of the initial acute LBP episode. AIMS: To identify factors that influence the progression of acute LBP to the persistent state at an early stage. METHODS: Prospective inception cohort study of patients attending a health practitioner for their first episode of acute LBP or recurrent LBP after a pain free period of at least 6 months. Patients were assessed at baseline addressing occupational and psychological factors as well as pain, disability, quality of life and physical activity and followed up at 3, 6, 12 weeks and 6 months. Variables were combined to the three indices 'working condition', 'depression and maladaptive cognitions' and 'pain and quality of life'. RESULTS: The index 'depression and maladaptive cognitions' was found to be a significant baseline predictor for persistent LBP up to 6 months (OR 5.1; 95% CI: 1.04-25.1). Overall predictive accuracy of the model was 81%. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of patients with acute LBP in a primary care setting psychological factors at baseline correlated with a progression to persistent LBP up to 6 months. The benefit of including factors such as 'depression and maladaptive cognition' in screening tools is that these factors can be addressed in primary and secondary prevention.