961 resultados para Baby foods


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Babies’ growth, development and nutrition needs vary in each stage of infancy. At six months of age, most babies are ready to begin eating solid foods of soft consistency. This brochure discusses signs your baby is ready to start solids, food basics, eating safely and successful weaning. A suggested meal plan chart is included.


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Las Mipymes son un componente fundamental para el desarrollo económico y social de cualquier país, en especial de un país como Colombia en donde representan el 99,9% de las empresas actualmente constituidas, concentrando el 81% de los empleados a nivel nacional (Fedesarrollo, 2013). Aunque juegan un papel protagónico en la economía colombiana, las Mipymes aún deben recorrer un camino extenso para poder explotar todo el potencial con el que cuentan, puesto que presentan un alto índice de mortandad empresarial en los primeros años de funcionamiento, esto evidenciado en los resultados del estudio GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2009) en donde se encontró que sólo el 12,61% de los negocios lograron superar los 42 meses de permanencia en el mercado (El País, 2010) principalmente a causa de la ausencia de una planeación estratégica de largo plazo que les permita a los negocios emprendedores del país alcanzar la competitividad. Si bien es cierto que crear empresa es relativamente sencillo, son múltiples los retos tanto internos como externos que deben enfrentar las organizaciones para poder alcanzar una etapa de madurez empresarial, sobre todo en los primeros años de funcionamiento que son los más críticos y decisivos para el futuro de cualquier empresa, es por esto que se hace indispensable emplear estrategias que les permitan ser sostenibles a largo plazo, en un entorno altamente competitivo por empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales, siendo este uno de los propósitos fundamentales al que deberían apostar los empresarios colombianos para crear un impacto positivo en la sociedad y aportar a la competitividad nacional. Bakery Service Foods, es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización y distribución de insumos de panadería con sede en el barrio Carvajal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Desde su constitución, el 29 de diciembre de 2008, la empresa ha buscado posicionarse en un mercado en donde tanto empresas grandes como Grasco, Grupo Team, Sigra, Duquesa, Conaceites, Alvarado, Aceites Finos; así como microempresas sin infraestructura ni solidez económica, componen un entorno altamente competitivo y hacinado que representa un desafío para una pequeña empresa familiar que no cuenta con un músculo financiero significativo. Por otra parte, Bakery Service Foods a traviesa por un período de alta incertidumbre debido a que el proveedor que representa el 85% de las ventas de los productos a los cuales representan, FANAGRA S.A, atraviesa por una completa reestructuración debido a la venta de dicha empresa a una multinacional suiza. Esta situación representa un alto riesgo para la compañía y exige que se emprendan acciones oportunas que les permitan reducir la alta dependencia en un único proveedor. Teniendo en cuenta que una de las ambiciones desde la fundación de la compañía ha sido incursionar y ser una empresa competitiva en el mercado de Food Service, que perdure en el tiempo, ¿Qué tan viable es diversificar el portafolio de la empresa Bakery Service Foods (BSF) en el mercado Food Service? Con este proyecto se busca diseñar una propuesta de diversificación de portafolio para la empresa Bakery Service Foods (BSF) analizando el mercado Food Service, por medio del modelo de Ventaja Competitiva de Michael Porter; lo anterior, con el propósito de que la empresa se consolide en este mercado como un aliado estratégico para sus clientes y representados, y con un modelo de negocio sostenible a largo plazo. Finalmente, se espera que a través de la propuesta de mejora para Bakery Service Foods, se afiancen los conocimientos administrativos obtenidos durante el pregrado en Administración de Empresas, aplicando satisfactoriamente las herramientas, metodologías y bases conceptuales adquiridas, para enriquecer el proceso de aprendizaje profesional y aportar valor a una empresa colombiana desde el mercado de Food Service.


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Polyphenols are widely present in fruits, vegetables, cereals and beverages. Their study gained scientific interest because of their beneficial effects on health. Although there is currently no official dietary recommendation for polyphenol intake, health professionals recommend the consumption of 5-8 daily portions of fruits and vegetables. This is not always achieved and, despite possible causes associated to practical schedule difficulties, the aversive bitter and astringent sensations associated to polyphenols may also lead to avoidance. As such, a better understanding on mechanisms responsible for differences among people, in polyphenol oral perception, is needed for promoting healthier choices. Saliva has been linked to polyphenol consumption. We have previously observed, in animal models, changes in salivary proteome induced by tannin-enriched diets. Moreover, differences in astringency perception were attributed to differences in salivary protein composition. In a recent experiment, we observed differences among individuals with dissimilar tannic-acid perception: people with high sensitivity for the oral sensations elicited by tannins have higher amounts of salivary cystatins and lower capacity to maintain their levels after tannic-acid ingestion. Additionally, and similarly to previous studies, salivary amylase was observed to be involved in tannin perception. In this presentation, oral cavity characteristics influencing the perception of polyphenol-containing foods will be discussed.


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“When cultural life is re-defined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk.” (Postman) The dire tones of Postman quoted in Janet Cramer’s Media, History, Society: A Cultural History of US Media introduce one view that she canvasses, in the debate of the moment, as to where popular culture is heading in the digital age. This is canvassed, less systematically, in Thinking Popular Culture: War Terrorism and Writing by Tara Brabazon, who for example refers to concerns about a “crisis of critical language” that is bothering professionals—journalists and academics or elsewhere—and deplores the advent of the Internet, as a “flattening of expertise in digital environments”.


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In recent times, complaining about the Y Generation and its perceived lack of work ethic has become standard dinner-party conversation amongst Baby Boomers. Discussions in the popular press (Salt, 2008) and amongst some social commentators (Levy, Carroll, Francoeur, & Logue, 2003) indicate that the group labelled Gen Y have distinct and different generational characteristics. Whether or not the differences are clearly delineated on age is still open to discussion but in the introduction to "The Generational Mirage? a pilot study into the perceptions of leadership by Generation X and Y", Levy et al. argue that "the calibre of leadership in competing organisations and the way they value new and existing employees will play a substantial role in attracting or discouraging these workers regardless of generational labels". Kunreuther's (2002) suggests that the difference between younger workers and their older counterparts may have more to do with situational phenomena and their position in the life cycle than deeper generational difference. However this is still an issue for leadership in schools.


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Background Primary prevention of childhood overweight is an international priority. In Australia 20-25% of 2-8 year olds are already overweight. These children are at substantially increased the risk of becoming overweight adults, with attendant increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Early feeding practices determine infant exposure to food (type, amount, frequency) and include responses (eg coercion) to infant feeding behaviour (eg. food refusal). There is correlational evidence linking parenting style and early feeding practices to child eating behaviour and weight status. A focus on early feeding is consistent with the national focus on early childhood as the foundation for life-long health and well being. The NOURISH trial aims to implement and evaluate a community-based intervention to promote early feeding practices that will foster healthy food preferences and intake and preserve the innate capacity to self-regulate food intake in young children. Methods/Design This randomised controlled trial (RCT) aims to recruit 820 first-time mothers and their healthy term infants. A consecutive sample of eligible mothers will be approached postnatally at major maternity hospitals in Brisbane and Adelaide. Initial consent will be for re-contact for full enrolment when the infants are 4-7 months old. Individual mother- infant dyads will be randomised to usual care or the intervention. The intervention will provide anticipatory guidance via two modules of six fortnightly parent education and peer support group sessions, each followed by six months of regular maintenance contact. The modules will commence when the infants are aged 4-7 and 13-16 months to coincide with establishment of solid feeding, and autonomy and independence, respectively. Outcome measures will be assessed at baseline, with follow up at nine and 18 months. These will include infant intake (type and amount of foods), food preferences, feeding behaviour and growth and self-reported maternal feeding practices and parenting practices and efficacy. Covariates will include sociodemographics, infant feeding mode and temperament, maternal weight status and weight concern and child care exposure. Discussion Despite the strong rationale to focus on parents’ early feeding practices as a key determinant of child food preferences, intake and self-regulatory capacity, prospective longitudinal and intervention studies are rare. This trial will be amongst to provide Level II evidence regarding the impact of an intervention (commencing prior to age 12 months) on children’s eating patterns and behaviours. Trial Registration: ACTRN12608000056392


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Determined the effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention, provided to expectant couples in routine antenatal classes, on the postpartum psychosocial adjustment of women and men. Preparation for Parenthood programs were randomly allocated to one of three conditions: usual service ('control'), experimental ('empathy'), or non-specific control ('baby-play'). The latter condition controlled for the non-specific effects of the intervention, these being: the provision of an extra class; asking couples to consider the early postpartum weeks; and receiving booster information after the antenatal class, and again shortly after the birth. Women and men were categorised into three levels of self-esteem, as measured antenatally: low, medium and high. 268 participants were recruited antenatally. Interview data and self-report information was collected from 202 of these women at 6 weeks postpartum, and 180 women at 6 months postpartum. The intervention consisted of a session focusing on psychosocial issues related to becoming first-time parents. Participants discussed possible postpartum concerns in separate gender groups for part of the session, and then discussed these issues with their partners


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Exposure to particles emitted by cooking activities may be responsible for a variety of respiratory health effects. However, the relationship between these exposures and their subsequent effects on health cannot be evaluated without understanding the properties of the emitted aerosol or the main parameters that influence particle emissions during cooking. Whilst traffic-related emissions, stack emissions and ultrafine particle concentrations (UFP, diameter < 100 nm) in urban ambient air have been widely investigated for many years, indoor exposure to UFPs is a relatively new field and in order to evaluate indoor UFP emissions accurately, it is vital to improve scientific understanding of the main parameters that influence particle number, surface area and mass emissions. The main purpose of this study was to characterise the particle emissions produced during grilling and frying as a function of the food, source, cooking temperature and type of oil. Emission factors, along with particle number concentrations and size distributions were determined in the size range 0.006-20 m using a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) and an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS). An infrared camera was used to measure the temperature field. Overall, increased emission factors were observed to be a function of increased cooking temperatures. Cooking fatty foods also produced higher particle emission factors than vegetables, mainly in terms of mass concentration, and particle emission factors also varied significantly according to the type of oil used.


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Background Takeaway consumption has been increasing and may contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in overweight/obesity and chronic disease. This study examined socioeconomic differences in takeaway consumption patterns, and their contributions to dietary intake inequalities. Method Cross-sectional dietary intake data from adults aged between 25 and 64 years from the Australian National Nutrition Survey (n= 7319, 61% response rate). Twenty-four hour dietary recalls ascertained intakes of takeaway food, nutrients and fruit and vegetables. Education was used as socioeconomic indicator. Data were analysed using logistic regression and general linear models. Results Thirty-two percent (n = 2327) consumed takeaway foods in the 24 hour period. Lower-educated participants were less likely than their higher-educated counterparts to have consumed total takeaway foods (OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.52, 0.80). Of those consuming takeaway foods, the lowest-educated group was more likely to have consumed “less healthy” takeaway choices (OR 2.55; 95% CI 1.73, 3.77), and less likely to have consumed “healthy” choices (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.36, 0.75). Takeaway foods made a greater contribution to energy, total fat, saturated fat, and fibre intakes among lower than higher-educated groups. Lower likelihood of fruit and vegetable intakes were observed among “less healthy” takeaway consumers, whereas a greater likelihood of their consumption was found among “healthy” takeaway consumers. Conclusions Total and the types of takeaway foods consumed may contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in intakes of energy, total and saturated fats. However, takeaway consumption is unlikely to be a factor contributing to the lower fruit and vegetable intakes among socioeconomically-disadvantaged groups.


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Objective: This study examined the association between area socioeconomic status (SES) and food purchasing behaviour.----- Setting: Melbourne city, Australia, 2003.----- Participants: Residents of 2,564 households located in 50 small areas.----- Design: Data were collected by mail survey (64.2% response rate). Area SES was indicated by the proportion of households in each area earning less than Aus$400 per week, and individual-level socioeconomic position was measured using education, occupation, and household income. Food purchasing was measured on the basis of compliance with dietary guideline recommendations (for grocery foods) and variety of fruit and vegetable purchase. Multilevel regression examined the association between area SES and food purchase after adjustment for individual-level demographic (age, sex, household composition) and socioeconomic factors.----- Results: Residents of low SES areas were significantly less likely than their counterparts in advantaged areas to purchase grocery foods that were high in fibre and low in fat, salt, and sugar; and they purchased a smaller variety of fruits. There was no evidence of an association between area SES and vegetable variety.----- Conclusions In Melbourne, area SES was associated with some food purchasing behaviours independent of individual-level factors, suggesting that areas in this city may be differentiated on the basis of food availability, accessibility, and affordability, making the purchase of some types of foods more difficult in disadvantaged areas.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the postpartum psychosocial and infant care topics that women and men who attend preparation for parenthood classes have been thinking or worrying about during the pregnancy. Furthermore, to compare the rates of endorsement of such issues for women and men so that clinicians can use this information to help plan which topics to include in preparation for parenthood classes. DESIGN: A survey of expectant parents attending preparation for parenthood classes at a local public hospital. Participants completed a 17- to 19-item postpartum issues checklist devised for the study. SETTING: Preparation for parenthood classes conducted in a public hospital in South Western Sydney, Australia. PARTICIPANTS: People attending the session were in their 2nd to 3rd trimester, of low to middle socioeconomic status, and 95% were expecting their first child. Eighty-five percent of women were accompanied by their male partner at the session. Data are reported from 201 women and 182 men. MEASURE: A 17-item issues checklist was devised initially and later expanded to 19 items. The initial checklist covered three psychosocial issues: interpersonal, intrapersonal, and parental competency. The expanded checklist also included items on infant care issues. Participants rated each item as to the extent to which they had been thinking or worrying about it over the past few weeks. RESULTS: More than half of the men and women had been thinking or worrying about their ability to cope as new parents; just less than half of both men and women endorsed the item regarding the effect having a baby would have on their relationship with their partner; approximately 40% of women had thought that they might get bored or lonely when at home with the baby, and an equal rate of men reported that their partner experiencing this sense of boredom-or loneliness was an issue for them. There were few differences between the genders in the rate of endorsement on the issues checklist. CONCLUSION: That many of the issues on the checklist are prevalent in both women and men at this time in the pregnancy would suggest that these are topics that would be pertinent for inclusion at preparation for parenthood classes. Although the checklist is not exhaustive, the data reported give empirical justification for inclusion of these topics in such classes.


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Background: Diets with a high postprandial glycemic response may contribute to long-term development of insulin resistance and diabetes, however previous epidemiological studies are conflicting on whether glycemic index (GI) or glycemic load (GL) are dietary factors associated with the progression. Our objectives were to estimate GI and GL in a group of older women, and evaluate cross-sectional associations with insulin resistance. Subjects and Methods: Subjects were 329 Australian women aged 42-81 years participating in year three of the Longitudinal Assessment of Ageing in Women (LAW). Dietary intakes were assessed by diet history interviews and analysed using a customised GI database. Insulin resistance was defined as a homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) value of >3.99, based on fasting blood glucose and insulin concentrations. Results: GL was significantly higher in the 26 subjects who were classified as insulin resistant compared to subjects who were not (134±33 versus 114±24, P<0.001). In a logistic regression model, an increment of 15 GL units increased the odds of insulin resistance by 2.09 (95%CI 1.55, 2.80, P<0.001) independently of potential confounding variables. No significant associations were found when insulin resistance was assessed as a continuous variable. Conclusions: Results of this cross-sectional study support the concept that diets with a higher GL are associated with increased risk of insulin resistance. Further studies are required to investigate whether reducing glycemic intake, by either consuming lower GI foods and/or smaller serves of carbohydrate, can contribute to a reduction in development of insulin resistance and long-term risk of type 2 diabetes.


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Background Studies amongst older people with acute dysphagic stroke requiring thickened fluids have assessed fluid intakes from combinations of beverage, food, enteral and parenteral sources, but not all sources simultaneously. The study aimed to comprehensively assess total water intake from food, beverages, enteral and parenteral sources amongst dysphagic adult in-patients receiving thickened fluids. Methods Patients requiring thickened fluid following dysphagia diagnosis were recruited consecutively from a tertiary teaching hospital’s medical and neurosurgical wards. Fluid intake from food and beverages was assessed by wastage, direct observation and quantified from enteral and parenteral sources through clinical medical records. Results No patients achieved their calculated fluid requirements unless enteral or parenteral fluids were received. The mean daily fluid intake from food was greater than from beverages whether receiving diet alone (food 807±363mL, food and beverages 370±179mL, p<0.001) or diet with enteral or parenteral fluid support (food 455±408mL, food and beverages 263±232mL, p<0.001). Greater daily fluid intakes occurred when receiving enteral and parenteral fluid in addition to oral dietary intake, irrespective of age group, whether assistance was required, diagnosis and whether stage 3 or stage 2 thickened fluids were required (p<0.05). After enteral and parenteral sources, food provided the most important contribution to daily fluid intakes. Conclusions The greatest contribution to oral fluid intake was from food, not beverages. Designing menus and food services which promote and encourage the enjoyment of fluid dense foods, in contrast to thickened beverages, may present an important way to improve fluid intakes of those with dysphagia. Supplemental enteral or parenteral fluid may be necessary to achieve minimum calculated fluid requirements.


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This article will explore X-rated representations of Aboriginality in Australian-produced pornographic videos, particularly the image of Australia's first Indigenous porn-star, Nicci Lane. It investigates how pornographic narratives involving 'Aboriginal' characters or motifs are connected to broader embodiments of Aboriginality in popular culture. Drawing a parallel with Australian television drama and mainstream films, the article highlights how contemporary sexualized images of Aboriginal people are intimately tied to a politics of reconciliation. By surveying recent literature on pornography, which describe how certain pornographic narratives engage 'unspoken' community desires, my argument will discuss Nicci Lane's career as a unique development in the history of representations of Aboriginality. Through analysis of Lane’s Arigato Baby (1991), these ‘unspoken’ desires relate to showing Indigenous people in everyday sexual contexts, as romantic partners, friends and lovers. My argument will go on to suggest that, through Nicci Lane's performance and profile, the image of Australia’s first Indigenous porn-star offers the possibility for imagining new kinds of interracial intimacy within the Australian public sphere.


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Experiments were undertaken to study drying kinetics of different shaped moist food particulates during heat pump assisted fluidised bed drying. Three particular geometrical shapes of parallelepiped, cylindrical and spheres were selected from potatoes (aspect ratio = 1:1, 2:1, 3:1), cut beans (length: diameter = 1:1, 2:1, 3:1) and peas respectively. A batch fluidised bed dryer connected to a heat pump system was used for the experimentation. A Heat pump and fluid bed combination was used to increase overall energy efficiency and achieve higher drying rates. Drying kinetics, were evaluated with non-dimensional moisture at three different drying temperatures of 30, 40 and 50o C. Due to complex hydrodynamics of the fluidised beds, drying kinetics are dryer or material specific. Numerous mathematical models can be used to calculate drying kinetics ranging from analytical models with simplified assumptions to empirical models built by regression using experimental data. Empirical models are commonly used for various food materials due to their simpler approach. However problems in accuracy, limits the applications of empirical models. Some limitations of empirical models could be reduced by using semi-empirical models based on heat and mass transfer of the drying operation. One such method is the quasi-stationary approach. In this study, a modified quasi-stationary approach was used to model drying kinetics of the cylindrical food particles at three drying temperatures.