971 resultados para Ast-902
The congenital facial clefts are characterized by incomplete formation of the structures that separate the oral and nasal cavity. It is known that several environmental and genetic factors are involved in its development, among these, polymorphisms associated with folic acid metabolism have been investigated. In this sense, the objective was to observe the frequency of polymorphisms C677T and A1298C methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR), methionine synthase A2756G of (MTR), A66G of methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) A80G and the reduced folate carrier (RFC1) in patients with non-syndromic oral clefts, trying to match them with their development. Methods: We studied 140 patients with non-syndromic oral clefts and their mothers and 175 control subjects with their mothers, who underwent a questionnaire to obtain family information. Were collecting blood for DNA extraction from patients and their mothers to identify the genotypes of both by PCRRFLP, in addition to carrying out the determination of glucose, AST, ALT and serum creatinine, folic acid and vitamin B12 Serum and plasma homocysteine, and the hemogram. Results: Most patients have cleft lip and palate (55.8%), followed by isolated cleft palate (24.2%) and cleft lip (20%). Regarding gender, 62% of patients were male and 48% female and, after subdivision of the type of screwdriver according to sex was found a prevalence of males in the cracks of the type lip and palate (69 %) and lip (69.2%) and in the case of cleft palate was a female predominance (59%). The average concentration of serum folate in the group of mothers of cleft patients was significantly lower (13.8 ± 2.4 ng / mL) compared with the group of mothers of control subjects (18.8 ± 3.4 ng / mL) This was also observed for the group of cleft children as compared to controls, the dosage of folic acid had a significant difference with values of 15.6 ± 0.6 (ng / mL) and 17.9 ± 0.6 (ng / mL), respectively. For the biochemical measurements of glucose, AST, ALT and creatinine were not statistically different, nor was observed for haematological parameters performed. In assessing the frequency of polymorphisms C677T and A1298C MTHFR, A2756G MTR, MTRR A66G and A80G of the RFC1 there was no statistically significant difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls both for mothers and in the cleft. Conclusion: Although not observed association of polymorphisms with the development of cracks, the decrease in serum folate in the group of cleft patients and their mothers may reflect a disturbance in the metabolism of this metabolite, necessitating further studies such as studies methylation and expression to further elucidate the involvement of folate in the development of oral clefts
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the use of rosuvastatin in patients with atherosclerosis, in relation to blood parameters of selenium and selenoproteins, and also observe possible changes in gene expression of selenoproteins in these patients. The sample consisted of 27 adult and elderly patients with a clinical diagnosis of coronary artery disease undergoing angioplasty, treated at Natal Hospital Center hospital, Natal, RN. Patients were treated with rosuvastatin 10 mg/day during four months. Anthropometric variables such as body mass index (BMI) and Waist circumference (WC) were measured before and after treatment, as well as lipid profile, blood glucose and liver enzymes (AST and ALT). The diet of the patients was also analyzed using 24-hour diet recall. We analyzed the concentrations of selenium in plasma and erythrocytes, and also the activity of Glutathione Peroxidase and gene expression by Real Time PCR of selenoproteins GPx1, SelP1 and SelN1. Patients had mean age of 61.0 ± 9.4 years, 59.3% were men and 40.7% were women. After four months of treatment there was significant reduction of CA and, according to BMI, most were overweight. The intake of macronutrients, cholesterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and saturated was adequate, but the energy and fiber intake was below the recommendations. Regarding the selenium intake was observed a high prevalence of inadequacy. As expected, after treatment with rosuvastatin, a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL and glucose, which was not observed for HDL. Selenium concentrations in plasma and erythrocytes showed no changes, keeping within the established cutoffs. We observed a significant increase in GPx enzyme activity and mRNA expression of GPX1 and SEPN1, but not for gene SEPP1. Thus, it was found that treatment with rosuvastatin did not reduce the expression of selenoproteins. More studies are needed to clarify the effects of rosuvastatin on gene expression of selenoproteins in patients with atherosclerosis
The study had as objective to evaluate the zinc status by means of dietary intake, zinc in plasma and in erythrocytes and the metallothionein gene expression in patients with atherosclerosis in use of rosuvastatin. The research involved 27 adult and elderly patients of both genders with atherosclerosis that were treated with rosuvastatin (10mg/day) during 4 months. We performed the dosage of lipids, glucose, AST and ALT, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), plasmatic and erythrocyte zinc and 1 and 2 metallothionein gene expression. The assessment of body mass index (BMI) and abdominal circumference (AC) was performed, besides the analysis of dietary intake of patients. The majority of the evaluated patients presented overweight, before and after the treatment, with no significant difference between the times of the study. It was identified that the AC was significantly reduced in the group (p<0.05) after the intervention. The majority of the patients had intake below the recommendation of calories and fibers and above recommendation of proteins. The mono and polyunsaturated fats were adequate for the majority of the patients, however, the saturated fat and cholesterol were consumed in excess by a great part of the individuals. The intake of zinc was inadequate, being noticed an inadequacy of 100% in the male gender and of 84% in the female. After the treatment with rosuvastatin there was a significant reduction in the total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-c (p<0.01) and no alterations were observed in the HDL-c and triacylglycerols. It was also verified that the reduction of glycemia (p<0.05) and of hsCRP (p<0.01). The analysis did not demonstrate significant differences in the plasmatic and erythrocyte zinc concentration after the treatment. There was, after the treatment, reduction of the MT1F gene (p<0.05) without, however, occurring significant alterations in the MT2A gene. The treatment with rosuvastatin was effective in the reduction of TC and LDL-c, and promoted the reduction of inflammatory marker hsCRP. The zinc in the plasma and erythrocyte was not altered by the use of the medication and there was a reduction in the MT1F gene, possibly due to the reduction of inflammation. The majority of patients presented inadequate intake of zinc and this inadequacy did not have relation with the mineral parameters in plasma and erythrocytes or with the metallothionein gene expression
Panax ginseng CA Meyer (Araliaceae) is a herbaceous plant widely used in China, South Korea, Japan and other Asian countries for the treatment of various diseases micro circulatory, cerebrovascular, among others, representing one of the drugs used by older man. It has over 30 biologically active ginsenosides with different pharmacological and behavioral effects and inhibitory effect on the NMDA receptor. The amino acid glycine is a co-agonist of the NMDA receptor, activating this receptor. At the cellular level, ketamine is widely known to be NMDA receptor antagonist. The aim of this study was to evaluate the general activity in the open field, and anxiety in elevated plus maze, mice treated with P. ginseng compared with the action of ketamine and glycine, to better understand the action of this herbal medicine at the NMDA receptor. We used 66 adult male rats were divided into six groups: a positive control, treated for 30 days with water by gavage, who received glycine (500mg/kg; po) on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of treatment, one hour before of behavioral assessment, a negative control was treated for 30 days with water by gavage received ketamine (5mg/kg, ip) on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of treatment, one hour prior to behavioral evaluation, three experimental groups, receiving 100, 200 or 300 mg / kg P. ginseng by gavage for 30 days and one group treated solely with white water, and is also administered 1 ml of water by gavage one hour prior to behavioral evaluation. Animal behavior in these three groups was also examined on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of treatment. On day 30 of treatment, the animals were anesthetized with thiopental (70mg/kg) for blood collection and after euthanasia, withdrawal of various organs. There were no changes in weight and body weight gain and weight reasons in organ / body weight. However the consumption of water and food values showed a significant increase. Serum levels of AST was increased in a dose-dependently in the animals treated with doses of P. ginseng, glycine and ketamine as compared to the blank group. Unlike creatinine levels proved to be decreased in all treated groups when compared with white. However, the level of urea in these groups was reduced and no changes were observed in the ALT parameter. Histopathological examination revealed no changes in cell morphology in different tissues. There were no behavioral changes in the elevated plus maze and few changes were observed in the open field, animals treated with P. ginseng, glycine and ketamine when compared to white. These data suggest that the doses of P. ginseng employed were unable to induce general toxicity in rats treated for 30 days and also shows that the general behavior of mice treated with P. ginseng was slightly different from that observed in animals treated with ketamine and glycine. Finally, the study on the elevated plus maze showed that the extract of P. ginseng showed no anxiolytic or anxiogenic action
Seed germination and seedling establishment are critical processes for commercial plantation and depend directly on reserve mobilization as a source of cellular fuels and biosynthetic precursors. In this way, we investigated the coordination among reserve mobilization, metabolite partitioning, and mobilizing enzyme activities in Moringa oleifera Lam (moringa) an oil-seeded species employed in biofuel production. Seeds were germinated under controlled conditions and seedlings were grown hydroponically at a greenhouse. Samples were harvested at 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 days after imbibition (DAI). The contents of dry mass (DM), neutral lipids (NL), soluble proteins (SP), starch, total soluble sugars (TSS), non-reducing sugars (NRS), and total free amino acids (TFAA) as the activity of isocitrate lyase (ICL), acid proteases, and amylases were determined. The mobilization of storage proteins was initiated during seed germination whereas the mobilization of storage lipids and starch was triggered throughout seedling establishment although all reserves have been depleted until 20 DAI. The partitioning of DM and metabolites to the roots and the shoots was uneven during seedling establishment. Low shoot/root ratio on the basis of DM could be related to the natural occurrence of moringa in drought climates. In the roots, TSS, NRS, and TFAA were accumulated from 12 to 16 DAI and then were consumed until the end of the experiment. In the shoots, TSS and TFAA were consumed in parallel with NRS accumulation from 12 to 20 DAI. The activity of ICL, acid proteases, and amylases was coordinated with the mobilization of lipids, proteins and starch respectively. Thus, we propose that the patterns of reserve mobilization and metabolite partitioning verified in moringa seem distinct from those found to other tree species and may be involved in metabolic strategies to enable environment colonization
Disfunções envolvendo o sistema nervoso são de grande importância na Medicina Veterinária, pois tratam-se de enfermidades de elevada incidência e com poucos subsídios auxiliares no seu diagnóstico, prognóstico e na avaliação de terapias empregadas. Ainda hoje, o diagnóstico baseia-se, em grande parte, no histórico e no exame clínico neurológico. Dessa forma, a análise dos constituintes do fluido cefalorraquidiano torna-se uma das poucas alternativas de acesso clínico ao sistema nervoso central (SNC). Mesmo com a grande utilidade do exame físico-químico e citoscópico do liquor na neurologia veterinária, poucos são os estudos sobre a estabilidade dos seus constituintes sob estocagem. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como finalidade verificar a influência da temperatura e do tempo de conservação nas características físico-químicas do liquor de cães hígidos. Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de LCR, através da punção da cisterna cerebelo-medular de cães clinicamente sadios, as quais foram submetidas à análise da densidade específica, do pH, da glicorraquia, das proteínas totais e das atividades das enzimas creatina quinase (CK) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST), após conservá-las em diferentes temperaturas (25°C, 4°C e -4°C) e por diferentes períodos de tempo (logo após a colheita, 24 horas, 48 horas, uma semana e um mês). Dentre os resultados obtidos, foi possível verificar, principalmente, que houve estabilidade dos parâmetros estudados por até um mês de estocagem nas amostras mantidas sob a temperaturas de congelamento de -4°C.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estudaram-se as alterações de atividade das enzimas musculares creatino quinase (CK), lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST) em um grupo de cavalos que utilizados em provas de enduro de 70 e 100km de distância, em cinco competições. Os valores (U/l) basais (antes da largada) foram 245,13±9,84 para CK, 496,61±14,76 para LDH e 328,95±8,65 para AST. Todas as atividades das enzimas decresceram no primeiro momento das provas (~30km). Valores de pico, significativamente diferentes, foram alcançados para CK (413,59±50,75) imediatamente após 70km de distância; 24 horas após para LDH (628,61±33,30); e 48 horas após as provas para AST (389,89±16,96). A monitoração do período de recuperação revelou diferente comportamento entre as concentrações enzimáticas com CK retornando aos valores basais 24 horas pós-provas (279,61 ± 23,05). LDH e AST retornaram aos valores basais, 72 horas pós-provas (505,25±33,78 e 359,35±24,90, respectivamente). Os dados obtidos revelaram diferentes alterações na concentração de enzimas musculares de cavalos de enduro, diretamente relacionadas com a duração do esforço.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study evaluated the hepatoprotective effect of an N-acetyl or-methionine + choline chloride + caffeine + thiamine hydrochloride + nicotinamide + pyridoxine hydrochloride compound at doses of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of b.w., and the assessment was done by the investigation of serum-enzymatic activity, metabolic functions of the liver and histophatological changes in female Wistar rats, which were subjected to experimental intoxication with CCl4. One hundred and nineteen rats were randomly distributed into 17 groups, performing five different treatments, being evaluated seven animals per treatment in four periods: 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after CCl4-induced intoxication. Treated rats with the hepatoprotective medicine (HM) presented a significant reduction in infiltration of inflammatory cells, steatosis, necrosis and liver congestion when compared to non-treated rats (control). Beside these results, the treatment showed a positive effect on circulatory alterations in the intoxicated animals, with reduction of spleen and renal congestion, as well as, promotion of a significant improvement in ALT, AST, LDH, ALP, GGT enzymatic serum activity reduction and in recovering liver function regarding the metabolism of urea, triglycerides and glucose. These findings indicate therapeutic usefulness of the compound when administered at dose 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of b.w. in female Wistar rats. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de teores de fibra bruta na dieta sobre o desempenho produtivo, composição centesimal da carcaça e parâmetros fisiológicos de juvenis de pacu. O experimento teve duração de 84 dias, e foram utilizados 360 juvenis de pacu, com peso médio de 23,97±0,59 g, distribuídos aleatóriamente em 30 tanques com 180 L de água, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos (5, 7, 9, 11, 13 e 15% de fibra bruta) e cinco repetições. Dietas com altos teores de fibra (11, 13 e 15%) resultaram em piores taxas de ganho de peso, conversão alimentar e crescimento específico, além de menor eficiência proteica e consumo de ração. A composição da carcaça dos animais foi alterada pelo aumento do teor de fibra das dietas. Os teores de proteína e cinza tiveram aumento com o incremento nos teores de fibra. O metabolismo foi alterado com o emprego de teores crescentes de fibra, o que resultou em pequena elevação do colesterol plasmático. Teores de fibra bruta de até 9% não tiveram efeitos negativos no metabolismo; entretanto, teores acima de 11% reduziram o crescimento dos peixes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)