694 resultados para Artefacts


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Si la religion grecque a fait l’objet de nombreuses études, les informations concernant les rites domestiques se font plus discrètes. Nous avons donc tenté de présenter les traces archéologiques de ses cultes domestiques en nous concentrant sur un élément bien précis, les autels. Nous vous proposons donc dans ce mémoire de présenter un catalogue raisonné des autels domestiques de la Grèce antique. Celui-ci répertorie 140 autels domestiques, qu’ils soient de types fixes (construits) ou portatifs (arulae). Une analyse quantitative et qualitative des informations colligées dans le catalogue fait suite à ce dernier. Nous pouvons tirer quelques conclusions partielles suite à l’analyse de notre catalogue. Il est possible d’affirmer qu’il existe beaucoup plus d’autels portatifs que d’autels fixes. Les arulae n’ont pour la plupart pas été trouvés in situ, contrairement aux autels construits. La grande majorité des autels se trouvent dans la cour de la demeure ou contre un mur extérieur de la maison. Les autels portatifs, eux se retrouvent aussi dans diverses pièces de la maison, dont la pastas. La majorité des autels portatifs sont faits de terre-cuite, alors que les fixes sont tous faits de différentes pierres. Peu importe le type, la majorité des autels sont rectangulaires plutôt que circulaires. Très peu d’autels sont dédiés spécifiquement à un dieu et ceux attribués à Zeus Herkeios le sont seulement par leur position dans la cour de la demeure et non à cause d’un décor ou d’objets affiliés. Les autels autant portatifs que fixes peuvent porter un décor, allant d’une simple moulure à un riche décor rappelant les grands autels monumentaux des sanctuaires. Certains sont par contre nus et ont même des faces non travaillées. Nous détaillons dans la dernière section le cas de Zeus Ktésios et Zeus Kataibatès, comme nous possédons beaucoup d’informations pertinentes sur ces deux divinités et nous pouvons donc nous attarder sur leur culte. Il est par contre difficile de recréer des rites domestiques complets. Pour ce faire, il faudrait avoir accès aux catalogues complets des artéfacts retrouvés sur chaque site. Nous pourrions ainsi créer des assemblages et mettre en liens ces objets et les autels et tenter d’interpréter et de reconstituer ces différents rites domestiques.


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Si la religion grecque a fait l’objet de nombreuses études, les informations concernant les rites domestiques se font plus discrètes. Nous avons donc tenté de présenter les traces archéologiques de ses cultes domestiques en nous concentrant sur un élément bien précis, les autels. Nous vous proposons donc dans ce mémoire de présenter un catalogue raisonné des autels domestiques de la Grèce antique. Celui-ci répertorie 140 autels domestiques, qu’ils soient de types fixes (construits) ou portatifs (arulae). Une analyse quantitative et qualitative des informations colligées dans le catalogue fait suite à ce dernier. Nous pouvons tirer quelques conclusions partielles suite à l’analyse de notre catalogue. Il est possible d’affirmer qu’il existe beaucoup plus d’autels portatifs que d’autels fixes. Les arulae n’ont pour la plupart pas été trouvés in situ, contrairement aux autels construits. La grande majorité des autels se trouvent dans la cour de la demeure ou contre un mur extérieur de la maison. Les autels portatifs, eux se retrouvent aussi dans diverses pièces de la maison, dont la pastas. La majorité des autels portatifs sont faits de terre-cuite, alors que les fixes sont tous faits de différentes pierres. Peu importe le type, la majorité des autels sont rectangulaires plutôt que circulaires. Très peu d’autels sont dédiés spécifiquement à un dieu et ceux attribués à Zeus Herkeios le sont seulement par leur position dans la cour de la demeure et non à cause d’un décor ou d’objets affiliés. Les autels autant portatifs que fixes peuvent porter un décor, allant d’une simple moulure à un riche décor rappelant les grands autels monumentaux des sanctuaires. Certains sont par contre nus et ont même des faces non travaillées. Nous détaillons dans la dernière section le cas de Zeus Ktésios et Zeus Kataibatès, comme nous possédons beaucoup d’informations pertinentes sur ces deux divinités et nous pouvons donc nous attarder sur leur culte. Il est par contre difficile de recréer des rites domestiques complets. Pour ce faire, il faudrait avoir accès aux catalogues complets des artéfacts retrouvés sur chaque site. Nous pourrions ainsi créer des assemblages et mettre en liens ces objets et les autels et tenter d’interpréter et de reconstituer ces différents rites domestiques.


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Research in human computer interaction (HCI) covers both technological and human behavioural concerns. As a consequence, the contributions made in HCI research tend to be aware to either engineering or the social sciences. In HCI the purpose of practical research contributions is to reveal unknown insights about human behaviour and its relationship to technology. Practical research methods normally used in HCI include formal experiments, field experiments, field studies, interviews, focus groups, surveys, usability tests, case studies, diary studies, ethnography, contextual inquiry, experience sampling, and automated data collection. In this paper, we report on our experience using the evaluation methods focus groups, surveys and interviews and how we adopted these methods to develop artefacts: either interface’s design or information and technological systems. Four projects are examples of the different methods application to gather information about user’s wants, habits, practices, concerns and preferences. The goal was to build an understanding of the attitudes and satisfaction of the people who might interact with a technological artefact or information system. Conversely, we intended to design for information systems and technological applications, to promote resilience in organisations (a set of routines that allow to recover from obstacles) and user’s experiences. Organisations can here also be viewed within a system approach, which means that the system perturbations even failures could be characterized and improved. The term resilience has been applied to everything from the real estate, to the economy, sports, events, business, psychology, and more. In this study, we highlight that resilience is also made up of a number of different skills and abilities (self-awareness, creating meaning from other experiences, self-efficacy, optimism, and building strong relationships) that are a few foundational ingredients, which people should use along with the process of enhancing an organisation’s resilience. Resilience enhances knowledge of resources available to people confronting existing problems.


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Background: Hydrocyanines are widely used as fluorogenic probes to monitor reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in cells. Their brightness, stability to autoxidation and photobleaching, large signal change upon oxidation, pH independence and red/near infrared emission are particularly attractive for imaging ROS in live tissue. Methods: Using confocal fluorescence microscopy we have examined an interference of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) with fluorescence intensity and localisation of a commercial hydro-Cy3 probe in respiring and non-respiring colon carcinoma HCT116 cells. Results: We found that the oxidised (fluorescent) form of hydro-Cy3 is highly homologous to the common ΔΨm-sensitive probe JC-1, which accumulates and aggregates only in ‘energised’ negatively charged mitochondrial matrix. Therefore, hydro-Cy3 oxidised by hydroxyl and superoxide radicals tends to accumulate in mitochondrial matrix, but dissipates and loses brightness as soon as ΔΨm is compromised. Experiments with mitochondrial inhibitor oligomycin and uncoupler FCCP, as well as a common ROS producer paraquat demonstrated that signals of the oxidised hydro-Cy3 probe rapidly and strongly decrease upon mitochondrial depolarisation, regardless of the rate of cellular ROS production. Conclusions: While analysing ROS-derived fluorescence of commercial hydrocyanine probes, an accurate control of ΔΨm is required. General significance: If not accounted for, non-specific effect of mitochondrial polarisation state on the behaviour of oxidised hydrocyanines can cause artefacts and data misinterpretation in ROS studies.


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This qualitative study charts the lived narratives of twelve participants, six teachers and six students from urban and rural Victoria, Australia. The study examines in detail the question ‘How do teachers teach, post 9/11?’. 9/11 has become accepted shorthand for September 11th 2001, in which terrorist attacks took place in the United States of America. The attacks heralded a ‘post- 9/11 world, [in which] threats are defined more by the fault lines within societies than by the territorial boundaries between them’ (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 2011, p. 361). The study is embedded in the values that have come to the fore in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the ideological shifts that have occurred globally. These values and ideologies are reflected via issues of culture and consumption. In education this is particularly visible through pedagogy. The research employs a multimethodological (Esteban-Guitart, 2012) form of inquiry through the use of bricolage (Kincheloe & Berry, 2004) which is comprised at the intersectional points of critical pedagogy (Kincheloe, 2008b), public pedagogy (Sandlin, Schultz, & Burdick, 2010b) and cultural studies (Hall, Hobson, Lowe, & Willis, 1992). This study adopts a critical ontological perspective, and is grounded in qualitative research approaches (Lather & St. Pierre, 2013). The methods of photo elicitation, artefact analysis, video observation and semi-structured interviews are used to critically examine the ways in which teacher and student identities are shaped by the pedagogies of contemporary schooling, and how they form common sense understandings of the world and themselves, charting possibilities between accepted common sense beliefs and 21st century neoliberal capitalism. The research is presented through a prototypical form of literary journalism and intertextuality which examines the interrelationship between teaching and social worlds exposing the hidden influence of enculturation and addressing the question ‘How do teachers teach, post 9/11?’


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If educators are to educate they must be accorded some level of trust. Anthony Giddens claims that because trust is not easily created, it is now being replaced with ‘confidence’ because this latter disposition is much easier to give and is more convenient. It is argued in this paper that this shift from trust to confidence stifles education because emphasis is placed solely upon qualifications and competence, and is neglectful of disclosing one’s motives and desires—which are considered to be essential elements for relationships and communities which depend upon trust. Therefore, educators ought to seek to become more trustworthy by going beyond evidence-based practices and codes of ethics, towards articulating a developed personal philosophy of education outlining the ultimate end-purposes to which they aspire. Through such a philosophy, educators identify their ultimate desires and commitments and this self-disclosure can make trust-giving more likely. Demonstrated evidence of achievements and qualifications encourage confidence and this has some value. In addition to these artefacts of evidence, it is argued here that educators must also articulate what they actually desire. This can be understood as John Dewey’s virtue of ‘genuine interest’ which he characterises as being wholehearted, persistent and impartial. For educators, this is often represented in our personal philosophy of education and because it is personal, it is also existential in the sense that it pertains to giving sense, meaning and purpose to all of our activities and way of life for which we are individually responsible and passionately committed to as professionals. As a consequence of being existential, our philosophy and our commitment to it has an intellectual and moral aspect and because it reaches to the very depths of our raison d’être, it pertains to our passion as described by Søren Kierkegaard. This paper shall draw upon Dewey’s notion of wholeheartedness and Kierkegaard’s notion of purity of heart, to make the case that if educators embrace these in their practices, we may become more trustworthy.


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The observance of and participation in festivals and celebratory events is an increasingly significant aspect of the contemporary experience (Picard & Robinson, 2006). With the prestige that comes from holding culturally relevant and socially acceptable festivals that serve the discourses of “city branding” and the “creative industries” in a competitive global context; significant government, community and private funding is allocated to such events. Festivals have become a central figure of not only the political economy of tourism but also of urban regeneration and cultural tourism. Cultural festivals possess the hallmarks of destination branding or place branding and inadvertently share some of the attributes that influence visitors’ decisions to visit such destinations (Blain, Levy, & Ritchie, 2005; Cooper, 2005; Esu & Arrey, 2009; Jayswal, 2008). Branding is a vital part of this festival space and relies on typography to establish the symbolic values and representations of urban freedoms; rich histories, cultured places, playfulness and stimulation that seek to subvert our daily existence while performing the task of engaging local, national, and international visitors and participants. However, professional practices demonstrated in the design, media and arts industries have far outpaced the extent to which this phenomenon has been written about in the academic or public realm. What this paper intends is to interrogate appropriate semiotic approaches in an effort to analysing the discursive practices of typography as it performs in service to branding cultural festivals in Australia. The intention is to establish a methodology suited to the significant role typography performs within this context and to offer a contribution to design research that not only engages with the artefacts of design but with the conceptualization of designed meaning in 21st century visual culture.


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The topic of white fathers of Aboriginal children has been a long time coming into focus. Aboriginal mothers and children and their loss by being taken into white custody—these matters have been thoroughly, often heart-rendingly explored in artefacts and documentaries in a variety of genres. The white male progenitors have been much less visible except as occasions of scandal. An Aboriginal child without a known father made the child very vulnerable and, conveniently (from an administrative point of view), able to be drawn into the white ‘care’ system where the state became by proxy the stern father in a process that obliterated Aboriginal kinship claims. Probyn-Rapsey notes perspicaciously that although they are often written about (by Aboriginal relatives, biographers, scholars, government officials, Protectors, white women activists, parliamentarians), the fathers of the children rarely speak in their own voices on the subject of their paternity of mixed race children. This study examines the next best thing: textual traces of them in reports, letters, diaries, novels and especially Aboriginal memoirs.


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This paper focuses on teaching practices intended to support primary school students’ internet inquiries and the development of requisite knowledge and skills. The paper builds on growing knowledge about multimodal pedagogy (e.g., Walsh, 2011) and how such pedagogies not only bring with them intrinsic benefits for student engagement and learning, but also offer opportunities to reinforce and refine traditional print literacies (e.g., McKee and Heydon, 2015). A microethnographic approach is taken, involving a close examination of short classroom episodes. The data include classroom video footage and teacher interviews concerning one lesson where students aged six, seven and eight undertook research using iPads. Within the lesson, the iPads were treated as a suite of resources, tools and channels to be put into operation in the service of student inquiries, where informational texts could be found on the internet and then used as sources for new knowledge and material for the students’ multimedia artefacts. Print literacy skills were similarly treated as resources to be drawn upon in the service of inquiry work. The data is assembled to provide a window into the complexities of teaching in this context, with a particular focus on how new and traditional literacy practices are interwoven. The analysis shows how digital and ‘non-digital’ resources, modes and channels are strategically assembled by the teacher and her students through the practice of fit-for-purpose inquiry, reading and composition strategies. An explicit discourse of purpose is put to work in this classroom to make sense of materials, resources and curricula within a context of contradictory policy discourses. Thus an approach to curriculum and pedagogy is illustrated that lays the foundations for crucial contemporary information literacies, serving our increasingly everyday need to make strategic use of digital and online tools to navigate the internet and shape it for our own purposes. The interdependence of traditional and new literacies in such contexts reveals the nonsense of dominant discourses found in the media that emphasise the importance of one mode or one method, as well as divisive public politics that seeks to perpetuate understandings of traditional and new literacies as dichotomous domains that compete for airtime in classrooms, resulting in teachers’ neglect of literacy ‘basics’. In contrast to popular fears, in this classroom, both digital and traditional literacy skills and knowledge were developed, employed and reinforced as part of the students’ digital work.


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Body of My Ancestors: Exploring Wadawurrung Dreaming Through Visual Art. This research project uses traditional and contemporary art practices to reestablish, enhance and form new connections to Aboriginal culture. The overall aim maintains and revitualises Wadawurung cultural practices and their artefacts, along with creating new knowledge for future generations.


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Karen studied the ways that objects have mediated relationships between people from culturally diverse backgrounds in Australian history and society. She focused on the ways museums, through their collection and display of particular objects, have played a role in supporting processes of inclusion and exclusion in Australian society over time.


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Digital forms of participation with significant places, such the Sydney Opera House, are increasing. What can they reveal about communities of this World Heritage site? How do contingent forms of participation evidence the interconnectedness of tangible, intangible and digital forms of cultural heritage? Critical heritage scholars assert that social value is a central issue in cultural heritage. In an Australian context, ‘social value’ is used to denote the significance that communities have for places of cultural heritage. Unlike other forms of place-significance such as scientific, historic or aesthetic values, the assessment of social value is complex and difficult to evidence. This theoretical paper explores participation in place through two digital instances, buying a real tile on eBay and a virtual one on Own Our House a crowdfunding venture by the Opera House Trust. The paper seeks to reveal the way in which such online artefacts demonstrate how cultural significance is entangled in the everyday and the individual experience. It argues that these seemingly insignificant moments of participation are implicated in the personal and the emotional by connecting work within critical heritage studies with the work of media scholar Jose van Dijck. Then the paper reflects on the way in which these everyday forms of participation through digital technologies disrupts and complicates established ideas about communities upon which local, state, national and international heritage systems are based.


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Three-dimensional (3D) printers are now commonplace in both primary and secondary schools within Australia. As with most new technologies they present a range of challenges to users in terms of technical problems and support, and how to integrate their use into the curriculum in a meaningful way. This research reports on data from a small number of Victorian primary schools from urban and regional areas. A case study methodology has been used to examine how each setting has approached the use of these printers and includes a review of the literature concerning the uptake of new technologies by non-experts. Data include interview transcripts from teachers, principals and technicians and photographic artefacts of 3D printed objects. Teachers reflected on their reasoning behind lesson plans and their aspirations for future use of 3D printers in the classroom. Some of the issues identified were teacher confidence, time to ‘play’ with and become familiar with 3D printers; and technical challenges that arose such as the time taken to print an object and clogging of printer extruders (heads). Recommendations are made concerning possible ways forward.


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This paper offers a social semiotic analysis of logotypes used to brand cultural festivals in 21st century Australia. A contemporary method is explored that suits the significant role typography performs within this context and offers a contribution to design research and the festival scape that not only engages with the artefacts of design but with the conceptualization of designed meaning in visual culture. Branding is a vital part of the festival space and relies on typography to establish the symbolic values and representations of urban freedoms; rich histories, cultured places, playfulness and stimulation that seek to subvert our daily existence while performing the task of engaging local, national, and international visitors and participants. However, professional practices demonstrated in the design, media and arts industries have far outpaced the extent to which this phenomenon has been written about in the academic or public realm. This paper addresses this shortfall and offers the foundation for a systemic functional method in the decoding of typography in visual culture


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The primary objective of this research was to perform an in vitro assessment of the ability of microscale topography to alter cell behaviour, with specific regard to producing favourable topography in an orthopaedic ceramic material suitable for implantation in the treatment of arthritis. Topography at microscale and nanoscale alters the bioactivity of the material. This has been used in orthopaedics for some time as seen with optimal pore size in uncemented hip and knee implants. This level of topography involves scale in hundreds of micrometres and allows for the ingrowth of tissue. Topography at smaller scale is possible thanks to progressive miniaturisation of technology. A topographic feature was created in a readily available clinically licensed polymer, Polycaprolcatone (PCL). The effect of this topography was assessed in vitro. The same topography was transferred to the latest generation composite orthopaedic ceramic, zirconia toughened alumina (ZTA). The fidelity of reproduction of the topography was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). These investigations showed more accurate reproduction of the topography in PCL than ZTA with some material artefacts in the ZTA. Cell culture in vitro was performed on the patterned substrates. The response of osteoprogenitor cells was assessed using immunohistochemistry, real-time polymerase chain reaction and alizarin staining. These results showed a small effect on cell behaviour. Finally metabolic comparison was made of the effects created by the two different materials and the topography in each. The results have shown a reproducible topography in orthopaedic ceramics. This topography has demonstrated a positive osteogenic effect in both polycaprolactone and zirconia toughened alumina across multiple assessment modalities.