1000 resultados para Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
With the aim of determining the genetic basis of metabolic regulation in tomato fruit, we constructed a detailed physical map of genomic regions spanning previously described metabolic quantitative trait loci of a Solanum pennellii introgression line population. Two genomic libraries from S. pennellii were screened with 104 colocated markers from five selected genomic regions, and a total of 614 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)/cosmids were identified as seed clones. Integration of sequence data with the genetic and physical maps of Solanum lycopersicum facilitated the anchoring of 374 of these BAC/cosmid clones. The analysis of this information resulted in a genome-wide map of a nondomesticated plant species and covers 10% of the physical distance of the selected regions corresponding to approximately 1% of the wild tomato genome. Comparative analyses revealed that S. pennellii and domesticated tomato genomes can be considered as largely colinear. A total of 1,238,705 bp from both BAC/cosmid ends and nine large insert clones were sequenced, annotated, and functionally categorized. The sequence data allowed the evaluation of the level of polymorphism between the wild and cultivated tomato species. An exhaustive microsynteny analysis allowed us to estimate the divergence date of S. pennellii and S. lycopersicum at 2.7 million years ago. The combined results serve as a reference for comparative studies both at the macrosyntenic and microsyntenic levels. They also provide a valuable tool for fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci in tomato. Furthermore, they will contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory factors underpinning metabolism and hence defining crop chemical composition.
Aims: The ATP-binding cassette transporters, ABCA1 and ABCG1, are LXR-target genes that play an important role in reverse cholesterol transport. We examined the effects of inhibitors of the cholesterol absorption (ezetimibe) and synthesis (statins) on expression of these transporters in HepG2 cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of individuals with primary (and nonfamilial) hypercholesterolemia (HC). Materials & methods: A total of 48 HC individuals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks) and 23 were treated with ezetimibe (10 mg/day/4 weeks), followed by simvastatin (10 mg/day/8 weeks) and simvastatin plus ezetimibe (10 mg of each/day/4 weeks). Gene expression was examined in statin- or ezetimibe-treated and control HepG2 cells as well as PBMCs using real-time PCR. Results: In PBMCs, statins and ezetimibe downregulated ABCA1 and ABCG1 mRNA expression but did not modulate NR1H2 (LxR-beta) and NR1H3 (LXR-alpha) levels. Positive correlations of ABCA1 with ABCG1 and of NR1H2 with NR1H3 expressions were found in all phases of the treatments. In HepG2 cells, ABCA1 mRNA levels remained unaltered while ABCG1 expression was increased by statin (1.0-10.0 mu M) or ezetimibe (5.0 mu M) treatments. Atorvastatin upregulated NR1H2 and NR1H3 only at 10.0 mu M, meanwhile ezetimibe (1.0-5.0 mu M) downregulated NR1H2 but did not change NR1H3 expression. Conclusion: Our findings reveal that lipid-lowering drugs downregulate ABCA1 and ABCG1 mRNA expression in PBMCs of HC individuals and exhibit differential effects on HepG2 cells. Moreover, they indicate that the ABCA1 and ABCG1 transcript levels were not correlated directly to LXR mRNA expression in both cell models treated with lipid-lowering drugs.
Production of verocytotoxin or Shiga-like toxin (Stx), particularly Stx2, is the basis of hemolytic uremic syndrome, a frequently lethal outcome for subjects infected with Stx2-producing enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains. The toxin is formed by a single A subunit, which promotes protein synthesis inhibition in eukaryotic cells, and five B subunits, which bind to globotriaosylceramide at the surface of host cells. Host enzymes cleave the A subunit into the A(1) peptide, endowed with N-glycosidase activity to the 28S rRNA, and the A(2) peptide, which confers stability to the B pentamer. We report the construction of a DNA vaccine (pStx2 Delta AB) that expresses a nontoxic Stx2 mutated form consisting of the last 32 amino acids of the A(2) sequence and the complete B subunit as two nonfused polypeptides. Immunization trials carried out with the DNA vaccine in BALB/c mice, alone or in combination with another DNA vaccine encoding granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, resulted in systemic Stx-specific antibody responses targeting both A and B subunits of the native Stx2. Moreover, anti-Stx2 antibodies raised in mice immunized with pStx2 Delta AB showed toxin neutralization activity in vitro and, more importantly, conferred partial protection to Stx2 challenge in vivo. The present vector represents the second DNA vaccine so far reported to induce protective immunity to Stx2 and may contribute, either alone or in combination with other procedures, to the development of prophylactic or therapeutic interventions aiming to ameliorate EHEC infection-associated sequelae.
Cysteine metabolism exhibits atypical features in Leishmania parasites. The nucleotide sequence annotated as LmjF32.2640 encodes a cysteine desulfhydrase, which specifically catalyzes the breakdown of cysteine into pyruvate, NH(3) and H(2)S. Like in other pathogens, this capacity might be associated with regulatory mechanisms to control the intracellular level of cysteine, a highly toxic albeit essential amino acid, in addition to generate pyruvate for energy production. Besides, our results provide the first insight into the biochemical properties of Leishmania major serine acetyltransferase (SAT), which is likely involved in the two routes for de novo synthesis of cysteine in this pathogen. When compared with other members of SAT family, the N-terminal region of L. major homologue is uniquely extended, and seems to be essential for proper protein folding. Furthermore, unlike plant and bacterial enzymes, the carboxy-terminal-C(10) sequence stretch of L major SAT appears not to be implicated in forming a tight bi-enzyme complex with cysteine synthase. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Glycosylation of the Ab molecule is essential for maintaining the functional structure of Fc region and consequently for Ab-mediated effector functions, such as binding to cells or complement system activation. Alterations in the composition of the sugar moiety can dramatically influence Ab activity; however, it is not completely clear how differences in the N-linked oligosaccharide structure impact the biological function of Abs. We have described that murine IgG1 Abs can be separated according to their ability to elicit in vivo anaphylaxis in a fraction of anaphylactic and other of non-anaphylactic molecules. Furthermore, we showed that the N-linked oligosaccharide chain is essential for the structural conformation of the anaphylactic IgG1, the binding to Fc gamma RIII on mast cells, and, consequently, for the ability to mediate anaphylactic reactions. In this study, we evaluated the contribution of individual sugar residues to this biological function. Differences in the glycan composition were observed when we analyzed oligosaccharide chains from anaphylactic or non-anaphylactic IgG1, mainly the presence of more sialic acid and fucose residues in anaphylactic molecules. Interestingly, the enzymatic removal of terminal sialic acid residues in anaphylactic IgG1 resulted in loss of the ability to trigger mast cell degranulation and in vivo anaphylactic reaction, similarly to the deglycosylated IgG1 Ab. In contrast, fucose removal did not affect the anaphylactic function. Therefore, we demonstrated that the ability of murine IgG1 Abs to mediate anaphylaxis is directly dependent on the amount of sialic acid residues associated to the oligosaccharide chain attached to the Fc region of these molecules. The Journal of Immunology, 2008, 181: 8308-8314.
We consider incompressible Stokes flow with an internal interface at which the pressure is discontinuous, as happens for example in problems involving surface tension. We assume that the mesh does not follow the interface, which makes classical interpolation spaces to yield suboptimal convergence rates (typically, the interpolation error in the L(2)(Omega)-norm is of order h(1/2)). We propose a modification of the P(1)-conforming space that accommodates discontinuities at the interface without introducing additional degrees of freedom or modifying the sparsity pattern of the linear system. The unknowns are the pressure values at the vertices of the mesh and the basis functions are computed locally at each element, so that the implementation of the proposed space into existing codes is straightforward. With this modification, numerical tests show that the interpolation order improves to O(h(3/2)). The new pressure space is implemented for the stable P(1)(+)/P(1) mini-element discretization, and for the stabilized equal-order P(1)/P(1) discretization. Assessment is carried out for Poiseuille flow with a forcing surface and for a static bubble. In all cases the proposed pressure space leads to improved convergence orders and to more accurate results than the standard P(1) space. In addition, two Navier-Stokes simulations with moving interfaces (Rayleigh-Taylor instability and merging bubbles) are reported to show that the proposed space is robust enough to carry out realistic simulations. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A numerical algorithm for fully dynamical lubrication problems based on the Elrod-Adams formulation of the Reynolds equation with mass-conserving boundary conditions is described. A simple but effective relaxation scheme is used to update the solution maintaining the complementarity conditions on the variables that represent the pressure and fluid fraction. The equations of motion are discretized in time using Newmark`s scheme, and the dynamical variables are updated within the same relaxation process just mentioned. The good behavior of the proposed algorithm is illustrated in two examples: an oscillatory squeeze flow (for which the exact solution is available) and a dynamically loaded journal bearing. This article is accompanied by the ready-to-compile source code with the implementation of the proposed algorithm. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3142903]
We have investigated the crystal structures and phase transitions of nanocrystalline ZrO(2)-1 to -13 mol % Sc(2)O(3) by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3) nanopowders were synthesized by using a stoichiometric nitrate-lysine get-combustion route. Calcination processes at 650 and at 850 degrees C yielded nanocrystalline materials with average crystallite sizes of (10 +/- 1) and (25 +/- 2) nm, respectively. Only metastable tetragonal forms and the cubic phase were identified, whereas the stable monoclinic and rhombohedral phases were not detected in the compositional range analyzed in this work. Differently from the results of investigations reported in the literature for ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3) materials with large crystallite sizes, this study demonstrates that, if the crystallite sizes are small enough (in the nanometric range), the metastable t ``-form of the tetragonal phase is retained. We have also determined the t`-t `` and t ``-cubic compositional boundaries at room temperature and analyzed these transitions at high temperature. Finally, using these results, we built up a metastable phase diagram for nanocrystalline compositionally homogeneous ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3) solid solutions that strongly differs from that previously determined from compositionally homogeneous ZrO(2)-Sc(2)O(3), Solid solutions with much larger crystallite sizes.
The NMR spin coupling parameters, (1)J(N,H) and (2)J(H,H), and the chemical shielding, sigma((15)N), of liquid ammonia are studied from a combined and sequential QM/MM methodology. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to generate statistically uncorrelated configurations that are submitted to density functional theory calculations. Two different Lennard-Jones potentials are used in the liquid simulations. Electronic polarization is included in these two potentials via an iterative procedure with and without geometry relaxation, and the influence on the calculated properties are analyzed. B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ-J calculations were used to compute the V(N,H) constants in the interval of -67.8 to -63.9 Hz, depending on the theoretical model used. These can be compared with the experimental results of -61.6 Hz. For the (2)J(H,H) coupling the theoretical results vary between -10.6 to -13.01 Hz. The indirect experimental result derived from partially deuterated liquid is -11.1 Hz. Inclusion of explicit hydrogen bonded molecules gives a small but important contribution. The vapor-to-liquid shifts are also considered. This shift is calculated to be negligible for (1)J(N,H) in agreement with experiment. This is rationalized as a cancellation of the geometry relaxation and pure solvent effects. For the chemical shielding, U(15 N) Calculations at the B3LYP/aug-pcS-3 show that the vapor-to-liquid chemical shift requires the explicit use of solvent molecules. Considering only one ammonia molecule in an electrostatic embedding gives a wrong sign for the chemical shift that is corrected only with the use of explicit additional molecules. The best result calculated for the vapor to liquid chemical shift Delta sigma((15)N) is -25.2 ppm, in good agreement with the experimental value of -22.6 ppm.
The development of circadian sleep-wakefulness rhythm was investigated by a longitudinal study of six normal infants. We propose an entropy based measure for the sleep/wake cycle fragmentation. Our results confirm that the sleep/wake cycle fragmentation and the sleep/wake ratio decrease, while the circadian power increases during the maturation process of infants. In addition to these expected linear trends in the variables devised to quantify sleep consolidation, circadian power and sleep/wake ratio, we found that they present infradian rhythms in the monthly range. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Here we present a parametrized tight-binding (TB) model to calculate the band structure of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). On the basis of ab initio calculations we fit the band structure of nanotubes of different radii with results obtained with an orthogonal TB model to third neighbors, which includes the effects of orbital hybridization by means of a reduced set of parameters. The functional form for the dependence of these parameters on the radius of the tubes can be used to interpolate appropriate TB parameters for different SWNTs and to study the effects of curvature on their electronic properties. Additionally, we have shown that the model gives an appropriate description of the optical spectra of SWNTs, which can be useful for a proper assignation of SWNTs` specific chirality from optical absorption experiments.
Materials used in current technological approaches for the removal of mercury lack selectivity. Given that this is one of the main features of supramolecular chemistry, receptors based on calix[4]arene and calix[4]resorcarene containing functional groups able to interact selectively with polluting ions while discriminating against biologically essential ones were designed. Thus two receptors, a partially functionalized calix[4]arene derivative, namely, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl [25-27-bis(diethyl thiophosphate amino)dihydroxy] calix[4]arene (1) and a fully functionalized calix[4]resorcarene, 4,6,10,12,16,18,22,24-diethyl thiophosphate calix[4]resorcarene (2) are introduced. Mercury(II) was the identified target due to the environmental and health problems associated with its presence in water Thus following the synthesis and characterization of 1 and 2 in solution ((1)HNMR) and in the solid state (X-ray crystallography) the sequence of experimental events leading to cation complexation studies in acetonitrile and methanol ((1)H NMR, conductance, potentiometric, and calorimetric measurements) with the aim of assessing their behavior as mercury selective receptors are described. The cation selectivity pattern observed in acetonitrile follows the sequence Hg(II) > Cu(II) > Ag(I). In methanol 1 is also selective for Hg(II) relative to Ag(I) but no interaction takes place between this receptor and Cu(II) in this solvent. Based on previous results and experimental facts shown in this paper, it is concluded that the complexation observed with Cu(II) in acetonitrile occurs through the acetonitrile-receptor adduct rather than through the free ligand. Receptor 2 has an enhanced capacity for uptaking Hg(II) but forms metalate complexes with Cu(II). These studies in solution guided the inmobilization of receptor 1 into a silica support to produce a new and recyclable material for the removal of Hg(II) from water. An assessment on its capacity to extract this cation from water relative to Cu(II) and Ag (I) shows that the cation selectivity pattern of the inmobilized receptor is the same as that observed for the free receptor in methanol. These findings demonstrate that fundamental studies play a critical role in the selection of the receptor to be attached to silicates as well as in the reaction medium used for the synthesis of the new decontaminating agent.
The crystal Structures of heptamethylenediammonium bis(saccharinate) monohydrate, [H(3)N-(CH(2))(7)-NH(3)](sac)(2)center dot H(2)O (1) 0 (1) and octamethylenediammonium bis(saccharinate) hemihydrate, [H(3)N-(CH(2))(8)-NH(3)](sac)(2)center dot 0.5H(2)O (2), were determined-by single-crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Compound I crystallizes in the triclinic space group P (1) over bar with 2 molecules per unit cell, and 2 in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/a with Z = 4. The saccharinate moiety is planar in both compounds presenting bonding characteristics comparable to those found in other saccharinate salts. The ionic crystals are further stabilized by an extensive H-bonding network, which links the anions and cations into an infinite three-dimensional Supramolecular assembly. The FTIR spectra of the adducts are briefly discussed in comparison with those of the constituent Molecules.
2-Benzoylpyridine-phenylhydrazone (H2BzPh), 2-benzoylpyridine-para-chloro-phenylhydrazone (H2BzpClPh), and 2-benzoylpyridine-para-nitro-phenyl (H2BzpNO(2)Ph) hydrazone were obtained and fully characterized, as well as their zinc(II) complexes [Zn(H2BzPh)Cl(2)] (1), [Zn(H2BzClPh)Cl(2)] (2) and [Zn(H2BzpNO(2)Ph)Cl(2)] (3). During the syntheses of complex 1 a second product crystallized, which was characterized as [Zn(2BzPh)(2)] (1a). Upon re-crystallization in 1: 9 DMSO: acetone conversion of 2 into [Zn(H2BzpClPh)Cl2] center dot H(2)O (2a) and of 3 into [Zn(2BzpNO(2)Ph)Cl(DMSO)] (3a) occurred. The crystal structures of 1a, 2a and 3a were determined. In 1a the two nearly perpendicular H2BzPh ligands give rise to a distorted octahedral environment around the metal. The 5-fold coordination around the metal is completed with two chloride ions in 2a and with one chloride and one oxygen atom from DMSO in 3a. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The crystal structure of the title compound, a promising ligand for chelatoterapies in the treatment of Alzheimer`s disease, has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The compound crystallized in the monoclinic space group C2/c with Z = 4. The dimeric 8-quinolinol molecule is sited on a crystallographic twofold axis passing through the CH(2) carbon atom that links the symmetry related molecular halves, giving rise to a two-bladed propeller-like conformation. The (1)H and (13)C NMR as well as the IFT-IR and Raman spectra of the compound were also recorded and are briefly discussed. Some comparisons with spectra of related species are made. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.