905 resultados para Aparato genital femenino
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte integrante dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, com especialização em Marketing e Comunicação Estratégica.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Objective - To evaluate the effect of in vitro culture on zona pellucida resistance in mouse oocytes and embryos. Method-Zona pellucida resistance was assessed by comparing duration of zona lysis in the presence of alpha- chymotrypsin. The effects of artificial or physiological conditions of development were evaluated by comparing embryos in vitro with those left to reach the same stage of development in vivo. Results - The time required for zona lysis of oocytes increased after 2, 9.4, and 48 hours in vitro (P < .001). The same observation holds true for oocytes left in vivo during 24 hours. Fertilization both in vivo and in vitro induced a major increase in zona resistance. At the two-cell stage, in vitro culture did not harden the zona pellucida. At the morula stage and beyond, enzymatic lysis was slightly longer in vitro as compared to that of similar stages recovered from the genital tract. Conclusions - Our data indicate that in vitro culture conditions do not modify zona hardening in oocytes and only slightly increased zona resistance from the morula stage on.
BACKGROUND: Like other vertebrates, primates recognize their relatives, primarily to minimize inbreeding, but also to facilitate nepotism. Although associative, social learning is typically credited for discrimination of familiar kin, discrimination of unfamiliar kin remains unexplained. As sex-biased dispersal in long-lived species cannot consistently prevent encounters between unfamiliar kin, inbreeding remains a threat and mechanisms to avoid it beg explanation. Using a molecular approach that combined analyses of biochemical and microsatellite markers in 17 female and 19 male ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), we describe odor-gene covariance to establish the feasibility of olfactory-mediated kin recognition. RESULTS: Despite derivation from different genital glands, labial and scrotal secretions shared about 170 of their respective 338 and 203 semiochemicals. In addition, these semiochemicals encoded information about genetic relatedness within and between the sexes. Although the sexes showed opposite seasonal patterns in signal complexity, the odor profiles of related individuals (whether same-sex or mixed-sex dyads) converged most strongly in the competitive breeding season. Thus, a strong, mutual olfactory signal of genetic relatedness appeared specifically when such information would be crucial for preventing inbreeding. That weaker signals of genetic relatedness might exist year round could provide a mechanism to explain nepotism between unfamiliar kin. CONCLUSION: We suggest that signal convergence between the sexes may reflect strong selective pressures on kin recognition, whereas signal convergence within the sexes may arise as its by-product or function independently to prevent competition between unfamiliar relatives. The link between an individual's genome and its olfactory signals could be mediated by biosynthetic pathways producing polymorphic semiochemicals or by carrier proteins modifying the individual bouquet of olfactory cues. In conclusion, we unveil a possible olfactory mechanism of kin recognition that has specific relevance to understanding inbreeding avoidance and nepotistic behavior observed in free-ranging primates, and broader relevance to understanding the mechanisms of vertebrate olfactory communication.
Olfactory cues play an integral, albeit underappreciated, role in mediating vertebrate social and reproductive behaviour. These cues fluctuate with the signaller's hormonal condition, coincident with and informative about relevant aspects of its reproductive state, such as pubertal onset, change in season and, in females, timing of ovulation. Although pregnancy dramatically alters a female's endocrine profiles, which can be further influenced by fetal sex, the relationship between gestation and olfactory cues is poorly understood. We therefore examined the effects of pregnancy and fetal sex on volatile genital secretions in the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta), a strepsirrhine primate possessing complex olfactory mechanisms of reproductive signalling. While pregnant, dams altered and dampened their expression of volatile chemicals, with compound richness being particularly reduced in dams bearing sons. These changes were comparable in magnitude with other, published chemical differences among lemurs that are salient to conspecifics. Such olfactory 'signatures' of pregnancy may help guide social interactions, potentially promoting mother-infant recognition, reducing intragroup conflict or counteracting behavioural mechanisms of paternity confusion; cues that also advertise fetal sex may additionally facilitate differential sex allocation.
The obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is a major human pathogen and a main cause of genital and ocular diseases. During its intracellular cycle, C. trachomatis replicates inside a membrane-bound vacuole termed an "inclusion". Acquisition of lipids (and other nutrients) from the host cell is a critical step in chlamydial replication. Lipid droplets (LD) are ubiquitous, ER-derived neutral lipid-rich storage organelles surrounded by a phospholipids monolayer and associated proteins. Previous studies have shown that LDs accumulate at the periphery of, and eventually translocate into, the chlamydial inclusion. These observations point out to Chlamydia-mediated manipulation of LDs in infected cells, which may impact the function and thereby the protein composition of these organelles. By means of a label-free quantitative mass spectrometry approach we found that the LD proteome is modified in the context of C. trachomatis infection. We determined that LDs isolated from C. trachomatis-infected cells were enriched in proteins related to lipid metabolism, biosynthesis and LD-specific functions. Interestingly, consistent with the observation that LDs intimately associate with the inclusion, a subset of inclusion membrane proteins co-purified with LD protein extracts. Finally, genetic ablation of LDs negatively affected generation of C. trachomatis infectious progeny, consistent with a role for LD biogenesis in optimal chlamydial growth.
The authors present 2 cases of AIDS revealed by severe recurrent genital herpes simplex. The patients are 2 young, previously healthy, African women without histories of homosexuality or drug abuse. The first patient died after 5 months of follow-up (post mortem findings: viral bronchopneumonia with positive cultures for herpes and cytomegalovirus (CMV), viral colitis due to CMV). The second patient survived. She has been treated, during the last 11 months, for filariasis, buccal and vaginal candidiasis and cerebral toxoplasmosis.
El presente trabajo se desprende de la práctica docente que se está llevando a cabo en el Centro Educativo Femenino de Antioquia (CEFA) en la ciudad de Medellín con estudiantes del grado décimo, el cual tiene como intención primordial retornar la geometría al aula de clase como una herramienta que facilita la interpretación de las ideas matemáticas y físicas, empleando la metodología de aula-taller como fundamento para alcanzar tal fin. Hasta ahora se ha logrado despertar un relevante interés en el manejo del lenguaje geométrico y una mejor interpretación de algunos conceptos como el teorema de Pitágoras y el número Pi, a partir de uso del material concreto que ayuda al estudiante a alcanzar una mejor apropiación de dichos conceptos.
Con el propósito de promover razonamiento probabilístico bajo los enfoques intuitivo, clásico y frecuencial en estudiantes de grado undécimo sin instrucción previa en probabilidad, se realizó un análisis didáctico para proponer la implementación de un conjunto de tareas que permitan el avance en dicho razonamiento. A partir de dicho análisis se establecen una serie de capacidades, errores y dificultades que perfilan una posible ruta de instrucción y que delinean como aporte de esta ponencia una propuesta de instrucción que incluye situaciones asociadas a juegos de tablero, laberintos, aparato de Galton y carreras de juegos electrónicos.
El último de los problemas propuesto a los lectores en el Tratado de Huygens, publicado por primera vez en 1657, es hoy día conocido como el problema de la ruina del jugador. Dicho problema consiste en calcular la probabilidad de que un jugador arruine al contrario en un juego a un número indeterminado de partidas, cuando los dos jugadores inician el juego con un cierto número de monedas cada uno. A priori, su enunciado asusta cuando se enfrenta por primera vez, pero puede ser un buen recurso didáctico para profesores que enseñan cálculo de probabilidades a estudiantes de un determinado nivel, dada la resolución elegante y cómoda que se dispone, sin necesidad de un gran aparato matemático. La autoría del problema, tradicionalmente asignada a Huygens, la resolución de éste, la de De Moivre de 1712, así como una resolución más actual y cercana al estudiante del mismo, forman parte del contenido de este artículo.
The effects of 8-OH-DPAT treatment on rat grooming behaviour, elicited either prandially or in response to spraying with water were investigated. Dose (0.1 mg/kg s.c.) response studies employed momentary time sampling over 30 or 60 min with behaviour being scored in one of 6 or 7 (depending on food availability) mutually exclusive categories (feeding, active, scratching, face-grooming, body grooming, genital-grooming and resting) at 15 s intervals. In non-deprived rats, tested with wet mash available, feeding and activity frequencies were increased, but resting and total grooming were inhibited by 8-OH-DPAT. Face-, body- and genital-grooming occurred at higher levels than scratching, but all categories were reduced with reductions in scratching occurring at a lower dose (0.01 mg/kg). Misting rats with a fine water spray selectively increased body grooming and decreased activity without altering feeding, while 8-OH-DPAT increased feeding and reduced face-, body- and genital-grooming, without affecting already low levels of scratching. In misted rats, tested without food, 8-OH-DPAT reduced face-, body- and genital-grooming and increased resting. These results confirm i) that the water spray technique is a useful method for increasing grooming and ii) that 8-OH-DPAT has a suppressant effect on grooming independent of response competition from enhanced feeding.
In addition to its hyperphagic effect in rats, 8-OH-DPAT also reduces grooming, but it is uncertain whether the inhibition of grooming is a specific effect or a consequence of response competition from eating. The present experiments explored the effects of 8-OH-DPAT on periprandial grooming and grooming elicited by spraying rats with water. Momentary time sampling over 30 or 60 min, with behaviour scored in one of 6 or 7 (depending on food availability) mutually exclusive categories (feeding, active, scratching, face grooming, body grooming, genital grooming and resting) at 15s intervals, was used for data collection. Non-deprived rats were tested in the presence and absence of food and baseline grooming levels were manipulated by spraying the dorsal surface of the back with water. Data were submitted to ANOVA. The first experiment confirmed that 8-OH-DPAT increased food intake and that this was associated with a parallel increase in feeding observations; active observations were also increased, but resting and total grooming observations were reduced: scratching was reduced even at 0.003mg/kg, face- and body-grooming were reduced at doses > 0.03mg/kg and genital-grooming was least sensitive, only being reduced at 0.1mg/kg. The second experiment revealed that spraying with water had no effect on food intake, feeding or resting observations, but increased total grooming (largely due to increased body-grooming) and reduced activity observations. In rats sprayed with water, 8-OH-DPAT increased food intake (0.1mg/kg) and observations of feeding (0.003 & 0.1mg/kg), but total grooming was dose-dependently inhibited, with genital-grooming most sensitive(> 0.003mg/kg), followed by face-grooming (> 0.01mg/kg) and body-grooming (>0.03mg/kg), whilst low levels of scratching were unaffected. The final experiment tested water-sprayed rats in the absence of food: 8-OH-DPAT increased resting and reduced total grooming, mostly as a consequence of reductions in face- and body-grooming, but there were also modest reductions in scratching. These results confirm that 8-OH-DPAT has a suppressant effect on all aspects of grooming, except where there are probable floor effects, and that this is independent of response competition from increased eating.