994 resultados para Anderson-Carlisle
Group A rotavirus and norovirus display sharply distinct seasonal profiles in Belém, northern Brazil
Several viruses have been associated with acute gastroenteritis (AGE), and group A rotavirus (RVA) and nor-ovirus (NoV) are the most prevalent. This study aimed to assess their prevalence among children hospitalised for diarrhoea during a three-year surveillance study. From May 2008-April 2011, overall positivity rates of 21.6% (628/2904) and 35.4% (171/483) were observed for RVA and NoV, respectively. The seasonality observed indicated distinct patterns when both viruses were compared. This finding may explain why hospitalisation for AGE remains constant throughout the year. Continuous AGE monitoring is needed to better assess the patterns of infection.
Multiple Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from a patient with two aspergillomas complicating chronic pulmonary aspergillosis were pan-azole resistant. Microsatellite typing was identical for all isolates despite major phenotypic and some growth rate differences. Three different cyp51A mutations were found (G138C, Y431C, and G434C), of which the first two were demonstrated by heterologous expression in a hypersusceptible Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain to be at least partly responsible for elevated MICs. cyp51A and cyp51B gene duplication was excluded, but increased expression of cyp51A was demonstrated in three isolates selected for additional study (7-to 13-fold increases). In the isolate with the greatest cyp51A expression, an Aft1 transposon was found inserted 370 bp upstream of the start codon of the cyp51A gene, an integration location never previously demonstrated in Aspergillus. Two transcription start sites were identified at 49 and 136 bp upstream of the start codon. The role of the Aft1 transposon, if any, in modulating cyp51A expression remains to be established. Increased mRNA expression of the transporters AfuMDR1 and AfuMDR4 also was demonstrated in some isolates, which could contribute to azole resistance or simply represent a stress response. The diversity of confirmed and possible azole resistance mechanisms demonstrated in a single series of isogenic isolates is remarkable, indicating the ability of A. fumigatus to adapt in the clinical setting.
Introduction: Les cancers du sein (CS) chez l'homme sont rares (1% des CS) et relativement mal connus. La répartition des types histologiques diffère dans ce groupe par rapport aux CS de la femme. Objectif: Nous rapportons quatre cas de carcinomes mammaires invasifs à différenciation neuroendocrine diagnostiqués chez des patients de sexe masculin de 1992 à 2012. Cas: Les patients étaient âgés de 80, 77, 59 et 56 ans. La tumeur s'est révélée par une masse palpable (2 cas) ou une douleur (2 cas). Le geste chirurgical a été une tumorectomie chez un patient, une mastectomie chez 3 patients (un an après le diagnostic pour l'un d'entre eux). Ces quatre CS correspondaient à des carcinomes invasifs de grade 1 ou 2 selon Elston et Ellis, avec composante de carcinome papillaire solide dans 2 cas, hormonosensibles, de statut HER2 négatif, avec expression de la chromogranine ou/et de la synaptophysine dans plus de 50% des cellules tumorales. Le statut ganglionnaire axillaire était positif dans 2 cas, non évalué dans 2 cas. Les dossiers cliniques (traitement adjuvant, survie) sont en cours d'analyse. Discussion: Les CS sont rares chez l'homme, en majorité hormonosensibles, de stade relativement avancé dans les grandes séries disponibles (1). Une différenciation neuroendocrine n'a été qu'exceptionnellement rapportée dans les CS de l'homme (2). Dans 2 des 4 cas rapportés ici elle est associée à une composante de carcinome papillaire solide. En l'absence de composante in situ, l'hypothèse d'une métastase est à considérer. Conclusion: L'incidence et les spécificités éventuelles de ce sous-groupe de CS, quant au pronostic et à la réponse aux traitements, restent à déterminer. Références : 1. Anderson WF et al. JCO 2010;28:232-9 ; 2. Potier B et al. Ann Chirur Plast 2010.
The purpose of this work is determine the extent of closure between measurements and models of UV irradiances at diverse sites using state of the art instruments, models, and the best available data as inputs to the models. These include information about aerosol optical depth (unfortunately not extending down as far into the UVB region as desirable because such information is not generally available), ozone column amounts, as well as vertical profiles of temperature. We concentrate on clear-sky irradiances, and report the results in terms of UV Index (UVI)
RESUMO No presente estudo, propõe-se um modelo estrutural que identifique os motivos para escolher determinada Organização Não Governamental (ONG) para prestar trabalho voluntário. O espaço empírico é a Pastoral da Criança - organismo de ação social da Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (CNBB) - instituição de base comunitária que tem seu trabalho baseado na solidariedade e na partilha do saber. No referencial teórico apresenta-se o contexto no qual está o voluntariado, em níveis mundial e nacional. Em seguida, discutem-se os diversos conceitos de voluntariado e apresentam-se os modelos teóricos de motivação voluntária. Os estudos de Mostyn (1983) e Cavalcante, Souza, Nascimento e Cunha (2011a, 2011b, 2012) são as principais referências teóricas e empíricas para a construção do modelo testado. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário fechado com 21 indicadores, em duas visitas a cidades da Diocese de Pesqueira (Pernambuco/PE). Foram aplicados 720 questionários. A amostra foi dividida em duas partes. Na primeira foi feita a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e na segunda a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, por meio da Modelagem das Equações Estruturais. O exame dos resultados alcançados pelo modelo dos motivos de entrada permite concluir pela validade e pela confiabilidade do instrumento. Assim, as razões para a entrada de voluntários na Pastoral da Criança podem ser explicadas por um conjunto de interações entre estes cinco construtos: Altruísmo, Afetivo, Amigável, Ajustado e Ajuizado.
Este estudo objetivou verificar a prevalência da incontinência urinária em pacientes hospitalizados e identificar as associações estatísticas existentes entre os índices obtidos e algumas variáveis demográficas e clínicas da clientela. Os dados foram colhidos no Hospital Universitário da USP, junto a 77 pacientes internados em três diferentes clínicas. Os resultados indicaram prevalências total de 35% e parciais de 48%, 37% e 22% nas Clínicas Cirúrgica, Obstétrica e Médica, respectivamente. Correlações estatisticamente significativas foram verificadas entre a prevalência e disúria (r=0,19 e p=0,046), infecções urinárias (r=0,24 e p=0,019), tempo de internação (r=-0,32 e p=0,002) e sexo masculino (r=-0,27 e p=0,008).
Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso qualitativo, e integra o estudo Envelhecimento, saúde e trabalho. Esse recorte teve por objetivo conhecer o significado do envelhecimento na rua para um idoso em situação de rua. A narrativa foi trabalhada à luz dos eixos temáticos: história do envelhecimento e história de vida na rua. Depreendemos que a rua quase sempre é um ambiente hostil para o idoso. Não garante condições básicas de vida, interferindo na saúde mental das pessoas que nela são obrigadas a viver, particularmente o idoso. A rua, por não mostrar possibilidades de saída, aliada às condições de vida do idoso em situação de rua leva a um processo gradual da perda da autoestima, interferindo sobremaneira no autocuidado. Acrescido a essas questões, constatamos que o comprometimento da capacidade funcional coloca em risco a sobre/vida do idoso em situação de rua.
To study factors associated with anemia and its effect on survival in HIV-infected persons treated with modern combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), we characterized the prevalence of anemia in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) and used a candidate gene approach to identify proinflammatory gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with anemia in HIV disease. The study comprised 1597 HIV(+) and 865 HIV(-) VACS subjects with DNA, blood, and annotated clinical data available for analysis. Anemia was defined according to World Health Organization criteria (hemoglobin < 13 g/dL and < 12 g/dL in men and women, respectively). The prevalence of anemia in HIV(+) and HIV(-) subjects was 23.1% and 12.9%, respectively. Independent of HIV status, anemia was present in 23.4% and 8% in blacks and whites, respectively. Analysis of our candidate genes revealed that the leptin -2548 G/A SNP was associated with anemia in HIV(+), but not HIV(-), patients, with the AA and AG genotypes significantly predicting anemia (P < .003 and P < .039, respectively, logistic regression). This association was replicated in an independent cohort of HIV(+) women. Our study provides novel insight into the association between genetic variability in the leptin gene and anemia in HIV(+) individuals.
OBJECTIVE:: To evaluate the chromatic pupillary response as a means of assessing outer and inner retinal function in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). DESIGN:: Evaluation of diagnostic technology. PARTICIPANTS:: Thirty-two patients with RP and visual loss and 43 normal subjects. METHODS:: Patients were tested with a chromatic pupillometer using red and blue lights (1, 10, and 100 cd/m(2)), and their pupil responses were compared with those from 43 normal subjects (reported previously). Visual field and electroretinography (ERG) results were examined and compared with the pupil responses. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:: The percent pupil contraction of the transient response to a low-intensity (1 cd/m(2)) blue light and high-intensity (100 cd/m(2)) red light and the sustained response to a high-intensity blue light was calculated for 1 eye of each subject. RESULTS:: The pupil responses to red and blue light at all intensities were recordable in all patients except 1, whose pupil responded only to bright blue light. There was a significant difference of the pupil response between patients with RP and normal subjects in testing conditions that emphasized rod (1 cd/m(2) blue light) or cone (100 cd/m(2) red light) contribution (P<0.001). Patients with a non-recordable scotopic ERG showed significantly reduced pupil responses (P<0.001) to low-intensity blue light (1 cd/m(2)). Patients with a non-recordable or abnormal photopic ERG showed significantly reduced pupil responses (P<0.05) to high-intensity red light (100 cd/m(2)). Patients with a nonrecordable ERG had the most visual field loss and reduced pupil responses. Unexpectedly, patients with RP showed a slower re-dilation of the pupil after termination of bright blue light compared with red light, a pattern not observed in normal subjects. CONCLUSIONS:: Pupil responses to red and blue light stimuli weighted to favor cone or rod input are significantly reduced in patients with RP but are still recordable in patients having a non-recordable ERG. In addition, outer photoreceptor disease appears to unmask a post-illumination pupillary constriction to bright blue light, most likely mediated by intrinsic activation of melanopsin ganglion cells. Chromatic pupillometry provides a novel, noninvasive method for following retinal functional status, particularly in patients with severe RP and non-recordable ERG. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S):: Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.
O presente texto possui como objetivo maior analisar as representações elaboradas sobre a África e os africanos em doze capas da Revista Visão, publicadas entre 1993-2006. Defendemos a perspectiva de que as ideias de África veiculadas por este integrante do mass media português contemporâneo refletem e projetam as representações recorrentes sobre a temática nos cenários mentais de grande parte de sua população, ao mesmo tempo em que, influenciam a elaboração deste imaginário coletivo, revelando um importante mecanismo de invenção da memória coletiva sobre determinado assunto.
We performed a systematic review of the literature to establish whether revascularisation of the left subclavian territory is necessary when this artery is covered by a stent. We retrieved data from 99 studies incorporating 4906 patients. Incidences of left-arm ischaemia (0.0% vs 9.2%, p=0.002) and stroke (4.7% vs 7.2%, p<0.001) were significantly less following revascularisation, although mortality (10.5% vs 3.4%, p=0.032) and endoleak incidence (25.8% vs 12.6%, p=0.008) were increased. No significant differences in spinal-cord ischaemia were seen. Revascularisation may reduce downstream ischaemic complications but can cause significant risk. Indications must be carefully considered on an individual patient basis.
After reviewing the literature, this work tries to show the importance of teaching vocabulary fõr students’ literacy skills, especially, reading comprehension. Many researchers suggest that the greatest amount of vocabulary growth occurs through incidental word learning in wide reading, and, research indicates that vocabulary instruction is an important vehicle for vocabulary learning. (Anderson& Nagy, as cited in Harmon, 1992, p.306). Word knowledge is one of the best ways of successful reading and comprehension. “Reading enhancement correlates with reader’s vocabulary” (Im, 1994, p.12). Therefore, today’s language teachers and researchers have realized the important role of vocabulary in reading comprehension. A survey carried out on 10th, 11th and 12th grade students, regarding their reading comprehension, shows that unknown words is one of the factors which influences their ability to read and comprehend a passage. It also shows that students feel the need to be instructed on strategy when encountering new words and consequently improving their vocabulary. This inhibits their understanding of a reading selection. As a result it is crucial that teachers equip students with methodological tools to be employed when they encounter unknown words. There are a lot systematic approaches for discerning which skills and words a teacher should focus on and meaningful classroom activities to reinforce the words and strategies that teachers can use to help students increase their word knowledge. Finally research indicates that developing students’ vocabulary correlates with success in all areas of curriculum (Edger, 1999, p.14). The success of vocabulary development depends on students’ active process of learning and strategies used by teachers.
Pterotaenia fasciata is commonly recorded in rural areas in Argentina, but during a Diptera survey study developed in a reservoir which retains storm water from polluted canals in an urban area of Taboão da Serra municipality, SP, Brazil, we could capture P. fasciata adults. Enteric bacteria Escherichia coli T. Escherich, 1885 and Proteus sp. were isolated from P. fasciata collected in traps inside the reservoir and around it. Fecal coliforms and E. coli were found in the water of the reservoir. These records suggest that a high abundance of this species at urban areas with inadequate sewage canals should reveal these muscoid dipterans as mechanical vectors of enteric bacteria.
Os desafios sempre têm que existir, pois, dão significados à vida. Hoje sinto-me diferente e se me perguntarem porque responderia que estou prestes a terminar mais uma etapa desafiante da minha vida e iniciar outros que supostamente vão exigir mais de mim. Durante a minha formação académica ultrapassei varias barreiras, após três anos quase praticamente assentado nas teorias de uma das ciências do comportamento chamada Psicologia, no quarto ano iniciei o estágio curricular no Instituto Cabo-verdiano da Criança e do Adolescente (ICCA) num período de 8 meses. Sendo uma parte indispensável no processo de formação do estudante, o estágio curricular teve como objectivo estabelecer a interlocução entre a formação académica e o mundo profissional, através de uma aproximação contínua entre a teoria e a realidade psico-social de crianças e adolescentes institucionalizados. Pelo facto de muitos serem provenientes de meios familiares disfuncionais e estarem inseridos no centro, houve a necessidade de desenvolver o projecto de estágio de uma forma ecológica, abrangendo a família o centro e os profissionais que trabalham mais directamente com as crianças e adolescentes. Não obstante somente isso, também tive a oportunidade de atender casos de pessoas que por uma preocupação ou outra procuram ou são encaminhados ao serviço da psicologia do ICCA para fazerem a avaliação /Intervenção psicológica ou outros serviços prestados pelo psicólogo. Inserido no 4º ano do curso de psicologia, o relatório de estágio curricular ora aqui presente decorreu entre 26 de Novembro de 2012 a 13 de Julho de 2013, orientado pela Dr.ª Zaida Morais de Freitas. A sua estrutura interna está dividida em três capítulos, sendo o primeiro o leitor encontrará uma breve caracterização dos respectivos locais de estágio, no segundo uma reflexão critica dos projectos implementados e no ultimo capitulo dois estudos de casos clínicos avaliados durante o estágio.