992 resultados para Ak-509


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A one-dimensional, biphasic, multicomponent steady-state model based on phenomenological transport equations for the catalyst layer, diffusion layer, and polymeric electrolyte membrane has been developed for a liquid-feed solid polymer electrolyte direct methanol fuel cell (SPE- DMFC). The model employs three important requisites: (i) implementation of analytical treatment of nonlinear terms to obtain a faster numerical solution as also to render the iterative scheme easier to converge, (ii) an appropriate description of two-phase transport phenomena in the diffusive region of the cell to account for flooding and water condensation/evaporation effects, and (iii) treatment of polarization effects due to methanol crossover. An improved numerical solution has been achieved by coupling analytical integration of kinetics and transport equations in the reaction layer, which explicitly include the effect of concentration and pressure gradient on cell polarization within the bulk catalyst layer. In particular, the integrated kinetic treatment explicitly accounts for the nonhomogeneous porous structure of the catalyst layer and the diffusion of reactants within and between the pores in the cathode. At the anode, the analytical integration of electrode kinetics has been obtained within the assumption of macrohomogeneous electrode porous structure, because methanol transport in a liquid-feed SPE- DMFC is essentially a single-phase process because of the high miscibility of methanol with water and its higher concentration in relation to gaseous reactants. A simple empirical model accounts for the effect of capillary forces on liquid-phase saturation in the diffusion layer. Consequently, diffusive and convective flow equations, comprising Nernst-Plank relation for solutes, Darcy law for liquid water, and Stefan-Maxwell equation for gaseous species, have been modified to include the capillary flow contribution to transport. To understand fully the role of model parameters in simulating the performance of the DMCF, we have carried out its parametric study. An experimental validation of model has also been carried out. (C) 2003 The Electrochemical Society.


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We have investigated a mathematical model of the process of activation of the X chromosomes in eutherian mammals. The model assumes that the activation is brought about over some definite time interval T by the complete saturation of N receptor sites on an X chromosome by M activating molecules (or multiples of M). The probability λ of a first hit on the receptor site is considered to be very much lower than that of subsequent hits; that is, we assume strong co-operative binding. Assuming further that an incomplete saturation of receptor sites is malfunctional, we can show that for proper activation of X chromosomes in normal diploid males and females, we must have λMT ≥ 3 and 0·96 ≤ N/M ≤ 1. An extension of this analysis for the triploid cases shows that under these conditions, we cannot explain the activation of two X's if the number of activating molecules is fixed at M. This suggests that there must be two classes of triploid embryos differing from each other in a step-wise manner in the number of activating molecules. In other words, triploids with two active X chromosomes would require 2M activating molecules as opposed to M molecules in triploids with a single active X. This interpretation of the two classes of triploids would be consistent with differing imprinting histories of the parental contributions to the triploid zygote.


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Nickel orthosilicate (Ni2SiO4) has been found to decompose into its component binary oxides in oxygen potential gradients at 1373 K. Nickel oxide was formed at the high oxygen potential boundary, while silica was detected at the low oxygen potential side. Significant porosity and fissures were observed near the Ni2SiO4/SiO2 interface and the SiO2 layer. The critical oxygen partial pressure ratio required for decomposition varied from 1.63 to 2.15 as the oxygen pressures were altered from 1.01 ⊠ 105 to 2.7X 10−4 Pa, well above the dissociation pressure of Ni2SiO4. Platinum markers placed at the boundaries of the Ni2SiO4 sample indicated growth of NiO at the higher oxygen potential boundary, without any apparent transport of material to the low oxygen potential side. However, significant movement of the bulk Ni2SiO4 crystal with respect to the marker was not observed. The decomposition of the silicate occurs due to the unequal rates of transport of Ni and Si. The critical oxygen partial pressure ratio required for decomposition is related both to the thermodynamic stability of Ni2SiO4 with respect to component oxides and the ratio of diffusivities of nickel and silicon. Kinetic decomposition of multicomponent oxides, first discovered by Schmalzried, Laqua, and co-workers [H. Schmalzried, W. Laqua, and P. L. Lin, Z. Natur Forsch. Teil A 34, 192 (1979); H. Schmalzried and W. Laqua, Oxid. Met. 15, 339 (1981); W. Laqua and H. Schmalzried, Chemical Metallurgy—A Tribute to Carl Wagner (Metallurgical Society of the AIME, New York, 1981), p. 29] has important consequences for their use at high temperatures and in geochemistry.


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Several novel oxides have been prepared by the decomposition of carbonate precursors of calcite structure of the general formulas Mn1−xMxCO3 (M = Mg,Co,Cd), Ca1−xMx'CO3, and Ca1−x−yMxMy”CO3.


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We have investigated the local electronic properties and the spatially resolved magnetoresistance of a nanostructured film of a colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) material by local conductance mapping (LCMAP) using a variable temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) operating in a magnetic field. The nanostructured thin films (thickness ≈500nm) of the CMR material La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) on quartz substrates were prepared using chemical solution deposition (CSD) process. The CSD grown films were imaged by both STM and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Due to the presence of a large number of grain boundaries (GB's), these films show low field magnetoresistance (LFMR) which increases at lower temperatures. The measurement of spatially resolved electronic properties reveal the extent of variation of the density of states (DOS) at and close to the Fermi level (EF) across the grain boundaries and its role in the electrical resistance of the GB. Measurement of the local conductance maps (LCMAP) as a function of magnetic field as well as temperature reveals that the LFMR occurs at the GB. While it was known that LFMR in CMR films originates from the GB, this is the first investigation that maps the local electronic properties at a GB in a magnetic field and traces the origin of LFMR at the GB.


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An attempt has been made to study the film-substrate interface by using a sensitive, non- conventional tool. Because of the prospective use of gate oxide in MOSFET devices, we have chosen to study alumina films grown on silicon. Film-substrate interface of alumina grown by MOCVD on Si(100) was studied systematically using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the range 1.5-5.0 eV, supported by cross-sectional SEM, and SIMS. The (ε1,ε2) versus energy data obtained for films grown at 600°C, 700°C, and 750°C were modeled to fit a substrate/interface/film “sandwich”. The experimental results reveal (as may be expected) that the nature of the substrate -film interface depends strongly on the growth temperature. The simulated (ε1,ε2) patterns are in excellent agreement with observed ellipsometric data. The MOCVD precursors results the presence of carbon in the films. Theoretical simulation was able to account for the ellipsometry data by invoking the presence of “free” carbon in the alumina films.


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We have investigated the effect of biaxial strain on local electrical/electronic properties in thin films of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 with varying degrees of biaxial strain in them. The local electrical properties were investigated as a function of temperature by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP), along with the bulk probe like conductance fluctuations.The results indicate a positive correlation between the lattice mismatch biaxial strain and the local electrical/electronic inhomogenities observed in the strained sample. This is plausible since the crystal structure of the manganites interfere rather strongly with the magnetic/electronic degrees of freedom. Thus even a small imbalance (biaxial strain) can induce significant changes in the electrical properties of the system.


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To investigate the role of grain boundaries and other growth related microstructure in manganite films, a scanning tunneling microscope is used to simultaneously probe surface topography and local potential distribution under current flow at nanometer level in films of epitaxial thin films of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 deposited on single crystal SrTiO3 and NdGaO3 substrate by laser ablation. We have studied two types of films strained and strain relaxed. Thin (50nm) films (strained due to lattice mismatch between substrate and the film) show step growth (unit cell steps) and have very smooth surfaces. Relatively thicker films (strain relaxed, thickness 200nm) do not have these step growths and show rather smooth well connected grains. Charge transport in these films is not uniform on the nanometer level and is accompanied by potential jumps at the internal surfaces. In particular scattering from grain boundaries results in large variations in the local potential resulting in fields as high as 104-105V/cm located near the grain boundaries. We discuss the role of local strain and strain inhomogeneties in determining the current transport in these films and their resistance and magnetoresistivity. In this paper we attempt to correlate between bulk electronic properties with microscopic electronic conduction using scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling potentiometry.


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Thin films of BaZrO3 (BZ) were grown using a pulsed laser deposition technique on platinum coated silicon substrates. Films showed a polycrystalline perovskite structure upon different annealing procedures of in-situ and ex-situ crystallization. The composition analyses were done using Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The SIMS analysis revealed that the ZrO2 formation at the right interface of substrate and the film leads the degradation of the device on the electrical properties in the case of ex-situ crystallized films. But the in-situ films exhibited no interfacial formation. The dielectric properties have been studied for the different temperatures in the frequency regime of 40 Hz to 100kHz. The response of the film to external ac stimuli was studied at different temperatures, and it showed that ac conductivity values in the limiting case are correspond to oxygen vacancy motion. The electrical modulus is fitted to a stretched exponential function and the results clearly indicate the presence of the non-Debye type of dielectric relaxation in these materials.


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Internal haemorrhage, often leading to cardio-vascular arrest happens to be one of the prime sources of high fatality rates in mammals. We propose a simplistic model of fluid flow in our attempt to specify the location of the haemorrhagic spot, which, if located accurately, could possibly be operated leading to an instant cure. The model we employ for the purpose is basically fluid mechanical in origin and consists of a viscous fluid, pumped by a periodic force and flowing through an elastic tube. The analogy is with that of blood, pumped from the heart and flowing through an artery or vein. Our results, aided by graphical illustrations, match reasonably well with experimental observations.


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Nanocrystalline tin oxide powder was prepared using a solution precipitation technique after adding the surfactant sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT). Powders were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), surface area (BET) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The gas sensitivity for surfactant added powders increased for liquid petroleum gas (LPG) as well as compressed natural gas (CNG), due to the decreased particle size and the increased surface area. The LPG gas sensitivity increased several times using phosphorus treated surfactant AOT.


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We report our studies of the linear and nonlinear rheology of aqueous solutions of the surfactant cetyl trimethylammonium tosylate (CTAT) with varying amounts of sodium chloride (NaCl). The CTAT concentration is fixed at 42 mM, and the salt concentration is varied between 0 and 120 mM. On increasing the salt (NaCl) concentration, we see three distinct regimes in the zero-shear viscosity and the high-frequency plateau modulus data. In regime 1, the zero-shear viscosity shows a weak increase with salt concentration due to enhanced micellar growth. The decrease in the zero-shear viscosities with salt concentration in regimes II and III can be explained in terms of intermicellar branching. The most intriguing feature of our data, however, is the anomalous behavior of the high-frequency plateau modulus in regime II (0.12 less than or equal to [NaCl]/[CTAT] less than or equal to 1.42). In this regime, the plateau modulus increases with an increase in NaCl concentration. This is highly interesting, since the correlation length of concentration fluctuations and hence the plateau modulus G(0) are not expected to change appreciably in the semidilute regime. We propose to explain the changes in regime II in terms of a possible unbinding of the organic counterions (tosylate) from the CTA(+) surfaces on the addition of NaCl. In the nonlinear flow curves of the samples with high salt content, significant deviations from the predictions of the Giesekus model for entangled micelles are observed.


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The absorption and index of refraction of polypyrrole (PPy) and poly-3-methylthiophene (PMeT), from low frequencies up to 4 THz, have been measured by tera-Herz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy. The complex conductance was obtained over this range of frequency. Highly conducting metallic samples follow the Drude model, whereas less conducting ones fit the localization-modified Drude model. The carrier scattering time and mobility in conducting polymers can be directly determined from these measurements.