889 resultados para Age-related Differences
The telomere length in nucleated peripheral blood (PB) cells indirectly reflects the mitotic history of their precursors: the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The average length of telomeres in PB leukocytes can be measured using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry (flow FISH). We previously used flow FISH to characterize the age-related turnover of HSCs in healthy individuals. In this review, we describe results of recent flow FISH studies in patients with selected hematopoietic stem cell-associated disorders: chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and several bone marrow failure syndromes. CML is characterized by a marked expansion of myeloid Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) cells. Nevertheless, nonmalignant (Ph-) HSCs typically coexist in the bone marrow of CML patients. We analyzed the telomere length in > 150 peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and bone marrow samples of patients with CML as well as samples of Ph- T-lymphocytes. Compared to normal controls, the overall telomere fluorescence in PBLs of patients with CML was significantly reduced. However, no telomere shortening was observed in Ph- T-lymphocytes. Patients in late chronic phase (CP) had significantly shorter telomeres than those assessed earlier in CP. Our data suggest that progressive telomere shortening is correlated with disease progression in CML. Within the group of patients with bone marrow failure syndromes, we only found significantly shortened telomeres (compared to age-adjusted controls) in granulocytes from patients with aplastic anemia (AA). Strikingly, the telomere length in granulocytes from AA patients who had recovered after immunosuppressive therapy (recAA) did not differ significantly from controls, whereas untreated patients and nonresponders with persistent severe pancytopenia (sAANR) showed marked and significant telomere shortening compared to healthy donors and patients with recAA. Furthermore, an inverse correlation between age-adjusted telomere length and peripheral blood counts was found in support of a model in which the degree of cytopenia and the amount of telomere shortening are correlated. These results support the concept of extensive proliferation of HSCs in subgroups of AA patients and suggest a potential use of telomere-length measurements as a prognostic tool in this group of disorders as well.
Neurofilamentous changes in select groups of neurons are associated with the degenerative changes of many human age-related neurodegenerative diseases. To examine the possible effects of aging on the neuronal cytoskeleton containing human proteins, the retinas of transgenic mice expressing the gene for the human middle-sized neurofilament triplet were investigated at 3 or 12 months of age. Transgenic mice developed tangle-like neurofilamentous accumulations in a subset of retinal ganglion cells at 12 months of age. These neurofilamentous accumulations, which also involved endogenous neurofilament proteins, were present in the perikarya and proximal processes of large ganglion cells and were predominantly located in peripheral retina. The presence of the human protein may thus confer vulnerability of the cytoskeleton to age-related alterations in this specific retinal cell type and may serve as a model for similar cellular changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma.
Introduction: We report a case of digoxin intoxication with severe visual symptoms. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: Digoxin 0.25 mg QD for atrial fibrillation was prescribed to a 91-year-old woman with an estimated creatinine clearance of 18 mL/min. Within 2 to 3 weeks, she developed nausea, vomiting, and dysphagia, and began complaining of snowy and blurry vision, photopsia, dyschromatopsia, aggravated bedtime visual and proprioceptive illusions (she felt as being on a boat), and colored hallucinations. She consulted her family doctor twice and visited the eye clinic once until, 1 month after starting digoxin, impaired autonomy led her to be admitted to the emergency department. Results: Digoxin intoxication was confirmed by a high plasma level measured on admission (5.7 μg/L; reference range, 0.8-2 μg/L). After stopping digoxin, general symptoms resolved in a few days, but visual symptoms persisted. Ophtalmologic care and follow-up diagnosed digoxin intoxication superimposed on pre-existing left eye (LE) cataract, dry age-related macular degeneration (DMLA), and Charles Bonnet syndrome. Visual acuity was 0.4 (right eye, RE) and 0.5 (LE). Ocular fundus was physiologic except for bilateral dry DMLA. Dyschromatopsia was confirmed by poor results on Ishihara test (1/13 OU). Computerized visual field results revealed nonspecific diffuse alterations. Full-field electroretinogram (ERG) showed moderate diffuse rod and cone dysfunction. Visual symptoms progressively improved over the next 2 months, but ERG did not. Complete resolution was not expected due to the pre-existing eye disease. The patient was finally discharged home after a 5-week hospital stay. Conclusion: Digoxin intoxication can go unrecognized by clinicians, even in a typical presentation. The range of potential visual symptoms is far greater than isolated xanthopsia (yellow vision) classically described in textbooks. Newly introduced drugs and all symptoms must be actively sought after, because they significantly affect quality of life and global functioning, especially in the elderly population, most liable not to mention them.
The central and peripheral nervous systems are involved in multiple age-dependent neurological deficits that are often attributed to alterations in function of myelinating glial cells. However, the molecular events that underlie the age-related decline of glial cell function are unknown. We used Schwann cells as a model to study biological processes affected in glial cells by aging. We comprehensively profiled gene expression of the Schwann cellrich mouse sciatic nerve throughout life, from day of birth until senescence (840 days of age). We combined the aging data with the microarray transcriptional data obtained using nerves isolated from Schwann cell-specific neuropathy-inducing mutants MPZCre/+/Lpin1fE2−3/fE2−3 , MPZCre/+/ScapfE1/fE1 and Pmp22-null mice. The majority of age related transcripts were also affected in the analyzed mouse models of neuropathy (54.4%) and in development (59.5%) indicating a high level of overlapping in implicated molecular pathways. We observed that compared to peripheral nerve development, dynamically changing expression profiles in aging have opposite (anticorrelated) orientation while they copy the orientation of transcriptional changes observed in analyzed neuropathy models. Subsequent clustering and biological annotation of dynamically changing transcripts revealed that the processes most significantly deregulated in aging include inflammatory/immune response and lipid biosynthesis/metabolism. Importantly, the changes in these pathways were also observed in myelinated oligodendrocyte-rich optic nerves of aged mice, albeit with lower magnitude. This observation suggests that similar biological processes are affected in aging glial cells in central and peripheral nervous systems, however with different dynamics. Our data, which provide the first comprehensive comparison of molecular changes in glial cells in three distinct biological conditions comprising development, aging and disease, provide not only a new inside into the molecular alterations underlying neural system aging but also identify target pathways for potential therapeutic approaches to prevent or delay complications associated with age-related and inherited forms of neuropathies. *Current address: Department of Physiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA.
PURPOSE: Transferrin (Tf) expression is enhanced by aging and inflammation in humans. We investigated the role of transferrin in glial protection. METHODS: We generated transgenic mice (Tg) carrying the complete human transferrin gene on a C57Bl/6J genetic background. We studied human (hTf) and mouse (mTf) transferrin localization in Tg and wild-type (WT) C57Bl/6J mice using immunochemistry with specific antibodies. Müller glial (MG) cells were cultured from explants and characterized using cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) and vimentin antibodies. They were further subcultured for study. We incubated cells with FeCl(3)-nitrilotriacetate to test for the iron-induced stress response; viability was determined by direct counting and measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Tf expression was determined by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR with human- or mouse-specific probes. hTf and mTf in the medium were assayed by ELISA or radioimmunoassay (RIA), respectively. RESULTS: mTf was mainly localized in retinal pigment epithelium and ganglion cell layers in retina sections of both mouse lines. hTf was abundant in MG cells. The distribution of mTf and hTf mRNA was consistent with these findings. mTf and hTf were secreted into the medium of MG cell primary cultures. Cells from Tg mice secreted hTf at a particularly high level. However, both WT and Tg cell cultures lose their ability to secrete Tf after a few passages. Tg MG cells secreting hTf were more resistant to iron-induced stress toxicity than those no longer secreted hTf. Similarly, exogenous human apo-Tf, but not human holo-Tf, conferred resistance to iron-induced stress on MG cells from WT mice. CONCLUSIONS: hTf localization in MG cells from Tg mice was reminiscent of that reported for aged human retina and age-related macular degeneration, both conditions associated with iron deposition. The role of hTf in protection against toxicity in Tg MG cells probably involves an adaptive mechanism developed in neural retina to control iron-induced stress.
The most important recent advance in the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the development of antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapeutic agents that preserve and improve visual acuity by arresting choroidal neovascular growth and reducing vascular permeability. Two anti-VEGF agents, ranibizumab and pegaptanib sodium, are currently approved by Swissmedic for the treatment of neovascular AMD. A third anti-VEGF agent, bevacizumab, is currently used as an off label treatment option for exsudative AMD. Other anti-VEGF agent strategies that have shown efficacy include among others, small interfering RNA agents to silence the VEGF gene and receptor and the fusion protein VEGF trap. Anti-VEGF therapies have been used successfully in the clinic, encouraging their use in the treatment of other neovascular and exudative eye diseases.
The central and peripheral nervous systems are involved in multiple agedependent neurological deficits that are often attributed to alterations in function of myelinating glial cells. However, the molecular events that underlie the age-related decline of glial cell function are unknown. We used Schwann cells as a model to study biological processes affected in glial cells by aging. We comprehensively profiled gene expression of the Schwann cell-rich mouse sciatic nerve throughout life, from day of birth until senescence (840 days of age). We combined the aging data with the microarray transcriptional data obtained using nerves isolated from Schwann cell-specific neuropathy-inducing mutants MPZCre/þ/Lpin1fE2-3/fE2-3, MPZCre/þ/ScapfE1/fE1 and Pmp22-null mice. A majority of age related transcripts were also affected in the analyzed mouse models of neuropathy (54.4%) and in development (59.5%) indicating a high level of overlapping in implicated molecular pathways. We observed that compared to peripheral nerve development, dynamically changing expression profiles in aging have opposite (anticorrelated) orientation while they copy the orientation of transcriptional changes observed in analyzed neuropathy models. Subsequent clustering and biological annotation of dynamically changing transcripts revealed that the processes most significantly deregulated in aging include inflammatory/ immune response and lipid biosynthesis/metabolism. Importantly, the changes in these pathways were also observed in myelinated oligodendrocyte- rich optic nerves of aged mice, albeit with lower magnitude. This observation suggests that similar biological processes are affected in aging glial cells in central and peripheral nervous systems, however with different dynamics. Our data, which provide the first comprehensive comparison of molecular changes in glial cells in three distinct biological conditions comprising development, aging and disease, provide not only a new inside into the molecular alterations underlying neural system aging but also identify target pathways for potential therapeutical approaches to prevent or delay complications associated with age-related and inherited forms of neuropathies.
BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is the biggest cause of deaths in young children in developing countries, but early diagnosis and intervention can effectively reduce mortality. We aimed to assess the diagnostic value of clinical signs and symptoms to identify radiological pneumonia in children younger than 5 years and to review the accuracy of WHO criteria for diagnosis of clinical pneumonia. METHODS: We searched Medline (PubMed), Embase (Ovid), the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and reference lists of relevant studies, without date restrictions, to identify articles assessing clinical predictors of radiological pneumonia in children. Selection was based on: design (diagnostic accuracy studies), target disease (pneumonia), participants (children aged <5 years), setting (ambulatory or hospital care), index test (clinical features), and reference standard (chest radiography). Quality assessment was based on the 2011 Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) criteria. For each index test, we calculated sensitivity and specificity and, when the tests were assessed in four or more studies, calculated pooled estimates with use of bivariate model and hierarchical summary receiver operation characteristics plots for meta-analysis. FINDINGS: We included 18 articles in our analysis. WHO-approved signs age-related fast breathing (six studies; pooled sensitivity 0·62, 95% CI 0·26-0·89; specificity 0·59, 0·29-0·84) and lower chest wall indrawing (four studies; 0·48, 0·16-0·82; 0·72, 0·47-0·89) showed poor diagnostic performance in the meta-analysis. Features with the highest pooled positive likelihood ratios were respiratory rate higher than 50 breaths per min (1·90, 1·45-2·48), grunting (1·78, 1·10-2·88), chest indrawing (1·76, 0·86-3·58), and nasal flaring (1·75, 1·20-2·56). Features with the lowest pooled negative likelihood ratio were cough (0·30, 0·09-0·96), history of fever (0·53, 0·41-0·69), and respiratory rate higher than 40 breaths per min (0·43, 0·23-0·83). INTERPRETATION: Not one clinical feature was sufficient to diagnose pneumonia definitively. Combination of clinical features in a decision tree might improve diagnostic performance, but the addition of new point-of-care tests for diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia would help to attain an acceptable level of accuracy. FUNDING: Swiss National Science Foundation.
Lentivirus-based gene delivery vectors carrying multiple gene cassettes are powerful tools in gene transfer studies and gene therapy, allowing coexpression of multiple therapeutic factors and, if desired, fluorescent reporters. Current strategies to express transgenes and microRNA (miRNA) clusters from a single vector have certain limitations that affect transgene expression levels and/or vector titers. In this study, we describe a novel vector design that facilitates combined expression of therapeutic RNA- and protein-based antiangiogenic factors as well as a fluorescent reporter from back-to-back RNApolII-driven expression cassettes. This configuration allows effective production of intron-embedded miRNAs that are released upon transduction of target cells. Exploiting such multigenic lentiviral vectors, we demonstrate robust miRNA-directed downregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, leading to reduced angiogenesis, and parallel impairment of angiogenic pathways by codelivering the gene encoding pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF). Notably, subretinal injections of lentiviral vectors reveal efficient retinal pigment epithelium-specific gene expression driven by the VMD2 promoter, verifying that multigenic lentiviral vectors can be produced with high titers sufficient for in vivo applications. Altogether, our results suggest the potential applicability of combined miRNA- and protein-encoding lentiviral vectors in antiangiogenic gene therapy, including new combination therapies for amelioration of age-related macular degeneration.
Brain oxidative processes play a major role in age-related cognitive decline, thus consumption of antioxidant-rich foods might help preserve cognition. Our aim was to assess whether consumption of antioxidant-rich foods in the Mediterranean diet relates to cognitive function in the elderly. In asymptomatic subjects at high cardiovascular risk (n = 447; 52% women; age 55-80 y) enrolled in the PREDIMED study, a primary prevention dietary-intervention trial, we assessed food intake and cardiovascular risk profile, determined apolipoprotein E genotype, and used neuropsychological tests to evaluate cognitive function.We also measured urinary polyphenols as an objective biomarker of intake. Associations between energy-adjusted food consumption, urinary polyphenols, and cognitive scores were assessed by multiple linear regression models adjusted for potential confounders. Consumption of some foods was independently related to better cognitive function. The specific associations [regression coefficients (95% confidence intervals)] were: total olive oil with immediate verbal memory [0.755 (0.151-1.358)]; virgin olive oil and coffee with delayed verbal memory [0.163 (0.010-0.316) and 0.294 (0.055-0.534), respectively];walnuts with working memory [1.191 (0.061-2.322)]; and wine with Mini-Mental State Examination scores [0.252 (0.006-0.496)]. Urinary polyphenols were associated with better scores in immediate verbal memory [1.208 (0.236-2.180)]. Increased consumption of antioxidant-rich foods in general and of polyphenols in particular is associated with better cognitive performance in elderly subjects at high cardiovascular risk. The results reinforce the notion that Mediterranean diet components might counteract age-related cognitive decline.
BACKGROUND: The mean age of acute dengue has undergone a shift towards older ages. This fact points towards the relevance of assessing the influence of age-related comorbidities, such as diabetes, on the clinical presentation of dengue episodes. Identification of factors associated with a severe presentation is of high relevance, because timely treatment is the most important intervention to avert complications and death. This review summarizes and evaluates the published evidence on the association between diabetes and the risk of a severe clinical presentation of dengue. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: A systematic literature review was conducted using the MEDLINE database to access any relevant association between dengue and diabetes. Five case-control studies (4 hospital-based, 1 population-based) compared the prevalence of diabetes (self-reported or abstracted from medical records) of persons with dengue (acute or past; controls) and patients with severe clinical manifestations. All except one study were conducted before 2009 and all studies collected information towards WHO 1997 classification system. The reported odds ratios were formally summarized by random-effects meta-analyses. A diagnosis of diabetes was associated with an increased risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue (OR 1.75; 95% CI: 1.08-2.84, p = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Large prospective studies that systematically and objectively obtain relevant signs and symptoms of dengue fever episodes as well as of hyperglycemia in the past, and at the time of dengue diagnosis, are needed to properly address the effect of diabetes on the clinical presentation of an acute dengue fever episode. The currently available epidemiological evidence is very limited and only suggestive. The increasing global prevalence of both dengue and diabetes justifies further studies. At this point, confirmation of dengue infection as early as possible in diabetes patients with fever if living in dengue endemic regions seems justified. The presence of this co-morbidity may warrant closer observation for glycemic control and adapted fluid management to diminish the risk for a severe clinical presentation of dengue.
BACKGROUND: Digoxin intoxication results in predominantly digestive, cardiac and neurological symptoms. This case is outstanding in that the intoxication occurred in a nonagenarian and induced severe, extensively documented visual symptoms as well as dysphagia and proprioceptive illusions. Moreover, it went undiagnosed for a whole month despite close medical follow-up, illustrating the difficulty in recognizing drug-induced effects in a polymorbid patient. CASE PRESENTATION: Digoxin 0.25 mg qd for atrial fibrillation was prescribed to a 91-year-old woman with an estimated creatinine clearance of 18 ml/min. Over the following 2-3 weeks she developed nausea, vomiting and dysphagia, snowy and blurry vision, photopsia, dyschromatopsia, aggravated pre-existing formed visual hallucinations and proprioceptive illusions. She saw her family doctor twice and visited the eye clinic once until, 1 month after starting digoxin, she was admitted to the emergency room. Intoxication was confirmed by a serum digoxin level of 5.7 ng/ml (reference range 0.8-2 ng/ml). After stopping digoxin, general symptoms resolved in a few days, but visual complaints persisted. Examination by the ophthalmologist revealed decreased visual acuity in both eyes, 4/10 in the right eye (OD) and 5/10 in the left eye (OS), decreased color vision as demonstrated by a score of 1/13 in both eyes (OU) on Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates, OS cataract, and dry age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Computerized static perimetry showed non-specific diffuse alterations suggestive of either bilateral retinopathy or optic neuropathy. Full-field electroretinography (ERG) disclosed moderate diffuse rod and cone dysfunction and multifocal ERG revealed central loss of function OU. Visual symptoms progressively improved over the next 2 months, but multifocal ERG did not. The patient was finally discharged home after a 5 week hospital stay. CONCLUSION: This case is a reminder of a complication of digoxin treatment to be considered by any treating physician. If digoxin is prescribed in a vulnerable patient, close monitoring is mandatory. In general, when facing a new health problem in a polymorbid patient, it is crucial to elicit a complete history, with all recent drug changes and detailed complaints, and to include a drug adverse reaction in the differential diagnosis.
OBJECTIVE: Skeletal Muscle Biopsy is a minor surgical procedure for the diagnosis of different neuromuscular pathological conditions and has recently gained popularity also in the research field of age-related muscular modifications and sarcopenia. Few studies focused on the application of mini-invasive muscular biopsy in both normal and pathological conditions. The aim of our study was to describe a mini invasive ultrasound-guided skeletal muscular biopsy technique in complete spinal cord injured (SCI) patients and healthy controls with a tri-axial end-cut needle. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Skeletal muscle biopsies were collected from 6 chronic SCI patients and 3 healthy controls vastus lateralis muscle with a tri-axial end cut needle (Biopince© - Angiotech). Muscle samples were stained for ATPase to determine fibers composition, moreover, gene expression of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and prostaglandin E2 receptor has been analyzed by Real Time RT-PCR. RESULTS: All the procedures were perfomed easily without failures and complications. Control tissue was macroscopically thicker than SCI one. Control specimen displayed an equal distribution of type I and type II fibers, while SCI sample displayed a prevalence of type II fibers SCI specimen displayed a significant reduction in COX-1 gene expression. This mini-invasive approach was easy, accurate and with low complication rate in performing skeletal muscle biopsy in both SCI patients and controls. CONCLUSIONS: This technique could be useful in conditions in which the overall quantity of specimen required is small like for molecular biology analysis. For histological diagnostic purposes and/or conditions in which the original tissue is already pathologically modified, this technique should be integrated with more invasive techniques.
For more than a decade, researchers have been aware of the increased pace of small-firm internationalization and the greater effect of these rapidly growing small businesses on the wealth, international trade, and job-creation opportunities of countries. Due to the small size of the home market, Finnish companies have been generally considered highly interested in internationalization. One particular domain in which rapid internationalization has been considered feasible is the global software business, with its knowledge-intensive nature and high growth potential. However, over time the failure rate of small entrepreneurial firms has remained especially high in high-technology markets. One of the reasons for this seems to lie in the fact that these companies are often formed by people with a strong technological background but limited competences in other areas. Further, research on the marketing capabilities of rapidly internationalizing high-tech firms has been scarce thus far. In addition, while there is much research on the first years of operations of rapidly internationalizing companies, it is not well known what becomes of them later on. Therefore, there is a need for more investigation into the managerial mindset, competences and decision-making in these small companies, especially from the perspective of how they acquire and exploit market knowledge, and enhance their networking capabilities in order to promote international expansion. The present study focuses on market orientation in small software firms that internationalize their operations rapidly in global software markets. It builds on qualitative data to illustrate how these companies develop their market-oriented product-market strategies during the process of increasing international commitment. It also shows how they manage their network relationships in order to be able to offer better customer service and to thrive in the fierce global competition. The study was conducted in the empirical context of Finnish small software companies, and the main data consists of interviews with top managers in these businesses. The interviews were designed to cover a minimum period of five years of the company's international operations, thus offering a retrospective in-depth perspective on market orientation, internationalization and partnerships in the given context. One particular focus is on less successfully internationalized software companies, and the challenges they face when approaching international markets. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature on market orientation for several reasons. First, building on data from the software industry, it clarifies the existing theory in the context of rapid internationalization and network relationships. Secondly, it provides a good body of evidence on market orientation in both successfully and less successfully internationalized companies, and identifies the key related differences between the two company groups. Thirdly, it highlights the importance of inter-firm networks in the rapid internationalization of small software firms, providing companies with important market knowledge and, in some cases, management challenges. Fourthly, this investigation clarifies market orientation in the context of different software-product strategies, thus, combining the perspectives of market orientation in both manufacturing and services. In sum, the results of the study are significant for both small software firms and public-policy makers since they shed light on the market-oriented managerial mindset and the market-information gathering and sharing processes that are needed in successful rapid internationalization.
This study shows how a new generation of terrestrial laser scanners can be used to investigate glacier surface ablation and other elements of glacial hydrodynamics at exceptionally high spatial and temporal resolution. The study area is an Alpine valley glacier, Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland. Here we use an ultra-long-range lidar RIEGL VZ-6000 scanner, having a laser specifically designed for measurement of snow- and ice-cover surfaces. We focus on two timescales: seasonal and daily. Our results show that a near-infrared scanning laser system can provide high-precision elevation change and ablation data from long ranges, and over relatively large sections of the glacier surface. We use it to quantify spatial variations in the patterns of surface melt at the seasonal scale, as controlled by both aspect and differential debris cover. At the daily scale, we quantify the effects of ogive-related differences in ice surface debris content on spatial patterns of ablation. Daily scale measurements point to possible hydraulic jacking of the glacier associated with short-term water pressure rises. This latter demonstration shows that this type of lidar may be used to address subglacial hydrologic questions, in addition to motion and ablation measurements.