971 resultados para Affine invariant


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We study the structure constants of the N = 1 beta deformed theory perturbatively and at strong coupling. We show that the planar one loop corrections to the structure constants of single trace gauge invariant operators in the scalar sector is determined by the anomalous dimension Hamiltonian. This result implies that 3 point functions of the chiral primaries of the theory do not receive corrections at one loop. We then study the structure constants at strong coupling using the Lunin-Maldacena geometry. We explicitly construct the supergravity mode dual to the chiral primary with three equal U(1) R-charges in the Lunin-Maldacena geometry. We show that the 3 point function of this supergravity mode with semi-classical states representing two other similar chiral primary states but with large U(1) charges to be independent of the beta deformation and identical to that found in the AdS(5) x S-5 geometry. This together with the one-loop result indicate that these structure constants are protected by a non-renormalization theorem. We also show that three point function of U(1) R-currents with classical massive strings is proportional to the R-charge carried by the string solution. This is in accordance with the prediction of the R-symmetry Ward identity.


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We show how Majorana end modes can be generated in a one-dimensional system by varying some of the parameters in the Hamiltonian periodically in time. The specific model we consider is a chain containing spinless electrons with a nearest-neighbor hopping amplitude, a p-wave superconducting term, and a chemical potential; this is equivalent to a spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic XY couplings between nearest neighbors and a magnetic field applied in the (z) over cap direction. We show that varying the chemical potential (or magnetic field) periodically in time can produce Majorana modes at the ends of a long chain. We discuss two kinds of periodic driving, periodic delta-function kicks, and a simple harmonic variation with time. We discuss some distinctive features of the end modes such as the inverse participation ratio of their wave functions and their Floquet eigenvalues which are always equal to +/- 1 for time-reversal-symmetric systems. For the case of periodic delta-function kicks, we use the effective Hamiltonian of a system with periodic boundary conditions to define two topological invariants. The first invariant is a well-known winding number, while the second invariant has not appeared in the literature before. The second invariant is more powerful in that it always correctly predicts the numbers of end modes with Floquet eigenvalues equal to + 1 and -1, while the first invariant does not. We find that the number of end modes can become very large as the driving frequency decreases. We show that periodic delta-function kicks in the hopping and superconducting terms can also produce end modes. Finally, we study the effect of electron-phonon interactions (which are relevant at finite temperatures) and a random noise in the chemical potential on the Majorana modes.


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The algebraic formulation for linear network coding in acyclic networks with each link having an integer delay is well known. Based on this formulation, for a given set of connections over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delay assumed for the links, the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant is a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols across different generations, where Fq denotes the field over which the network operates. We use finite-field discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to convert the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant into a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same generation. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into n-instantaneous networks (n is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (non-transform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach. Furthermore, assuming time invariant local encoding kernels, we show that the transform method can be employed to achieve half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination mincut (which are assumed to be equal to 1) for some classes of three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays using alignment strategies when the zero-interference condition is not satisfied.


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The ability of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to provide good time and frequency localization has made it a popular tool in time-frequency analysis of signals. Wavelets exhibit constant-Q property, which is also possessed by the basilar membrane filters in the peripheral auditory system. The basilar membrane filters or auditory filters are often modeled by a Gammatone function, which provides a good approximation to experimentally determined responses. The filterbank derived from these filters is referred to as a Gammatone filterbank. In general, wavelet analysis can be likened to a filterbank analysis and hence the interesting link between standard wavelet analysis and Gammatone filterbank. However, the Gammatone function does not exactly qualify as a wavelet because its time average is not zero. We show how bona fide wavelets can be constructed out of Gammatone functions. We analyze properties such as admissibility, time-bandwidth product, vanishing moments, which are particularly relevant in the context of wavelets. We also show how the proposed auditory wavelets are produced as the impulse response of a linear, shift-invariant system governed by a linear differential equation with constant coefficients. We propose analog circuit implementations of the proposed CWT. We also show how the Gammatone-derived wavelets can be used for singularity detection and time-frequency analysis of transient signals. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the storage-repair-bandwidth (SRB) trade-off curve of regenerating codes is reformulated to yield a tradeoff between two global parameters of practical relevance, namely information rate and repair rate. The new information-repair-rate (IRR) tradeoff provides a different and insightful perspective on regenerating codes. For example, it provides a new motivation for seeking to investigate constructions corresponding to the interior of the SRB tradeoff. Interestingly, each point on the SRB tradeoff corresponds to a curve in the IRR tradeoff setup. We characterize completely, functional repair under the IRR framework, while for exact repair, an achievable region is presented. In the second part of this paper, a rate-half regenerating code for the minimum storage regenerating point is constructed that draws upon the theory of invariant subspaces. While the parameters of this rate-half code are the same as those of the MISER code, the construction itself is quite different.


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Narrowband spectrograms of voiced speech can be modeled as an outcome of two-dimensional (2-D) modulation process. In this paper, we develop a demodulation algorithm to estimate the 2-D amplitude modulation (AM) and carrier of a given spectrogram patch. The demodulation algorithm is based on the Riesz transform, which is a unitary, shift-invariant operator and is obtained as a 2-D extension of the well known 1-D Hilbert transform operator. Existing methods for spectrogram demodulation rely on extension of sinusoidal demodulation method from the communications literature and require precise estimate of the 2-D carrier. On the other hand, the proposed method based on Riesz transform does not require a carrier estimate. The proposed method and the sinusoidal demodulation scheme are tested on real speech data. Experimental results show that the demodulated AM and carrier from Riesz demodulation represent the spectrogram patch more accurately compared with those obtained using the sinusoidal demodulation. The signal-to-reconstruction error ratio was found to be about 2 to 6 dB higher in case of the proposed demodulation approach.


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Multi-GPU machines are being increasingly used in high-performance computing. Each GPU in such a machine has its own memory and does not share the address space either with the host CPU or other GPUs. Hence, applications utilizing multiple GPUs have to manually allocate and manage data on each GPU. Existing works that propose to automate data allocations for GPUs have limitations and inefficiencies in terms of allocation sizes, exploiting reuse, transfer costs, and scalability. We propose a scalable and fully automatic data allocation and buffer management scheme for affine loop nests on multi-GPU machines. We call it the Bounding-Box-based Memory Manager (BBMM). BBMM can perform at runtime, during standard set operations like union, intersection, and difference, finding subset and superset relations on hyperrectangular regions of array data (bounding boxes). It uses these operations along with some compiler assistance to identify, allocate, and manage data required by applications in terms of disjoint bounding boxes. This allows it to (1) allocate exactly or nearly as much data as is required by computations running on each GPU, (2) efficiently track buffer allocations and hence maximize data reuse across tiles and minimize data transfer overhead, and (3) and as a result, maximize utilization of the combined memory on multi-GPU machines. BBMM can work with any choice of parallelizing transformations, computation placement, and scheduling schemes, whether static or dynamic. Experiments run on a four-GPU machine with various scientific programs showed that BBMM reduces data allocations on each GPU by up to 75% compared to current allocation schemes, yields performance of at least 88% of manually written code, and allows excellent weak scaling.


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We prove end point estimate for Radon transform of radial functions on affine Grasamannian and real hyperbolic space. We also discuss analogs of these results on the sphere.


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This paper investigates a novel approach for point matching of multi-sensor satellite imagery. The feature (corner) points extracted using an improved version of the Harris Corner Detector (HCD) is matched using multi-objective optimization based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA). An objective switching approach to optimization that incorporates an angle criterion, distance condition and point matching condition in the multi-objective fitness function is applied to match corresponding corner-points between the reference image and the sensed image. The matched points obtained in this way are used to align the sensed image with a reference image by applying an affine transformation. From the results obtained, the performance of the image registration is evaluated and compared with existing methods, namely Nearest Neighbor-Random SAmple Consensus (NN-Ran-SAC) and multi-objective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO). From the performed experiments it can be concluded that the proposed approach is an accurate method for registration of multi-sensor satellite imagery. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Using the numerical device simulation we show that the relationship between the surface potentials along the channel in any double gate (DG) MOSFET remains invariant in QS (quasistatic) and NQS (nonquasi-static) condition for the same terminal voltages. This concept along with the recently proposed `piecewise charge linearization' technique is then used to develop the intrinsic NQS charge model for a Independent DG (IDG) MOSFET by solving the governing continuity equation. It is also demonstrated that unlike the usual MOSFET transcapacitances, the inter-gate transcapacitance of a IDG-MOSFET initially increases with the frequency and then saturates, which might find novel analog circuit application. The proposed NQS model shows good agreement with numerical device simulations and appears to be useful for efficient circuit simulation.


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Pressure-induced phase transformations (PIPTs) occur in a wide range of materials. In general, the bonding characteristics, before and after the PIPT, remain invariant in most materials, and the bond rearrangement is usually irreversible due to the strain induced under pressure. A reversible PIPT associated with a substantial bond rearrangement has been found in a metal-organic framework material, namely tmenH(2)]Er(HCOO)(4)](2) (tmenH(2)(2+) = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium). The transition is first-order and is accompanied by a unit cell volume change of about 10%. High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal the complex bond rearrangement through the transition. The reversible nature of the transition is confirmed by means of independent nanoindentation measurements on single crystals.


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We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of quenching through a quantum critical point in topological systems, focusing on one of their defining features: ground-state degeneracies and associated topological sectors. We present the notion of ``topological blocking,'' experienced by the dynamics due to a mismatch in degeneracies between two phases, and we argue that the dynamic evolution of the quench depends strongly on the topological sector being probed. We demonstrate this interplay between quench and topology in models stemming from two extensively studied systems, the transverse Ising chain and the Kitaev honeycomb model. Through nonlocal maps of each of these systems, we effectively study spinless fermionic p-wave paired topological superconductors. Confining the systems to ring and toroidal geometries, respectively, enables us to cleanly address degeneracies, subtle issues of fermion occupation and parity, and mismatches between topological sectors. We show that various features of the quench, which are related to Kibble-Zurek physics, are sensitive to the topological sector being probed, in particular, the overlap between the time-evolved initial ground state and an appropriate low-energy state of the final Hamiltonian. While most of our study is confined to translationally invariant systems, where momentum is a convenient quantum number, we briefly consider the effect of disorder and illustrate how this can influence the quench in a qualitatively different way depending on the topological sector considered.


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Extended x-ray absorption fine-structure studies have been performed at the Zn K and Cd K edges for a series of solid solutions of wurtzite Zn1-xCdxS samples with x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, where the lattice parameter as a function of x evolves according to the well-known Vegard's law. In conjunction with extensive, large-scale first-principles electronic structure calculations with full geometry optimizations, these results establish that the percentage variation in the nearest-neighbor bond distances are lower by nearly an order of magnitude compared to what would be expected on the basis of lattice parameter variation, seriously undermining the chemical pressure concept. With experimental results that allow us to probe up to the third coordination shell distances, we provide a direct description of how the local structure, apparently inconsistent with the global structure, evolves very rapidly with interatomic distances to become consistent with it. We show that the basic features of this structural evolution with the composition can be visualized with nearly invariant Zn-S-4 and Cd-S-4 tetrahedral units retaining their structural integrity, while the tilts between these tetrahedral building blocks change with composition to conform to the changing lattice parameters according to the Vegard's law within a relatively short length scale. These results underline the limits of applicability of the chemical pressure concept that has been a favored tool of experimentalists to control physical properties of a large variety of condensed matter systems.


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Programming for parallel architectures that do not have a shared address space is extremely difficult due to the need for explicit communication between memories of different compute devices. A heterogeneous system with CPUs and multiple GPUs, or a distributed-memory cluster are examples of such systems. Past works that try to automate data movement for distributed-memory architectures can lead to excessive redundant communication. In this paper, we propose an automatic data movement scheme that minimizes the volume of communication between compute devices in heterogeneous and distributed-memory systems. We show that by partitioning data dependences in a particular non-trivial way, one can generate data movement code that results in the minimum volume for a vast majority of cases. The techniques are applicable to any sequence of affine loop nests and works on top of any choice of loop transformations, parallelization, and computation placement. The data movement code generated minimizes the volume of communication for a particular configuration of these. We use a combination of powerful static analyses relying on the polyhedral compiler framework and lightweight runtime routines they generate, to build a source-to-source transformation tool that automatically generates communication code. We demonstrate that the tool is scalable and leads to substantial gains in efficiency. On a heterogeneous system, the communication volume is reduced by a factor of 11X to 83X over state-of-the-art, translating into a mean execution time speedup of 1.53X. On a distributed-memory cluster, our scheme reduces the communication volume by a factor of 1.4X to 63.5X over state-of-the-art, resulting in a mean speedup of 1.55X. In addition, our scheme yields a mean speedup of 2.19X over hand-optimized UPC codes.


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Finite volume methods traditionally employ dimension by dimension extension of the one-dimensional reconstruction and averaging procedures to achieve spatial discretization of the governing partial differential equations on a structured Cartesian mesh in multiple dimensions. This simple approach based on tensor product stencils introduces an undesirable grid orientation dependence in the computed solution. The resulting anisotropic errors lead to a disparity in the calculations that is most prominent between directions parallel and diagonal to the grid lines. In this work we develop isotropic finite volume discretization schemes which minimize such grid orientation effects in multidimensional calculations by eliminating the directional bias in the lowest order term in the truncation error. Explicit isotropic expressions that relate the cell face averaged line and surface integrals of a function and its derivatives to the given cell area and volume averages are derived in two and three dimensions, respectively. It is found that a family of isotropic approximations with a free parameter can be derived by combining isotropic schemes based on next-nearest and next-next-nearest neighbors in three dimensions. Use of these isotropic expressions alone in a standard finite volume framework, however, is found to be insufficient in enforcing rotational invariance when the flux vector is nonlinear and/or spatially non-uniform. The rotationally invariant terms which lead to a loss of isotropy in such cases are explicitly identified and recast in a differential form. Various forms of flux correction terms which allow for a full recovery of rotational invariance in the lowest order truncation error terms, while preserving the formal order of accuracy and discrete conservation of the original finite volume method, are developed. Numerical tests in two and three dimensions attest the superior directional attributes of the proposed isotropic finite volume method. Prominent anisotropic errors, such as spurious asymmetric distortions on a circular reaction-diffusion wave that feature in the conventional finite volume implementation are effectively suppressed through isotropic finite volume discretization. Furthermore, for a given spatial resolution, a striking improvement in the prediction of kinetic energy decay rate corresponding to a general two-dimensional incompressible flow field is observed with the use of an isotropic finite volume method instead of the conventional discretization. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.