1000 resultados para Aeronàutica


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An analytical model is proposed in order to estimate the optical propagation losses due to tunnelling in barrier waveguides. The results are validated by means of a beam propagation method (BPM) simulations for different waveguides conditions.


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Patterns of evanescent photovoltaic field induced by illumination on a surface of lithium niobate (LN) have been calculated and compared with the experimental patterns of nano- and microparticles trapped by dielectrophoretic forces. A tool for this calculation has been developed. Calculo de distribución espacial de campo por efecto fotovoltaico con patrones arbitrarios de iluminación, en LiNbO3


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Recently, a novel method to trap and pattern ensembles of nanoparticles has been proposed and tested. It relies on the photovoltaic (PV) properties of certain ferroelectric crystals such as LiNbO3 [1,2]. These crystals, when suitably doped, develop very high electric fields in response to illumination with light of suitable wavelength. The PV effect lies in the asymmetrical excitation of electrons giving rise to PV currents and associated space-charge fields (photorefractive effect). The field generated in the bulk of the sample propagates to the surrounding medium as evanescent fields. When dielectric or metal nanoparticles are deposited on the surface of the sample the evanescent fields give rise to either electrophoretic or dielectrophoretic forces, depending on the charge state of the particles, that induce the trapping and patterning effects [3,4]. The purpose of this work has been to explore the effects of such PV fields in the biology and biomedical areas. A first work was able to show the necrotic effects induced by such fields on He-La tumour cells grown on the surface of an illuminated iron-doped LiNbO3 crystal [5]. In principle, it is conceived that LiNbO3 nanoparticles may be advantageously used for such biomedical purposes considering the possibility of such nanoparticles being incorporated into the cells. Previous experiments using microparticles have been performed [5] with similar results to those achieved with the substrate. Therefore, the purpose of this work has been to fabricate and characterize the LiNbO3 nanoparticles and assess their necrotic effects when they are incorporated on a culture of tumour cells. Two different preparation methods have been used: 1) mechanical grinding from crystals, and 2) bottom-up sol-gel chemical synthesis from metal-ethoxide precursors. This later method leads to a more uniform size distribution of smaller particles (down to around 50 nm). Fig. 1(a) and 1(b) shows SEM images of the nanoparticles obtained with both method. An ad hoc software taking into account the physical properties of the crystal, particullarly donor and aceptor concentrations has been developped in order to estimate the electric field generated in noparticles. In a first stage simulations of the electric current of nanoparticles, in a conductive media, due to the PV effect have been carried out by MonteCarlo simulations using the Kutharev 1-centre transport model equations [6] . Special attention has been paid to the dependence on particle size and [Fe2+]/[Fe3+]. First results on cubic particles shows large dispersion for small sizes due to the random number of donors and its effective concentration (Fig 2). The necrotic (toxicity) effect of nanoparticles incorporated into a tumour cell culture subjected to 30 min. illumination with a blue LED is shown in Fig.3. For each type of nanoparticle the percent of cell survival in dark and illumination conditions has been plot as a function of the particle dilution factor. Fig. 1a corresponds to mechanical grinding particles whereas 1b and 1c refer to chemically synthesized particles with two oxidation states. The light effect is larger with mechanical grinding nanoparticles, but dark toxicity is also higher. For chemically synthesized nanoparticles dark toxicity is low but only in oxidized samples, where the PV effect is known to be larger, the light effect is appreciable. These preliminary results demonstrate that Fe:LiNbO· nanoparticles have a biological damaging effect on cells, although there are many points that should be clarified and much space for PV nanoparticles optimization. In particular, it appears necessary to determine the fraction of nanoparticles that become incorporated into the cells and the possible existence of threshold size effects. This work has been supported by MINECO under grant MAT2011-28379-C03.


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Previous research studies and operational trials have shown that using the airborne Required Time of Arrival (RTA) function, an aircraft can individually achieve an assigned time to a metering or merge point accurately. This study goes a step further and investigates the application of RTA to a real sequence of arriving aircraft into Melbourne Australia. Assuming that the actual arrival times were Controlled Time of Arrivals (CTAs) assigned to each aircraft, the study examines if the airborne RTA solution would work. Three scenarios were compared: a baseline scenario being the actual flown trajectories in a two hour time-span into Melbourne, a scenario in which the sequential landing slot times of the baseline scenario were assigned as CTAs and a third scenario in which the landing slots could be freely redistributed to the inbound traffic as CTAs. The research found that pressure on the terminal area would sometimes require aircraft to lose more time than possible through the RTA capability. Using linear holding as an additional measure to absorb extensive delays, up to 500NM (5%) of total track reduction and 1300kg (3%) of total fuel consumption could be saved in the scenario with landing slots freely distributed as CTAs, compared to the baseline scenario. Assigning CTAs in an arrival sequence requires the ground system to have an accurate trajectory predictor to propose additional delay measures (path stretching, linear holding) if necessary. Reducing the achievable time window of the aircraft to add control margin to the RTA function, had a negative impact and increased the amount of intervention other than speed control required to solve the sequence. It was concluded that the RTA capability is not a complete solution but merely a tool to assist in managing the increasing complexity of air traffic.


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In this paper, multiple regression analysis is used to model the top of descent (TOD) location of user-preferred descent trajectories computed by the flight management system (FMS) on over 1000 commercial flights into Melbourne, Australia. In addition to recording TOD, the cruise altitude, final altitude, cruise Mach, descent speed, wind, and engine type were also identified for use as the independent variables in the regression analysis. Both first-order and second-order models are considered, where cross-validation, hypothesis testing, and additional analysis are used to compare models. This identifies the models that should give the smallest errors if used to predict TOD location for new data in the future. A model that is linear in TOD altitude, final altitude, descent speed, and wind gives an estimated standard deviation of 3.9 nmi for TOD location given the trajectory parame- ters, which means about 80% of predictions would have error less than 5 nmi in absolute value. This accuracy is better than demonstrated by other ground automation predictions using kinetic models. Furthermore, this approach would enable online learning of the model. Additional data or further knowledge of algorithms is necessary to conclude definitively that no second-order terms are appropriate. Possible applications of the linear model are described, including enabling arriving aircraft to fly optimized descents computed by the FMS even in congested airspace.


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This paper presents an operational concept for Air Traffic Management, and in particular arrival management, in which aircraft are permitted to operate in a manner consistent with current optimal aircraft operating techniques. The proposed concept allows aircraft to descend in the fuel efficient path managed mode and with arrival time not actively controlled. It will be demonstrated how the associated uncertainty in the time dimension of the trajectory can be managed through the application of multiple metering points strategically chosen along the trajectory. The proposed concept does not make assumptions on aircraft equipage (e.g. time of arrival control), but aims at handling mixed-equipage scenarios that most likely will remain far into the next decade and arguably beyond.


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This paper presents a methodology and algorithm for Air Traffic Control (ATC) to efficiently achieve schedules arrival times through speed control in the presence of uncertainty. The methodology does not assume the availability of airborne time of arrival control and can therefore be applied to legacy aircraft. The speed advisories are calculated in a manner that allows for sufficient control margin to, if required, adjust the aircraft's trajectory at a later stage to correct for estimated arrival time drift at the lowest impact to efficiency. The methodology is therefore envisioned to prevent major last-minute interventions and instead assists ATC in allowing more continuous descent approaches to be conducted by aircraft leading to more efficient operations.


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This paper includes the experimental study, analysis, redesign and subsequent test of the parts of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel which are relevant in terms of total pressure loss. The objective is to lower the energy consumption of this system for given conditions in test chamber, so as to reduce the operational costs. In order to achieve this objective, several tasks were performed as the text shows in its different parts. For these tasks, the ETSIAE wind tunnel was used, although the results of this work can be extrapolated to any wind tunnel with the same characteristics. Part II presents a theoretical previous study of the general running of a closed circuit, low speed wind tunnel, as well as the followed procedure to conduct experimental tests for obtaining the total pressure loss in its parts. Results from these tests and their analysis are included in this part. In part III, the analysis of the influence of corner 1 on the pressure loss takes place. As it is said in this part, corner 1 has great importance in the total pressure loss of the wind tunnel. Therefore, it is the first part that should be modified in order to improve the performances of the wind tunnel. During part IV, an optimised guide vane is designed in order to reduce the pressure loss in corner 1 of the wind tunnel. Software MISES is used to achieve this goal by means of selecting the optimum guide vane. In order to introduce the new guide vane in wind tunnels with affordable costs, the easily constructable criterion is kept during design. For this reason, the guide vane will consist of simple aerodynamic contours. Part V includes some possible improvements for the proposed guide vane, in order to evaluate if there is room for improvement in its design. Finally, part VI includes the tests that were conducted in the wind tunnel with the new guide vane cascade and the analysis of their results, in order to asses whether the proposed design fulfills the requirement of lowering the total pressure loss in the wind tunnel. Part VII gathers the main ideas resulting from the whole work.


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In countries that started early with wind energy, the old wind turbines were located in places where the wind is often very good. Since the best places in which the wind is concerned are occupied by old wind turbines (with lower capacity than the more recent ones) the trend is to start replacing old turbines with new ones. With repowering, the first generation of wind turbines can be replaced by modern multi-megawatt wind turbines. The aim of this article is to analyze energy policies in the Spanish energy sector in the repowering of wind farms from the viewpoint of the current situation of the wind energy sector. The approach presented in this article is meant to explain what have been the policies related to the repowering sector making a brief analysis of the spectrum of different stimulii that are demanded by the market analyzing also the future perspectives of the repowering sector by establishing the new opportunities based on the new published regulations.


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El propósito de este artículo es desarrollar sobre una aplicación genérica PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), una solución que ayudará a las empresas proveedoras de servicios de ingeniería y fabricación del sector aeronáutico y renovables, a superar nuevos retos. En estos sectores los fabricantes de primer nivel (OEM?s) tienden a subcontratar el desarrollo y la fabricación de componentes a proveedores mediante paquetes de trabajo, como en el caso de los aerogeneradores. La gestión de dichos paquetes por los proveedores puede optimizarse mediante la implantación de una solución PLM. Esta herramienta es clave para garantizar el cumplimiento de los requerimientos del fabricante, y que el desarrollo de los paquetes se realizan en tiempo, coste y alcance. Una función a cubrir por la solución desarrollada sobre el PLM seleccionado será la Gestión de Programas y Proyectos. Es imprescindible que la solución aporte una Gestión de la Documentación que centralice todos los documentos, incluyendo entregables al cliente, de uso interno,? Para cumplir con las exigencias de calidad y normas de la industria, la aplicación contará con Gestión de la Configuración que asegure la validez de un producto obtenido durante cualquiera de las etapas del ciclo de vida, mediante control de cambios y última versión.


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The first steps towards developing a continuum-molecular coupled simulations techniques are presented, for the purpose of computing macroscopic systems of confined fluids. The idea is to compute the interface wall-fluid by Molecular Dynamics simulations, where Lennard-Jones potential (and others) have been employed for the molecular interactions, so the usual non slip boundary condition is not specified. Instead, a shear rate can be imposed at the wall, which allows to obtain the properties of the wall material by means of an iterative method. The remaining fluid region will be computed by a spectral hp method. We present MD simulations of a Couette flow, and the results of the developed boundary conditions from the wall fluid interaction.


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In this work, the Reduced Navier Stokes (RNS) are numerically integrated, and used to calculate nonlinear finite amplitude streaks. These structures are interesting since they can have a stabilizing effect and delay the transition to the turbulent regime. RNS formulation is also used to compute the family of nonlinear intrinsic streaks that emerge from the leading edge in absence of any external perturbation. Finally, this formulation is generalized to include the possibility of having a curved bottom wall


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New concepts in air navigation have been introduced recently. Among others, are the concepts of trajectory optimization, 4D trajectories, RBT (Reference Business Trajectory), TBO (trajectory based operations), CDA (Continuous Descent Approach) and ACDA (Advanced CDA), conflict resolution, arrival time (AMAN), introduction of new aircraft (UAVs, UASs) in air space, etc. Although some of these concepts are new, the future Air Traffic Management will maintain the four ATM key performance areas such as Safety, Capacity, Efficiency, and Environmental impact. So much, the performance of the ATM system is directly related to the accuracy with which the future evolution of the traffic can be predicted. In this sense, future air traffic management will require a variety of support tools to provide suitable help to users and engineers involved in the air space management. Most of these tools are based on an appropriate trajectory prediction module as main component. Therefore, the purposes of these tools are related with testing and evaluation of any air navigation concept before they become fully operative. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview to the design of a software tool useful to estimate aircraft trajectories adapted to air navigation concepts. Other usage of the tool, like controller design, vertical navigation assessment, procedures validation and hardware and software in the loop are available in the software tool. The paper will show the process followed to design the tool, the software modules needed to perform accurately and the process followed to validate the output data.


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The design of a Final Assembly Line (FAL) is carry out in the product industrialization activity. The phase dealing with the definition of conceptual solutions is characterized by depending heavily on the personnel experience and being time-consuming. To enhance such process, it is proposed a development of a knowledge based software application to assist designers in the definition of scenarios and to generate conceptual FAL alternatives. Both the scenario and the generated FAL solution are part of the industrialization digital mock-up (IDMU). A commercial software application used in the aircraft programmes and supporting the IDMU concepts of: Product, Process and Resource; was selected to implement a software prototype. This communication presents the adopted methodological approach and the architecture of the developed application.


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Airbus designs and industrializes aircrafts using Concurrent Engineering techniques since decades. The introduction of new PLM methods, procedures and tools, and the need to reduce time-to-market, led Airbus Military to pursue new working methods. Traditional Engineering works sequentially. Concurrent Engineering basically overlaps tasks between teams. Collaborative Engineering promotes teamwork to develop product, processes and resources from the conceptual phase to the start of the serial production. The CALIPSO-neo pilot project was launched to support the industrialization process of a medium size aerostructure. The aim is to implement the industrial Digital Mock-Up (iDMU) concept and its exploitation to create shop floor documentation. In a framework of a collaborative engineering strategy, the project is part of the efforts to deploy Digital Manufacturing as a key technology for the industrialization of aircraft assembly lines. This paper presents the context, the conceptual approach and the methodology adopted.