865 resultados para Accord de Kelowna
The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of residues of sodium hypo-chlorite gel, chlorhexidine gel, and EDTA gel on dentina l walls after canal preparat ion throughchemical SEM- elemental chemical microanal ys is (EDS) analysis. Forty-eight single-rootedteeth were selected. They had their crowns sectioned and were instrumented with a reciprocat-ing system. The canals were irrigated with 5 mL of saline solution during root canal preparation.After instrumentation, the root canals were irrigated with 3 mL 17% EDTA followed by 1 min ofultrasonic passive activation (33 20 sec) to remove the smear layer, and then irrigated with3 mL of saline solution. The specimens were randomized into three groups (n 5 12) accord ing tothe chemical substance that filled the root canal for 30 min: GI: 5.5% sodium hypochlorite gel;GII: 2% chlorhexidine gel; GIII: 24% EDTA gel; Negative c ontrol group: no substance was used.Then, the root canals were irrigated with 6 mL of saline solution followed by 1 min of ultrasonicpassive activation (33 20 sec). After ultrasonic activation , the canals were irrigated with 2 mLsaline. The roots were sect ioned, and the perce ntage of each chemical element present in thesamples was analyzed through chemi cal SEM-EDS microanalysis. All expe rimental groupsshowed a significantly higher percentage of chemical elements (Na and/or Cl) than the controlgroup (P < 0.03). This in vitro study has shown that, regardless of chemical solutions used evenafter the final irrigation protocol, chemical residues of d ifferent substances remained attached tothe r oot c anal wa lls. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:495–49 9, 2015.
This article argues for the existence of a nomadic way of thinking, in accord with Deleuze and Guattari’s proposals throughout their “nomadology”. I will look forward to develop such an argument through of four points: the epistemological, the political, the historical and the ontological one. These four points, in set, describe what we call nomadic thought. Such reflection is defined in the observation of a dominant process that constitutes subjectivities ruled by a “capitalist axiomatic”, in our time. Such process is understood as a nomadic device involving, as its main by-product, what is called of narcissism of the difference. However, if the dominant way of becoming subjects ruled by capitalist society, in our time, is nomadic, is it still worthwhile thinking as a nomad, as pursued Deleuze and Guattari?
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The equilibrium interaction of doxorubicin and its N-acetyl derivative with a series of purine-pyrimidine alternating polydeoxynucleotides has been studied through spectrofluorometry to assess the relevance of the electrostatic contribution to DNA intercalation. The results have shown that: (a) the suppression of the positive charge on the aminosugar has: (I) a profound negative effect on the free energy of intercalation, as expected, and (II) a negligible influence on the base specificity, which supports the notion of an essentially electrostatic effect of N-acetylation on intercalation; (b) a reasonably good accord with the demands of a polyelectrolytic model, due to Friedman and Manning, is found.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Explicação e argumentação na linguagem da criança: diferenças e intersecções em dois estudos de caso
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavioral aspects of infants relating them to prematurity. A total of 130 lactentes were evaluated every month during the first year of life, employing the Operational Portage Inventory . Group 1, 56 newborns with no life risk at birth and Group 2, 74 premature babies, those that was born until 37 gestation weeks. The outcomes obtained showed that the premature babies (Group 2) presented a totally different performance than Group 1 in 68% of the analyses made, especially for motor development, cognition and socialization. The outcomes are in accord to the ones obtained in the literature, which indicate prematurity as one of the most harmful proximal conditions for the development of infants.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Apple is a fruit that offers promising prospect for industrialization as it has favorable characteristics for this purpose and can obtain products with good acceptance. In Brazil, approximately 15% of the production is processed into juice, and a portion is exported. Among the fresh fruit and juice, apple adds US$ 30 million annually to the Brazilian foreign exchange earnings. The aim of this study was to characterize, using chemical analysis, concentrated juices, commercial apple juice, nectar, and soft drink. In addition, to compare them with their respective Quality and Identity Standards (PIQ) published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and Codex Alimentarius. Concentrated juices and commercial beverages were analyzed in triplicate for soluble solids content (Brix), pH, total acidity (AT), and ratio. In concentrated juices, the Total Sugar Reducer (ART) was also assessed. The results obtained in the laboratory were compared with the PIQ and Codex Alimentarius to verify compliance with applicable regulations. Seven concentrate juices, five juices, six nectars, and three apple-flavoured soft drinks were analyzed. The Brix of pulpy and clarified concentrated juices were, respectively, 71.16±1.29 and 40.40±0.57°Brix. In all concentrated juices, the Brix was in accordance with Codex Alimentarius. The Brix and AT in sweetened clarified juices were 11.50±0.14°Brix and 0.18±0.04g of malic acid/100g sample. In pulpy whole juices the values were 11.20±0.70°Brix and 0.30±0.06g of malic acid/100g sample. The values of Brix and AT in apple-flavoured soft drinks were 11.03±0.93°Brix and 0.18±0.04g of malic acid/100ml sample. Commercial juices and soft drinks also presented °Brix and AT in accord with the PIQ established by MAPA. The apple nectars could not be compared with the standards because they are not published by MAPA or Codex Alimentarius. The definition of the PIQ is an important tool for quality control of beverages manufacture in Brazil. Therefore, it is recommended for the control agencies to define the parameters that are not established.
The aim of this paper was to measure the total soluble solids content (°Brix), titrable total acidity (AT) and ratio in orange beverages, such as frozen concentrated juice, not from concentrate juice, nectar and soft drink and to compare them with their Quality and Identity Standards (PIQ) published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and Codex Alimentarius. Four orange frozen concentrated juices, twenty two juices, seven nectars and thirteen orange soft drinks were analyzed. All frozen concentrated orange juices were in agreement with Codex Alimentarius. The majority of not from concentrated orange juices and soft drinks was in accord to Brazilian legislation. The orange nectars could not be compared with the standards because they are not published by MAPA or Codex Alimentarius.
Most of the antiretroviral (ARV) studies in Brazil have been reported in treatment-experienced and naive patients rather than in the setting of treatment interruption (TI). In this study, we analysed reasons given for TI and resistance mutations occurring in 150 HIV-1-infected patients who underwent TI. Of the patients analysed, 110 (73.3%) experienced TI following medical advice, while the remaining patients stopped antiretroviral therapy (ART) of their own accord. The main justifications for TI were: ARV-related toxicities (38.7%), good laboratory parameters (30%) and poor adherence (20%). DNA sequencing of the partial pol gene was successful in 137 (91.3%) patients, of whom 38 (27.7%) presented mutations conferring ARV resistance. A higher viral load prior to TI correlated with drug resistance (P < 0.05). Our results demonstrate that there are diverse rationales for TI and that detection of resistant strains during TI most likely indicates a fitter virus than the wild type. High viral loads coupled with unprotected sex in this group could increase the likelihood of transmission of drug-resistant virus. Thus, treating physicians should be alerted to this problem when the use of ARVs is interrupted.
The historical responsibility of countries listed in the Annex I of the Convention on Climate Change has been used extensively as a justification for the lack of action of countries not included in Annex I to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. We analyzed the contribution of non-Annex I countries to the CO2 emissions in the period 1850 - 2006 to assess their relative contribution to total CO2 emissions. In the period 1980 - 2006 non-Annex I countries represented 44% of the total but this contribution increased in the period 1990 - 2006 to 48%. If we extrapolate present trends to 2020 they will represent 56% in the period 1990 - 2020. The "historical responsibility" of Annex I countries is therefore decreasing. If we take 1990 as the starting year in which the Climate Convention recognized clearly that greenhouse gases are interfering dangerously with the climate system, it becomes very difficult to attribute "blame" and "guilt" to Annex I for their historical contributions. It becomes also quite clear the need of non-Annex I countries to engage with Annex I countries in the effort to reduce emissions. The Copenhagen Accord has no mention of "historical responsibilities".
[FR] Dans cet article, l´auteur caractérise l´eau et l´agriculture des îles du Cap Vert et analyse les défis de l´eau après la construction du barrage de Poilao dans la Vallée de Ribeira Seca, sur l´île de Santiago, en se servant de l´approche GIRE (Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau). Au niveau de la législation, il s´avère nécessaire de proposer de nouvelles lois, décrets et règlements qui soient en accord avec notre réalité, en opposition à un important lot d´instruments juridiques inapplicables, obsolètes et de compréhension difficile. La construction du barrage de Poilão a produit des impacts environnementaux, socio-économiques et sur l´irrigation. Il s´agit de trouver un modèle de gestion qui s´adapte à la réalité du Cap Vert et de l´île de Santiago, regroupant tous les partenaires pour une gestion durable de la vallée de Ribeira Seca et qui puisse servir d´exemple aux futurs barrages à construire.