942 resultados para Abastecimento de água - Paranapanema, Pontal do (SP)
The work was realized at the Laboratório de Ensaio de Equipamentos de Irrigação do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Universidade Estadual Paulista FCA- UNESP de Botucatu - SP, it aims evaluated in bench, the flow of a microsprinkler flow with dynamic nominal 43L h-1, before and after the use of gray water. In the first phase were 25 new emitters were separated and performed tests with clean water, at pressures from 50 to 300 kPa. In a second phase the emitters have been submitted 1000h operating with gray water. At the end of this time, the emitters were submitted again into conditions of initial essay, to evaluate the new costume water effect on medium flow from microsprinkler. At the end we can see that the average flow of the emitters, after use, has declined compared to the emitters discharge before use in 6,6%, the coefficient of variation after use was 5,1%, increased in proportion the coefficient of initial production was 4,3%, the R 2 fell from 0.9946 to 0.9898 and the microsprinkler continued with a high rating, according to the ABNT and ASAE.
A população mundial vem sofrendo, cada vez mais, as conseqüências das agressões efetuadas pelo homem ao meio ambiente, principalmente quanto à ocupação e uso inadequado das terras, o que ocasiona empobrecimento e depauperamento do solo, influenciando na qualidade e disponibilidade de água, levando à destruição das reservas florestais. Assim, é necessária a implantação de políticas públicas, que contemplem o desenvolvimento econômico, urbano, rural e social de uma região, preservando os recursos naturais para futuras gerações. A bacia em estudo está localizada entre as coordenadas UTM 764942; 7546214 e 741816; 7534759, com uma área de 14699,7ha. Este trabalho visou definir as classes de capacidade de uso de terra da microbacia do Ribeirão Pouso Alegre - Jaú (SP) através do Sistema de Informações Geográficas - SPRING. A carta de capacidade de uso da terra foi elaborada a partir do cruzamento das cartas clinográfica e de solo, que foram elaboradas pelo SIG Spring, e o cruzamento de dados foi feito através do LEGAL - Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico. Os resultados mostraram que a microbacia é constituída essencialmente pelas classes II e III e o SIG-SPRING permitiu através dos seus módulos discriminarem e quantificar as áreas das classes de terras, declive e capacidade de uso da terra rapidamente.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a variação de vazão em tubogotejadores NaanPC laranja e NaanPC azul em função de precipitados químicos, ao longo do tempo de funcionamento, quando submetidos a uma água rica em ferro, avaliando-se especificamente o coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC) e o coeficiente de uniformidade de distribuição (CUD). O experimento foi desenvolvido em uma bancada de ensaios para tubogotejadores no Laboratório de Ensaio de Equipamentos para Irrigação do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, localizado no município de Botucatu – SP. O experimento foi montado em esquema fatorial 2x2x7, sendo duas doses de Fe, dois modelos de gotejadores e sete tempos de funcionamento, com três repetições, totalizando 84 parcelas experimentais. Efetuou-se a análise de variância pelo teste F. As médias das vazões dos gotejadores foram comparadas pelo teste de T de Student a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados obtidos não apontaram diferença significativa nas diferentes doses de ferro. Entretanto, os resultados apontaram diferença significativa na interação gotejador x tempo e coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC).
Studying the physical environment of a watershed is the basic condition for a successful planning of the riparian forest preservation, and for water production and conservation. The aims of the present study were to analyze and quantify the spatial and temporal evolution (1984 and 2010) using Landsat-5 satellite images of Cintra Stream sub-watershed, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, processed by the software IDRISI Andes, as well as to analyze the water quality through the parameters pH, EC, DO and BOD5 at 4 different sites in the years 1999, 2008 and 2009. Considering the 1076.48ha area of the sub-watershed, the pasture class of 1984 was reduced by 25.55% in 2010, resulting in an increase in the remaining classes. The most important class was native forest and reforestation since it had an increase of 5.08%, which indicates recovery of the riparian forest. Degraded areas were identified close to the inferior limit of the sub-watershed (P3 and P4), as well as local contamination (P1 and P2) with worsening of the water quality in the remaining sites in the periods 2008 and 2009. Recovery and management of the ecological succession of degraded areas and water quality monitoring at 1 and 2 sites will be necessary to reestablish the natural condition of the area studied.
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is widespread in the Brazilian social and economic scene. The hypothesis is that if the water supply is suppressed in just one of the five development stages of irrigated beans, it can result in yield reduction lower than 20%, allowing water economy. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of bean Carioca group IAC Alvorada yield components, with irrigation suppression in each of the five phenological phases (emergence, vegetative, flowering, grain filling and maturation) and no irrigation and irrigated in all stages. The study was conducted at Agronomical Sciences College, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. The statistical design was the randomized block with seven treatments and four replications. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and t test at 5% probability. A rainfall event (58 mm) after planting allowed the successful emergence of seedling beans in plots where water would not be applied. The yield components were higher affect when there was irrigation's suppression at Vegetative phase and at Flowering phase. The treatments where occurred irrigation suppression at Maturation and at Emergence showed yield reduction of less than 20%, proving the hypothesis.
Intending to achieve better results on coffee production, the coffee producers began, since the 80s, to process the coffee postharvest, in order to ensure product's superior quality. However, with the processing, other problem appeared, the contamination of rivers, creeks, soil and water table from coffee wastewater (ARC). This paper had as main objective to use the ARC on the coffee plants' production verifying its viability and if the ARC is able to supply the coffee potassium requirements when they don't receive potassium chloride in the organic compound. The work was developed at Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in a greenhouse located at Departamento de Engenharia Rural. The work consisted of 10 treatments on a 5×2 factorial (5 wastewater proportions of coffee after the harvest processing - 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% - and potassium chloride presence or absence in the composition), with 4 repetitions with a completely randomized statistical design. The ARC was applied each 48 hours in an irrigation depth of 10 mm. After 6 months, the plants' vegetative characteristic had been evaluated as well the chemical characteristics of the compound and of the plants. We observed that the treatments with potassium chloride presence showed worse vegetative characteristics compared with treatments which did not have KCl in its composition. Moreover, with the increase of the wastewater dosage, it happened a decrease in the vegetative characteristics, however an addition in the chemical characteristics of the compound. Also, the treatments without KCl presence and with 0% and 25% of coffee wastewater had been statistically equal, showing the viability in the use of the ARC in the production of coffee plants, since the compound does not contain KCl and that the water used in the composition is a mixture of 25% of ARC with 75% of common water.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)