962 resultados para AIRWAY MUCUS


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Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A, which leads to storage of sphingolipids in virtually all human cells and consequently to organ dysfunction. Pulmonary involvement is still debated. But, obstructive lung disease is up to ten times more prevalent in patients with FD compared to general public. Also, an accelerated decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) over time was observed in these patients. Lysosomal storage of glycosphingolipids is considered leading to small airway disease via hyperplasia of the bronchiolar smooth muscle cells. Larger airways may become involved with ongoing disease process. There is no evidence for involvement of the lung interstitium in FD. The effect of enzyme replacement therapy on respiratory involvement remains to be determined in large, prospective controlled trials.


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Objective: To present the feasibility of bilateral lung transplantation after previously performed pneumonectomy.Methods: A 32 years old women underwent right pneumonectomy for bronchiectasis-related destroyed lung. Eight months later, she developed a vascular post-pneumonectomy syndrome and underwent realigning of the mediastinum by an intrathoracic expander that was complicated by an adult respiratory distress syndrome of the left lung requiring mechanical ventilation, arterio-venous CO2 removal (Novalung) and finally bilateral lung transplantation. Via clamshell incision, the post-pneumonectomy cavity was dissected and the superior vena cava (SVC) and carina were exposed. The pulmonary vessel stumps were dissected intrapericardically after realization of a right-sided hemi-pericardectomy. Extracorporeal circulation was started after central cannulation of the aorta and the inferior vena cava. A right upper lobe sleeve resection of the donor lung was performed. The intermediate bronchus was then implanted in the dissected recipient carina after realization of a hilar release maneuver. The right pulmonary artery was clamped between SVC andthe ascending aorta followed by end -to-end anastomosis of the donor and recipient artery and left atrial cuffs, respectively. Satisfactory graft function allowed decanulation and standard transplantation of the left lung without extracorporeal circulation.Results: Bronchoscopy and trans-esophageal echocardiography demonstrated a patent airway and vascular anastomoses without stenosis. Follow-up revealed excellent gas exchanges, no airway complications and well-functioning grafts on both sides with right-sided ventilation and perfusion two months after transplantation of 37% and 22%, respectively.Conclusion: This is to our knowledge the first report of successful bilateral lung transplantation after previous pneumonectomy unrelated to transplantation.


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BACKGROUND: Spontaneous ventilation, mechanical controlled ventilation, apneic intermittent ventilation, and jet ventilation are commonly used during interventional suspension microlaryngoscopy. The aim of this study was to investigate specific complications of each technique, with special emphasis on transtracheal and transglottal jet ventilation. METHODS: The authors performed a retrospective single-institution analysis of a case series of 1,093 microlaryngoscopies performed in 661 patients between January 1994 and January 2004. Data were collected from two separate prospective databases. Feasibility and complications encountered with each technique of ventilation were analyzed as main outcome measures. RESULTS: During 1,093 suspension microlaryngoscopies, ventilation was supplied by mechanical controlled ventilation via small endotracheal tubes (n = 200), intermittent apneic ventilation (n = 159), transtracheal jet ventilation (n = 265), or transglottal jet ventilation (n = 469). Twenty-nine minor and 4 major complications occurred. Seventy-five percent of the patients with major events had an American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification of III. Five laryngospasms were observed with apneic intermittent ventilation. All other 24 complications (including 7 barotrauma) occurred during jet ventilation. Transtracheal jet ventilation was associated with a significantly higher complication rate than transglottal jet ventilation (P < 0.0001; odds ratio, 4.3 [95% confidence interval, 1.9-10.0]). All severe complications were related to barotraumas resulting from airway outflow obstruction during jet ventilation, most often laryngospasms. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a transtracheal cannula was the major independent risk factor for complications during jet ventilation for interventional microlaryngoscopy. The anesthetist's vigilance in clinically detecting and preventing outflow airway obstruction remains the best prevention of barotrauma during subglottic jet ventilation.


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BACKGROUND: Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are key players in controlling the development of airway inflammation. However, their role in the mechanisms leading to tolerance in established allergic asthma is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of Tregs in tolerance induction in a murine model of asthma. METHODS: Ovalbumin (OVA) sensitized asthmatic mice were depleted or not of CD25(+) T cells by anti-CD25 PC61 monoclonal antibody (mAb) before intranasal treatment (INT) with OVA, then challenged with OVA aerosol. To further evaluate the respective regulatory activity of CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells, both T cell subsets were transferred from tolerized or non-tolerized animals to asthmatic recipients. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), T cell proliferation and cytokine secretion were examined. RESULTS: Intranasal treatment with OVA led to increased levels of IL-10, TGF-beta and IL-17 in lung homogenates, inhibition of eosinophil recruitment into the BALF and antigen specific T cell hyporesponsiveness. CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells were markedly upregulated in lungs and suppressed in vitro and in vivo OVA-specific T cell responses. Depletion of CD25(+) cells before OVA INT severely hampered tolerance induction as indicated by a strong recruitment of eosinophils into BALF and a vigorous T cell response to OVA upon challenge. However, the transfer of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells not only suppressed antigen specific T cell responsiveness but also significantly reduced eosinophil recruitment as opposed to CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. As compared with control mice, a significantly higher proportion of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells from OVA treated mice expressed mTGF-beta. CONCLUSION: Both CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells appear to be essential to tolerance induction. The relationship between both subsets and the mechanisms of their regulatory activity will have to be further analyzed.


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In a prospective investigation of 17 children with severe croup, we analyzed the effect of epinephrine inhalations and mild sedation with chloral hydrate on transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure (tcPCO2), pulse oximetry measurements, and croup scores. There was a highly significant reduction (p less than 0.001) in the tcPCO2 values and croup scores after inhalation of epinephrine. The changes in the tcPCO2 values correlated with the clinical findings. Mild sedation also significantly improved the croup scores but failed to influence the tcPCO2 values. There was not statistically significant difference in pulse oximetry saturation, fraction of administered oxygen, heart rate, or respiratory rate before and after inhalation of epinephrine or chloral hydrate administration. Monitoring tcPCO2 appears to be a reliable and objective tool for managing patients with upper airway obstruction, whereas croup scores may be misleading.


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Mucosal immunity to the enteric pathogen Shigella flexneri is mediated by secretory IgA (S-IgA) antibodies directed against the O-antigen (O-Ag) side chain of lipopolysaccharide. While secretory antibodies against the O-Ag are known to prevent bacterial invasion of the intestinal epithelium, the mechanisms by which this occurs are not fully understood. In this study, we report that the binding of a murine monoclonal IgA (IgAC5) to the O-Ag of S. flexneri serotype 5a suppresses activity of the type 3 secretion (T3S) system, which is necessary for S. flexneri to gain entry into intestinal epithelial cells. IgAC5's effects on the T3S were rapid (5 to 15 min) and were coincident with a partial reduction in the bacterial membrane potential and a decrease in intracellular ATP levels. Activity of the T3S system returned to normal levels 45 to 90 min following antibody treatment, demonstrating that IgAC5's effects were transient. Nonetheless, these data suggest a model in which the association of IgA with the O-Ag of S. flexneri partially de-energizes the T3S system and temporarily renders the bacterium incapable of invading intestinal epithelial cells. IMPORTANCE: Secretory IgA (S-IgA) serves as the first line of defense against enteric infections. However, despite its well-recognized role in mucosal immunity, relatively little is known at the molecular level about how this class of antibody functions to prevent pathogenic bacteria from penetrating the epithelial barrier. It is generally assumed that S-IgA functions primarily by "immune exclusion," a phenomenon in which the antibody binds to microbial surface antigens and thereby promotes bacterial agglutination, entrapment in mucus, and physical clearance from the gastrointestinal tract via peristalsis. The results of the present study suggest that in addition to serving as a physical barrier, S-IgA may have a direct impact on the ability of microbial pathogens to secrete virulence factors required for invasion of intestinal epithelial cells.


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Mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) is secreted by goblet cells of the respiratory tract and, surprisingly, also expressed de novo in mucus secreting cancer lines. siRNA-mediated knockdown of 7343 human gene products in a human colonic cancer goblet cell line (HT29-18N2) revealed new proteins, including a Ca(2+)-activated channel TRPM5, for MUC5AC secretion. TRPM5 was required for PMA and ATP-induced secretion of MUC5AC from the post-Golgi secretory granules. Stable knockdown of TRPM5 reduced a TRPM5-like current and ATP-mediated Ca(2+) signal. ATP-induced MUC5AC secretion depended strongly on Ca(2+) influx, which was markedly reduced in TRPM5 knockdown cells. The difference in ATP-induced Ca(2+) entry between control and TRPM5 knockdown cells was abrogated in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) and by inhibition of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX). Accordingly, MUC5AC secretion was reduced by inhibition of NCX. Thus TRPM5 activation by ATP couples TRPM5-mediated Na(+) entry to promote Ca(2+) uptake via an NCX to trigger MUC5AC secretion


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BACKGROUND: Environmental conditions play a crucial role in mite growth, and optimal environmental control is key in the prevention of airway inflammation in chronic allergic rhinoconjunctivitis or asthma. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between building energy performance and indoor mite allergen concentration in a cross-sectional study. METHODS: Major allergen concentration (Der f 1, Der p 1, mite group 2, Fel d 1 and Bla g 2) was determined by quantitative dot blot analysis from mattress and carpet dust samples in five buildings designed for low energy use (LEB) and in six control buildings (CB). Inhabitants had received 4 weeks prior to mite measurement a personal validated questionnaire related to the perceived state of health and comfort of living. RESULTS: Cumulative mite allergen concentration (with Der f 1 as the major contributor) was significantly lower in LEB as compared with CB both in mattresses and in carpets. In contrast, the two categories of buildings did not differ in Bla g 2 and Fel d 1 concentration, in the amount of dust and airborne mould collected. Whereas temperature was higher in LEB, relative humidity was significantly lower than in CB. Perceived overall comfort was better in LEB. CONCLUSIONS: Major mite allergen Der f 1 preferentially accumulates in buildings not specifically designed for low energy use, reaching levels at risk for sensitization. We hypothesize that controlled mechanical ventilation present in all audited LEB may favour lower air humidity and hence lower mite growth and allergen concentration, while preserving optimal perceived comfort.


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The epithelial sodium channel ENaC is physiologically important in the kidney for the regulation of the extracellular fluid volume, and in the lungs for the maintenance of the appropriate airway surface liquid volume that lines the pulmonary epithelium. Besides the regulation of ENaC by hormones, intracellular factors such as Na(+) ions, pH, or Ca(2+) are responsible for fast adaptive responses of ENaC activity to changes in the intracellular milieu. In this study, we show that ENaC is rapidly and reversibly inhibited by internal sulfhydryl-reactive molecules such as methanethiosulfonate derivatives of different sizes, the metal cations Cd(2+) and Zn(2+), or copper(II) phenanthroline, a mild oxidizing agent that promotes the formation of disulfide bonds. At the single channel level, these agents applied intracellularly induce the appearance of long channel closures, suggesting an effect on ENaC gating. The intracellular reducing agent dithiothreitol fully reverses the rundown of ENaC activity in inside-out patches. Our observations suggest that changes in intracellular redox potential modulate ENaC activity and may regulate ENaC-mediated Na(+) transport in epithelia. Finally, substitution experiments reveal that multiple cysteine residues in the amino and carboxyl termini of ENaC subunits are responsible for this thiol-mediated inhibition of ENaC.


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Th2-solujen erilaistumista ohjaavat säätelyverkostot ja niiden tutkiminen proteomiikan avulla Astma ja allergiat ovat laajalle levinneitä ja vakavia sairauksia, joista kärsivät miljoonat ihmiset ympäri maailmaa. Koe-eläimillä tehdyt tutkimukset osoittavat, että interleukiini-4 (IL-4) on tärkeä allergisen astman ja allergioiden kehittymiselle ja kroonistumiselle. Se ohjaa T-auttajasolujen (Th-solujen) kehittymistä Th2-tyypin soluiksi, joilla on merkittävä rooli näiden tautien puhkeamisessa. Th2-solut tuottavat myös itse IL-4:ä, joka edesauttaa taudin seuraavien vaiheiden kehittymistä. Erityisesti STAT6-proteiini, joka aktivoituu IL-4-stimulaation seurauksena, on tarpeen Th2- vasteen syntymiselle ja kroonistumiselle antigeenin aiheuttamassa keuhkoputkien astmaattisessa tulehduksessa. Väitöskirjatyöni tarkoituksena oli käyttää kaksidimensionaaliseen elektroforeesiin (2- DE) perustuvaa proteomiikkaa ja massaspektrometriaa uusien Th2-solujen erilaistumista säätelevien proteiinien tunnistamiseksi. Erilaistumattomat Th-solut eristettiin vastasyntyneen napaverestä tai hiiren pernasta. Solut aktivoitiin Tsolureseptorin ja ns. ko-stimulatoristen reseptorien kautta ja erilaistettiin joko Th1- tai Th2-suuntaan vastaavasti erilaistavien IL-12- ja IL-4-sytokiinien avulla. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa in vitro -erilaistettujen Th1- ja Th2-solujen proteomeja verrattiin keskenään proteiinien ilmenemisessä tai proteiinimodifikaatioissa olevien erojen tunnistamiseksi. Kaksi muuta päätutkimusta keskittyivät IL-4:n aiheuttamaan proteiinitason säätelyyn ensimmäisen vuorokauden aikana T-soluaktivaation jälkeen. Näistä ensimmäisessä IL-4:n aiheuttamia eroja tunnistettiin aktivoiduista ihmisen Thsoluista. IL-4:n todettiin säätelevän useita proteiineja kaspaasien välittämissä signalointiteissä sekä lisäävän T-solujen elävyyttä ja aktivoitumista. Toisessa tutkimuksessa STAT6-poistogeenisten hiirien lymfosyyttien proteomia verrattiin villityypin kontrollisoluihin T-soluaktivaation ja IL-4-stimulaation jälkeen. Näissä tutkimuksissa karakterisoitiin useita uusia IL-4:n ja STAT6:n kohdeproteiineja ja löydettiin uusia säätelyverkostoja. Tutkimustulokset ovat johtaneet uusiin Th2-erilaistumismekanismeja koskeviin hypoteeseihin.


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To evaluate the impact of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) algorithms available on intensive care unit ventilators on the incidence of patient-ventilator asynchrony in patients receiving NIV for acute respiratory failure. Prospective multicenter randomized cross-over study. Intensive care units in three university hospitals. Patients consecutively admitted to the ICU and treated by NIV with an ICU ventilator were included. Airway pressure, flow and surface diaphragmatic electromyography were recorded continuously during two 30-min periods, with the NIV (NIV+) or without the NIV algorithm (NIV0). Asynchrony events, the asynchrony index (AI) and a specific asynchrony index influenced by leaks (AIleaks) were determined from tracing analysis. Sixty-five patients were included. With and without the NIV algorithm, respectively, auto-triggering was present in 14 (22%) and 10 (15%) patients, ineffective breaths in 15 (23%) and 5 (8%) (p = 0.004), late cycling in 11 (17%) and 5 (8%) (p = 0.003), premature cycling in 22 (34%) and 21 (32%), and double triggering in 3 (5%) and 6 (9%). The mean number of asynchronies influenced by leaks was significantly reduced by the NIV algorithm (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was found between the magnitude of leaks and AIleaks when the NIV algorithm was not activated (p = 0.03). The global AI remained unchanged, mainly because on some ventilators with the NIV algorithm premature cycling occurs. In acute respiratory failure, NIV algorithms provided by ICU ventilators can reduce the incidence of asynchronies because of leaks, thus confirming bench test results, but some of these algorithms can generate premature cycling.


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Le système respiratoire permet l'échange de gaz entre un organisme et son environnement. Pour fonctionner efficacement, il doit lutter contre les infections tout en maintenant une tolérance aux particules inoffensives. Les cytokines sont des petites protéines qui permettent la communication entre les différentes cellules et jouent un rôle important dans la régulation de l'homéostasie et de l'immunité des surfaces pulmonaires. Une production altérée des cytokines sous-tend beaucoup de maladies du système pulmonaire. Ainsi, la compréhension de la biologie fondamentale des cytokines pourrait contribuer à la mise au point de nouveaux traitements. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle de deux cytokines, le TSLP (Thymic stromal lymphopoietin) et l'IL-17 (Interleukin 17) dans les réponses immunitaires bénéfiques et nuisibles en utilisant des modèles précliniques de souris des maladies pulmonaires. L'asthme est une maladie qui est caractérisée par la bronchoconstriction réversible, l'inflammation des voies respiratoires inférieures, l'hyperréactivité bronchique et le remodelage tissulaire. Le type d'inflammation affectant les voies respiratoires et la présence ou non d'allergie permettent d'établir les différents types d'asthme. La TSLP est une cytokine qui est principalement exprimée à des niveaux élevés dans les poumons de patients souffrant d'asthme allergique. En conséquence, la majeure partie de la recherche sur la TSLP a mis l'accent sur le rôle joué par celle- ci dans les réponses négatives conduisant au développement de l'asthme allergique. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que la TSLP joue aussi un rôle bénéfique dans les réponses immunitaires pulmonaires. Nous avons découvert que la TSLP atténue la grippe en augmentant les réponses des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques contre le virus. Nous avons également étudié la fonction de la TSLP dans l'asthme non allergique. Contrairement à l'asthme allergique, nous avons constaté que la TSLP diminue les réponses inflammatoires dans l'asthme non allergique en réglant la production de l'IL-17, une cytokine qui favorise la maladie. Ainsi, nous démontrons les fonctions pleiotropes de la TSLP dans des contextes spécifiques de la maladie. Nos résultats ont des implications importantes pour le développement de thérapies ciblant la TSLP dans l'asthme. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes pathogéniques qui sous-tendent le développement de la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO). La BPCO est une maladie chronique le plus largement associée aux fumeurs. Elle est caractérisée par une limitation progressive et irréversible du débit d'air et la destruction de la structure des poumons. L'augmentation globale de l'incidence de la maladie encourage grandement la compréhension des mécanismes pathogéniques et l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Nous avons découvert que les micro-organismes trouvés dans les voies respiratoires aggravent la maladie en augmentant la production de l'IL-17. L'IL-17 est une cytokine inflammatoire qui est impliquée dans plusieurs maladies pulmonaires chroniques, dont la BPCO. Dans notre modèle animal de la maladie, nous avons neutralisé 1ÌL-17A en utilisant un anticorps spécifique et observé une reprise de la fonction pulmonaire. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié 2 axes potentiels pour l'intervention thérapeutique contre la BPCO. Cibler les bactéries dans les voies respiratoires soit par l'utilisation d'antibiotiques ou l'utilisation de thérapies à base immunitaire qui antagonisent l'activité spécifiques de l'IL-17. Dans l'avenir, notre laboratoire va collaborer avec des cliniciens pour acquérir des échantillons humains et tester la pertinence de nos résultats dans la maladie humaine. -- L'interaction avec l'environnement extérieur est vitale pour le fonctionnement du système respiratoire. Par conséquent, ce dernier a adopté une multitude de réseaux effecteurs et régulateurs qui permettent de distinguer les particules inhalées comme «dangereuses» ou «inoffensives» et de réagir en conséquence. L'équilibre entre ces réseaux est essentielle pour lutter contre le «danger» déclenché par une infection ou des dommages, et finalement pour le retour à l'homéostasie. Le milieu de cytokine local contribue de manière significative à la mise au point de ces réponses. Ainsi, la caractérisation du rôle des cytokines dans l'état d'équilibre et la maladie a des implications claires pour les interventions thérapeutiques dans les maladies respiratoires aiguës et chroniques. Cette thèse a porté sur le rôle des cytokines, la lymphopoïétine stromale thymique (TSLP) et TIL-17A dans l'élaboration de réponses immunitaires pulmonaires. La TSLP est principalement produite par les cellules épithéliales et peut cibler une myriade de cellules immunitaires. Bien qu'elle ait été montrée être un puissant inducteur des réponses de type Th2, son rôle dans d'autres contextes inflammatoires est relativement inexploré. Dans le premier projet de cette thèse, nous avons découvert une nouvelle fonction de la TSLP dans l'immunité antivirale contre la grippe, une infection virale. Nous avons constaté que la TSLP a réglementé la réponse neutrophile au début de l'infection, en amplifiant l'immunité adaptative spécifique du virus. Mécaniquement, la TSLP a augmenté l'expression de l'IL-15 et du CD70 sur les cellules dendritiques recrutées dans les poumons suite à l'infection et a renforcé leur capacité de stimuler localement les lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques du virus. En outre, nous avons étudié la TSLP dans le cadre de divers phénotypes de l'asthme et également démontré l'impact pléiotropique qu'elle a sur les réponses immunitaires pulmonaires. En accord avec les rapports précédents, nous avons constaté que la TSLP a exacerbé l'inflammation atopique médiée par le Th2. En revanche la TSLP a réduit les réponses de l'IL-17A et l'inflammation neutrophile subséquente dans le modèle non atopique, ainsi que l'exacerbation du modèle atopique provoqué par une infection virale. Nos résultats démontrent une dichotomie dans le rôle de la TSLP dans la pathogenèse de l'asthme et soulignent la nécessité d'envisager plusieurs phénotypes d'asthme pour une évaluation approfondie de son potentiel thérapeutique dans cette maladie. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous avons caractérisé les mécanismes pathogènes qui sous-tendent la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO). La BPCO est une maladie hétérogène définie par une diminution progressive de la fonction pulmonaire. Bien que des déclencheurs environnementaux puissent aggraver la maladie, chez les personnes sensibles une maladie établie peut progresser à travers un cercle inflammatoire auto-entretenu. Nous avons cherché à définir les mécanismes sous-jacents à l'aide d'un modèle murin d'inflammation chronique, qui reproduit les caractéristiques pathologiques de la maladie humaine. Puisqu'ont été associés à la BPCO sévère des changements dans le microbiome des voies respiratoires, nous avons supposé que les signaux dérivés de certains microbes pourraient favoriser des voies inflammatoires chroniques de progression de la maladie. Nous avons observé que, en l'absence d un microbiome, la maladie s'est améliorée tel que démontré par une réduction de l'inflammation des voies respiratoires et une amélioration de la fonction pulmonaire. Cela a été lié spécifiquement à une production réduite d'IL-17A, une cytokine qui a été impliquée dans la maladie humaine. De plus la cinétique de production de 1IL- 17A dépendant du microbiote est corrélé à la sévérité de la maladie. Sur la base de ces données, la neutralisation de l'IL-17A a également eu un effet bénéfique sur l'évolution de la maladie. Le rôle significatif de 1TL-17A dans l'aggravation de la maladie a été couplé à sa capacité à engager un dialogue entre les voies inflammatoires innées et adaptatives. Il a influencé le recrutement et le phénotype des neutrophiles et des macrophages, ce qui a eu un impact direct et indirect sur la formation et la fonction des tissus lymphoïdes tertiaires associée à des stades sévères de la maladie. -- The interaction with the external environment is vital for the functioning of the respiratory system. Consequently, it has adopted a multitude of effector and regulatory networks that enable it to distinguish inhaled particles as 'dangerous' or 'innocuous' and respond accordingly. The balance between these networks is crucial to counteract the 'danger' triggered by infection or damage, and ultimately return to homeostasis. The local cytokine milieu contributes significantly to the fine- tuning of these responses. Thus, characterizing the role of cytokines in steady state and disease has clear implications for therapeutic interventions in acute and chronic respiratory disorders. This thesis focused on the role of the cytokines, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and IL-17A in shaping pulmonary immune responses. TSLP is primarily produced by barrier epithelial cells and can target a myriad of immune cells. Although it has been shown to be potent inducer of Th2 type responses, its role in other inflammatory settings is relatively unexplored. In the first project of this thesis, we discovered a novel function of TSLP in antiviral immunity to Influenza A infection. We found that while TSLP regulated the early neutrophilic response to infection, it amplified virus specific adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, TSLP enhanced the expression of IL-15 and CD70 on the lung recruited inflammatory dendritic cells and strengthened their ability to stimulate virus specific CD8+ T cell responses locally. In addition we investigated TSLP in the context of diverse asthma phenotypes and further demonstrated the pleiotropic impact it has on pulmonary immune responses. In concurrence with previous reports we found that TSLP exacerbated Th2 mediated atopic inflammation. In contrast TSLP curtailed IL-17A responses and subsequent neutrophilic inflammation in the non-atopic model as well as virus induced exacerbation of the atopic model. Our findings demonstrate a dichotomy in the role of TSLP in asthma pathogenesis and emphasize the need to consider multiple asthma phenotypes for a thorough evaluation of its therapeutic potential in this disease. In the next part of this thesis we characterized the pathogenic mechanisms underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD is a heterogeneous disease defined by a progressive decline in lung function. Although environmental triggers exacerbate the disease, in susceptible individuals the established disease can progress through a self-sustained inflammatory circle. We sought to delineate the underlying mechanisms by using a murine model of chronic inflammation, which reproduced key pathological features of the human disease. As changes in the airway microbiome have been linked to severe COPD, we speculated that microbial derived signals could facilitate the establishment of chronic inflammatory pathways that favour disease progression. We found that the absence of a microbiota ameliorated disease, exhibited by a reduction in airway inflammation and an improvement in lung function. This was linked specifically to an impaired production of IL-17A, a cytokine that has been implicated in human disease. Moreover the kinetics of microbiota-dependent IL-17A production correlated with the disease severity. Based on these data targeted neutralization of IL-17A also had a beneficiai effect on the disease outcome. The prominent role played by IL-I7A in driving the disease was coupled to its ability in engaging and mediating cross talk between pathogenic innate and adaptive immune pathways. It influenced the recruitment and phenotype of neutrophils and macrophages, as well as impacted upon the formation and function of tertiary lymphoid tissue associated with severe disease. Thus, temporal and spatial changes in cytokine production, their cellular targets and interaction with the local milieu determine the balance between immunity and pathology in the lung. Collectively our findings provide novel mechanistic insights in the complex role played by cytokines in orchestrating pulmonary immune responses and have clear implications for human disease.


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OBJECTIVES: To document the prevalence of asynchrony events during noninvasive ventilation in pressure support in infants and in children and to compare the results with neurally adjusted ventilatory assist. DESIGN: Prospective randomized cross-over study in children undergoing noninvasive ventilation. SETTING: The study was performed in a PICU. PATIENTS: From 4 weeks to 5 years. INTERVENTIONS: Two consecutive ventilation periods (pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist) were applied in random order. During pressure support (PS), three levels of expiratory trigger (ETS) setting were compared: initial ETS (PSinit), and ETS value decreased and increased by 15%. Of the three sessions, the period allowing for the lowest number of asynchrony events was defined as PSbest. Neurally adjusted ventilator assist level was adjusted to match the maximum airway pressure during PSinit. Positive end-expiratory pressure was the same during pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilator assist. Asynchrony events, trigger delay, and cycling-off delay were quantified for each period. RESULTS: Six infants and children were studied. Trigger delay was lower with neurally adjusted ventilator assist versus PSinit and PSbest (61 ms [56-79] vs 149 ms [134-180] and 146 ms [101-162]; p = 0.001 and 0.02, respectively). Inspiratory time in excess showed a trend to be shorter during pressure support versus neurally adjusted ventilator assist. Main asynchrony events during PSinit were autotriggering (4.8/min [1.7-12]), ineffective efforts (9.9/min [1.7-18]), and premature cycling (6.3/min [3.2-18.7]). Premature cycling (3.4/min [1.1-7.7]) was less frequent during PSbest versus PSinit (p = 0.059). The asynchrony index was significantly lower during PSbest versus PSinit (40% [28-65] vs 65.5% [42-76], p < 0.001). With neurally adjusted ventilator assist, all types of asynchronies except double triggering were reduced. The asynchrony index was lower with neurally adjusted ventilator assist (2.3% [0.7-5] vs PSinit and PSbest, p < 0.05 for both comparisons). CONCLUSION: Asynchrony events are frequent during noninvasive ventilation with pressure support in infants and in children despite adjusting the cycling-off criterion. Compared with pressure support, neurally adjusted ventilator assist allows improving patient-ventilator synchrony by reducing trigger delay and the number of asynchrony events. Further studies should determine the clinical impact of these findings.


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Percutaneous cricothyroidotomy may be a lifesaving procedure for airway obstruction, which cannot be relieved by endotracheal intubation and can be performed with specially designed instruments. A new device, the "Quicktrach", was evaluated by an anatomical preparation, flow and resistance measurements, and puncture of the cricothyroid membrane in 55 corpses. The size of the parts of the instrument (needle, plastic cannula, depth gauge) in relation to the size of the larynx is adequate, thus there is little likelihood of perforation of the posterior wall of the larynx. Resistance of the plastic cannula is sufficiently low to allow for adequate ventilation. The duration of time until the cannula is positioned properly in the trachea is significantly shorter, when an incision prior to the puncture is done (83 +/- 88 seconds without incision versus 35 +/- 41 seconds with incision; mean +/- SD). The "Quicktrach" is easy to apply even by inexperienced persons. The incidence of damage to the larynx (lesions including fractures of the thyroid, cricoid and 1. tracheal cartilage in 18%; soft tissue injury in 9%) is relatively high, however considering the live saving character of the procedure these numbers appear to be acceptable. Technical problems which occur with the use of the device are discussed and suggestions for improvement are made.