988 resultados para ACC oxidase


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An emerging and important site of action for nitric oxide (NO) within cells is the mitochondrial inner membrane, where NO binds to and inhibits members of the electron transport chain, complex III and cytochrome c oxidase. Although it is known that inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO is competitive with O2, the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon remain unclear, and the impact of both NO and O2 partitioning into biological membranes has not been considered. These properties are particularly interesting because physiological O2 tensions can vary widely, with NO having a greater inhibitory effect at low O2 tensions (<20 μM). In this study, we present evidence for a consumption of NO in mitochondrial membranes in the absence of substrate, in a nonsaturable process that is O2 dependent. This consumption modulates inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO and is enhanced by the addition of exogenous membranes. From these data, it is evident that the partition of NO into mitochondrial membranes has a major impact on the ability of NO to control mitochondrial respiration. The implications of this conclusion are discussed in the context of mitochondrial lipid:protein ratios and the importance of NO as a regulator of respiration in pathophysiology.


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We investigated the feedback regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit with respect to the transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production. The abundance of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, and NR mRNAs increased in the ripening fruit concomitant with a burst in ethylene production. These increases in mRNAs with ripening were prevented to a large extent by treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (MCP), an ethylene action inhibitor. Transcripts for the LE-ACS6 gene, which accumulated in preclimacteric fruit but not in untreated ripening fruit, did accumulate in ripening fruit treated with MCP. Treatment of young fruit with propylene prevented the accumulation of transcripts for this gene. LE-ACS1A, LE-ACS3, and TAE1 genes were expressed constitutively in the fruit throughout development and ripening irrespective of whether the fruit was treated with MCP or propylene. The transcripts for LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 genes already existed in preclimacteric fruit and increased greatly when ripening commenced. These increases in LE-ACO mRNA with ripening were also prevented by treatment with MCP. The results suggest that in tomato fruit the preclimacteric system 1 ethylene is possibly mediated via constitutively expressed LE-ACS1A and LE-ACS3 and negatively feedback-regulated LE-ACS6 genes with preexisting LE-ACO1 and LE-ACO4 mRNAs. At the onset of the climacteric stage, it shifts to system 2 ethylene, with a large accumulation of LE-ACS2, LE-ACS4, LE-ACO1, and LE-ACO4 mRNAs as a result of a positive feedback regulation. This transition from system 1 to system 2 ethylene production might be related to the accumulated level of NR mRNA.


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Peroxidizing herbicides inhibit protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Protox), the last enzyme of the common branch of the chlorophyll- and heme-synthesis pathways. There are two isoenzymes of Protox, one of which is located in the plastid and the other in the mitochondria. Sequence analysis of the cloned Protox cDNAs showed that the deduced amino acid sequences of plastidial and mitochondrial Protox in wild-type cells and in herbicide-resistant YZI-1S cells are the same. The level of plastidial Protox mRNA was the same in both wild-type and YZI-1S cells, whereas the level of mitochondrial Protox mRNA YZI-1S cells was up to 10 times the level of wild-type cells. Wild-type cells were observed by fluorescence microscopy to emit strong autofluorescence from chlorophyll. Only a weak fluorescence signal was observed from chlorophyll in YZI-1S cells grown in the Protox inhibitor N-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-propagyloxy)-phenyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide. Staining with DiOC6 showed no visible difference in the number or strength of fluorescence between wild-type and YZI-1S mitochondria. Electron micrography of YZI-1S cells showed that, in contrast to wild-type cells, the chloroplasts of YZI-1S cells grown in the presence of N-(4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-propagyloxy)-phenyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimide exhibited no grana stacking. These results suggest that the herbicide resistance of YZI-1S cells is due to the overproduction of mitochondrial Protox.


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In the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis pathway, 20-oxidase catalyzes the oxidation and elimination of carbon-20 to give rise to C19-GAs. All bioactive GAs are C19-GAs. We have overexpressed a cDNA encoding 20-oxidase isolated from Arabidopsis seedlings in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. These transgenic plants display a phenotype that may be attributed to the overproduction of GA. The phenotype includes a longer hypocotyl, lighter-green leaves, increased stem elongation, earlier flowering, and decreased seed dormancy. However, the fertility of the transgenic plants is not affected. Increased levels of endogenous GA1, GA9, and GA20 were detected in seedlings of the transgenic line examined. GA4, which is thought to be the predominantly active GA in Arabidopsis, was not present at increased levels in this line. These results suggest that the overexpression of this 20-oxidase increases the levels of some endogenous GAs in transgenic seedlings, which causes the GA-overproduction phenotype.


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A possible function for the alternative (nonphosphorylating) pathway is to stabilize the reduction state of the ubiquinone pool (Qr/Qt), thereby avoiding an increase in free radical production. If the Qr/Qt were stabilized by the alternative pathway, then Qr/Qt should be less stable when the alternative pathway is blocked. Qr/Qt increased when we exposed roots of Poa annua (L.) to increasing concentrations of KCN (an inhibitor of the cytochrome pathway). However, when salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of the alternative pathway, was added at the same time, Qr/Qt increased significantly more. Therefore, we conclude that the alternative pathway stabilizes Qr/Qt. Salicylhydroxamic acid increasingly inhibited respiration with increasing concentrations of KCN. In the experiments described here the alternative oxidase protein was invariably in its reduced (high-activity) state. Therefore, changes in the reduction state of the alternative oxidase cannot account for an increase in activity of the alternative pathway upon titration with KCN. The pyruvate concentration in intact roots increased only after the alternative pathway was blocked or the cytochrome pathway was severely inhibited. The significance of the pyruvate concentration and Qr/Qt on the activity of the alternative pathway in intact roots is discussed.


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The expression of the alternative oxidase (AOX) was investigated during cotyledon development in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seedlings. The total amount of AOX protein increased throughout development, not just in earlier stages as previously thought, and was correlated with the increase in capacity of the alternative pathway. Each AOX isoform (AOX1, AOX2, and AOX3) showed a different developmental trend in mRNA abundance, such that the increase in AOX protein and capacity appears to involve a shift in gene expression from AOX2 to AOX3. As the cotyledons aged, the size of the mitochondrial ubiquinone pool decreased. We discuss how this and other factors may affect the alternative pathway activity that results from the developmental regulation of AOX expression.


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We previously reported that overexpression of the rice homeobox gene OSH1 led to altered morphology and hormone levels in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants. Among the hormones whose levels were changed, GA1 was dramatically reduced. Here we report the results of our analysis on the regulatory mechanism(s) of OSH1 on GA metabolism. GA53 and GA20, precursors of GA1, were applied separately to transgenic tobacco plants exhibiting severely changed morphology due to overexpression of OSH1. Only treatment with the end product of GA 20-oxidase, GA20, resulted in a striking promotion of stem elongation in transgenic tobacco plants. The internal GA1 and GA20 contents in OSH1-transformed tobacco were dramatically reduced compared with those of wild-type plants, whereas the level of GA19, a mid-product of GA 20-oxidase, was 25% of the wild-type level. We have isolated a cDNA encoding a putative tobacco GA 20-oxidase, which is mainly expressed in vegetative stem tissue. RNA-blot analysis revealed that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was suppressed in stem tissue of OSH1-transformed tobacco plants. Based on these results, we conclude that overexpression of OSH1 causes a reduction of the level of GA1 by suppressing GA 20-oxidase expression.


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We conducted a coordinated biochemical and morphometric analysis of the effect of saline conditions on the differentiation zone of developing soybean (Glycine max L.) roots. Between d 3 and d 14 for seedlings grown in control or NaCl-supplemented medium, we studied (a) the temporal evolution of the respiratory alternative oxidase (AOX) capacity in correlation with the expression and localization of AOX protein analyzed by tissue-print immunoblotting; (b) the temporal evolution and tissue localization of a peroxidase activity involved in lignification; and (c) the structural changes, visualized by light microscopy and quantified by image digitization. The results revealed that saline stress retards primary xylem differentiation. There is a corresponding delay in the temporal pattern of AOX expression, which is consistent with the xylem-specific localization of AOX protein and the idea that this enzyme is linked to xylem development. An NaCl-induced acceleration of the development of secondary xylem was also observed. However, the temporal pattern of a peroxidase activity localized in the primary and secondary xylem was unaltered by NaCl treatment. Thus, the NaCl-stressed root was specifically affected in the temporal patterns of AOX expression and xylem development.


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Previously we reported that oxalate oxidase activity increases in extracts of barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves in response to the powdery mildew fungus (Blumeria [syn. Erysiphe] graminis f.sp. hordei) and proposed this as a source of H2O2 during plant-pathogen interactions. In this paper we show that the N terminus of the major pathogen-response oxalate oxidase has a high degree of sequence identity to previously characterized germin-like oxalate oxidases. Two cDNAs were isolated, pHvOxOa, which represents this major enzyme, and pHvOxOb', representing a closely related enzyme. Our data suggest the presence of only two oxalate oxidase genes in the barley genome, i.e. a gene encoding HvOxOa, which possibly exists in several copies, and a single-copy gene encoding HvOxOb. The use of 3′ end gene-specific probes has allowed us to demonstrate that the HvOxOa transcript accumulates to 6 times the level of the HvOxOb transcript in response to the powdery mildew fungus. The transcripts were detected in both compatible and incompatible interactions with a similar accumulation pattern. The oxalate oxidase is found exclusively in the leaf mesophyll, where it is cell wall located. A model for a signal transduction pathway in which oxalate oxidase plays a central role is proposed for the regulation of the hypersensitive response.


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Aldehyde oxidase (AO; EC activity was measured in seedlings of wild type or an auxin-overproducing mutant, superroot1 (sur1), of Arabidopsis thaliana. Activity staining for AO after native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separation of seedling extracts revealed that there were three major bands with AO activity (AO1–3) in wild-type and mutant seedlings. One of them (AO1) had a higher substrate preference for indole-3-aldehyde. This AO activity was significantly higher in sur1 mutant seedlings than in the wild type. The difference in activity was most apparent 7 d after germination, the same time required for the appearance of the remarkable sur1 phenotype, which includes epinastic cotyledons, elongated hypocotyls, and enhanced root development. Higher activity was observed in the root and hypocotyl region of the mutant seedlings. We also assayed the indole-3-acetaldehyde oxidase activity in extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography detection of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The activity was about 5 times higher in the extract of the sur1 seedlings, indicating that AO1 also has a substrate preference for abscisic aldehyde. Treatment of the wild-type seedlings with picloram or IAA caused no significant increase in AO1 activity. This result suggested that the higher activity of AO1 in sur1 mutant seedlings was not induced by IAA accumulation and, thus, strongly supports the possible role of AO1 in IAA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis seedlings.


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We analyzed the antioxidative defense responses of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing antisense RNA for uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase or coproporphyrinogen oxidase. These plants are characterized by necrotic leaf lesions resulting from the accumulation of potentially photosensitizing tetrapyrroles. Compared with control plants, the transformants had increased levels of antioxidant mRNAs, particularly those encoding superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These elevated transcript levels correlated with increased activities of cytosolic Cu/Zn-SOD and mitochondrial Mn-SOD. Total catalase activity decreased in the older leaves of the transformants to levels lower than in the wild-type plants, reflecting an enhanced turnover of this photosensitive enzyme. Most of the enzymes of the Halliwell-Asada pathway displayed increased activities in transgenic plants. Despite the elevated enzyme activities, the limited capacity of the antioxidative system was apparent from decreased levels of ascorbate and glutathione, as well as from necrotic leaf lesions and growth retardation. Our data demonstrate the induction of the enzymatic detoxifying defense system in several compartments, suggesting a photosensitization of the entire cell. It is proposed that the tetrapyrroles that initially accumulate in the plastids leak out into other cellular compartments, thereby necessitating the local detoxification of reactive oxygen species.


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All peroxisomal proteins are nuclear encoded, synthesized on free cytosolic ribosomes, and posttranslationally targeted to the organelle. We have used an in vitro assay to reconstitute protein import into pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) glyoxysomes, a class of peroxisome found in the cotyledons of oilseed plants, to study the mechanisms involved in protein transport across peroxisome membranes. Results indicate that ATP hydrolysis is required for protein import into peroxisomes; nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP could not substitute for this requirement. Nucleotide competition studies suggest that there may be a nucleotide binding site on a component of the translocation machinery. Peroxisomal protein import also was supported by GTP hydrolysis. Nonhydrolyzable analogs of GTP did not substitute in this process. Experiments to determine the cation specificity of the nucleotide requirement show that the Mg2+ salt was preferred over other divalent and monovalent cations. The role of a putative protonmotive force across the peroxisomal membrane was also examined. Although low concentrations of ionophores had no effect on protein import, relatively high concentrations of all ionophores tested consistently reduced the level of protein import by approximately 50%. This result suggests that a protonmotive force is not absolutely required for peroxisomal protein import.


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Some intermediates in the reduction of O2 to water by cytochrome-c oxidase have been characterized by optical, Raman, and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. The so-called "peroxy" (P) and "ferryl" (F) forms of the enzyme, which have been considered to be intermediates of the oxygen reaction, can be generated when the oxidized enzyme reacts with H2O2, or when the two-electron reduced ("CO mixed-valence") enzyme reacts with O2. The structures as well as the overall redox states of P and F have recently been controversial. We show here, using tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) as a photoinducible reductant, that one-electron reduction of P yields F, and that one-electron reduction of F yields the oxidized enzyme. This confirms that the overall redox states of P and F differ from the oxidized enzyme by two and one electron equivalents, respectively. The structures of the P and F states are discussed.


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Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase is an electron-current driven proton pump. To investigate the mechanism by which this pump operates it is important to study individual electron- and proton-transfer reactions in the enzyme, and key reactions in which they are kinetically and thermodynamically coupled. In this work, we have simultaneously measured absorbance changes associated with electron-transfer reactions and conductance changes associated with protonation reactions following pulsed illumination of the photolabile complex of partly reduced bovine cytochrome c oxidase and carbon monoxide. Following CO dissociation, several kinetic phases in the absorbance changes were observed with time constants ranging from approximately 3 microseconds to several milliseconds, reflecting internal electron-transfer reactions within the enzyme. The data show that the rate of one of these electron-transfer reactions, from cytochrome a3 to a on a millisecond time scale, is controlled by a proton-transfer reaction. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which cytochrome a3 interacts electrostatically with a protonatable group, L, in the vicinity of the binuclear center, in equilibrium with the bulk through a proton-conducting pathway, which determines the rate of proton transfer (and indirectly also of electron transfer). The interaction energy of cytochrome a3 with L was determined independently from the pH dependence of the extent of the millisecond-electron transfer and the number of protons released, as determined from the conductance measurements. The magnitude of the interaction energy, 70 meV (1 eV = 1.602 x 10(-19) J), is consistent with a distance of 5-10 A between cytochrome a3 and L. Based on the recently determined high-resolution x-ray structures of bovine and a bacterial cytochrome c oxidase, possible candidates for L and a physiological role for L are discussed.


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The crystal structure of the xanthine oxidase-related molybdenum-iron protein aldehyde oxido-reductase from the sulfate reducing anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium Desulfovibrio gigas (Mop) was analyzed in its desulfo-, sulfo-, oxidized, reduced, and alcohol-bound forms at 1.8-A resolution. In the sulfo-form the molybdenum molybdopterin cytosine dinucleotide cofactor has a dithiolene-bound fac-[Mo, = O, = S, ---(OH2)] substructure. Bound inhibitory isopropanol in the inner compartment of the substrate binding tunnel is a model for the Michaelis complex of the reaction with aldehydes (H-C = O,-R). The reaction is proposed to proceed by transfer of the molybdenum-bound water molecule as OH- after proton transfer to Glu-869 to the carbonyl carbon of the substrate in concert with hydride transfer to the sulfido group to generate [MoIV, = O, -SH, ---(O-C = O, -R)). Dissociation of the carboxylic acid product may be facilitated by transient binding of Glu-869 to the molybdenum. The metal-bound water is replenished from a chain of internal water molecules. A second alcohol binding site in the spacious outer compartment may cause the strong substrate inhibition observed. This compartment is the putative binding site of large inhibitors of xanthine oxidase.