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We use the bulk Hamiltonian for a three-dimensional topological insulator such as Bi-2 Se-3 to study the states which appear on its various surfaces and along the edge between two surfaces. We use both analytical methods based on the surface Hamiltonians (which are derived from the bulk Hamiltonian) and numerical methods based on a lattice discretization of the bulk Hamiltonian. We find that the application of a potential barrier along an edge can give rise to states localized at that edge. These states have an unusual energy-momentum dispersion which can be controlled by applying a potential along the edge; in particular, the velocity of these states can be tuned to zero. The scattering and conductance across the edge is studied as a function of the edge potential. We show that a magnetic field in a particular direction can also give rise to zero energy states on certain edges. We point out possible experimental ways of looking for the various edge states.


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Three new inorganic coordination polymers, {Mn(H2O)(6)]-Mn-2(H2O)(6)](Cu-6(mna)(6)]center dot 6H(2)O}, 1, {Mn-4(OH)(2)(H2O)(10)] (Cu-6(mna)6]center dot 8H(2)O}, 2, and {Mn-2(H2O)(5)]Ag-6(Hmna)(2)(mna)(4)]center dot 20H(2)O}, 3, have been synthesized at room temperature through a sequential crystallization route. In addition, we have also prepared and characterized the molecular precursor Cu-6(Hmna)(6)]. Compounds 1 and 3 have a two-dimensional structure, whereas 2 has a three-dimensional structure. The formation of 2 has been achieved by minor modification in the synthetic composition, suggesting the subtle relationship between the reactant composition and the structure. The hexanudear copper and silver duster cores have Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu and Ag center dot center dot center dot Ag distances close to the sum of the van der Waals radii of Cu1+ and Ag1+, respectively. The connectivity between Cu-6(mna)(6)](6-) cluster units and Mn2+ ions gives rise to a brucite related layer in 1 and a pcu-net in 2. The Ag-6(Hmna)(2)(mna)(4)](4-) cluster in 3, on the other hand, forms a sql-net with Mn2+. Compound 1 exhibits an interesting and reversible hydrochromic behavior, changing from pale yellow to red, on heating at 70 degrees C or treatment under a vacuum. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies indicate no change in the valence states, suggesting the color change could be due to changes in the coordination environment only. The magnetic studies indicate weak antiferromagnetic behavior. Proton conductivity studies indicate moderate proton migrations in 1 and 3. The present study dearly establishes sequential crystallization as an important pathway for the synthesis of heterometallic coordination polymers.


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The solvothermal reaction of CoCl(2)4H(2)O and 4,4-sulfonyldibenzoic acid (H(2)SDBA) resulted in the formation of a three-dimensional coordination polymer Co-3(C14H8O6S)(3)(DMA)(2)(MeOH)].DMA (Ia) consisting of trinuclear Co-3 oxo-cluster units. The Co-3 trimeric units are connected by SDBA(2-) anions leading to a three dimensional structure with a pcu topology. The terminal methanol molecules could be exchanged in a single crystal to single crystal (SCSC) fashion by other similar solvent molecules (ethanol, acetonitrile, water, ethyleneglycol). Magnetic studies on the parent compound, Ia, indicate antiferromagnetic interactions between the central metal atoms.


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The intersection of the ten-dimensional fuzzy conifold Y-F(10) with S-F(5) x S-F(5) is the compact eight-dimensional fuzzy space X-F(8). We show that X-F(8) is (the analogue of) a principal U(1) x U(1) bundle over fuzzy SU(3) / U(1) x U(1)) ( M-F(6)). We construct M-F(6) using the Gell-Mann matrices by adapting Schwinger's construction. The space M-F(6) is of relevance in higher dimensional quantum Hall effect and matrix models of D-branes. Further we show that the sections of the monopole bundle can be expressed in the basis of SU(3) eigenvectors. We construct the Dirac operator on M-F(6) from the Ginsparg-Wilson algebra on this space. Finally, we show that the index of the Dirac operator correctly reproduces the known results in the continuum.


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Asymptotically-accurate dimensional reduction from three to two dimensions and recovery of 3-D displacement field of non-prestretched dielectric hyperelastic membranes are carried out using the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) with moderate strains and very small ratio of the membrane thickness to its shortest wavelength of the deformation along the plate reference surface chosen as the small parameters for asymptotic expansion. Present work incorporates large deformations (displacements and rotations), material nonlinearity (hyperelasticity), and electrical effects. It begins with 3-D nonlinear electroelastic energy and mathematically splits the analysis into a one-dimensional (1-D) through-the-thickness analysis and a 2-D nonlinear plate analysis. Major contribution of this paper is a comprehensive nonlinear through-the-thickness analysis which provides a 2-D energy asymptotically equivalent of the 3-D energy, a 2-D constitutive relation between the 2-D generalized strain and stress tensors for the plate analysis and a set of recovery relations to express the 3-D displacement field. Analytical expressions are derived for warping functions and stiffness coefficients. This is the first attempt to integrate an analytical work on asymptotically-accurate nonlinear electro-elastic constitutive relation for compressible dielectric hyperelastic model with a generalized finite element analysis of plates to provide 3-D displacement fields using VAM. A unified software package `VAMNLM' (Variational Asymptotic Method applied to Non-Linear Material models) was developed to carry out 1-D non-linear analysis (analytical), 2-D non-linear finite element analysis and 3-D recovery analysis. The applicability of the current theory is demonstrated through an actuation test case, for which distribution of 3-D displacements are provided. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The reaction between 4,4'-sulfonyldibenzoic acid (H(2)SDBA) and manganese under mild conditions resulted in the isolation of two new three-dimensional compounds, Mn-4(C14H8O6S)(4)(DMA)(2)]center dot 3DMA, I, and Mn-3(C14H8O6S)(3)(DMA)(2)(MeOH)]center dot DMA, IIa. Both structures have Mn-3 trimer oxo cluster units. While the Mn-3 oxoclusters are connected through octahedral manganese forming one-dimensional Mn-O-Mn chains in I, the Mn-3 units are isolated in IIa. The SDBA units connect the Mn-O-Mn chains and the Mn-3 clusters giving rise to the three-dimensional structure. Both compounds have coordinated and free solvent molecules. In IIa, two different solvent molecules are coordinated, of which one solvent can be reversibly exchanged by a variety of other similar solvents via a solvent-mediated single crystal to single crystal (SCSC) transformation. The free lattice DMA solvent molecules in I can be exchanged by water molecules resulting in hydrophilic channels. Proton conductivity studies on I reveals a high proton mobility with conductivity values of similar to 0.87 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1) at 34 degrees C and 98% RH, which is comparable to some of the good proton conductivity values observed in inorganic coordination polymers. We have also shown structural transformation of I to IIa through a possible dissolution and recrystallization pathway. In addition, both I and IIa appear to transform to two other manganese compounds H3O]Mn-3(mu(3)-OH)(C14H8O6S)(3)(H2O)](DMF)(5) and H3O](2)Mn-7(mu 3-OH)(4)(C14H8O6S)(6)(H2O)(4)](H2O)(2)(DMF)(8) under suitable reaction conditions. We have partially substituted Co in place of Mn in the Mn-3 trimer clusters forming CoMn2(C14H8O6S)(3)(DMA)(2)(EtOH)]center dot DMA, III, a structure that is closely related to IIa. All the compounds reveal antiferromagnetic behavior. On heating, the cobalt substituted phase (compound III) forms a CoMn2O4 spinel phase with particle sizes in the nanometer range.


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We propose a laser interference technique for the fabrication of 3D nano-structures. This is possible with the introduction of specialized spatial filter in a 2 pi cylindrical lens system (consists of two opposing cylindrical lens sharing a common geometrical focus). The spatial filter at the back-aperture of a cylindrical lens gives rise to multiple light-sheet patterns. Two such interfering counter-propagating light-sheet pattern result in periodic 3D nano-pillar structure. This technique overcomes the existing slow point-by-point scanning, and has the ability to pattern selectively over a large volume. The proposed technique allows large-scale fabrication of periodic structures. Computational study shows a field-of-view (patterning volume) of approximately 12: 2mm(3) with the pillar-size of 80 nm and inter-pillar separation of 180 nm. Applications are in nano-waveguides, 3D nano-electronics, photonic crystals, and optical microscopy. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We carry out an extensive and high-resolution direct numerical simulation of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence in two-dimensional fluid films with air-drag-induced friction and with polymer additives. Our study reveals that the polymers (a) reduce the total fluid energy, enstrophy, and palinstrophy; (b) modify the fluid energy spectrum in both inverse-and forward-cascade regimes; (c) reduce small-scale intermittency; (d) suppress regions of high vorticity and strain rate; and (e) stretch in strain-dominated regions. We compare our results with earlier experimental studies and propose new experiments.


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This work aims at asymptotically accurate dimensional reduction of non-linear multi-functional film-fabric laminates having specific application in design of envelopes for High Altitude Airships (HAA). The film-fabric laminate for airship envelope consists of a woven fabric core coated with thin films on each face. These films provide UV protection and Helium leakage prevention, while the core provides required structural strength. This problem is both geometrically and materially non-linear. To incorporate the geometric non-linearity, generalized warping functions are used and finite deformations are allowed. The material non-linearity is handled by using hyper-elastic material models for each layer. The development begins with three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear elasticity and mathematically splits the analysis into a one-dimensional through-the-thickness analysis and a two-dimensional (2-D) plate analysis. The through-the-thickness analysis provides the 2-D constitutive law which is then given as an input to the 2-D reference surface analysis. The dimensional reduction is carried out using Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) for moderate strains and very small thickness-to-wavelength ratio. It features the identification and utilization of additional small parameters such as ratio of thicknesses and stiffness coefficients of core and films. Closed form analytical expressions for warping functions and 2-D constitutive law of the film-fabric laminate are obtained.


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Direct measurement of three-dimensional (3-D) forces between an atomic force microscope (AFM) probe and the sample benefits diverse applications of AFM, including force spectroscopy, nanometrology, and manipulation. This paper presents the design and evaluation of a measurement system, wherein the deflection of the AFM probe is obtained at two points to enable direct measurement of all the three components of 3-D tip-sample forces in real time. The optimal locations for measurement of deflection on the probe are derived for a conventional AFM probe. Further, a new optimal geometry is proposed for the probe that enables measurement of 3-D forces with identical sensitivity and nearly identical resolution along all three axes. Subsequently, the designed measurement system and the optimized AFM probe are both fabricated and evaluated. The evaluation demonstrates accurate measurement of tip-sample forces with minimal cross-sensitivities. Finally, the real-time measurement system is employed as part of a feedback control system to regulate the normal component of the interaction force, and to perform force-controlled scribing of a groove on the surface of polymethyl methacrylate.


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Here, we report the synthesis of TiO2/BiFeO3 nano-heterostnicture (NH) arrays by anchoring BiFeO3 (BFO) particles on on TiO2 nanotube surface and investigate their pseudocapacitive and photoelectrochemical properties considering their applications in green energy fields. The unique TiO2/BFO NHs have been demonstrated both as energy conversion and storage materials. The capacitive behavior of the NHs has been found to be significantly higher than that of the pristine TiO2 NTs, which is mainly due to the anchoring of redox active BFO nanoparticles. A specific capacitance of about 440 F g(-1) has been achieved for this NHs at a current density of 1.1 A g(-1) with similar to 80% capacity retention at a current density of 2.5 A g(-1). The NHs also exhibit high energy and power performance (energy density of 46.5 Wh kg(-1) and power density of 1.2 kW kg(-1) at a current density of 2.5 A g(-1)) with moderate cycling stability (92% capacity retention after 1200 cycles). Photoelectrochemical investigation reveals that the photocurrent density of the NHs is almost 480% higher than the corresponding dark current and it shows significantly improved photoswitching performance as compared to pure TiO2 nanotubes, which has been demonstrated based the interfacial type-II band alignment between TiO2 and BFO.


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We discuss here a semiconductors assembly comprising of titanium dioxide (TiO2) rods sensitized by cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystals for potential applications in large area electronics on three dimensional (3-D) substrates. Vertically aligned TiO2 rods are grown on a substrate using a 150 degrees C process flow and then sensitized with CdS by SILAR method at room temperature. This structure forms an effective photoconductor as the photo-generated electrons are rapidly removed from the CdS via the TiO2 thereby permitting a hole rich CdS. Current-voltage characteristics are measured and models illustrate space charge limited photo-current as the mechanism of charge transport at moderate voltage bias. The stable assembly and high speed are achieved. The frequency response with a loading of 10 pF and 9 M Omega shows a half power frequency of 100 Hz. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Three-dimensional (3-D) full-wave electromagnetic simulation using method of moments (MoM) under the framework of fast solver algorithms like fast multipole method (FMM) is often bottlenecked by the speed of convergence of the Krylov-subspace-based iterative process. This is primarily because the electric field integral equation (EFIE) matrix, even with cutting-edge preconditioning techniques, often exhibits bad spectral properties arising from frequency or geometry-based ill-conditioning, which render iterative solvers slow to converge or stagnate occasionally. In this communication, a novel technique to expedite the convergence of MoMmatrix solution at a specific frequency is proposed, by extracting and applying Eigen-vectors from a previously solved neighboring frequency in an augmented generalized minimum residual (AGMRES) iterative framework. This technique can be applied in unison with any preconditioner. Numerical results demonstrate up to 40% speed-up in convergence using the proposed Eigen-AGMRES method.


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We report the magnetic-field-dependent shift of the electron chemical potential in bulk, n-type GaAs at room temperature. A transient voltage of similar to 100 mu V was measured across a Au-Al2O3-GaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor in a pulsed magnetic field of similar to 6 T. Several spurious voltages larger than the signal that had plagued earlier researchers performing similar experiments were carefully eliminated. The itinerant magnetic susceptibility of GaAs is extracted from the experimentally measured data for four different doping densities, including one as low as 5 x 10(15) cm(-3). Though the susceptibility in GaAs is dominated by Landau-Peierls diamagnetism, the experimental technique demonstrated can be a powerful tool for extracting the total free carrier magnetization of any electron system. The method is also virtually independent of the carrier concentration and is expected to work better in the nondegenerate limit. Such experiments had been successfully performed in two-dimensional electron gases at cryogenic temperatures. However, an unambiguous report on having observed this effect in any three-dimensional electron gas has been lacking. We highlight the 50 year old literature of various trials and discuss the key details of our experiment that were essential for its success. The technique can be used to unambiguously yield only the itinerant part of the magnetic susceptibility of complex materials such as magnetic semiconductors and hexaborides, and thus shed light on the origin of ferromagnetism in such systems.


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This work intends to demonstrate the effect of geometrically non-linear cross-sectional analysis of certain composite beam-based four-bar mechanisms in predicting the three-dimensional warping of the cross-section. The only restriction in the present analysis is that the strains within each elastic body remain small (i.e., this work does not deal with materials exhibiting non-linear constitutive laws at the 3-D level). Here, all component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber-reinforced laminates. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically non-linear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and non-linear 1-D analyses along the three beam reference curves. The splitting of the three-dimensional beam problem into two- and one-dimensional parts, called dimensional reduction, results in a tremendous savings of computational effort relative to the cost of three-dimensional finite element analysis, the only alternative for realistic beams. The analysis of beam-like structures made of laminated composite materials requires a much more complicated methodology. Hence, the analysis procedure based on Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), a tool to carry out the dimensional reduction, is used here. The representative cross-sections of all component bars are analyzed using two different approaches: (1) Numerical Model and (2) Analytical Model. Four-bar mechanisms are analyzed using the above two approaches for Omega = 20 rad/s and Omega = pi rad/s and observed the same behavior in both cases. The noticeable snap-shots of the deformation shapes of the mechanism about 1000 frames are also reported using commercial software (I-DEAS + NASTRAN + ADAMS). The maximum out-of-plane warping of the cross-section is observed at the mid-span of bar-1, bar-2 and bar-3 are 1.5 mm, 250 mm and 1.0 mm, respectively, for t = 0:5 s. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.