994 resultados para 1st Kind Integral Equations
O Brasil, até o ano de 2025, será o sexto país do mundo em número de idosos. É função das políticas públicas contribuir para que as pessoas alcancem idades avançadas com melhor saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o que pensam os profissionais sobre necessidades de saúde e atenção integral. Os sujeitos foram dezessete, que compõem duas equipes do Programa Saúde da Família, no Município de Santos. A abordagem foi qualitativa, os discursos foram analisados a partir da Representação Social, referencial teórico do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. A análise revelou que os profissionais se esforçam para atender as necessidades de saúde dos idosos através de ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde. No entanto, suas necessidades sociais e psicológicas não estão sendo atendidas. Concluímos que os idosos necessitam de maior integralidade e agilidade no sistema de saúde, porque possuem dificuldades no acesso e deslocamento nos serviços de saúde.
A Fibrose Cística é uma doença crônica que grande impacto exerce sobre a vida familiar. A experiência da doença é a maneira pela qual os indivíduos respondem à doença, atribuindo significados e buscando maneiras para lidar com ela no seu cotidiano. O estudo teve como objetivo compreender a experiência da Fibrose Cística a partir do contexto familiar. Estudo de caso etnográfico, realizado com famílias de crianças com a doença atendidas em um hospital escola do interior do estado de São Paulo. Os resultados foram divididos nos temas: passado, presente e futuro e permearam essas fases a busca pelo significado da doença e pelo suporte social, a importância da religião e espiritualidade e a centralidade da socialização da criança. Conhecer a experiência na doença e a rede social torna-se imprescindível para o planejamento de um cuidado integral. Essa abordagem mostrou-se inovadora para o cuidado à doença crônica.
Other Audit Reports - Reaudit Community School District
Other Audit Reports - Special Investigation
Trata-se de um relato de experiência vivenciada com usuários de crack sob tratamento de desintoxicação, na qual se buscou alcançar o cuidado integral ao ser humano por meio de oficinas de espiritualidade. Cultivadas e dinamizadas a partir de inspirações dos próprios integrantes, as oficinas se constituem em estratégias capazes de estimular o repensar de atitudes e comportamentos, bem como reassumir a vida com base em novos valores e ideais. O relato visa, em suma, contribuir para a ampliação das discussões sobre o tema, oferecendo subsídios para o repensar da prática do enfermeiro no tratamento de desintoxicação, além de assinalar a necessidade de condução de pesquisas nessa área.
A quarterly report from the Iowa Department of Transportation regarding building project status.
BACKGROUND: Spirometry reference values are important for the interpretation of spirometry results. Reference values should be updated regularly, derived from a population as similar to the population for which they are to be used and span across all ages. Such spirometry reference equations are currently lacking for central European populations. OBJECTIVE: To develop spirometry reference equations for central European populations between 8 and 90 years of age. MATERIALS: We used data collected between January 1993 and December 2010 from a central European population. The data was modelled using "Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape" (GAMLSS). RESULTS: The spirometry reference equations were derived from 118'891 individuals consisting of 60'624 (51%) females and 58'267 (49%) males. Altogether, there were 18'211 (15.3%) children under the age of 18 years. CONCLUSION: We developed spirometry reference equations for a central European population between 8 and 90 years of age that can be implemented in a wide range of clinical settings.
The use of precast, prestressed concrete piles in the foundation of bridge piers has long been recognized as a valuable option for bridge owners and designers. However, the use of these precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges has not been widespread because of concerns over pile flexibility and the potential for concrete cracking and deterioration of the prestressing strands due to long-term exposure to moisture. This report presents the details of the first integral abutment bridge in the state of Iowa that utilized precast, prestressed concrete piles in the abutment. The bridge, which was constructed in Tama County in 2000, consists of a 110 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, single-span PC girder superstructure with a left-side-ahead 20º skew angle. The bridge was instrumented with a variety of strain gages, displacement sensors, and thermocouples to monitor and help in the assessment of structural behavior. The results of this monitoring are presented, and recommendations are made for future application of precast, prestressed concrete piles in integral abutment bridges. In addition to the structural monitoring data, this report presents the results of a survey questionnaire that had been mailed to each of the 50 state DOT chief bridge engineers to ascertain their current practices for precast, prestressed concrete piles and especially the application of these piles in integral abutment bridges.
Desarrollo de una aplicación para responder a la necesidad del ministerio de Sanidad de informatizar todo el sistema sanitario, desde hospitales hasta farmacias.
Introduction: Pain and beliefs have an influence on the patient's course in rehabilitation, pain causes fears and fears influence pain perception. The aim of this study is to understand pain and beliefs evolutions during rehabilitation taking into account of bio-psycho-social complexity.Patients and methods: 631 consecutive patients admitted in rehabilitation after a musculoskeletal traumatism were included and assessed at admission and at discharge. Pain was measured by VAS (Visual Analogical Scale), bio-psycho-social complexity by Intermed scale, and beliefs by judgement on Lickert scales. Four kinds of beliefs were evaluated: fear of a severe origin of pain, fear of movement, fear of pain and feeling of distress (loss of control). The association between the changes in pain and beliefs during the hospitalization was assessed by linear regressions.Results: After adjustment for gender, age, education and native language, patients with a decrease in pain during rehabilitation have higher probability of decreasing their fears. For the distress feeling, this relationship is weaker among bio-psycho-socially complex patients (odds-ratio 1.22 for each decreasing of 10mm/100 VAS) than among non-complex patients (OR 1.47). Patients with a pain decrease of 30% or more during hospitalization have higher probability of seeing their fears decrease, this relationship being stronger in complex patient for fear of a severe origin of pain.Discussion: The relationships between evolution of pain and beliefs move in the same direction. The higher a patient feels pain, the less they could be able to modify their dysfunctional beliefs. When the pain diminishes of 30% or more, the probability to challenge the beliefs is increased. The prognostic with regard to feeling of distress and fear of a severe origin of pain, is worse among bio-psycho-socially complex patients.
INAPIS Title III Client Service Unit Report - INAPIS (National Aging Program Information System) Service Unit Report collects and reports service/performance data and related program management information to the federal and state government. This report shows the number of older Iowans who receive services and the number of units by service category from Title III funding of the Older Americans Act, the Administration on Aging (AoA) and limited state general fund dollars. Additionally, it shows the number of persons served by individual services and total "unduplicated" client count across all services. In other words, if you add the total number of clients from all services it is higher than the actual number of persons served across all services, because some people need and receive more than one service. (Please note: this is preliminary data, and may be subject to change.)
Family Caregiver Support Program (Title III-E) - The Administration on Aging (AoA) has determined that for Title III-E, the actual family caregiver is the client, not the older person receiving the services. Iowa NAPIS (National Aging Program Information System) collects and reports Title III-E service/performance data and related program management information to the federal and state government in a format like the other Title III services. The major shift in reporting relates to who is the client. As a result, this Title III-E Client/Service Unit Report shows the number of caregivers who receive services and the number of units by service category from the Title III-E funding of the Older Americans Act, the AoA, and limited state general fund dollars. Additionally, it shows the number of persons served by individual services and total "unduplicated" client count across all services. In other words, if you add the total number of clients (caregivers) from all services, it is higher than the actual number of persons served across all services because some people need and receive more than one service. (Please note: this is preliminary data, and may be subject to change.) Title III-E Report YTD 1st Quarter 2007 Title III-E Report YTD 2nd Quarter 2007 Title III-E Report YTD 3rd Quarter 2007 Title III-E Report YTD 4th Quarter 2007