1000 resultados para 19-183


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Iowa may be known for some of the world’s most fertile cropland, but in recent years, we’ve become fertile ground for rapid growth in information technology as well. From the recent “plug-in” of Google’s $600-million Council Bluffs data center to Microsoft’s planned half-billion-dollar West Des Moines expansion to IBM’s 1,300-job-creating expansion in Dubuque, technology leaders are finding Iowa a place to grow. And why not? Iowa has a supportive business climate and its infrastructure — physical and human — give our technology companies the competitive advantages that allow them to grow and prosper.


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The first commercial quantities of a soybean oil with about three percent linolenic acid oil were produced in Iowa in 1994 through a collaboration with Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Continued to breed new soybean varieties with a focus on a even lower linolenic acid content of one percent. I was interested in understanding whether the oil would be stable enough to eliminate the need for chemical hydrogenation. During the process of increasing one percent linolenic acid seed varieties to obtain oil for testing, the Food and Drug Administration announced it would require labeling for trans fat beginning in 2006. Instead of using the seed of the new varieties to obtain oil for testing, it was used for further seed production so that commercial quantities of the one percent linolenic acid oil could be available as quickly as possible.


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Ethanol, the clean-burning, high octane fuel distilled from Iowa’s corn fields, has the potential to free the U.S. from its foreign oil dependence. Transforming corn into ethanol, however, takes energy, usually in the form of natural gas or coal. Ames-based Frontline BioEnergy is developing biomass-to-energy conversion methods that reduce an ethanol plant’s consumption of fossil fuels, making ethanol an even greener product. As Iowa’s ethanol industry continues to grow, developing energy from biomass could result in huge savings for the state’s production facilities.


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Com ja és costum des de fa vint anys (1985-2005), pel maig l'Associació d'Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC) convoca els seus associats i la comunitat arxivística en general a les Jornades d'Arxivística de Catalunya. Enguany han estat les desenes i amb el títol "Els arxivers com (ens) comuniquem?" s'han dut a terme els dies 19, 20 i 21 de maig a la ciutat de Terrassa. L'objectiu de les X Jornades ha estat doble: en primer lloc, s'ha volgut reflexionar sobre les estratègies de què disposen els arxivers per fer difusió de la seva activitat professional ("com comuniquem") i a continuació s'ha produït el debat sobre la comunicació intraprofessional dels arxivers ("com ens comuniquem").


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Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities


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Aquestes jornades espanyoles de documentació tenen lloc cada dos anys en una localitat diferent d'Espanya, i són organitzades conjuntament per FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística) i l'associació professional de la comunitat autònoma on se celebren. En aquesta ocasió, Bilbao fou la ciutat amfitriona, i ALDEE (Artxibozain, Liburuzain eta Dokumentazainen Euskal Elkartea), una de les associacions professionals que existeixen al País Basc, participà en l'organització