994 resultados para 186-1151C
铜鱼(Coreius heterodon)作为长江中、上游的重要经济鱼类是研究三峡大坝阻隔效应的重要材料之一。然而,过去的铜鱼标本都保存在福尔马林溶液中,有必要探讨从福尔马林固定的铜鱼标本中有效提取基因组DNA的方法以及这些DNA用于微卫星和线粒体分析的可行性。本实验通过改进的酒精梯度浸泡法去除标本中的甲醛,然后用酚-氯仿抽提法成功地提取到了铜鱼标本的基因组DNA;设计引物后进行了线粒体和微卫星的PCR扩增,扩增产物经银染检测。微卫星扩增结果显示只有部分个体可以扩出目的带,而线粒体控制区部分区段在所有个体
记述了采自湖北省西部神农架国家森林公园苔藓中的缓步动物12种,包括:日本棘影熊虫Echiniscus japonicus Morikawa,1951;双粒棘影熊虫Echiniscus bigranulatus Richters,1907中国新纪录种;华美假棘影熊虫Pseudechiniscus facettalis Petersen,1951;于猪假棘影熊虫Pseudechiniscus suillus(Ehrenberg,1853);迟缓小斑熊虫Milnesium tardigradum(Doyère,
<正> 银鲫是行天然雌核发育生殖的鱼类。以往对其繁殖生物学的研究一般都认为:异源父本的性状不能或仅能少量地在子代群体中得到表达。但桂建芳等(1991)在人工繁育的异育银鲫群体中发现了具有一整套父本染色体组的复合四倍体鱼,其出现率为0.2%左右。此外,Kobayasi
<正> 葡萄藻作为一种新的再生性能源的研究,已引起了不少学者的重视。其中较为关键的是对葡萄藻所含脂类物质的研究。过去通常采用重量法及各类色谱法测定植物中的脂类物质。这些方法不但繁琐,而且均需一个较长时间的提取过程。近年来国外采用一种新型染料——尼罗
<正> 宜昌鳅(鱼它)系底栖性小型鱼类,在长江宜昌江段的渔获物中时有出现。繁殖期为5—6月,产漂流性卵,膜径在3.1—4.0毫米之间,水温21.2—25℃时,受精卵约经40小时孵出。作者对其仔稚鱼的形态进行了观察。实验材料系长江宜都江段采得的天然受精卵,经室内孵化培养而成的仔稚鱼。选择一尾经乌拉坦(ureathane)麻醉后在解剖镜下测量身体各部比例,记述形态特征,并绘制草图。另选两尾作对照。开始摄食后,以浮游生物喂养,培育至外
The behavior of the drain voltage rise of the Lateral IGBT during inductive turn-off is studied in detail. Numerical simulations show that, if compared with the well known vertical IGBT, the Lateral IGBT presents a differences in the on-state stored charge and in the growth of the depleted region that result in a different drain voltage rise. In this paper a complete model for the voltage rise is devised through an accurate calculation of the equivalent output capacitance. The model is in excellent agreement with two-dimensional simulations. Further, the paper shows that previously proposed models, which targeted the vertical IGBT, are not adequate for the description of the turn-off voltage rise in the Lateral IGBT. © Springer Science + Business Media LLC 2006.
The research work focused on the determination of guidelines for the production of an UHPFRCC, and the experimental investigation of the quality and the behaviour of this material in a highly demanding application, such as the impact resistance of structures. Specifically, the aim of this study is to present the results of an extended work on the development of an UHPFRCC and the experimental determination of the mechanical properties of the produced material. Furthermore, the paper will present preliminary experimental results on the impact resistance of Reinforced Concrete and UHPFRCC slab specimens. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.
Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are now emerging ubiquitous contaminants due to their wide usage, persistence and toxicities. To investigate the bioaccumulative characteristics of HBCDs, sediments, Winkle (Littorina littorea), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) were collected from two streams near an E-waste dismantling site in China. and HBCD exposure test was then conducted on Chinese rare minnow. The concentration of HBCDs was 14 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments, 186. 377 and 1791 ng g(-1) lipid weight in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. gamma-HBCD was found to be the dominant diastereoisomer in the sediments (63% of total HBCDs). However, alpha-HBCD was selectively accumulated in the biotic samples and contributed to 77%, 63% and 63% of total HBCDs in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. Moreover, an enrichment of (-)-enantiomers of alpha- and gamma-HBCD were found in the winkle. The reverse results were observed in the crucian carp and loach. Similar observations of diastereoisomeric and enantiomeric composition were obtained in Chinese rare minnow with those found in the crucian carp and loach. These results indicate that the freshwater species from the streams are contaminated by HBCDs. alpha-HBCD can be selectively accumulated in organisms and the accumulative characteristics are enantioselective among species. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Critical swimming speeds (U-crit) and morphological characters were compared between the F-4 generation of GH-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio and the non-transgenic controls. Transgenic fish displayed a mean absolute U-crit value 22.3% lower than the controls. Principal component analysis identified variations in body shape, with transgenic fish having significantly deeper head, longer caudal length of the dorsal region, longer standard length (L-S) and shallower body and caudal region, and shorter caudal length of the ventral region. Swimming speeds were related to the combination of deeper body and caudal region, longer caudal length of the ventral region, shallower head depth, shorter caudal length of dorsal region and L-S. These findings suggest that morphological variations which are poorly suited to produce maximum thrust and minimum drag in GH-transgenic C. carpio may be responsible for their lower swimming abilities in comparison with non-transgenic controls.