1000 resultados para 186-1151


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A ocorrência dos solos coesos no Brasil está relacionada dominantemente com os sedimentos argiloarenosos da Formação Barreiras, os quais estão geologicamente relacionados com os depósitos sedimentares do período Terciário, que constituem a unidade geomorfológica dos Tabuleiros Costeiros. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar a ocorrência de solos coesos e estudar suas relações com a paisagem na região leste do Estado do Maranhão. A área do estudo localiza-se na Fazenda Typuana, região leste maranhense, no município de Brejo, MA, nas coordenadas geográficas de 03º 36' S e 42º 52' W. A vegetação predominante da área de estudo é do tipo Cerrado, com uma composição florística diversificada. Foram abertas três trincheiras, uma em cada área do estudo, com distintas formações vegetais para as caracterizações morfológica, física, química, mineralógica e a classificação taxonômica dos solos. A caulinita foi o mineral predominante nos horizontes coesos, porém seu grau de cristalinidade não influenciou na variação da densidade do solo (1,40 a 1,56 kg dm-3) e na resistência à penetração (1,24 a 2,18 MPa). Constatou-se que a posição da paisagem foi determinante para a distinção dos solos coesos, de modo que os desenvolvidos em pedoforma côncava apresentaram a maior expressão do caráter coeso e com maior status de fertilidade e matéria orgânica, refletindo na vegetação mais exuberante, caracterizada pelo Cerradão.


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Frequentemente, a compactação limita a produtividade das culturas anuais em solos mecanizados, sendo a sua distribuição na lavoura regionalizada. Em área manejada sob sistema plantio direto (SPD) por longo prazo, foi investigada a variabilidade espacial da resistência à penetração (RP), a eficiência de escarificadores mecânicos e o seu efeito na produtividade da soja. O solo foi Latossolo Vermelho argiloso localizado no planalto do RS. O clima é subtropical Cfa com precipitação pluvial anual de 1.750 mm e temperatura média anual de 18,7 ºC. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos e duas repetições. Os tratamentos foram implantados em faixas paralelas de 100 × 20 m. Os tratamentos investigados foram: escarificador sítio-específico com profundidade de atuação variada em razão da RP (ESEV); escarificador convencional (EC) com profundidade fixa; escarificador sítio-específico com profundidade fixa (ESEF); e testemunha - sem escarificação (SE). Para avaliar a RP, utilizou-se um penetrômetro digital com leituras georrefenciadas em malha de 50 × 50 m realizadas manualmente em duas épocas. A produtividade da soja foi obtida por meio de uma colhedora equipada com sensor de produtividade e antena receptora de sinal de GPS. A RP apresentou valores médios de 1,4 e 2,1 MPa, para leituras realizadas após o manejo da cultura de cobertura e após a colheita, respectivamente. A RP determinada após o manejo da cultura de cobertura e a produtividade da soja apresentaram baixa correlação (r² = -0,297; p<0,05). Os valores de RP de 3,0 e 5,0 MPa resultaram em decréscimos de aproximadamente 10 e 38 % na produtividade da soja, respectivamente. A escarificação mecânica, independentemente do equipamento utilizado, não incrementou a produtividade da soja em relação à testemunha. Esse resultado foi atribuído à RP da área a ser classificada, quando da instalação dos tratamentos, como baixa/moderada, à ocorrência de frequente precipitação pluvial e às favoráveis condições físico-hídricas proporcionadas pelo SPD de longa duração.


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Neuronal oscillations are an important aspect of EEG recordings. These oscillations are supposed to be involved in several cognitive mechanisms. For instance, oscillatory activity is considered a key component for the top-down control of perception. However, measuring this activity and its influence requires precise extraction of frequency components. This processing is not straightforward. Particularly, difficulties with extracting oscillations arise due to their time-varying characteristics. Moreover, when phase information is needed, it is of the utmost importance to extract narrow-band signals. This paper presents a novel method using adaptive filters for tracking and extracting these time-varying oscillations. This scheme is designed to maximize the oscillatory behavior at the output of the adaptive filter. It is then capable of tracking an oscillation and describing its temporal evolution even during low amplitude time segments. Moreover, this method can be extended in order to track several oscillations simultaneously and to use multiple signals. These two extensions are particularly relevant in the framework of EEG data processing, where oscillations are active at the same time in different frequency bands and signals are recorded with multiple sensors. The presented tracking scheme is first tested with synthetic signals in order to highlight its capabilities. Then it is applied to data recorded during a visual shape discrimination experiment for assessing its usefulness during EEG processing and in detecting functionally relevant changes. This method is an interesting additional processing step for providing alternative information compared to classical time-frequency analyses and for improving the detection and analysis of cross-frequency couplings.


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A repeated DNA element in Xenopus laevis is described that is present in about 7500 copies dispersed throughout the genome. It was first identified in the 5' flanking region of one vitellogenin gene and was therefore named the Vi element. Seven copies are present within the vitellogenin gene region, three of them within introns of the genes A1, A2 and B2, and the other four copies in the gene flanking regions. Four of these copies have been sequenced. The Vi element is bounded by a well-conserved 13 base-pair inverted repeat; in addition, it is flanked by a three base-pair direct repeat that appears to be site-specific. The length of these four copies varies from 112 to 469 base-pairs; however, sequence homology between the different copies is very high. Their structural characteristics suggest that length heterogeneity may have arisen by either unequal recombinations, deletions or tandem duplications. Altogether, the characteristics and properties of the Vi element indicate that it might represent a mobile genetic element. One of the four copies sequenced is inserted close (position -535) to the transcription initiation site of the vitellogenin gene B2 in a region otherwise showing considerable homology with the closely related gene B1. Nevertheless, the presence of the Vi element does not seem to influence significantly the estrogen-controlled expression of gene B2. In addition, three alleles of this gene created by length polymorphism in intron 3 and in the Vi element inserted near the transcription initiation site are described.


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Lime application recommendations for amendment of soil acidity in sugarcane were developed with a burnt cane harvesting system in mind. Sugarcane is now harvested in most areas without burning, and lime application for amendment of soil acidity in this system in which the sugarcane crop residue remains on the ground has been carried out without a scientific basis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in soil acidity and stalk and sugar yield with different rates of surface application of calcium, magnesium silicate, and gypsum in ratoon cane. The experiment was performed after the 3rd harvest of the variety SP 81-3250 in a commercial green sugarcane plantation of the São Luiz Sugar Mill (47º 25' 33" W; 21º 59' 46" S), located in Pirassununga, São Paulo, in southeast Brazil. A factorial arrangement of four Ca-Mg silicate rates (0, 850, 1700, and 3400 kg ha-1) and two gypsum rates (0 and 1700 kg ha-1) was used in the experiment. After 12 months, the experiment was harvested and technological measurements of stalk and sugar yield were made. After harvest, soil samples were taken at the depths of 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.40, and 0.40-0.60 m in all plots, and the following determinations were made: soil pH in CaCl2, organic matter, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, H+Al, Al, Si, and base saturation. The results show that the application of gypsum reduced the exchangeable Al3+ content and Al saturation below 0.05 m, and increased the Ca2+ concentration in the whole profile, the Mg2+ content below 0.10 m, K+ below 0.4 m, and base saturation below 0.20 m. This contributed to the effect of surface application of silicate on amendment of soil acidity reaching deeper layers. From the results of this study, it may be concluded that the silicate rate recommended may be too low, since the greater rates used in this experiment showed greater reduction in soil acidity, higher levels of nutrients at greater depths and an increase in stalk and sugar yield.


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Ambulatory pediatric and family medicine takes care of adolescent patients, most of whom regularly consult a physician. Consultations with young people involve issues specifically related to their age. Regarding health care systems and physicians, adolescents' expectations vary from those of adults, not so much in terms of the issues discussed but in terms of the priorities that they give to them. Confidential interviews are not always proposed but are highly appreciated, as are certain personal qualities on the part of the caregivers such as honesty, respect, and friendliness. Finally, easy access to care together with the continuity of care are essential. Prevention of risk behaviors by screening and health education is clearly insufficient. This issue could be approached during the consultation through a psychosocial history. This is a good opportunity to discuss sensitive issues that adolescents seldom bring up themselves. More systematic prevention would probably decrease youth morbidity and mortality, which are both closely related to risk behaviors. To meet these expectations and special health care needs, the World Health Organization has developed the concept of youth-friendly health services. This concept can be applied in both a specialized adolescence center and a pediatric or family practice. Youth-friendly services are still rarely evaluated but seem to bring a clear benefit in terms of patient satisfaction and access to care.


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The current high price of potassium chloride and the dependence of Brazil on imported materials to supply the domestic demand call for studies evaluating the efficiency of alternative sources of nutrients. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of silicate rock powder and a manganese mining by-product, and secondary materials originated from these two materials, on soil chemical properties and on brachiaria production. This greenhouse experiment was conducted in pots with 5 kg of soil (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico - Oxisol). The alternative nutrient sources were: verdete, verdete treated with NH4OH, phonolite, ultramafic rock, mining waste and the proportion of 75 % of these K fertilizers and 25 % lime. Mixtures containing 25 % of lime were heated at 800 ºC for 1 h. These sources were applied at rates of 0, 150, 300, 450 and 600 kg ha-1 K2O, and incubated for 45 days. The mixtures of heated silicate rocks with lime promoted higher increases in soil pH in decreasing order: ultramafic rock>verdete>phonolite>mining waste. Applying the mining waste-lime mixture increased soil exchangeable K, and available P when ultramafic rock was incorporated. When ultramafic rock was applied, the release of Ca2+ increased significantly. Mining subproduct released the highest amount of Zn2+ and Mn2+ to the soil. The application of alternative sources of K, with variable chemical composition, altered the nutrient availability and soil chemical properties, improving mainly plant development and K plant uptake, and are important nutrient sources.


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Em um levantamento pedológico, a descrição detalhada do conjunto de atributos do solo é fundamental para se analisar e compreender as interações dos diversos processos que ocorrem no solo. Para tanto, a análise multivariada pode ser uma ferramenta estatística importante para interpretar e compreender melhor as relações e semelhanças entre pedons. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram diferenciar e agrupar pedons similares com base em atributos físicos e químicos usando a estatística multivariada. O estudo foi desenvolvido em Lages, SC, a 27º 48′ de latitude sul e 50º 20′ de longitude oeste, com 916 m de altitude média e clima mesotérmico úmido com verões frescos (Cfb). Sete pedons de Cambissolos desenvolvidos de siltito foram descritos e coletados em um levantamento detalhado de solos para o planejamento conservacionista com base na capacidade de uso das terras. Os atributos químicos e físicos analisados foram textura, densidade, porosidade, estabilidade de agregados em água, teores de carbono orgânico, P, Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg e acidez ativa e potencial. As variáveis de solo foram avaliadas por meio da análise de fatores e agrupamentos. A partir dessas análises, foi possível agrupar os pedons com base em seus atributos químicos e físicos e identificar aqueles que foram determinantes na discriminação dos pedons. Além disso, levou a uma melhor compreensão da natureza intrínseca de correlações entre os atributos físicos e químicos do solo, demonstrando que a análise multivariada é uma ferramenta eficaz no estabelecimento dos agrupamentos de solos.


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Os produtos das atividades de mineração têm grande relevância econômica no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. No entanto, seus inúmeros danos à biota, incluindo a fauna edáfica, resultam na necessidade de recuperação e biomonitoramento dessas áreas e do seu entorno. Considerando a importância ecológica e o potencial bioindicador das minhocas, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a toxicidade de arsênio presente em solos do entorno de minerações de ouro, nas bacias dos rios Doce e São Francisco, a oligoquetas da espécie Eisenia andrei Bouché. Amostras de solos dessas áreas foram caracterizadas em relação às suas propriedades físicas e químicas, incluindo os metais Fe, Al, Cu, Ni, Zn e Mn e do metaloide As; com elas, foram conduzidos bioensaios, que avaliaram a sobrevivência, reprodução e variação da biomassa dos organismos. Também foram realizados testes de sensibilidade dessa espécie ao As adicionado a solo artificial tropical e em solo natural. Houve evidente efeito tóxico sobre a reprodução dessa espécie, que esteve altamente correlacionado com as concentrações de As nas amostras (r = -0,80). Amostras de solos naturais de locais avaliados nas duas áreas apresentaram concentrações de As acima do limite estipulado pela Resolução Conama nº 420 de 2009, chegando a 2.388,2 mg kg-1. A CL50 do As em solo artificial tropical (207,4 mg kg-1) foi seis vezes menor que a do solo natural (1.248,1 mg kg-1). A menor biodisponibilidade do As nos solos naturais foi atribuída a sua associação com o minério de Fe presente nas amostras. Concluiu-se que os solos do entorno de áreas de mineração causaram toxicidade crônica a E. andrei, em termos de sua reprodução, o que demonstrou o potencial de danos dessas atividades sobre a fauna edáfica dessas áreas. O estudo também forneceu informações ecotoxicológicas que podem ser úteis em avaliações de risco ambiental em solos tropicais.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe a new entity of congenital muscular dystrophies caused by de novo LMNA mutations. METHODS: Fifteen patients presenting with a myopathy of onset in the first year of life were subjected to neurological and genetic evaluation. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed for all patients. RESULTS: The 15 patients presented with muscle weakness in the first year of life, and all had de novo heterozygous LMNA mutations. Three of them had severe early-onset disease, no motor development, and the rest experienced development of a "dropped head" syndrome phenotype. Despite variable severity, there was a consistent clinical pattern. Patients typically presented with selective axial weakness and wasting of the cervicoaxial muscles. Limb involvement was predominantly proximal in upper extremities and distal in lower extremities. Talipes feet and a rigid spine with thoracic lordosis developed early. Proximal contractures appeared later, most often in lower limbs, sparing the elbows. Ten children required ventilatory support, three continuously through tracheotomy. Cardiac arrhythmias were observed in four of the oldest patients but were symptomatic only in one. Creatine kinase levels were mild to moderately increased. Muscle biopsies showed dystrophic changes in nine children and nonspecific myopathic changes in the remaining. Markedly atrophic fibers were common, most often type 1, and a few patients showed positive inflammatory markers. INTERPRETATION: The LMNA mutations identified appear to correlate with a relatively severe phenotype. Our results further broaden the spectrum of laminopathies and define a new disease entity that we suggest is best classified as a congenital muscular dystrophy (LMNA-related congenital muscular dystrophy, or L-CMD).


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When concrete deterioration begins to occur in highway pavement, repairs become necessary to assure the rider safety, extend its useful life and restore its riding qualities. One rehabilitation technique used to restore the pavement to acceptable highway standards is to apply a thin portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay to the existing pavement. First, any necessary repairs are made to the existing pavement, the surface is then prepared, and the PCC overlay is applied. Brice Petrides-Donohue, Inc. (Donohue) was retained by the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) to evaluate the present condition with respect to debonding of the PCC overlay at fifteen sites on Interstate 80 and State Highway 141 throughout the State of Iowa. This was accomplished by conducting an infrared thermographic and ground penetrating radar survey of these sites which were selected by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The fifteen selected sites were all two lanes wide and one-tenth of a mile long, for a total of three lane miles or 190,080 square feet. The selected sites are as follows: On Interstate 80 Eastbound, from milepost 35.25 to 35.35, milepost 36.00 to 36.10, milepost 37.00 to 37.10, milepost 38.00 to 38.10 and milepost 39.00 to 39.10, on State Highway 141 from milepost 134.00 to 134.10, milepost 134.90 to milepost 135.00, milepost 135.90 to 136.00, milepost 137.00 to 137.10 and milepost 138.00 to 138.10, and on Interstate 80 Westbound from milepost 184.00 to 184.10, milepost 185.00 to 185.10, milepost 186.00 to 186.10, milepost 187.00 to 187.10, and from milepost 188.00 to 188.10.


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Complex auditory hallucinations are often characterized by hearing voices and are then called auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs). While AVHs have been extensively investigated in psychiatric patients suffering from schizophrenia, reports from neurological patients are rare and, in most cases, incomplete. Here, we characterize AVHs in 9 patients suffering from pharmacoresistant epilepsy by analyzing the phenomenology of AVHs and patients' neuropsychological and lesion profiles. From a cohort of 352 consecutively examined patients with epilepsy, 9 patients suffering AVHs were identified and studied by means of a semistructured interview, neuropsychological tests, and multimodal imaging, relying on a combination of functional and structural neuroimaging data and surface and intracranial EEG. We found that AVHs in patients with epilepsy were associated with prevalent language deficits and damage to posterior language areas and basal language areas in the left temporal cortex. Auditory verbal hallucinations, most of the times, consisted in hearing a single voice of the same gender and language as the patient and had specific spatial features, being, most of the times, perceived in the external space, contralateral to the lesion. We argue that the consistent location of AVHs in the contralesional external space, the prominence of associated language deficits, and the prevalence of lesions to the posterior temporal language areas characterize AVHs of neurological origin, distinguishing them from those of psychiatric origin.


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