924 resultados para äldre Keywords: elderly
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
O envelhecimento é um processo dinâmico e progressivo que se caracteriza pela ocorrência de modificações morfológicas, bioquímicas, funcionais e psicológicas do organismo. O objetivo do presente artigo é fornecer conceitos atualizados sobre estresse oxidativo, abordando sua importância no envelhecimento, assim como o estado nutricional e suplementação com antioxidantes (substâncias que evitam ou atenuam a oxidação de substratos oxidáveis, como lipídeos, proteínas, carboidratos e o ácido desoxirribonucleico) na população geriátrica. Evidências sugerem que existe uma relação inversa entre estresse oxidativo e estado nutricional em indivíduos idosos. Embora seja comprovado o aumento do estresse oxidativo nas doenças crônicas associadas ao envelhecimento, como doença de Parkinson e doença de Alzheimer, não há, até o momento, evidências clínicas consistentes que comprovem a eficiência da suplementação com antioxidantes contra o estresse oxidativo. Nesse contexto, a suplementação não é recomendada. Por outro lado, idosos devem ser encorajados a ingerir alimentos antioxidantes, como, por exemplo, frutas e vegetais. A manutenção do peso dentro da faixa de normalidade (índice de massa corpórea entre 23 e 28 kg/m2) também deve ser estimulada.
Home care presents itself as a new modality of care for the elderly, especially in Brazil , and has been inserted into public policies. This study aims to identify scientific productions about home care, in order to ascertain which are the contributions of this social dynamic in the elderly. The research was conducted in the databases MEDLINE and LILACS, with articles published between the years 2001- 2011, in Portuguese and English. The combination of keywords used was home care and elderly , elderly and care, and elderly and caregiver, and correspondents in Portuguese. The discussion highlighted the importance of home care, especially for lonely or neglected elderly. The review revealed few studies concerning the social dynamics in the home care of the elderly and the need to broaden the discussion beyond the field of health.
The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of hypertension and control practices among the elderly. The survey analyzed data from 872 elderly people in São Paulo, Brazil, through a cluster sampling, stratified according to education and income. A Poisson multiple regression model checked for the existence of factors associated with hypertension. The prevalence of self-reported hypertension among the elderly was 46.9%. Variables associated with hypertension were self-rated health, alcohol consumption, gender, and hospitalization in the last year, regardless of age. The three most common measures taken to control hypertension, but only rarely, are oral medication, routine salt-free diet and physical activity. Lifestyle and socioeconomic status did not affect the practice of control, but knowledge about the importance of physical activity was higher among those older people with higher education and greater income. The research suggests that health policies that focus on primary care to encourage lifestyle changes among the elderly are necessary.
The regular practice of physical therapy is indicated as a non-pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer's disease by promoting cognitive, behavioral and functional benefits. However, little is known about the protocols with home-based motor intervention for this population. Thinking about it, this review aimed to investigate and analyze the protocols for home-based motor intervention for elderly with Alzheimer's disease described in scientific articles. A systematic search was performed in the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus, using the following keywords and Boolean operators: home-based exercise OR home-based physical exercise OR home-based physical fitness OR home-based rehabilitation OR home-based physical therapy OR home-based physical activity OR home-based engine Intervention and AD OR Alzheimer's disease OR AlzheimerOR Alzheimer's dementia. We also conducted a manual search of reference lists of selected articles. Of the five articles that met the inclusion criteria adopted, three performed a protocol for home motor intervention, achieving good compliance with the program, improvement of general health and reduction of depressive symptoms. The other two studies were limited to describing the protocols. Although more studies are needed, with detailed protocols, this review allowed to show that protocols for home motor intervention can also produce positive effects for both patients and caregivers.
Objetivo:Analisar a associação entre a massa óssea e capacidade funcional de idosos com 80 anos ou mais.Métodos:A amostra foi composta por 93 idosos entre 80 e 91 anos (83,2 ± 2,5 anos), 61 mulheres (83,3 ± 2,7 anos) e 32 homens (83,1 ± 2,2 anos) da cidade de Presidente Prudente. A avaliação da massa óssea foi feita pela absorptiometria de dupla energia de raios X (DXA), na qual foram mensurados os valores de conteúdo mineral ósseo (BMC) e densidade mineral óssea (BMD) do fêmur e da coluna (L1-L4). A capacidade funcional foi avaliada por meio dos testes de velocidade para caminhar, equilíbrio estático e força de membros inferiores contidos no questionário Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (Sabe). As variáveis da massa óssea e capacidade funcional foram categorizadas de acordo com os valores de mediana e a pontuação obtida nos testes, respectivamente. Para tratamento estatístico fez-se o teste qui-quadrado, o software usado foi SPSS (13.0) e o nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5%.Resultados:Os idosos do sexo masculino com maior desempenho nos testes funcionais apresentaram maiores valores de BMC de fêmur comparados com os de menor desempenho, resultado não encontrado quando avaliadas as mulheres.Conclusão:Dessa forma, a massa óssea do fêmur para idosos longevos do sexo masculino está associada à capacidade funcional. A avaliação constante da massa mineral óssea e a prática de atividade física ao longo da vida seriam medidas para prevenção das quedas em idosos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study aims to investigate alcohol consumption within social groups for the elderly in So Jos, dos Campos-Brazil, and to check for a correlation between alcohol consumption and quality of life. A sample of 500 individuals participating on social groups for the elderly were interviewed by using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to verify alcohol consumption; the Medical Outcomes Study 36 Item Short Form (SF-36), for evaluating quality of life; and the Oral Health Impact Profile short form (OHIP-14), for evaluating oral health-related quality of life. The average alcohol consumption was very low (1.48), being higher in men (2.23) than women (1.09). The SF-36 average score for the domain of physical function was 70.5; for role-physical function 64.9; for bodily pain,68.3; for general health 73.8; for vitality,72.4; for social function 82.8; for role-emotional function 72.3 and for mental health 75.0. The OHIP-14 average score was 3.87. AUDIT did not correlate with SF-36 domains, or with OHIP-14. However, there was a negative correlation between OHIP 14 and all SF-36 domains. This elderly sample has a very low consumption of alcohol, and no correlation was found between alcohol consumption and oral and medical quality of life.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of virtual reality and strength training on the balance, fear of falling and handgrip strength of older women with a history of falls. The fear of falling, mobility and grip strength were evaluated in 11 elderly fallers (72.4 ± 5.2 years). The faller group was submitted to 12 weeks of virtual reality and muscle strength training. The results showed improvement in mobility (p = 0.0004) and in the fear of falling (p = 0.002). No significant difference was observed for hand grip strength. It can be concluded that virtual reality and muscle strength interventions are beneficial for mobility and fear of falling in older women with a history of falls.
Background: We aimed to analyze the effect of a physical therapy protocol on unilateral vestibular hypofunction and overall balance in elderly with vertigo. Methods: The study included nine subjects, four male subjects (68.5 ± 11.09 years old) and five females (72.4 ± 7.09 years old). It was used the performance-oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA), to evaluate the balance and the Unterberger – Fukuda test for analysis of unilateral vestibular dysfunction through rotations and displacements of the body. We developed and applied a structured physical therapy protocol, consisting of group exercises. Results: It was observed that after the protocol, all participants improved balance (33.9 ± 5.1 vs. 47.3 ± 7.6, p < 0.0001) and displacement (111.1 ± 38.0 vs. 53.3 ± 34.6, p = 0.0001). However, it was not found significant differences for rotation. Conclusion: The proposed protocol has contributed to an improvement in balance and vestibular dysfunction of the aged.
Objectives: To identify the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders, especially DP and CD, on a sample of nursing home residents, relating this prevalence with some aspects of the demographics and psycho pharmacotherapy. Methods: 48 elders from two different nursing homes were selected. The collection of demographic and pharmacological data was made utilizing medical records. The medication was classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATC) criteria. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS 30) and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) tests were utilized to determine the prevalence of DP and CD. Results: It was observed in the sample a high incidence of DP and CD among the researched elders. More schooling individuals tend to present less CD. Individuals with less CD indicatives present less symptomatology for DP. Of all the researched elders, 54,2% are submitted to psycho pharmacotherapy. Of all the consumed medicine, 16,5% belonged to the class of neuropsychiatric medicine. The medicated elders present, in average, a larger symptomatology for DP (12 points/average/GDS) than the non-medicated elders (9,9 points/average/GDS). The inverse occurs in relation to the CD indicatives. The use of psychotropics, especially in association, can have negative effects related to depression and cognition. Discussion: The pharmacotherapy, characterized for the polymedication and chronicity, especially of neuropsychiatric medicines, deserves special attention among elders, because the data suggest a significant relation between the utilization of medicines, singly or in association, and the increase of CD and DP. In addition, the data suggest that DP is a risk factor for CD and DM.