979 resultados para (Pb,Zr)TiO3


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Redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, Fe, U, Mo, Re), nutrients and terminal metabolic products (NO3-, NH4+, PO43-, total alkalinity) were for the first time investigated in pore waters of Antarctic coastal sediments. The results of this study reveal a high spatial variability in redox conditions in surface sediments from Potter Cove, King George Island, western Antarctic Peninsula. Particularly in the shallower areas of the bay the significant correlation between sulphate depletion and total alkalinity, the inorganic product of terminal metabolism, indicates sulphate reduction to be the major pathway of organic matter mineralisation. In contrast, dissimilatory metal oxide reduction seems to be prevailing in the newly ice-free areas and the deeper troughs, where concentrations of dissolved iron of up to 700 µM were found. We suggest that the increased accumulation of fine-grained material with high amounts of reducible metal oxides in combination with the reduced availability of metabolisable organic matter and enhanced physical and biological disturbance by bottom water currents, ice scouring and burrowing organisms favours metal oxide reduction over sulphate reduction in these areas. Based on modelled iron fluxes we calculate the contribution of the Antarctic shelf to the pool of potentially bioavailable iron (Feb) to be 6.9x10**3 to 790x10**3 t/yr. Consequently, these shelf sediments would provide an Feb flux of 0.35-39.5/mg/m**2/yr (median: 3.8 mg/m**2/yr) to the Southern Ocean. This contribution is in the same order of magnitude as the flux provided by icebergs and significantly higher than the input by aeolian dust. For this reason suboxic shelf sediments form a key source of iron for the high nutrient-low chlorophyll (HNLC) areas of the Southern Ocean. This source may become even more important in the future due to rising temperatures at the WAP accompanied by enhanced glacier retreat and the accumulation of melt water derived iron-rich material on the shelf.


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Contourites in the Gulf of Cádiz preserve a unique archive of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) variability over the past 5.3 Ma. In our study we investigate the potential of geochemical data obtained by XRF scanning to decipher bottom current processes and paleoclimatic evolution at two different sites drilled through contourite deposits in the northern Gulf of Cadiz: Site U1387, which is bathed by the upper MOW core, and Site U1389, located more proximal to the Straits of Gibraltar. The lack of major downslope transport at both locations during the Pleistocene makes them ideal locations for the purpose of our study. The results indicate that the Zr/Al ratio, representing the relative enrichment of heavy minerals (zircon) over less dense alumosilicates under strong bottom current flow, is the most useful indicator for a semi-quantitative assessment of current strength. While most elements are biased by current-related processes, the bromine record, representing organic content, preserves the most pristine climate signal rather independent of grain size changes. Hence, Br can be used for chronostratigraphy and site-to-site correlation in addition to stable isotope stratigraphy. Based on these findings we reconstructed MOW variability for Marine Isotope Stages 1-5 using the Zr/Al ratio from Site U1387. The results reveal abrupt, millennial-scale variations of MOW strength during Greenland Stadials (GS) and Interstadials (GI) with strong MOW during GS and glacial Terminations and a complex behavior during Heinrich Stadials. Millennial-scale variability persisting during periods of poorly expressed GS/GI cyclicities implies a strong internal oscillation of the Mediterranean/North Atlantic climate system.


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Central Hill is in the northern part of the Escanaba Trough, which is a sediment-filled rift of southern Gorda Ridge. Central Hill is oriented north-south and is associated with extensive sulfide deposits. Hydrothermal alteration of sediment from Site 1038 was studied through analyses of mineralogy and the chemistry and oxygen isotopic compositions of one nearly pure clay sample. In addition, Site 1037 was drilled to establish the character of the unaltered sedimentary sequence away from the hydrothermal centers of the Northern Escanaba Trough Study Area (NESCA). Mineralogy of the clay-size fraction of turbiditic and hemipelagic sediments of Hole 1037B are predominantly quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, illite, chlorite, and smectite, representing continental-derived material. Cores from Hole 1038I, located within the area of Central Hill but away from known active vent areas, recovered minor amounts of chlorite/smectite mixed-layer clay in the fine fraction, indicating a low-temperature hydrothermal alteration. The 137.4-m-thick sediment section of Hole 1038G is located in an area of low-temperature venting. The uppermost sample is classified as chlorite/smectite mixed layer, which is underlain by chlorite as the dominant mineral. The lowermost deposits of Hole 1038G are also characterized by chlorite/smectite mixed-layer clay. In comparison to Hole 1038I, the mineralogic sequence of Hole 1038G reflects increased chloritization. Intensely altered sediment is almost completely replaced by hydrothermal chlorite in subsurface sediments of Hole 1038H. Alteration to chlorite is characterized by depletion in Na, K, Ti, Ca, Sr, Cs, and Tl and enrichment in Ba. Further, Eu depletion reflects a high-temperature plagioclase alteration. A chlorite 18O value of 2.6 indicates formation at a temperature of ~190°C. It is concluded that the authigenic chlorite in Hole 1038H formed by an active high-temperature fluid flow in the shallow subsurface.


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The application of radiogenic isotopes to the study of Cenozoic circulation patterns in the South Pacific Ocean has been hampered by the fact that records from only equatorial Pacific deep water have been available. We present new Pb and Nd isotope time series for two ferromanganese crusts that grew from equatorial Pacific bottom water (D137-01, 'Nova', 7219 m water depth) and southwest Pacific deep water (63KD, 'Tasman', 1700 m water depth). The crusts were dated using 10Be/9Be ratios combined with constant Co-flux dating and yield time series for the past 38 and 23 Myr, respectively. The surface Nd and Pb isotope distributions are consistent with the present-day circulation pattern, and therefore the new records are considered suitable to reconstruct Eocene through Miocene paleoceanography for the South Pacific. The isotope time series of crusts Nova and Tasman suggest that equatorial Pacific deep water and waters from the Southern Ocean supplied the dissolved trace metals to both sites over the past 38 Myr. Changes in the isotopic composition of crust Nova are interpreted to reflect development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and changes in Pacific deep water circulation caused by the build up of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Nd isotopic composition of the shallower water site in the southwest Pacific appears to have been more sensitive to circulation changes resulting from closure of the Indonesian seaway.


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This book presents new data on chemical and mineral compositions and on density of altered and fresh igneous rocks from key DSDP and ODP holes drilled on the following main tectonomagmatic structures of the ocean floor: 1. Mid-ocean ridges and abyssal plains and basins (DSDP Legs 37, 61, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 83, and 91 and ODP Legs 106, 111, 123, 129, 137, 139, 140, 148, and 169); 2. Seamounts and guyots (DSDP Legs 19, 55, and 62 and ODP Legs 143 and 144); 3. Intraplate rises (DSDP Legs 26, 33, 51, 52, 53, 72, and 74 and ODP Legs 104, 115, 120, 121, and 183); and 4. Marginal seas (DSDP Legs 19, 59, and 60 and ODP Legs 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, and 135). Study results of altered gabbro from the Southwest Indian Ridge (ODP Leg 118) and serpentinized ultramafic rocks from the Galicia margin (ODP Leg 103) are also presented. Samples were collected by the authors from the DSDP/ODP repositories, as well as during some Glomar Challenger and JOIDES Resolution legs. The book also includes descriptions of thin sections, geochemical diagrams, data on secondary mineral assemblages, and recalculated results of chemical analyses with corrections for rock density. Atomic content of each element can be quantified in grams per standard volume (g/1000 cm**3). The suite of results can be used to estimate mass balance, but parts of the data need additional work, which depends on locating fresh analogs of altered rocks studied here. Results of quantitative estimation of element mobility in recovered sections of the upper oceanic crust as a whole are shown for certain cases: Hole 504B (Costa Rica Rift) and Holes 856H, 857C, and 857D (Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge).


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Distribution, size, mineral, and chemical compositions of ferromanganese micronodules (FMMNs) and chemical composition of host sediments were examined in a series of red clay samples with ages from Eocene to the present at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199, Site 1216, south of the Molokai Fracture Zone in the Central Pacific Basin. The number of FMMNs changed drastically throughout the 40-m-long red clay intervals. FMMNs are abundant in the upper 9 m of core, decrease between 9 and 25 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with depth, and are very rare from 30 to 40 mbsf. Chemical composition of FMMNs showed high Mn/Fe ratios and Ni and Cu contents and a distinct positive Ce anomaly because of the existence of buserite. This suggests that FMMNs in the red clay from 25 mbsf to the top of the cored interval were deposited continuously in an oxic diagenetic bottom environment. The red clay below 30 mbsf with higher Mn contents contains few FMMNs but abundant tiny Mn particles within brown silicates coated by Fe (oxy-hydro)oxides. This indicates that the mode of manganese deposition changed between 25 and 30 mbsf.


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Lake La Thuile, in the Northern French Prealps (874 m a.s.l.), provides an 18 m long sedimentary sequence spanning the entire Lateglacial/Holocene period. The high resolution multi-proxy (sedimentological, palynological, geochemical) analysis of the uppermost 6.2 meters reveals the Holocene dynamics of erosion in the catchment in response to landscape modifications. The mountain belt is at relevant altitude to study past human activities and the watershed is sufficiently disconnected from large valleys to capture a local sedimentary signal. From 12,000 to 10,000 cal. BP (10 to 8 ka cal. BC), the onset of hardwood species triggered a drop in erosion following the Lateglacial/Holocene transition. From 10,000 to 4500 cal. BP (8 to 2.5 ka cal. BC), the forest became denser and favored slope stabilization while erosion processes were very weak. A first erosive phase was initiated at ca . 4500 cal. BP without evidence of human presence in the catchment. Then, the forest declined at approximately 3000 cal. BP, suggesting the first human influence on the landscape. Two other erosive phases are related to anthropic activities: approximately 2500 cal. BP (550 cal. BC) during the Roman period and after 1600 cal. BP (350 cal. AD) with a substantial accentuation in the Middle Ages. In contrast, the lower erosion produced during the Little Ice Age, when climate deteriorations are generally considered to result in an increased erosion signal in this region, suggests that anthropic activities dominated the erosive processes and completely masked the natural effects of climate on erosion in the late Holocene.


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En Mendoza, Argentina, no existen antecedentes respecto de la presencia de elementos trazas, totales y disponibles, relacionados con el uso de los suelos en los oasis irrigados. El objetivo del trabajo, en esta etapa, fue determinar los contenidos totales de plomo (Pb), cadmio (Cd), cinc (Zn) y cobre (Cu) en la capa superficial de suelos (0-25 cm), diferenciados en siete tipos según una clasificación utilitaria: suelos vírgenes (SV); suelos de banquina (SB); suelos vecinos a banquina (SVB); suelos de agricultura intensiva (SAI); suelos de agricultura protegidos por lucha antigranizo (SLAG); suelos afectados por actividad industrial (SI) y suelos urbanos (SU). Sobre un total de 200 muestras se efectuó una digestión ácida en caliente y en los extractos se determinaron los metales en su fracción total, mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica (AAS). El análisis estadístico de los datos muestra que los niveles más elevados de Cu y Cd se detectan en SAI, con medias de 39,3 y 2,5 mg kg-1 respectivamente. En SI se observan los mayores valores de Pb, con una media de 80,6 mg kg-1 y en SU los mayores tenores de Zn, con un valor medio de 740 mg kg-1. La Ciudad de Mendoza, con mayor densidad poblacional, presentó los mayores contenidos de Zn, Pb y Cd. Las concentraciones encontradas se ubican por debajo de las exigencias de la legislación argentina y la mayoría de los suelos pueden clasificarse como no contaminados (SNC) o ligeramente contaminados (SLC). Se prevé completar este estudio con la determinación de las fracciones disponibles de los elementos estudiados, correlacionándolos con variables edáficas físico-químicas como textura, pH y materia orgánica.


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Major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr-Nd isotope ratios are reported for representative igneous rocks of Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 770. The basaltic basement underlying middle Eocene radiolarianbearing red clays was reached at 786.7 mbsf and about 421 mbsf at Sites 767 and 770, respectively. At Site 770 the basement was drilled for about 106 m. Eight basaltic units were identified on the basis of mineralogical, petrographical, and geochemical data. They mainly consist of pillow lavas and pillow breccias (Units A, B, D, and H), intercalated with massive amygdaloidal lavas (Units Cl and C2) or relatively thin massive flows (Unit E). Two dolerite sills were also recognized (Units F and G). All the rocks studied show the effect of low-temperature seafloor alteration, causing almost total replacement of olivine and glass. Calcite, clays, and Fe-hydroxides are the most abundant secondary phases. Chemical mobilization due to the alteration processes has been evaluated by comparing elements that are widely considered mobile during halmyrolysis (such as low-field strength elements) with those insensitive to seafloor alteration (such as Nb). In general, MgO is removed and P2O5 occasionally enriched during the alteration of pillow lavas. Ti, Cs, Li, Rb, and K, which are the most sensitive indicators of rock/seawater interaction, are generally enriched. The most crystalline samples appear the least affected by chemical changes. Plagioclase and olivine are continuously present as phenocrysts, and clinopyroxene is confined in the groundmass. Textural and mineralogical features as well as crystallization sequences of Site 770 rocks are, in all, analogous to typical mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs). Relatively high content of compatible trace elements, such as Ni and Cr, indicate that these rocks represent nearly primitive or weakly fractionated MORBs. All the studied rocks are geochemically within the spectrum of normal MORB compositional variation. Their Sr/Nd isotopic ratios plot on the mantle array (87Sr/87Sr 0.70324-0.70348 with 143Nd/144Nd 0.51298-0.51291) outside the field of Atlantic and Pacific MORBs. However, Sr and Nd isotopes are typical of both Indian Ocean MORBs and of some back-arc basalts, such as those of Lau Basin. The mantle source of Celebes basement basalts does not show a detectable influence of a subduction-related component. The geochemical and isotopic data so far obtained on the Celebes basement rocks do not allow a clear discrimination between mid-ocean ridge and back-arc settings.


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Layered Fe-Mn crusts from the off-axis region of the first segment of the Central Indian Ridge north of the Rodrigues Triple Junction were studied geochemically and mineralogically. Vernadite (delta-MnO2) is the main mineral oxide phase. 230Thxs and Co concentrations suggest high growth rates of up to 29 mm/Myr and a maximum age of the basal crust layer of 1 Ma. Whereas most of the major and minor elements show concentrations which are typical of hydrogenetic formation, Co, Pb, Ni and Ti concentrations are strikingly lower. Concentrations and distribution of the strictly trivalent rare-earths and yttrium (REY) are typical of hydrogenetic ferromanganese oxide precipitates, but in marked contrast, the crusts are characterized by negative CeSN (shale normalized) anomalies and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios less than unity. Profiles through the crusts reveal only minor variations of the REY distribution and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios range from 0.45 to 0.68 (compared to ratios of up to 2 for typical hydrogenetic crusts from the Central Indian Basin). The apparent bulk partition coefficients between the crusts and seawater suggest that for the strictly trivalent REY the adsorption-desorption equilibrium has been reached. Positive Ce anomalies in the partition coefficient patterns reveal preferential uptake of Ce, but to a lesser extent than in normal hydrogenetic crusts. A new parameter (excess Ce, Cexs) to quantify the degree of decoupling of Ce from REY(III) is established on the basis of partition coefficients. Cexs/Cebulk ratios suggest that the CIR crusts formed by precipitation of Fe-Mn oxides from a hydrothermal plume and that in hydrothermal plumes and normal seawater the enrichment of Ce results from the same oxidative sorption process. The growth rates, calculated with 230Thxs data as well as with the Co formula, are inversely related to Cexs.