925 resultados para yield grade
To assess the quality of school education, much of educational research is concerned with comparisons of test scores means or medians. In this paper, we shift this focus and explore test scores data by addressing some often neglected questions. In the case of Brazil, the mean of test scores in Math for students of the fourth grade has declined approximately 0,2 standard deviation in the late 1990s. But what about changes in the distribution of scores? It is unclear whether the decline was caused by deterioration in student performance in upper and/or lower tails of the distribution. To answer this question, we propose the use of the relative distribution method developed by Handcock and Morris (1999). The advantage of this methodology is that it compares two distributions of test scores data through a single distribution and synthesizes all the differences between them. Moreover, it is possible to decompose the total difference between two distributions in a level effect (changes in median) and shape effect (changes in shape of the distribution). We find that the decline of average-test scores is mainly caused by a worsening in the position of all students throughout the distribution of scores and is not only specific to any quantile of distribution.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a grade curricular do curso de formação da Guarda Civil Metropolitana de São Paulo, comparativamente aos cursos realizados pelas Polícias Militares dos estados de Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro e Paraná. A comparação destas quatro grades curriculares frente à proposta elaborada pela Secretaria Nacional de Segurança Pública busca identificar se as matérias apresentadas nos cursos estão voltadas à formação de agentes segundo os princípios de policiamento comunitário e preventivo. Este modelo de atuação tem sido estudado e implementado por diferentes forças policiais em todo mundo como resposta ao crescimento da criminalidade, verificado especialmente a partir da década de 70.
O professor, sentado diante de um computador, demonstra como trabalhar com a grade da Timeline (linha do tempo) do software Acid Xpress, alterando suas medidas e fazendo com que os arquivos de áudio inseridos na Timeline sejam alinhados com o início de um compasso ou um determinado ponto dentro do compasso, de acordo com as medidas estipulados pelo usuário.
Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Ilustração. Dimensão: 1289x491. Tamanho: 54Kb.
O material apresenta os principais elementos - conceitos teóricos, fórmulas e procedimentos - para dimensionar as grades na entrada de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) e a caixa de areia. (desarenador), considerando as recomendações exigidas pela norma.
This masters thesis discusses the studying and the teaching of drama and its implications among teenagers of the contemporary world. This paper also analyses an extracurricular project entitled Drama in the development of citizenship , which was carried out in the public state school Berilo Wanderley in Natal/RN, between 1999 and 2005 with high school students. It comprises a case study that aimed at understanding how and why they chose to take drama classes outside of the school curriculum and even after they graduated, some of them never left the school project and even started participating in the cultural and artistic context of the city of Natal quite actively, both as part of an audience as well as on artistic, political, social and pedagogical performance. The project was high significant for its participants, for the school and for the community, by creating a sense of recognition of the relevance of the pedagogical and artistic production in the public school, as it managed to yield knowledge that helped students to understand the values of group work, sharing information, collaborative assessment and, most of all, to engender actions of protagonism by the teenagers themselves within their social environments. The empirical process developed is placed in a contemporary historical context where educational paradigms shifts occur, and where categories of youth empowerment and protagonism are fundamental to the educational process in the 21st century. The objective of this study is to reflect upon the pedagogical dimension of drama classes for teenagers, aiming at providing further discussions on the role of acting classes in the construction of the personality among youngsters, thus hoping to contribute to other teaching practices, including drama and other subjects of general education
Foi avaliado o efeito do processo de defumação a quente (45-90ºC/5 horas) e a frio (27-45ºC/10 horas) nas propriedades organolépticas, no rendimento e na composição dos filés de matrinxã (Brycon cephalus). Não houve diferença significativa no rendimento de filés defumados e não-defumados. As perdas no processo de defumação foram significativamente maiores para defumação a quente (19,37%) em comparação à defumação a frio (17,08%). O processo de defumação reduziu a umidade (in natura = 72,91%; defumado a quente = 58,51%; e defumado a frio = 59,68%) e aumentou os teores de proteína bruta, lipídios e cinzas. Houve diferença significativa somente nos teores de proteína no defumado a quente (28,07%) e defumado a frio (27,14%). O processo a frio resultou em melhor aparência e cor de filé, enquanto o processo a quente melhorou o sabor, o teor de sal e a aparência geral. O aroma e a textura não diferiram significativamente entre os processos. O processo de defumação a quente melhora as propriedades organolépticas e os níveis de proteína do filé de matrinxã.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The effects of the coexistence of weed communities on table beet yield during early crop development
Objetivando avaliar efeitos de períodos de infestação inicial na comunidade infestante e na produtividade da beterraba em sistema de semeadura direta e transplantio, conduziu-se um experimento em delineamento de blocos casualizados, esquema fatorial 2 x 13. Métodos de semeadura direta e transplante de mudas foram avaliados dentro de 13 períodos semanais crescentes de infestação. Importância relativa, densidade e matéria seca acumulada pelas plantas daninhas foram analisadas por regressão não-linear, assim como produtividade e estande da cultura de beterraba, que foram submetidos à análise de variância. Amaranthus viridis, Coronopus didymus, Cyperus rotundus, Digitaria nuda, Galinsoga parviflora e Nicandra physaloides foram as plantas daninhas mais importantes, destacando-se C. didymus. O acúmulo de matéria seca das plantas daninhas foi maior na cultura em semeadura direta, embora a densidade de plantas daninhas tenha sido mais alta em sistema de transplantio. A produtividade da beterraba transplantada foi maior que a da semeadura direta no tratamento livre de plantas daninhas. A convivência das plantas daninhas com a cultura pode permanecer por quatro e sete semanas depois da semeadura/transplantio, respectivamente, antes de reduzir a produtividade. A cultura em sistema de semeadura direta foi mais susceptível à interferência das plantas daninhas que a cultura sob sistema de transplantio.
Citrus sudden death (CSD) has greatly affected sweet orange cultivars grafted on Rangpur lime in São Paulo and Minas Gerais States, Brazil. To characterize and quantify CSD damage, fruit yield and quality were assessed in each combination of sweet orange cultivar (Hamlin, Pera, Natal, and Valencia), age class (3 to 5, 6 to 10, and 11 to 15 years old), and CSD severity class (0 = no symptom, 1 = initial symptoms, and 2 = severe symptoms). For each combination, 10 trees were harvested and 20 fruit were taken for quality analysis. Damage was characterized by reduc_ tion of: (i) total weight of fruit/tree (36 and 67% for severity class 1 and 2, respectively), (ii) number of fruit/tree (27 and 55%), (iii) fruit size (13 and 25% in diameter and height [stem to styler distance]), (iv) fruit weight (32 and 56%), (v) total soluble solids (TSS)/fruit (18 and 42%), and increase of (vi) Brix (14 and 34%), (vii) acidity (16 and 41%), and (viii) TSS/90-1b. box (21 and 33%). There was no alteration on Brix/acidity ratio and percentage of juice on fruit of affected trees. Sweet orange cultivars did not differ in percentage of reduction or increase of all yield and quality variables, with the exception of Pera, which expressed increases of Brix and acidity. For more severe affected trees, the youngest plants showed a higher reduction in fruit number/tree, whereas plants 6 to 10 years old showed a higher increase in fruit acidity and TSS/box. However, no differences in percentage of reduction or increase for other variables were observed among different age classes. The damage to the above probably was associated with reduced water absorption capacity of CSD-affected trees.
Effect of lactic acid, SO2, temperature, and their interactions were assessed on the dynamic steeping of a Brazilian dent corn (hybrid XL 606) to determine the ideal relationship among these variables to improve the wet-milling process for starch and corn by-products production. A 2x2x3 factorial experimental design was used with SO2 levels of 0.05 and 0.1% (w/v), lactic acid levels of 0 and 0.5% (v/v), and temperatures of 52, 60, and 68degreesC. Starch yield was used as deciding factor to choose the best treatment. Lactic acid added in the steep solution improved the starch yield by an average of 5.6 percentage points. SO2 was more available to break down the structural protein network at 0.1% than at the 0.05% level. Starch-gluten separation was difficult at 68degreesC. The lactic acid and SO2 concentrations and steeping temperatures for better starch recovery were 0.5, 0.1, and 52degreesC, respectively. The Intermittent Milling and Dynamic Steeping (IMDS) process produced, on average, 1.4% more starch than the conventional 36- hr steeping process. Protein in starch, oil content in germ, and germ damage were used as quality factors. Total steep time can be reduced from 36 hr for conventional wet-milling to 8 hr for the IMDS process.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Atualmente na agricultura, a soja ocupa lugar de destaque garantido pela alta produtividade e excelente rentabilidade no mercado nacional, principalmente na exportação de grãos. Sabe-se que para uma boa produtividade é necessário um bom planejamento, além de técnicas de preparo do solo adequadas a cada região do País. Este trabalho, desenvolvido na Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Campus de Jaboticabal, SP, teve por objetivo, analisar o efeito de diferentes sistemas de preparo no solo e na cultura da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) em Latossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico. Os tratamentos foram 3 preparos convencionais (arado de discos + duas passadas de grade leve, arado de aivecas + duas passadas de grade leve, grade pesada + grade leve), 2 preparos reduzidos (escarificador com rolo destorroador + grade leve, escarificador com rolo destorroador) e semeadura direta, resultando em 6 tratamentos com 4 repetições, totalizando 24 observações. O teor de água no solo não difere entre tratamentos. Na camada superficial (0-5 cm) a semeadura direta apresenta maior resistência à penetração em relação ao arado de aivecas com duas gradagens leves e escarificador com uma gradagem leve. As características agronômicas da cultura da soja não são influenciadas pelos tratamentos estudados.
Field experiments carried out with Cyperus rotundus L. at low (58-246), medium (318773), and high (675-1198 shoots/m(2)) densities showed sugarcane yield reductions of 13.5, 29.3, and 45.2%, respectively in relation to the control. In the second field experiment, the integration of a mechanic method with two sequences of plowing and disking operations in the dry season, and complementary applications of trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine and sulfentrazone (rainy season) was studied. Average of the chain connected to original shoot showed 92, 95, and 65% of reduction with trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine and surfactant, at the application stages early, preflowering, and full flowering, respectively.