949 resultados para wind power plant
Kimberly, Clark & Company was founded in Wisconsin in 1872. The founding partners were John A. Kimberly, Havilah Babcock, Charles B. Clark, and Frank C. Stattuck. That same year, the company built the Globe Mill, which made newsprint from linen and cotton rags. The company soon established a reputation for developing new and innovative paper products and processes. In the 1920s, Kimberly-Clark opened a Canadian Pulp Mill and Power plant known as the Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company, in Kapuskasing, Ontario. Other branches of Kimberly-Clark were established in Ontario at Huntsville and Terrace Bay.
In this study, an attempt has been made to find the textural, geochemical, sedimentological characteristics of sediments and water phases of the kayamkulam estuary located in the Southwest coast of Kerala, besides the impact of gas based thermal power plant located at the northern part of the estuary. Estuaries are an important stage in the transport of the solid weathering product of the earth’s crust. These weathered products or sediments are complex mixtures of a number of solid phases that may include clays, silica, organic matter, metal oxides, carbonates, sulfides and a number of minerals. Studies on the aquatic systems revealed the fact that it posses severe ecological impairments due to heavy discharge of sediments from 44 rivers, the continued disposal of pollutants rich materials from industries, sewage channels, agricultural areas and retting yards
The objective of the preset work is to develop optical fiber sensors for various physical and chemical parameters. As a part of this we initially investigated trace analysis of silica, ammonia, iron and phosphate in water. For this purpose the author has implemented a dual wavelength probing scheme which has many advantages over conventional evanescent wave sensors. Dual wavelength probing makes the design more reliable and repeatable and this design makes the sensor employable for concentration, chemical content, adulteration level, monitoring and control in industries or any such needy environments. Use of low cost components makes the system cost effective and simple. The Dual wavelength probing scheme is employed for the trace analysis of silica, iron, phosphate, and ammonia in water. Such sensors can be employed for the steam and water quality analysers in power plants. Few samples from a power plant are collected and checked the performance of developed system for practical applications.
In dieser Arbeit werden die sich abzeichnenden zukünftigen Möglichkeiten, Stärken und Schwächen der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) untersucht. Dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels, der Integration steigender Anteile Erneuerbarer Energien in die Stromerzeugung und unter Berücksichtigung der sich damit ergebenden Herausforderungen, eine sichere und nachhaltige Stromversorgung zu gestalten. Der Fokus liegt auf der Dieselmotor-KWK und der Nutzung nachwachsender Kraftstoffe. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Übergang zu einer reinen Stromerzeugung aus Erneuerbaren Energiequellen in Deutschland unter erheblicher Einbindung des hohen Potentials der kostengünstigen, umweltfreundlichen, aber in der Leistung extrem fluktuierenden Windenergie erfolgen wird. Als dezentrales Integrationswerkzeug wurde die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit Dieselmotoren untersucht. Sie entspricht aufgrund ihrer großen Flexibilität und ihrer hohen Wirkungsgrade mit vergleichsweise kleinen Leistungen sehr gut den Anforderungen der gleichzeitigen dezentralen Wärmenutzung. In der Dissertation werden die Randbedingungen der Dieselmotor-KWK untersucht und beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend werden unterschiedliche Modelle der Windintegration durch KWK erarbeitet und in diversen Variationen wird der Ausgleich der Stromerzeugung aus Windenergie durch KWK simuliert. Darüber hinaus werden dezentrale KWK-Anlagen hinsichtlich eines koordinierten gemeinsamen Betriebs und hinsichtlich der optimalen Auslegung für den Windenergieausgleich betrachtet. Es wird für den beschriebenen Kontext der Erneuerbaren Energien und der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung das Thema „Umweltwirkungen“ diskutiert. Es wird dargelegt, dass die heute verwendeten Ansätze zur Bewertung der KWK zu einer Verzerrung der Ergebnisse führen. Demgegenüber wurde mit der so genannten Outputmethode eine Methode der Ökobilanzierung vorgestellt, die, im Gegensatz zu den anderen Methoden, keine verzerrenden Annahmen in die Wirkungsabschätzung aufnimmt und somit eine eindeutige und rein wissenschaftliche Auswertung bleibt. Hiermit ist die Grundlage für die Bewertung der unterschiedlichen Technologien und Szenarien sowie für die Einordnung der KWK in den Kontext der Energieerzeugung gegeben. Mit der Outputmethode wird u.a. rechnerisch bewiesen, dass die gekoppelte Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung in KWK-Anlagen tatsächlich die optimale Nutzung der regenerativen Kraftstoffe „Biogas“ und „Pflanzenöl“ im Hinblick auf Ressourceneinsatz, Treibhausgaseinsparung und Exergieerzeugung ist. Es wurde darüber hinaus die Frage untersucht woher die für die Stromerzeugung durch Dieselmotor-KWK-Anlagen notwendige Bioenergie genommen werden kann. Es ist erwiesen, dass die in Deutschland nutzbare landwirtschaftliche Fläche nur zur Deckung eines Teils der Stromerzeugung ausreichen würde. Einheimisches Biogas und nachhaltiges importiertes Pflanzenöl, das in hohem Maße auf degradierten Böden angebaut werden sollte, können die notwendige Brennstoffenergie liefern. Um im Ausland ausreichend Pflanzenöl herstellen zu können, wird eine landwirtschaftliche Fläche von 6 bis 12 Mio. ha benötigt. Das Ergebnis ist, dass ein voller Ausgleich von Windenergie-Restlast durch KWK mit Erneuerbaren Energieträgern sinnvoll und machbar ist! Dieses Wind-KWK-DSM-System sollte durch ein Stromnetz ergänzt sein, das Wasserkraftstrom für den Großteil der Regelenergieaufgaben nutzt, und das den großräumigen Ausgleich Erneuerbarer Energien in Europa und den Nachbarregionen ermöglicht.
In dieser Arbeit wird ein Verfahren zum Einsatz neuronaler Netzwerke vorgestellt, das auf iterative Weise Klassifikation und Prognoseschritte mit dem Ziel kombiniert, bessere Ergebnisse der Prognose im Vergleich zu einer einmaligen hintereinander Ausführung dieser Schritte zu erreichen. Dieses Verfahren wird am Beispiel der Prognose der Windstromerzeugung abhängig von der Wettersituation erörtert. Eine Verbesserung wird in diesem Rahmen mit einzelnen Ausreißern erreicht. Verschiedene Aspekte werden in drei Kapiteln diskutiert: In Kapitel 1 werden die verwendeten Daten und ihre elektronische Verarbeitung vorgestellt. Die Daten bestehen zum einen aus Windleistungshochrechnungen für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland der Jahre 2011 und 2012, welche als Transparenzanforderung des Erneuerbaren Energiegesetzes durch die Übertragungsnetzbetreiber publiziert werden müssen. Zum anderen werden Wetterprognosen, die der Deutsche Wetterdienst im Rahmen der Grundversorgung kostenlos bereitstellt, verwendet. Kapitel 2 erläutert zwei aus der Literatur bekannte Verfahren - Online- und Batchalgorithmus - zum Training einer selbstorganisierenden Karte. Aus den dargelegten Verfahrenseigenschaften begründet sich die Wahl des Batchverfahrens für die in Kapitel 3 erläuterte Methode. Das in Kapitel 3 vorgestellte Verfahren hat im modellierten operativen Einsatz den gleichen Ablauf, wie eine Klassifikation mit anschließender klassenspezifischer Prognose. Bei dem Training des Verfahrens wird allerdings iterativ vorgegangen, indem im Anschluss an das Training der klassenspezifischen Prognose ermittelt wird, zu welcher Klasse der Klassifikation ein Eingabedatum gehören sollte, um mit den vorliegenden klassenspezifischen Prognosemodellen die höchste Prognosegüte zu erzielen. Die so gewonnene Einteilung der Eingaben kann genutzt werden, um wiederum eine neue Klassifikationsstufe zu trainieren, deren Klassen eine verbesserte klassenspezifisch Prognose ermöglichen.
Anàlisi territorial del litoral català mitjançant una sèrie de variables tractades amb sistemes d’informació geogràfica (recurs eòlic, perfil batimètric, zones incloses en Xarxa Natura 2000, subestacions elèctriques vora la costa) per tal de localitzar les zones òptimes d’implantació d’un parc eòlic marí
El presente documento ofrece un estudio del perfil logístico de Portugal, abarcando diferentes aspectos que afectan la competitividad y el desempeño de la cadena logística de un país, con la finalidad de conocer a uno de los socios comerciales con los cuáles Colombia se encuentra negociando, en este caso Portugal, uno de los 28 países que hace parte del reciente tratado de libre comercio aprobado con la Unión Europea, es preciso estudiar las ventajas competitivas que poseen dichos socios, a las cuales el país se enfrenta en un mundo globalizado. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se determinaron a partir de un análisis competitivo del país; las principales ciudades y puertos; logrando establecer un completo panorama de la situación logística en Portugal.
Saving the planet but losing the landscape: the impact of renewable energy policies on rural Britain
The main instrument of the Government's renewable energy policy is to promote wind power through regulation and subsidy. This gives rise to anomalies in rural planning when turbines are erected in sensitve areas in which other forms of development are strictly controlled. The situation is reviewed in the context of economic viability and considered also against the alternative of growing fuel crops. The latter are currently hampered by lack of Government support but could fulfil a useful secondary role of sustaining the agricultural sector and with it the management of lowland landscapes.
Accurate replication of the processes associated with the energetics of the tropical ocean is necessary if coupled GCMs are to simulate the physics of ENSO correctly, including the transfer of energy from the winds to the ocean thermocline and energy dissipation during the ENSO cycle. Here, we analyze ocean energetics in coupled GCMs in terms of two integral parameters describing net energy loss in the system using the approach recently proposed by Brown and Fedorov (J Clim 23:1563–1580, 2010a) and Fedorov (J Clim 20:1108–1117, 2007). These parameters are (1) the efficiency c of the conversion of wind power into the buoyancy power that controls the rate of change of the available potential energy (APE) in the ocean and (2) the e-folding rate a that characterizes the damping of APE by turbulent diffusion and other processes. Estimating these two parameters for coupled models reveals potential deficiencies (and large differences) in how state-of-the-art coupled GCMs reproduce the ocean energetics as compared to ocean-only models and data assimilating models. The majority of the coupled models we analyzed show a lower efficiency (values of c in the range of 10–50% versus 50–60% for ocean-only simulations or reanalysis) and a relatively strong energy damping (values of a-1 in the range 0.4–1 years versus 0.9–1.2 years). These differences in the model energetics appear to reflect differences in the simulated thermal structure of the tropical ocean, the structure of ocean equatorial currents, and deficiencies in the way coupled models simulate ENSO.
This paper presents the two datasets (ARENA and P5) and the challenge that form a part of the PETS 2015 workshop. The datasets consist of scenarios recorded by us- ing multiple visual and thermal sensors. The scenarios in ARENA dataset involve different staged activities around a parked vehicle in a parking lot in UK and those in P5 dataset involve different staged activities around the perimeter of a nuclear power plant in Sweden. The scenarios of each dataset are grouped into ‘Normal’, ‘Warning’ and ‘Alarm’ categories. The Challenge specifically includes tasks that account for different steps in a video understanding system: Low-Level Video Analysis (object detection and tracking), Mid-Level Video Analysis (‘atomic’ event detection) and High-Level Video Analysis (‘complex’ event detection). The evaluation methodology used for the Challenge includes well-established measures.
This thesis examines prerequisites for wind power diffusion in a county in Sweden that quite recently was concidered to be of interest for electricty production from renewable energy sources. Three different municipalities: Falun, Mora and Orsa in the county of Dalarna are highlighted. Their view on permitting processes of wind power installations are investigated. Other actors, such as exploiters and local citizens are also being analysed. This study shows that the local acceptance was very high when the first wind power parks were built, much thanks to local politicians and local citizens. For the politicians the wind power symbolised a key to a better green society, for the local citizens the wind power meant some economical advantages. The first wind power parks were localised to areas because of good wind conditions and social factors, especially from local communities. However, results from this study shows that the acceptance for wind power the last few years, in generel, has decreased. The local authorities have also been conscious of some negative consequenses from already built wind power parks. As a response they started to add planning tools to the permitting process.
This thesis evaluates different sites for a weather measurement system and a suitable PV- simulation for University of Surabaya (UBAYA) in Indonesia/Java. The weather station is able to monitor all common weather phenomena including solar insolation. It is planned to use the data for scientific and educational purposes in the renewable energy studies. During evaluation and installation it falls into place that official specifications from global meteorological organizations could not be meet for some sensors caused by the conditions of UBAYA campus. After arranging the hardware the weather at the site was monitored for period of time. A comparison with different official sources from ground based and satellite bases measurements showed differences in wind and solar radiation. In some cases the monthly average solar insolation was deviating 42 % for satellite-based measurements. For the ground based it was less than 10 %. The average wind speed has a difference of 33 % compared to a source, which evaluated the wind power in Surabaya. The wind direction shows instabilities towards east compared with data from local weather station at the airport. PSET has the chance to get some investments to investigate photovoltaic on there own roof. With several simulations a suitable roof direction and the yearly and monthly outputs are shown. With a 7.7 kWpeak PV installation with the latest crystalline technology on the market 8.82 MWh/year could be achieved with weather data from 2012. Thin film technology could increase the value up to 9.13 MWh/year. However, the roofs have enough area to install PV. Finally the low price of electricity in Indonesia makes it not worth to feed in the energy into the public grid.
This paper generalizes the HEGY-type test to detect seasonal unit roots in data at any frequency, based on the seasonal unit root tests in univariate time series by Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo (1990). We introduce the seasonal unit roots at first, and then derive the mechanism of the HEGY-type test for data with any frequency. Thereafter we provide the asymptotic distributions of our test statistics when different test regressions are employed. We find that the F-statistics for testing conjugation unit roots have the same asymptotic distributions. Then we compute the finite-sample and asymptotic critical values for daily and hourly data by a Monte Carlo method. The power and size properties of our test for hourly data is investigated, and we find that including lag augmentations in auxiliary regression without lag elimination have the smallest size distortion and tests with seasonal dummies included in auxiliary regression have more power than the tests without seasonal dummies. At last we apply the our test to hourly wind power production data in Sweden and shows there are no seasonal unit roots in the series.
This academic work describes the interfirm technological learning processes behavior at a thermo plant throughout the years 2001 till 2007. Its former ownership structure was composed by two foreigners companies. This structure was changed by the acquisition of the company control by a Brazilian state owned company on April 2006. The company is a Natural Gas Fired Power Plant placed at Macaé City, at Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil generating electric power right to National Integrated System (SIN). The goal of this research is verify how the technological knowledge had been acquired by the firm and how it had been spread out throughout the organization before and after the change of the ownership structure. The taxonomy applied to determining of ownership structure take in account three parameters: type, specific characteristic and the ownership structure itself. Technological Learning Interfirm Processes have been examined from a model of systemic approach that establishes four key characteristics: ¿variety, intensity, functioning and interaction¿. During 2001 until 2006, till the change of owner structure, the firm developed its own learning processes in its own operational routines. The main learning processes have been identified from empirical evidences. It has been adopted the cut line at year of 2006 for the comparison among the technological learning processes behavior, when the change of ownership structure took place. The data capture occurred within April and August 2007 covering since 2001. Verified the behavior of these learning processes before and after the ownership structure changed from private property to state owned property. The conclusion of this case study suggests that interfirm processes of technological learning identified by the research had their dynamical behavior promptly affected by a change from private to ownerstate ownership structure, exposing the company to a poor performance in its industry, due to the lack of 51% of the technological intrafirm learning processes and reduction of the acquisition of new technical knowledge and its conversion throughout the organization.