994 resultados para volcanic eruption


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The late Miocene Farallon Negro volcanics, comprising basaltic to rhyodacitic volcano-sedimentary rocks, host the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper-gold deposit in northwest Argentina. Early studies of the geology of the district have underpinned the general model for porphyry ore deposits where hydrothermal alteration and mineralization develop in and around porphyritic intrusions emplaced at shallow depths (2.5-3.5 km) into stratovolcanic assemblages. The Farallon Negro succession is dominated by thick sequences of volcano-sedimentary breccias, with lavas forming a minor component volumetrically. These volcaniclastic rocks conformably overlie crystalline basement-derived sedimentary rocks deposited in a developing foreland basin southeast of the Puna-Altiplano plateau. Within the Farallon Negro volcanics, volcanogenic accumulations evolved from early mafic to intermediate and silicic compositions. The younger and more silicic rocks are demonstrably coeval and comagmatic with the earliest group of mineralized porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera. Our analysis of the volcanic stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Farallon Negro volcanics indicates that volcanic eruptions evolved from effusive to mixed effusive and explosive styles, as magma compositions changed to more intermediate and silicic compositions. Air early phase of mafic to intermediate voleanism was characterized by small synsedimentary intrusions with peperitic contacts, and lesser lava units scattered widely throughout the district, and interbedded with thick and extensive successions of coarse-grained sedimentary breccias. These sedimentary breccias formed from numerous debris- and hyperconcentrated flow events. A later phase of silicic volcanism included both effusive eruptions, forming several areally restricted lavas, and explosive eruptions, producing more widely dispersed (up to 5 kin) tuff units, some tip to 30-m thickness in proximal sections. Four key features of the volcanic stratigraphy suggest that the Farallon Negro volcanics need not simply record the construction of a large steep-sided polygenetic stratovolcano: (1) sheetlike, laterally continuous debris-flow and other coarse-grained sedimentary deposits are dominant, particularly in the lower sections; (2) mafic-intermediate composition lavas are volumetrically minor; (3) peperites are present throughout the sequence; and (4) fine-grained lacustrine sandstone-siltstone sequences occur in areas previously thought to be proximal to the summit region of the stratovolcano. Instead, the nature, distribution, and geometry of volcanic and volcaniclastic facies suggest that volcanism occurred as a relatively low relief, multiple-vent volcanic complex at the eastern edge of a broad, > 200-km-wide late Miocene volcanic belt and oil ail active foreland sedimentary basin to the Puna-Altiplano. Volcanism that occurred synchronously with the earliest stages of porphyry-related mineralization at Bajo de la Alumbrera apparently developed in an alluvial to ring plain setting that was distal to larger volcanic edifices.


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This thesis describes the geology of a Lower Palaeozoic terrain, situated west of the town of Fishguard, SW Dyfed, Wales. The area is dominated by the Fishguard Volcanic Complex (Upper Llanvirn), and sediments that range in age from the Middle Cambrian to the Lower Llandeilo. The successions represent an insight into sedimentation and volcanism for c. 100 Ma. along the south-western margin of the Lower Palaeozoic Welsh Basin. The stratigraphy of the sedimentary sequence has been completely revised and the existing volcanostratigraphy modified. The observed complexity of the stratigraphy is primarily the consequence of Caldedonide deformation which resulted in large scale repetition. Fold-thrust tectonics dominates the structural style of the area. Caledonide trending (NE-SW) cross-faults complicate preexisting structures. Middle Cambrian (?) sedimentation is documented by shallow marine clastics and red shales deposited within tidal - subtidal environments. Upper Cambrian sedimentation was dominated by shallow marine `storm' and `fair weather' sedimentation within a muddy shelf environment. Shallow marine conglomerates and heterolithic intertidal siliciclastics mark the onset of Ordovician sedimentation during the lower Arenig transgression. Mid-Arenig sediments reflect deposits influenced by storm, fair-weather and wave related processes in various shallow marine environments, including; shoreface, inner shelf, shoaling bar, and deltaic. Graptolitic marine shales were deposited from the upper mid-Arenig through to the lower Llandeilo; during which time sediments accumulated by pelagic processes and fine grained turbidites. The varied nature of sedimentation reflects both localised change within the depositional system and the influence of larger regional eustatic events. Ordovician subaqueous volcanic activity produced thick accumulations of lavas, pyroclastics, hydroclastics, and hyaloclastics. The majority of volcanism was effusive in nature, erupted below the Pressure Compensation Level. Basaltic volcanism was characterised by pillowed lavas and tube networks, whilst sheet-flow lavas, pillow breccias and minor hyaloclastites developed locally. Silicic volcanism was dominated by rhyolitic clastics of various affinities, although coherent silicic obsidian lavas, sheet-flow lavas and pyroclastics developed. Hypabyssal intrusives of variable composition and habit occur throughout the volcanic successions. Low-grade regional metamorphism has variably affected the area, conditions of the prehnite-pumpellyite and greenschist facies having been attained. Numerous secondary phases developed in response to the conditions imposed, which collectively indicate that P-T conditions were of low-pressure facies series in the range P= 1.2-2.0 kbars and T= 230-350oC, under an elevated geothermal gradient of 40-45oC km-1. Polymineralic cataclastites associated with Caledonide deformation indicate that tectonism and metamorphism were in part contemporaneous.


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Two suites of intermediate-felsic plutonic rocks were recovered by dredges RD63 and RD64 (R/V KK81-06-26) from the northern wall of the Mariana trench near Guam, which is located in the southern part of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) island arc system. The locations of the dredges are significant as the area contains volcanic rocks (forearc basalts and boninites) that have been pivotal in explaining processes that occur when one lithospheric plate initially begins to subduct beneath another. The plutonic rocks have been classified based on petrologic and geochemical analyses, which provides insight to their origin and evolution in context of the surrounding Mariana trench. Based on whole rock geochemistry, these rocks (SiO2: 49-78 wt%) have island arc trace element signatures (Ba, Sr, Rb enrichment, Nb-Ta negative anomalies, U/Th enrichment), consistent with the adjacent IBM volcanics. Depletion of rare earth elements (REEs) relative to primitive mantle and excess Zr and Hf compared to the middle REEs indicate that the source of the plutonic rocks is similar to boninites and transitional boninites. Early IBM volcanic rocks define isotopic fields (Sr, Pb, Nd and Hf-isotopes) that represent different aspects of the subduction process (e.g., sediment influence, mantle provenance). The southern Mariana plutonic rocks overlap these fields, but show a clear distinction between RD63 and RD64. Modeling of the REEs, Zr and Hf shows that the plutonic suites formed via melting of boninite crust or by crystallization from a boninite-like magma rather than other sources that are found in the IBM system. The data presented support the hypothesis that the plutonic rocks from RD63 and RD64 are products of subduction initiation and are likely pieces of middle crust in the forearc exposed at the surface by faulting and serpentine mudvolcanoes. Their existence shows that intermediate-felsic crust may form very early in the history of an intra-oceanic island arc system. Plutonic rocks with similar formation histories may exist in obducted suprasubduction zone ophiolites and would be evidence that felsic-intermediate forearc plutonics are eventually accreted to the continents.


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The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15'S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S–42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3–37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S–34°30'S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. ^ The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.^


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The paper discusses the influence of explosive volcanic eruptions (VEI >= 4) on global climate.


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Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations will significantly reduce ocean pH during the 21st century (ocean acidification, OA). This may hamper calcification in marine organisms such as corals and echinoderms, as shown in many laboratory-based experiments. Sea urchins are considered highly vulnerable to OA. We studied an Echinometra species on natural volcanic CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea, where they are CO2-acclimatized and also subjected to secondary ecological changes from elevated CO2. Near the vent site, the urchins experienced large daily variations in pH (> 1 unit) and pCO2 (> 2000 ppm) and average pH values (pHT 7.73) much below those expected under the most pessimistic future emission scenarios. Growth was measured over a 17-month period using tetracycline tagging of the calcareous feeding lanterns. Average-sized urchins grew more than twice as fast at the vent compared with those at an adjacent control site, and assumed larger sizes at the vent compared to the control site and two other sites at another reef near-by. A small reduction in gonad weight was detected at the vents, but no differences in mortality, respiration, or degree of test calcification were detected between urchins from vent and control populations. Thus, urchins did not only persist but actually 'thrived' under extreme CO2 conditions. We suggest an ecological basis for this response: increased algal productivity under increased pCO2 provided more food at the vent, resulting in higher growth rates. The wider implication of our observation is that laboratory studies on non-acclimatized specimens, which typically do not consider ecological changes, can lead to erroneous conclusions on responses to global change.