910 resultados para vir


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This paper addresses the issue of mediation in the process of information decision-making, more specifically, organic information, seeking to deepen its determinants in an attempt to understand the mechanisms on which supports. It also examines the role of the archivist as an information professional in this process. Conceptually, it is understood that the information Organic is produced within the organization as a result of the implementation of activities and tasks undertaken. The national literature that addresses this issue is poor and therefore needs further examination. Weaving relations organic information and mediation in the context of decision making is rare in literature. Thus, this study seeks to contribute to discussions in regarding this matter and also adds to this the importance of standing up issues that may contribute to the development of studies Information Science.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pacifier use is very common among children, but despite being considered a harmless article, there is ample evidence of their misdeeds. Therefore, concern about its use is great for us who work in the promotion of breastfeeding. It is this delicate subject in schools because the child, in most cases, already goes to school with the habit installed. The pacifier use may interfere with speech aspect, because the child can come to the wrong talk, dental, dental occlusions, may cause bacterial contamination and encourage early weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pacifier use among children of pre - school and knowledge of educators about the role of pacifier and its consequences. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire to teachers, monitors and direction and determine the prevalence of pacifier use with parents. According to the result, we developed an orientation for school. The results show that of the 57 children at the age of 4 months to 3 years, 50.88% used a pacifier, 92.98% and 96.49% used the bottle were breastfed. The guidance given after the data collection has clarified many questions for educators. We conclude that the methodology was effective because we can collect data addressing quantitative and qualitative questions and managed to get percentages on pacifier use and breastfeeding and student opinions, comments and more relevant phrases that emerged from parents and educators, complementing the result. Furthermore, through the data, it was possible to do an intervention. The results indicate that half of the children between 4 months and 3 years investigated makes use of a pacifier, so despite the advice given, it would be important to follow up these data over the next few years. We also conclude that a partnership is needed between parents and the school, because if the family does not help, you can not work in school guidance


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This present work talk about the tourism and the historic evolution of this conception, also it brings some thoughts about the increase of the tourism activity in the all around the world. The territorial slash study is in Rancharia, the research the shows aspect of localization, description, natural and socials. During this work was introduced a study about the most important programs and projects that were initiate in the country by the public authorities with the focus in the tourism development, and also was noted the current tendency in the formation of intermunicipal consortium that has the aim to develop the activity of the regional tourism. It was presented the mains tourism attractions in the municipal district, such as, municipal watering- place. To develop this current work it was made some researches by the application of a formulary to the tourist, and the interview was made by representatives of the private and public sector, which was exposed their vision about the activity tourism development and the importance of the municipal district participation in the public politics that is turned to the tourism. The work concludes that the tourism activity could come to turn one alternative of job and lacework to the city, but is necessary that develop it in the base of the local tourism, that brings benefits to all the community involved in this process


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Atualmente, é grande a quantidade de cursos d’água continentais que se encontram contaminados por poluentes, tais como produtos químicos, metais, esgoto e detergentes biodegradáveis. Tendo em vista o fato de a musculatura possuir um papel fundamental na realização do nado em peixes, sua importância se reflete em atividades como caça, fuga, procura pelo alimento, defesa, migração, etc. Alterações na estrutura muscular de peixes, que possam vir a ocorrer devido à presença de poluentes na água trarão sérias implicações para o modo de vida destes, especialmente no caso de Astyanax altiparanae que é uma espécie pelágica e nadadora ativa. Consequentemente, tem havido uma crescente preocupação em relação aos poluentes e os efeitos que estes podem ter sobre as populações de peixes que habitam esses ambientes aquáticos poluídos, uma vez que estes constituem uma das fontes de alimento mais importantes para certas populações humanas assim como a principal fonte de renda para comunidades pesqueiras. Sendo assim, pretendeu-se por meio do presente estudo, analisar e identificar possíveis alterações na estrutura morfológica da musculatura peitoral e caudal em peixes de pequeno porte como Astyanax altiparanae, bem como analisar a ocorrência de um possível envelhecimento precoce destas, que possam ter sido causados pelos poluentes contidos na água com detergente diluído, na água do Lago Azul, Rio Claro, SP, em comparação com a água pura do poço artesiano da UNESP – Campus Rio Claro que foi clorada de acordo com o modelo requerido pela SABESP e constituiu o grupo controle. A análise foi feita com base na comparação do grupo controle com aqueles expostos aos poluentes e foram utilizadas técnicas de histologia, histoquímica e fluorescência


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The implantation of environmental management systens (SGA) in companies is the first step to the company conquers the environmental certification and consequently the benefits of a sustainable production of products, services and activities can bring. However, in the way as they are proposals in bibliographies the implantation of the SGAs, does not identify the definition of the operational stages of implementation of the same ones, generating doubts on the real environmental and administrative performance that they can come to generate for the organization. In this direction, the present research brings a proposal of operational systematics for implantation of SGA in companies, detailing each stage of implantation, considering its particularitities. For in such a way, a revision of norm NBR ISO 14001:2004 was made, looking for to identify to the interpretation imperfections gifts in the normative system. Moreover, other methods of SGA implantation had been searched gifts in the bibliography, searching proposals that detailed the operational aspects of the implantation of the system. In the same way, the accomplishment of a period of training supervised in the first semester of 2007 made possible the practical experience of the functioning of a system of environmental management, beyond the contact with professionals of the area and the acquisition of documents that had helped in the development of the research. The result was the attainment of a detailed procedure more, defining the operational systematic of SGA implantation, beyond the generation of a flowchart, describing as to develop each stage. This detailing certainly will facilitate the implantation of a SGA in companies interested in improving its environmental performance.


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The present work aims to study the stability and control of the aircraft AF-X of AeroFEG team for AeroDesign to contribute with it in developing its theoretical project report for the competition and present the shortcomings of stability that it might measures for the practical test. In the first moment, it was presented forces and motion of the aircraft, so to define the equations of motion. After the equations of motion were calculated, the transfer functions were found and the aircraft response was analyzed under longitudinal stability and lateral-directional. We obtained responses from the aircraft and through the method of Root Locus the gains required to improve responses and reduce the overshoot, finally some changes and improvements for increased stability have been addressed. The study covered all the motions and control surfaces of the aircraft, showing the characteristics and behavior of the front disruptions, as well as opportunities for gains and improvementsThe present work aims to study the stability and control of the aircraft AF-X of AeroFEG team for AeroDesign to contribute with it in developing its theoretical project report for the competition and present the shortcomings of stability that it might measures for the practical test. In the first moment, it was presented forces and motion of the aircraft, so to define the equations of motion. After the equations of motion were calculated, the transfer functions were found and the aircraft response was analyzed under longitudinal stability and lateral-directional. We obtained responses from the aircraft and through the method of Root Locus the gains required to improve responses and reduce the overshoot, finally some changes and improvements for increased stability have been addressed. The study covered all the motions and control surfaces of the aircraft, showing the characteristics and behavior of the front disruptions, as well as opportunities for gains and improvements


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This study aims to analise the relevance of the pedagogical coordinator as a mediator subject of the instructor formation within the school context. Thus, I seek to comprehend the functions that this coordinator may develop at school, affirming the contributions of dialogue and writing as instances of the resignification of the teaching practice. In this sense, the meetings of the HTPC(Collective Pedagogical Working Hours) are relevant spaces of the teaching practice. This qualitative investigation is the result of a bibliographic research, about the theoretical production, in the field of the education, that aims the thematic of the pedagogical coordinator and his functions at school. I've considered the articles located at the “Anais” of the ENDIPE(National Meeting of Didacticism and Teaching Practice) clipping the years of 2004,2006 and 2010, in the subject of teacher training, just like some bibliographic productions. I also introduce a teacher's report that helps to comprehend the HTPCs meetings as important spaces of experiences exchanges between the teachers, contributing to the quality of education offered


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A partir de mudanças culturais e legislativas, a formação profissional tem passado por alterações no que concernem espaços, modalidades e suas especificidades. São observadas então, mudanças desde os Projetos Político Pedagógicos de cursos de formação de professores, assim como o incentivo do governo à programas de Iniciação à docência, como o PIBID. Com isso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi o de levantar os principais problemas referentes ao ensino de educação física na escola e se um programa de iniciação à docência poderia vir a ajudar na formação inicial do futuro professor. Através de uma pesquisa exploratória, usando como instrumento a fonte documental, esse trabalho analisou relatos de participantes de um grupo PIBID na Universidade Estadual Paulista- Campus Rio Claro, no curso de Educação Física e explorou as influencias desse projeto na formação inicial, comparando-o com a disciplina de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado. Foram encontrados resultados que permeiam problemas estruturais e conceituais referentes à disciplina de Educação Física Escolar, e que corroboram para um declínio de ensino da área, além de resultados significativos que tanto o projeto, como a disciplina de estágio, pôde oferecer aos alunos na construção de sua identidade profissional


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Cholangiohepatitis is a common hepatic disorder in cats that is second only to hepatic lipidosis in frequency. The cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis complex is known as the diseases that involve the biliar tract inflammation and may extend to the liver. The classification of the cholangiohepatitis is still controversial, in this present study the following classification was used: Acute Cholangiohepatitis, Chronic Cholangiohepatitis, Lymphocitic Cholangitis. The cholangiohepatitis may be associated with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, this association is known as feline triaditis. The diagnosis is based on the clinical signs, alterations in laboratory exams and ultrasonography alterations, but the definitive diagnosis is only possible through liver biopsy. The treatment for each type of cholangiohepatitis differs, hence the importance of the right diagnosis. This study aimed to do a review over the ethiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment for this disease


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The programs Water Producer and Water Mine are the starting point for the research, whose the main objective is to develop a study on the necessity and possibility to forming water producers in the Veado Creek Watershed Deer, located in Presidente Venceslau - Sao Paulo, in order to improve the quality and quantity of water from the spring. To this end, the implementation of programs in the spring, especially the Water Mine, developed by the State of Sao Paulo, could help change the situation in which degradation is the area of the watershed. The main methodological procedures were performed: survey and literature review, interviews with employees SEAAMA, CATI, interview with the president of the Association of Owners of Rural Watershed of Deer Creek; interview with landowners of the Fountain Creek Watershed Deer; work in the search field at the landfill to the DAE and the Association of Collectors of Recycled. We are dealing with issues such as the importance of the Code of forests with regard to the protection of water resources, decentralized management and participatory of water resources, Payment by Environmental Services, production of water, characterization and diagnosis of the environmental Microbacia of Wealth Córrego do Veado, sanitation of the municipality of Presidente Venceslau. Analyzed the current situation of the watershed of the spring, highlighting the main actions that have been performed by the municipality through the watershed program of the State of São Paulo City Hall and through the resources FEHIDRO. The obtained results allowed to demonstrate the need and the possibility of setting up the Project Mine Of Water in the watershed of the fountain and the interest of owners interviewed by adherence to the Project and the protection of the source


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O estresse oxidativo é um dos fatores mais importantes na diminuição da qualidade do sêmen, pois leva a perda da integridade da membrana dos espermatozóides e de danos estruturais ao DNA através da cascata de lipoperoxidação. Os danos funcionais relacionados ao estresse oxidativo como a diminuição da motilidade e da viabilidade do espermatozóide são algumas das principais causas de infertilidade masculina. Ainda, os lipídios que compõe a membrana plasmática são macromoléculas que, além de estarem envolvidas em complexos sistemas biológicos e processos metabólicos da célula, são altamente susceptíveis ao processo de lipoperoxidação desencadeado pelo estresse oxidativo. Neste contexto, este projeto propôs o estudo das alterações no perfil lipídico do plasma seminal que pudessem estar relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo e posterior comparação destes perfis em busca de biomarcadores de infertilidade. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras de sêmen de 116 pacientes que procuraram o setor de Reprodução Humana da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Estas amostras foram submetidas a técnica de TBARS para quantificação dos produtos finais do estresse oxidativo e separação dos grupos, e em seguida, ao protocolo de extração de lipídios para obtenção dos espectros de massa através da técnica de MALDI (Matrix Assisted Laser Disorption Ionization). Com esta análise foi possível a identificação de 31 lipídeos super representados nos diferentes grupos e que, futuramente, poderão vir a ser utilizados na avaliação da qualidade seminal


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Laboratory of Chemical Waste Management programs are being implemented in various universities of the country and the world, in recognition of the urgent need to change the reality of disregard for the environment, together with objective responsibility of the generator, and especially the awareness of sustainability. Analysis and research laboratories involve a range of waste in developing their studies with intrinsic characteristics related to their form of generation. The amount of waste generated in this segment is negligible compared to industrial activities, but the environmental issue is that these residues do not have a standard technique for treatment due to the potential variation of its composition. This research project, aiming their suitability and continuous improvement, aims to diagnose and analyze the current situation of the management and disposal of chemical waste generated by the laboratories IGCE UNESP, Campus Rio Claro / SP. Universities, through their research, teaching and extension, end up generating potentially hazardous chemicals that may contaminate the environment when they are disposed of improperly, with no concern for the environment and / or public health. Aiming to assist in improvements with respect to this issue, the purpose of this study is to understand the management and disposal of chemical waste from the IGCE, laboratories UNESP - Rio Claro / SP, in order to discuss the situation of such waste, and present proposals to reduce generation of the same and minimizing the environmental impact, thereby increasing the local hygiene through proper disposal. The research instrument used interviews, questionnaires, review of recent literature and observations were made in order to develop proposals for the management and disposal of waste. These proposals based on prevention and corrective control, where the preventive approach aims at lifting techniques and actions to reduce the generating sources and...


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Geologic and geomorphologic mapping are important ways to characterize the environment, because they look to describe and diagnose landforms, identifying and understanding the morphogenetic processes, making it possible to comprehend the landscape dynamic. This work aimed to make a geological and geomorphological map, in a 1:10.000 scale, of the Morro Azul, the main elevation in the city of Limeira – SP, with the application of photogeological techniques and field descriptions. As final products are presented a geological-geomorphological map, a topographical profile, a slope map, beyond the main characteristics of the geological-geomorphological units of the area. This study presents itself as a preliminary work, and can serve as a subsidy to more specific works, such as geotechnics, environmental problems, among others