957 resultados para unidentified retrovirus
A livello globale una delle problematiche più urgenti della sanità pubblica umana e veterinaria è rappresentata dal controllo delle infezioni virali. L’emergenza di nuove malattie, la veloce diffusione di patologie finora confinate ad alcune aree geografiche, lo sviluppo di resistenza dei patogeni alle terapie utilizzate e la mancanza di nuove molecole attive, sono gli aspetti che influiscono più negativamente livello socio-economico in tutto il mondo. Misure per limitare la diffusione delle infezioni virali prevedono strategie per prevenire e controllare le infezioni in soggetti a rischio . Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di indagare il possibile utilizzo di prototipi virali utilizzati come modello di virus umani per valutare l’efficacia di due diversi metodi di controllo delle malattie virali: la rimozione mediante filtrazione di substrati liquidi e gli antivirali di sintesi e di origine naturale. Per quanto riguarda la rimozione di agenti virali da substrati liquidi, questa è considerata come requisito essenziale per garantire la sicurezza microbiologica non solo di acqua ad uso alimentare , ma anche dei prodotti utilizzati a scopo farmaceutico e medico. Le Autorità competenti quali WHO ed EMEA hanno redatto delle linee guida molto restrittive su qualità e sicurezza microbiologica dei prodotti biologici per garantire la rimozione di agenti virali che possono essere trasmessi con prodotti utilizzati a scopo terapeutico. Nell'industria biomedicale e farmaceutica c'è l'esigenza di una tecnologia che permetta la rimozione dei virus velocemente, in grande quantità, a costi contenuti, senza alterare le caratteristiche del prodotto finale . La collaborazione con l’azienda GVS (Zola Predosa, Italia) ha avuto come obiettivo lo studio di una tecnologia di filtrazione che permette la rimozione dei virus tramite membrane innovative e/o tessuti-non-tessuti funzionalizzati che sfruttano l’attrazione elettrostatica per ritenere ed asportare i virus contenuti in matrici liquide. Anche gli antivirali possono essere considerati validi mezzi per il controllo delle malattie infettive degli animali e nell’uomo quando la vaccinazione non è realizzabile come ad esempio in caso di scoppio improvviso di un focolaio o di un attacco bioterroristico. La scoperta degli antivirali è relativamente recente ed il loro utilizzo è attualmente limitato alla patologia umana, ma è in costante aumento l’interesse per questo gruppo di farmaci. Negli ultimi decenni si è evidenziata una crescente necessità di mettere a punto farmaci ad azione antivirale in grado di curare malattie ad alta letalità con elevato impatto socio-economico, per le quali non esiste ancora un’efficace profilassi vaccinale. Un interesse sempre maggiore viene rivolto agli animali e alle loro patologie spontanee, come modello di studio di analoghe malattie dell’uomo. L’utilizzo di farmaci ad azione antivirale in medicina veterinaria potrebbe contribuire a ridurre l’impatto economico delle malattie limitando, nel contempo, la disseminazione dei patogeni nell’ambiente e, di conseguenza, il rischio sanitario per altri animali e per l’uomo in caso di zoonosi. Le piante sono sempre state utilizzate dall’industria farmaceutica per l’isolamento dei composti attivi e circa il 40% dei farmaci moderni contengono principi d’origine naturale. Alla luce delle recenti emergenze sanitarie, i fitofarmaci sono stati considerati come una valida per migliorare la salute degli animali e la qualità dei prodotti da essi derivati. L’obiettivo del nostro studio è stato indagare l’attività antivirale in vitro di estratti naturali e di molecole di sintesi nei confronti di virus a RNA usando come prototipo il Canine Distemper Virus, modello di studio per virus a RNA a polarità negativa, filogeneticamente correlato al virus del morbillo umano. La scelta di questo virus è dipesa dal fatto che rispetto ai virus a DNA e ai retrovirus attualmente l’offerta di farmaci capaci di contrastare le infezioni da virus a RNA è molto limitata e legata a molecole datate con alti livelli di tossicità. Tra le infezioni emergenti causate da virus a RNA sono sicuramente da menzionare quelle provocate da arbovirus. Le encefaliti virali da arbovirus rappresentano una emergenza a livello globale ed attualmente non esiste una terapia specifica. Una delle molecole più promettenti in vitro per la terapia delle infezioni da arbovirus è la ribavirina (RBV) che, con il suo meccanismo d’azione pleiotropico, si presta ad essere ulteriormente studiata in vivo per la sua attività antivirale nei confronti delle infezioni da arbovirus. Uno dei fattori limitanti l’utilizzo in vivo di questa molecola è l’incapacità della molecola di oltrepassare la barriera emato-encefalica. Nel nostro studio abbiamo messo a punto una formulazione per la somministrazione endonasale di RBV e ne abbiamo indagato la diffusione dalla cavità nasale all’encefalo attraverso l’identificazione e quantificazione della molecola antivirale nei diversi comparti cerebrali . Infine è stato condotto un esperimento in vivo per valutare l’efficacia di un composto a base di semi di Neem, di cui sono già note le proprietà antimicrobiche, nei confronti dell’infezione da orf virus, una zoonosi a diffusione mondiale, che ha un elevato impatto economico in aree ad alta densità ovi-caprina e può provocare lesioni invalidanti anche nell’uomo.
Investigations on formation and specification of neural precursor cells in the central nervous system of the Drosophila melanogaster embryoSpecification of a unique cell fate during development of a multicellular organism often is a function of its position. The Drosophila central nervous system (CNS) provides an ideal system to dissect signalling events during development that lead to cell specific patterns. Different cell types in the CNS are formed from a relatively few precursor cells, the neuroblasts (NBs), which delaminate from the neurogenic region of the ectoderm. The delamination occurs in five waves, S1-S5, finally leading to a subepidermal layer consisting of about 30 NBs, each with a unique identity, arranged in a stereotyped spatial pattern in each hemisegment. This information depends on several factors such as the concentrations of various morphogens, cell-cell interactions and long range signals present at the position and time of its birth. The early NBs, delaminating during S1 and S2, form an orthogonal array of four rows (2/3,4,5,6/7) and three columns (medial, intermediate, and lateral) . However, the three column and four row-arrangement pattern is only transitory during early stages of neurogenesis which is obscured by late emerging (S3-S5) neuroblasts (Doe and Goodman, 1985; Goodman and Doe, 1993). Therefore the aim of my study has been to identify novel genes which play a role in the formation or specification of late delaminating NBs.In this study the gene anterior open or yan was picked up in a genetic screen to identity novel and yet unidentified genes in the process of late neuroblast formation and specification. I have shown that the gene yan is responsible for maintaining the cells of the neuroectoderm in an undifferentiated state by interfering with the Notch signalling mechanism. Secondly, I have studied the function and interactions of segment polarity genes within a certain neuroectodermal region, namely the engrailed (en) expressing domain, with regard to the fate specification of a set of late neuroblasts, namely NB 6-4 and NB 7-3. I have dissected the regulatory interaction of the segment polarity genes wingless (wg), hedgehog (hh) and engrailed (en) as they maintain each others expression to show that En is a prerequisite for neurogenesis and show that the interplay of the segmentation genes naked (nkd) and gooseberry (gsb), both of which are targets of wingless (wg) activity, leads to differential commitment of NB 7-3 and NB 6-4 cell fate. I have shown that in the absence of either nkd or gsb one NB fate is replaced by the other. However, the temporal sequence of delamination is maintained, suggesting that formation and specification of these two NBs are under independent control.
Der Längenpolymorphismus des C4-Gens beruht auf der An- oder Abwesenheit einer 6.4 kb langen Insertion im Intron 9. Es handelt sich dabei um einen eigenständigen bisher noch nicht beschriebenen Virus-Typ, der alle Sequenzmerkmale der Familie der humanen endogenen Retroviren (HERV) trägt und zu den HERV-K Viren gehört. Der Provirus wurde als HERV-K(C4) bezeichnet. Die Orientierung dieses retroviralen Elements ist entgegengesetzt zu der Transkriptionsrichtung des C4-Gens. Mittels RT-PCR, RNase Protection Assays und Northern-Blot Analysen konnte der Nachweis von HERV-K(C4)-Antisense mRNA-Transkripten in verschiedenen humanen Zellinien und Geweben erbracht werden. Die retroviralen Transkripte schlossen am 5'- und 3'-Ende Sequenzen des C4-Exon 9 und Exon 10 ein, so daß diese wahrscheinlich "readthrough" Transkripte darstellen, die durch einen 5' des LTR2 gelegenen Promotor initiiert oder im Zusammenhang mit der C4-Expression transkribiert und reguliert werden. Weiterhin konnten insgesamt 4 HERV-K(C4)-mRNA Spezies, einschließlich einer Vollängen-RNA detektiert werden. Die drei subgenomischen mRNAs werden vermutlich durch einfaches und mehrfaches Spleißen generiert. Die quantitative Analyse in verschiedenen humanen Zellinien ergab, daß HERV-K(C4) durchschnittlich mit einer Kopienanzahl zwischen ca.1 bis 100 Transkripten in einer Zelle vorkommt, so daß es sich um low abundance mRNAs handelt. Mittels eines Reportergen-System konnte eine Aktivität des LTR2-Promotors in der Sense-Orientierung des Retrovirus nachgewiesen werden, die nach Stimulation mit IFN- signifikant abnahm. Ein humanes Modell-Systems wurde etabliert, um die Theorie einer Antisense-Abwehr gegen exogene Retroviren in HepG2-Zellen zu überprüfen. Die Theorie basiert auf dem Nachweis von HERV-K(C4)-Antisense-Transkripten, die über eine Heteroduplexbildung mit der Sense-mRNA von verwandten, infektiösen Retroviren eine mögliche Blockierung deren Translation erwirken könnten. Es konnte eine signifikante Abnahme der retroviralen Expression von bis zu 45% nach steigenden Dosen an IFN- in HepG2-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Der funktionell aktive 3'-LTR-Sense Promotor sowie der Nachweis von HERV-K(C4)-Antisense Transkripten sprechen für die bedeutende Rolle von HERV-K(C4) bei der Genregulation und Schutz gegen exogene Retroviren, wodurch eine Selektion stattgefunden hat.
Die Alzheimer Krankheit ist eine fortschreitendende Demenzerkrankung von der in Deutschland ca. 1,6 Millionen Menschen betroffen sind. Im Gehirn der Patienten finden sich sogenannte amyloide Plaques, deren Hauptbestandteil das Aβ-Protein ist. Dieses Peptid ist ein Spaltprodukt des APP-Proteins (engl. amyloid precursor protein). APP ist das namensgebende Mitglied der APP-Proteinfamilie zu der neben APP die beiden APP-Homologen APLP1 und APLP2 (engl. amyloid precursor like protein) gehören. Obwohl inzwischen über die pathologische Rolle dieser Proteinfamilie bei der Alzheimer Krankheit vieles bekannt ist, bleiben die physiologischen Funktionen dieser Proteine bisher größtenteils ungeklärt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt erstmals einen APLP1-spezifischen Effekt auf die Ausbildung von Filopodien. Sowohl das humane als auch das murine APLP1 induzierten nach transienter Überexpression die Bildung zahlreicher filopodialer Fortsätze auf der Membran von PC12-Zellen. Vergleichbare Resultate konnten mit beiden APLP1-Proteinen auch auf der Membran von embryonalen (E18.5), cortikalen Neuronen der Ratte gezeigt werden. Dass APLP1 einen derartigen Effekt auf Neuronen und PC12-Zellen zeigt, begründet die Annahme, dass APLP1 in vivo eine Funktion bei der Entwicklung und Differenzierung von Neuronen übernimmt. Anhand von Versuchen mit deletierten APLP1-Proteinen und APLP1/APLP2-Chimärproteinen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die von Exon 5 und Exon 6 codierten Bereiche des APLP1 für die Induktion der Filopodien essentiell sind. Unter Einbeziehung von in ihrer räumlichen Struktur bereits bekannten Domänen und aufgrund von Homologievergleichen der primären Aminosäuresequenz dieser Region mit entsprechenden Bereichen der APP- bzw. APLP2-Proteine wurde die wahrscheinliche Lage der Filopodien-induzierenden Domäne innerhalb des von Exon 6 codierten Bereiches diskutiert. Es konnte ferner gezeigt werden, dass die untersuchte Induktion von Filopodien durch die sogenannte α-Sekretierung moduliert werden kann. Unter den gewählten Versuchsbedingungen war nur membranständiges APLP1, nicht aber sekretiertes APLP1 in der Lage, Filopodien zu induzieren. Abschliessend wurden Ergebnisse gezeigt, die erste Einblicke in Signalkaskaden erlauben, die von APLP1 angesteuert werden und so die Enstehung der Filopodien auslösen. Bezüglich des primären Prozesses der Signalkaskade, der Bindung von APLP1 an einen bisher unbekannten Rezeptor, wurde die Möglichkeit diskutiert, ob APP oder APLP2 oder sogar APLP1 selbst als Rezeptor fungieren könnten. Die beobachteten Prozesse nach Überexpression von APLP1 entsprechen vermutlich einer physiologischen Funktion bei der Differenzierung von Neuronen, die mit der Interaktion einer extrazellulär gelegenen Domäne mit einem Rezeptor beginnt, die Aktivierung einer Signalkaskade zur Akrinreorganisation zu Folge hat und die Entstehung filopodialer Strukturen auslöst.
Proper hazard identification has become progressively more difficult to achieve, as witnessed by several major accidents that took place in Europe, such as the Ammonium Nitrate explosion at Toulouse (2001) and the vapour cloud explosion at Buncefield (2005), whose accident scenarios were not considered by their site safety case. Furthermore, the rapid renewal in the industrial technology has brought about the need to upgrade hazard identification methodologies. Accident scenarios of emerging technologies, which are not still properly identified, may remain unidentified until they take place for the first time. The consideration of atypical scenarios deviating from normal expectations of unwanted events or worst case reference scenarios is thus extremely challenging. A specific method named Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI) was developed as a complementary tool to bow-tie identification techniques. The main aim of the methodology is to provide an easier but comprehensive hazard identification of the industrial process analysed, by systematizing information from early signals of risk related to past events, near misses and inherent studies. DyPASI was validated on the two examples of new and emerging technologies: Liquefied Natural Gas regasification and Carbon Capture and Storage. The study broadened the knowledge on the related emerging risks and, at the same time, demonstrated that DyPASI is a valuable tool to obtain a complete and updated overview of potential hazards. Moreover, in order to tackle underlying accident causes of atypical events, three methods for the development of early warning indicators were assessed: the Resilience-based Early Warning Indicator (REWI) method, the Dual Assurance method and the Emerging Risk Key Performance Indicator method. REWI was found to be the most complementary and effective of the three, demonstrating that its synergy with DyPASI would be an adequate strategy to improve hazard identification methodologies towards the capture of atypical accident scenarios.
Toxicant inputs from agriculture, industry and human settlements have been shown to severely affect freshwater ecosystems. Pollution can lead to changes in population genetic patterns through various genetic and stochastic processes. In my thesis, I investigated the impact of anthropogenic stressors on the population genetics of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In order to analyze the genetics of zebra mussel populations, I isolated five new highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Out of those and other already existing microsatellite markers for this species, I established a robust marker set of six microsatellite loci for D. polymorpha. rnMonitoring the biogeographical background is an important requirement when integrating population genetic measures into ecotoxicological studies. I analyzed the biogeographical background of eleven populations in a section of the River Danube (in Hungary and Croatia) and some of its tributaries, and another population in the River Rhine as genetic outgroup. Moreover, I measured abiotic water parameters at the sampling sites and analyzed if they were correlated with the genetic parameters of the populations. The genetic differentiation was basically consistent with the overall biogeographical history of the populations in the study region. However, the genetic diversity of the populations was not influenced by the geographical distance between the populations, but by the environmental factors oxygen and temperature and also by other unidentified factors. I found strong evidence that genetic adaptation of zebra mussel populations to local habitat conditions had influenced the genetic constitution of the populations. Moreover, by establishing the biogeographical baseline of molecular variance in the study area, I laid the foundation for interpreting population genetic results in ecotoxicological experiments in this region.rnIn a cooperation project with the Department of Zoology of the University of Zagreb, I elaborated an integrated approach in biomonitoring with D. polymorpha by combining the analysis techniques of microsatellite analysis, Comet assay and micronucleus test (MNT). This approach was applied in a case study on freshwater contamination by an effluent of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the River Drava (Croatia) and a complementary laboratory experiment. I assessed and compared the genetic status of two zebra mussel populations from a contaminated and a reference site. Microsatellite analysis suggested that the contaminated population had undergone a genetic bottleneck, caused by random genetic drift and selection, whereas a bottleneck was not detected in the reference population. The Comet assay did not indicate any difference in DNA damage between the two populations, but MNT revealed that the contaminated population had an increased percentage of micronuclei in hemocytes in comparison to the reference population. The laboratory experiment with mussels exposed to municipal wastewater revealed that mussels from the contaminated site had a lower percentage of tail DNA and a higher percentage of micronuclei than the reference population. These differences between populations were probably caused by an overall decreased fitness of mussels from the contaminated site due to genetic drift and by an enhanced DNA repair mechanism due to adaptation to pollution in the source habitat. Overall, the combination of the three biomarkers provided sufficient information on the impact of both treated and non-treated municipal wastewater on the genetics of zebra mussels at different levels of biological organization.rnIn my thesis, I could show that the newly established marker set of six microsatellite loci provided reliable and informative data for population genetic analyses of D. polymorpha. The adaptation of the analyzed zebra mussel populations to the local conditions of their habitat had a strong influence on their genetic constitution. We found evidence that the different genetic constitutions of two populations had influenced the outcome of our ecotoxicological experiment. Overall, the integrated approach in biomonitoring gave comprehensive information about the impact of both treated and non-treated municipal wastewater on the genetics of zebra mussels at different levels of biological organization and was well practicable in a first case study.
FGFRL1 (fibroblast growth factor receptor like 1) is the fifth and most recently discovered member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) family. With up to 50% amino acid similarity, its extracellular domain closely resembles that of the four conventional FGFRs. Its intracellular domain, however, lacks the split tyrosine kinase domain needed for FGF-mediated signal transduction. During embryogenesis of the mouse, FGFRL1 is essential for the development of parts of the skeleton, the diaphragm muscle, the heart, and the metanephric kidney. Since its discovery, it has been hypothesized that FGFRL1 might act as a decoy receptor for FGF ligands. Here we present several lines of evidence that support this notion. We demonstrate that the FGFRL1 ectodomain is shed from the cell membrane of differentiating C2C12 myoblasts and from HEK293 cells by an as yet unidentified protease, which cuts the receptor in the membrane-proximal region. As determined by ligand dot blot analysis, cell-based binding assays, and surface plasmon resonance analysis, the soluble FGFRL1 ectodomain as well as the membrane-bound receptor are capable of binding to some FGF ligands with high affinity, including FGF2, FGF3, FGF4, FGF8, FGF10, and FGF22. We furthermore show that ectopic expression of FGFRL1 in Xenopus embryos antagonizes FGFR signaling during early development. Taken together, our data provide strong evidence that FGFRL1 is indeed a decoy receptor for FGFs.
White-nose syndrome (WNS) has caused recent catastrophic declines among multiple species of bats in eastern North America1, 2. The disease’s name derives from a visually apparent white growth of the newly discovered fungus Geomyces destructans on the skin (including the muzzle) of hibernating bats1, 3. Colonization of skin by this fungus is associated with characteristic cutaneous lesions that are the only consistent pathological finding related to WNS4. However, the role of G. destructans in WNS remains controversial because evidence to implicate the fungus as the primary cause of this disease is lacking. The debate is fuelled, in part, by the assumption that fungal infections in mammals are most commonly associated with immune system dysfunction5, 6, 7. Additionally, the recent discovery that G. destructans commonly colonizes the skin of bats of Europe, where no unusual bat mortality events have been reported8, 9, 10, has generated further speculation that the fungus is an opportunistic pathogen and that other unidentified factors are the primary cause of WNS11, 12. Here we demonstrate that exposure of healthy little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) to pure cultures of G. destructans causes WNS. Live G. destructans was subsequently cultured from diseased bats, successfully fulfilling established criteria for the determination ofG. destructans as a primary pathogen13. We also confirmed that WNS can be transmitted from infected bats to healthy bats through direct contact. Our results provide the first direct evidence that G. destructans is the causal agent of WNS and that the recent emergence of WNS in North America may represent translocation of the fungus to a region with a naive population of animals8. Demonstration of causality is an instrumental step in elucidating the pathogenesis14 and epidemiology15 of WNS and in guiding management actions to preserve bat populations against the novel threat posed by this devastating infectious disease.
Dietary supplements (DS) are easily available and increasingly used, and adverse hepatic reactions have been reported following their intake. To critically review the literature on liver injury because of DSs, delineating patterns and mechanisms of injury and to increase the awareness towards this cause of acute and chronic liver damage. Studies and case reports on liver injury specifically because of DSs published between 1990 and 2010 were searched in the PubMed and EMBASE data bases using the terms 'dietary/nutritional supplements', 'adverse hepatic reactions', 'liver injury'; 'hepatitis', 'liver failure', 'vitamin A' and 'retinoids', and reviewed for yet unidentified publications. Significant liver injury was reported after intake of Herbalife and Hydroxycut products, tea extracts from Camellia sinensis, products containing usnic acid and high contents of vitamin A, anabolic steroids and others. No uniform pattern of hepatotoxicity has been identified and severity may range from asymptomatic elevations of serum liver enzymes to hepatic failure and death. Exact estimates on how frequent adverse hepatic reactions occur as a result of DSs cannot be provided. Liver injury from DSs mimicking other liver diseases is increasingly recognized. Measures to reduce risk include tighter regulation of their production and distribution and increased awareness of users and professionals of the potential risks.
Zebrafish belladonna (bel) mutants carry a mutation in the lhx2 gene that encodes a Lim domain homeobox transcription factor, leading to a defect in the retinotectal axon pathfinding. As a result, a large fraction of homozygous bel mutants is achiasmatic. Achiasmatic bel mutants display ocular motor instabilities, both reserved optokinetic response (OKR) and spontaneous eye oscillations, and an unstable swimming behavior, described as looping. All these unstable behaviors have been linked to the underlying optic nerve projection defect. Looping has been investigated under different visual stimuli and shown to be vision dependent and contrast sensitive. In addition, looping correlates perfectly with reversed OKR and the spontaneous oscillations of the eyes. Hence, it has been hypothesized that looping is a compensatory response to the perception of self-motion induced by the spontaneous eye oscillations. However, both ocular and postural instabilities could also be caused by a yet unidentified vestibular deficit. Here, we performed a preliminary test of the vestibular function in achiasmatic bel larval mutants in order to clarify the potential role of a vestibular deficit in looping. We found that the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) is normally directed in both bel mutants and wild types and therefore exclude the possibility that nystagmus and looping in reverse to the rotating optokinetic drum can be attributed to an underlying vestibular deficit.
The areca alkaloids comprise arecoline, arecaidine, guvacoline, and guvacine. Approximately 600 million users of areca nut products, for example, betel quid chewers, are exposed to these alkaloids, principally arecoline and arecaidine. Metabolism of arecoline (20 mg/kg p.o. and i.p.) and arecaidine (20 mg/kg p.o. and i.p.) was investigated in the mouse using a metabolomic approach employing ultra-performance liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of urines. Eleven metabolites of arecoline were identified, including arecaidine, arecoline N-oxide, arecaidine N-oxide, N-methylnipecotic acid, N-methylnipecotylglycine, arecaidinylglycine, arecaidinylglycerol, arecaidine mercapturic acid, arecoline mercapturic acid, and arecoline N-oxide mercapturic acid, together with nine unidentified metabolites. Arecaidine shared six of these metabolites with arecoline. Unchanged arecoline comprised 0.3-0.4%, arecaidine 7.1-13.1%, arecoline N-oxide 7.4-19.0%, and N-methylnipecotic acid 13.5-30.3% of the dose excreted in 0-12 h urine after arecoline administration. Unchanged arecaidine comprised 15.1-23.0%, and N-methylnipecotic acid 14.8%-37.7% of the dose excreted in 0-12 h urine after arecaidine administration. The major metabolite of both arecoline and arecaidine, N-methylnipecotic acid, is a novel metabolite arising from carbon-carbon double-bond reduction. Another unusual metabolite found was the monoacylglyceride of arecaidine. What role, if any, that is played by these uncommon metabolites in the toxicology of arecoline and arecaidine is not known. However, the enhanced understanding of the metabolic transformation of arecoline and arecaidine should contribute to further research into the clinical toxicology of the areca alkaloids.
We have identified a novel cytosine/thymidine polymorphism of the human steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) gene promoter located 3 bp downstream of the steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-binding site and 9 bp upstream of the TATA box (ATTTAAG). Carriers of this mutation have a high prevalence of primary aldosteronism. In transfection experiments, basal StAR promoter activity was unaltered by the mutation in murine Y-1 cells and human H295R cells. In Y-1 cells, forskolin (25 microM, 6 h) significantly increased wild-type promoter activity to 230+/-33% (P<0.05, n=4). In contrast, forskolin increased mutated promoter activity only to 150+/-27%, with a significant 35% reduction compared to wild type (P<0.05, n=3). In H295R cells, angiotensin II (AngII; 10 nM) increased wild-type StAR promoter activity to 265+/-22% (P<0.01, n=3), while mutated StAR promoter activity in response to AngII only reached 180+/-29% of controls (P< 0.01, n=3). Gel mobility shift assays show the formation of two additional complexes with the mutated promoter: one with the transcription repressor DAX-1 and another with a yet unidentified factor, which strongly binds the SF-1 response element. Thus, this novel mutation in the human StAR promoter is critically involved in the regulation of StAR gene expression and is associated with reduced promoter activity, a finding relevant for adrenal steroid response to physiological stimulators.
Activated platelets bind numerous adhesive and procoagulant proteins by receptor-mediated processes. Although there is little evidence to suggest that these processes are heterogeneous in platelets, we previously found that platelets co-stimulated with collagen and thrombin express functional alpha-granule factor V only on a subpopulation of cells. Here we show that these cells, referred to as 'COAT-platelets', bind additional alpha-granule proteins, including fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, thrombospondin, fibronectin and alpha2-antiplasmin. These proteins are all transglutaminase substrates, and inhibitors of transglutaminase prevent the production of COAT-platelets. A synthetic transglutaminase substrate (CP15) also binds to COAT-platelets, and analysis by high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry shows that a product is formed with a relative molecular mass (Mr) equal to CP15 plus 176. Serotonin, an abundant component of platelet-dense granules, has an Mr of 176, and fibrinogen isolated from COAT-platelets contains covalently linked serotonin. Synthetic bovine serum albumin-(serotonin)6 binds selectively to COAT-platelets and also inhibits the retention of procoagulant proteins on COAT-platelets. These data indicate that COAT-platelets use serotonin conjugation to augment the retention of procoagulant proteins on their cell surface through an as yet unidentified serotonin receptor.
Mouse cell lines were immortalized by introduction of specific immortalizing genes. Embryonic and adult animals and an embryonal stem cell line were used as a source of primary cells. The immortalizing genes were either introduced by DNA transfection or by ecotropic retrovirus transduction. Fibroblasts were obtained by expression of SV40 virus large T antigen (TAg). The properties of the resulting fibroblast cell lines were reproducible, independent of the donor mouse strains employed and the cells showed no transformed properties in vitro and did not form tumors in vivo. Endothelial cell lines were generated by Polyoma virus middle T antigen expression in primary embryonal cells. These cell lines consistently expressed relevant endothelial cell surface markers. Since the expression of the immortalizing genes was expected to strongly influence the cellular characteristics fibroblastoid cells were reversibly immortalized by using a vector that allows conditional expression of the TAg. Under inducing conditions, these cells exhibited properties that were highly similar to the properties of constitutively immortalized cells. In the absence of TAg expression, cell proliferation stops. Cell growth is resumed when TAg expression is restored. Gene expression profiling indicates that TAg influences the expression levels of more than 1000 genes that are involved in diverse cellular processes. The data show that conditionally immortalized cell lines have several advantageous properties over constitutively immortalized cells.
Chronic alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for the development of chronic pancreatitis. However, chronic pancreatitis occurs only in a minority of heavy drinkers. This variability may be due to yet unidentified genetic factors. Several enzymes involved in the degradation of reactive oxidants and xenobiotics, such as glutathione-S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) and manganese-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) reveal functional polymorphisms that affect the antioxidative capacity and may therefore modulate the development of chronic pancreatitis and long-term complications like endocrine and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Two functional polymorphisms of the MnSOD and the GSTP1 gene were assessed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism in 165 patients with chronic alcoholic pancreatitis, 140 alcoholics without evidence of pancreatic disease and 160 healthy control subjects. The distribution of GSTP1 and MnSOD genotypes were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the total cohort. Genotype and allele frequencies for both genes were not statistically different between the three groups. Although genotype MnSOD Ala/Val was seemingly associated with the presence of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, this subgroup was too small and the association statistically underpowered. None of the tested genotypes affected the development of endocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Polymorphisms of MnSOD and GSTP1 are not associated with chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. The present data emphasize the need for stringently designed candidate gene association studies with well-characterized cases and controls and sufficient statistical power to exclude chance observations.