964 resultados para true isidium
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Tecnologias da Web Semântica como RDF, OWL e SPARQL sofreram nos últimos anos um forte crescimento e aceitação. Projectos como a DBPedia e Open Street Map começam a evidenciar o verdadeiro potencial da Linked Open Data. No entanto os motores de pesquisa semânticos ainda estão atrasados neste crescendo de tecnologias semânticas. As soluções disponíveis baseiam-se mais em recursos de processamento de linguagem natural. Ferramentas poderosas da Web Semântica como ontologias, motores de inferência e linguagens de pesquisa semântica não são ainda comuns. Adicionalmente a esta realidade, existem certas dificuldades na implementação de um Motor de Pesquisa Semântico. Conforme demonstrado nesta dissertação, é necessária uma arquitectura federada de forma a aproveitar todo o potencial da Linked Open Data. No entanto um sistema federado nesse ambiente apresenta problemas de performance que devem ser resolvidos através de cooperação entre fontes de dados. O standard actual de linguagem de pesquisa na Web Semântica, o SPARQL, não oferece um mecanismo para cooperação entre fontes de dados. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitectura federada que contém mecanismos que permitem cooperação entre fontes de dados. Aborda o problema da performance propondo um índice gerido de forma centralizada assim como mapeamentos entre os modelos de dados de cada fonte de dados. A arquitectura proposta é modular, permitindo um crescimento de repositórios e funcionalidades simples e de forma descentralizada, à semelhança da Linked Open Data e da própria World Wide Web. Esta arquitectura trabalha com pesquisas por termos em linguagem natural e também com inquéritos formais em linguagem SPARQL. No entanto os repositórios considerados contêm apenas dados em formato RDF. Esta dissertação baseia-se em múltiplas ontologias partilhadas e interligadas.
Oxidative Leaching of metals from electronic waste with solutions based on quaternary ammonium salts
The treatment of electric and electronic waste (WEEE) is a problem which receives ever more attention. An inadequate treatment results in harmful products ending up in the environment. This project intends to investigate the possibilities of an alternative route for recycling of metals from printed circuit boards (PCBs) obtained from rejected computers. The process is based on aqueous solutions composed of an etchant, either 0.2 M CuCl2.2H2O or 0.2 M FeCl3.6H2O, and a quaternary ammonium salt (quat) such as choline chloride or chlormequat. These solutions are reminiscent of deep eutectic solvents (DES) based on quats. DES are quite similar to ionic liquids (ILs) and are used as well as alternative solvents with a great diversity of physical properties, making them attractive for replacement of hazardous, volatile solvents (e.g. VOCs). A remarkable difference between genuine DES and ILs with the solutions used in this project is the addition of rather large quantities of water. It is shown the presence of water has a lot of advantages on the leaching of metals, while the properties typical for DES still remain. The oxidizing capacities of Cu(II) stem from the existence of a stable Cu(I) component in quat based DES and thus the leaching stems from the activity of the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox couple. The advantage of Fe(III) in combination with DES is the fact that the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple becomes reversible, which is not true in pure water. This opens perspectives for regeneration of the etching solution. In this project the leaching of copper was studied as a function of gradual increasing water content from 0 - 100w% with the same concentration of copper chloride or iron(III) chloride at room temperature and 80ºC. The solutions were also tested on real PCBs. At room temperature a maximum leaching effect for copper was obtained with 30w% choline chloride with 0.2 M CuCl2.2H2O. The leaching effect is still stronger at 80°C, b ut of course these solutions are more energy consuming. For aluminium, tin, zinc and lead, the leaching was faster at 80ºC. Iron and nickel dissolved easily at room temperature. The solutions were not able to dissolve gold, silver, rhodium and platinum.
Using fluid mechanics, we reinterpret the mantle images obtained from global and regional tomography together with geochemical, geological and paleomagnetic observations, and attempt to unravel the pattern of convection in the Indo-Atlantic "box" and its temporal evolution over the last 260 Myr. The << box >> presently contains a) a broad slow seismic anomaly at the CMB which has a shape similar to Pangea 250 Myr ago, and which divides into several branches higher in the lower mantle, b) a "superswell, centered on the western edge of South Africa, c) at least 6 "primary hotspots" with long tracks related to traps, and d) numerous smaller hotspots. In the last 260 Myr, this mantle box has undergone 10 trap events, 7 of them related to continental breakup. Several of these past events are spatially correlated with present-day seismic anomalies and/or upwellings. Laboratory experiments show that superswells, long-lived hotspot tracks and traps may represent three evolutionary stages of the same phenomenon, i.e. episodic destabilization of a hot, chemically heterogeneous thermal boundary layer, close to the bottom of the mantle. When scaled to the Earth's mantle, its recurrence time is on the order of 100-200 Myr. At any given time, the Indo-Atlantic box should contain 3 to 9 of these instabilities at different stages of their development, in agreement with observations. The return flow of the downwelling slabs, although confined to two main << boxes >> (Indo-Atlantic and Pacific) by subduction zone geometry, may therefore not be passive, but rather take the form of active thermochemical instabilities. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Research on cluster analysis for categorical data continues to develop, new clustering algorithms being proposed. However, in this context, the determination of the number of clusters is rarely addressed. We propose a new approach in which clustering and the estimation of the number of clusters is done simultaneously for categorical data. We assume that the data originate from a finite mixture of multinomial distributions and use a minimum message length criterion (MML) to select the number of clusters (Wallace and Bolton, 1986). For this purpose, we implement an EM-type algorithm (Silvestre et al., 2008) based on the (Figueiredo and Jain, 2002) approach. The novelty of the approach rests on the integration of the model estimation and selection of the number of clusters in a single algorithm, rather than selecting this number based on a set of pre-estimated candidate models. The performance of our approach is compared with the use of Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978) and Integrated Completed Likelihood (ICL) (Biernacki et al., 2000) using synthetic data. The obtained results illustrate the capacity of the proposed algorithm to attain the true number of cluster while outperforming BIC and ICL since it is faster, which is especially relevant when dealing with large data sets.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular
Transdermal biotechnologies are an ever increasing field of interest, due to the medical and pharmaceutical applications that they underlie. There are several mathematical models at use that permit a more inclusive vision of pure experimental data and even allow practical extrapolation for new dermal diffusion methodologies. However, they grasp a complex variety of theories and assumptions that allocate their use for specific situations. Models based on Fick's First Law found better use in contexts where scaled particle theory Models would be extensive in time-span but the reciprocal is also true, as context of transdermal diffusion of particular active compounds changes. This article reviews extensively the various theoretical methodologies for studying dermic diffusion in the rate limiting dermic barrier, the stratum corneum, and systematizes its characteristics, their proper context of application, advantages and limitations, as well as future perspectives.
For industrial environments it is true that Ethernet technologies are there to stay. In fact, a number of characteristics are boosting the eagerness of extending Ethernet to also cover factory-floor applications. Fullduplex links, non-blocking and priority-based switching, bandwidth availability, just to mention a few, are characteristics upon which that eagerness is building up. But, will Ethernet technologies really manage to replace traditional field bus networks? Fieldbus fundamentalists often argue that the two things are not comparable. In fact, Ethernet technology, by itself, does not include features above the lower layers of the OSI communication model. Where are the higher layers and the application enablers that permit building real industrial applications? And, taking for free that they are available, what is the impact of those protocols, mechanisms and application models on the overall performance of Ethernet-based distributed factory-floor applications?
As operações de separação por adsorção têm vindo a ganhar importância nos últimos anos, especialmente com o desenvolvimento de técnicas de simulação de leitos móveis em colunas, tal como a cromatografia de Leito Móvel Simulado (Simulated Moving Bed, SMB). Esta tecnologia foi desenvolvida no início dos anos 60 como método alternativo ao processo de Leito Móvel Verdadeiro (True Moving Bed, TMB), de modo a resolver vários dos problemas associados ao movimento da fase sólida, usuais nestes métodos de separação cromatográficos de contracorrente. A tecnologia de SMB tem sido amplamente utilizada em escala industrial principalmente nas indústrias petroquímica e de transformação de açúcares e, mais recentemente, na indústria farmacêutica e de química fina. Nas últimas décadas, o crescente interesse na tecnologia de SMB, fruto do alto rendimento e eficiente consumo de solvente, levou à formulação de diferentes modos de operação, ditos não convencionais, que conseguem unidades mais flexíveis, capazes de aumentar o desempenho de separação e alargar ainda mais a gama de aplicação da tecnologia. Um dos exemplos mais estudados e implementados é o caso do processo Varicol, no qual se procede a um movimento assíncrono de portas. Neste âmbito, o presente trabalho foca-se na simulação, análise e avaliação da tecnologia de SMB para dois casos de separação distintos: a separação de uma mistura de frutose-glucose e a separação de uma mistura racémica de pindolol. Para ambos os casos foram considerados e comparados dois modos de operação da unidade de SMB: o modo convencional e o modo Varicol. Desta forma, foi realizada a implementação e simulação de ambos os casos de separação no simulador de processos Aspen Chromatography, mediante a utilização de duas unidades de SMB distintas (SMB convencional e SMB Varicol). Para a separação da mistura frutose-glucose, no quediz respeito à modelização da unidade de SMB convencional, foram utilizadas duas abordagens: a de um leito móvel verdadeiro (modelo TMB) e a de um leito móvel simulado real (modelo SMB). Para a separação da mistura racémica de pindolol foi considerada apenas a modelização pelo modelo SMB. No caso da separação da mistura frutose-glucose, procedeu-se ainda à otimização de ambas as unidades de SMB convencional e Varicol, com o intuito do aumento das suas produtividades. A otimização foi realizada mediante a aplicação de um procedimento de planeamento experimental, onde as experiências foram planeadas, conduzidas e posteriormente analisadas através da análise de variância (ANOVA). A análise estatística permitiu selecionar os níveis dos fatores de controlo de modo a obter melhores resultados para ambas as unidades de SMB.
Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, área de Teoria Curricular e Ensino das Ciências
Moving towards autonomous operation and management of increasingly complex open distributed real-time systems poses very significant challenges. This is particularly true when reaction to events must be done in a timely and predictable manner while guaranteeing Quality of Service (QoS) constraints imposed by users, the environment, or applications. In these scenarios, the system should be able to maintain a global feasible QoS level while allowing individual nodes to autonomously adapt under different constraints of resource availability and input quality. This paper shows how decentralised coordination of a group of autonomous interdependent nodes can emerge with little communication, based on the robust self-organising principles of feedback. Positive feedback is used to reinforce the selection of the new desired global service solution, while negative feedback discourages nodes to act in a greedy fashion as this adversely impacts on the provided service levels at neighbouring nodes. The proposed protocol is general enough to be used in a wide range of scenarios characterised by a high degree of openness and dynamism where coordination tasks need to be time dependent. As the reported results demonstrate, it requires less messages to be exchanged and it is faster to achieve a globally acceptable near-optimal solution than other available approaches.
This paper presents a programable perturbation and observation control implementation for a wind generation system and its power electronic converter. The objective of the method in this particular application is to adjust the power delivered to charge a battery to its maximum and allowable value, function of the real values of several parameters and their continuous variation, the most important the wind velocity and the turbine efficiency. Also, to improve the power throughput and to use the turbine and generator marginal zones of operation, an unusual power converter is used, allowing a wide range for the input voltage values. The implemented control is continuously measuring the actual power and looks for a new and powerful operation point. © 2014 IEEE.