901 resultados para tennis players
Back Row: coach William Murphy, Bill Vogt, John Wiley, Ken Mike, Tom Beach
Front Row: Jim Tenney, Frank Fulton, Gerry Dubie, Bruce MacDonald Sam Schultz
Front Row: Bo Barker, John Fraser, Henry Fauquier, Ray Senkowski, George Russell
Back Row: coach Bill Murphy, Brian Flood, Ron Lincoln, Hal Lowe, Walter Zelman
L-R: coach Bill Murphy, Bob Pritula, Jerry Stewart, captain Karl Hedrick. Ron Teagarden, Ed Waits, Ron Burns, Bill Dixon
Back Row: coach Bill Murphy, Ron Teagarden, Dick Dell, Brian Marcos
Front Row: Pete Fishbach, Gil deBotton, Ed Waits, Bob Pritula, manager Jaimie Quackenbush,
Back Row (left to right): Jeff Miller, Dick Ravreby, Kevin Senich, Victor Amaya, Jerry Karzen;
Front Row: Coach Brian Eisner, Mike Ware, Fred DeJesus, Tim Ott, Eric Friedler.
Back Row: Jean Roussel, Srinivas Tummala, John Karzen, David Pierce, Ray Ashare, Andy Adler
Front Row: Coach Brian Eisner, Dave Kass, Mike Pizzutello, Chip McColl, Dan Goldberg, Malivai Washington, Assistant Coach Mark Mees
Front Row (Left to Right): William Farah, Brook Blain, David Paradzik, Arvid Swran, Miki Pusztai, Jake Kaiton
Second Row: head Coach Brian Eisner, Tomas Filipcik, Matt Wright, John Long, Brad McFarlane, student trainer Andy Galbreath, assistant coach Dan Goldberg.
Front Row: David Paradzik, Miki Pusztai, Arvid Swan, Brook Plain
Back Row: assistant coach Da Goldberg, William Farah, Jake Raiton, John Long, Matt Wright, Brad MacFarlane, head coach Brian Eisner