663 resultados para supervisor


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Este relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3.° Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário, na Universidade de Évora (UE). Reporta-se à unidade curricular Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) realizada nas Escolas EBI André de Resende e na Escola Secundária Gabriel Pereira, em Évora, no ano lectivo 2009-201O. O Prof. Doutor Leonardo Charréu (UE), orientador científico, os professores orientadores cooperantes Paulo Matias e Carlos Guerra, constituíram o apoio ao núcleo de estágio das alunas Cristina Malta e Ana Sofia Henriques (autora deste relatório). O Prof. Doutor Leonardo Charréu assistiu a quatro aulas nas disciplinas de Educação Visual e Desenho A. O relatório da PES relata os objectivos de trabalho, planificações, metodologias e instrumentos de avaliação nas disciplinas de Educação Visual e Desenho A e nas actividades extracurriculares realizadas. Teve como intuito, também, elaborar uma análise reflexiva do trabalho desenvolvido na aprendizagem da PES. ABSTRACT: This report was developed during the Master in Visual Arts Teaching in the 3 rd Basic Cycle and Secondary Education at the Évora University. The Supervised Teaching Practice unit (referred under de Portuguese acronym PES) was completed at the EBI André de Resende School and at the Secondary School Gabriel Pereira, in Évora, in 2009-2010. The Professor Leonardo Charréu (UE), Scientific Supervisor and the teachers/local supervisors Paulo Matias and Carlos Guerra, supported the internship of the master students Cristina Malta and Ana Sofia Henriques. Professor Leonardo Charréu observed four lessons in Visual Education and Drawing A disciplines. The PES report describes the work objectives, planning, methodologies, and evaluation methods in the Visual Education and Drawing A subjects and the extra-curricular activities. The objective was also to develop a reflective analysis of the work made during the entire learning period of PES.


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O espaço da formação docente apresenta-se como um campo de investigação rico de informações frente ao contexto da sociedade contemporânea. Assim, diferentes dimensões do processo formativo vem se destacando no cenário educacional, como é o caso da Formação Inicial de Pedagogo: construção dos saberes no âmbito do Estágio Supervionado, tema desta investigação. Este estudo faz uma abordagem sobre os dois modelos de formação de professores: o racionalismo técnico e o emergente pautado nos princípios do agente social, passando por um breve histórico da pedagogia no Brasil, e avança enfocando as concepções dicotômica e de unidade dos saberes teóricos e práticos, além de analisar a construção e mobilização dos saberes docentes. Destaca-se a relevância do Estágio Supervisionado no processo de formação, o seu papel articulador entre os vários tipos de saberes. Após, contextualiza-se o Curso de Pedagogia da UVA/AP, seus dispositivos legais, enfocando as ementas das disciplinas Estágio Supervisionado I e II contempladas na matriz curricular deste curso. Em seguida faz-se um apanhado da metodologia utilizada nesta investigação, que tem uma natureza descritiva, pautando-se na pesquisa bibliográfica e na pesquisa de campo. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram à entrevista semiestruturada e questionário, com os supervisores de estágios e alunos-estagiários sujeitos desta investigação. Finalizando com o tratamento e análise dos dados, apresentados graficamente das informações dos supervisores de estágios e alunos-estagiários e da análise das compreensões dos alunos-estagiários na entrevista semiestruturada, a qual são interpretadas a luz do referencial teórico utilizado na revisão literária. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia proposta foi adequada para apreciar sobre a formação inicial do pedagogo e a construção dos saberes no momento do Estágio Supervisionado. ABSTRACT: The sphere of educator training is presented as a rich of information research field in face of the contemporary society context. Thus, different scopes of the training process have been standing out in the educational scenario, as the case of initial educator training: The construction of the knowledge in the scope of the supervised traineeship, topic of this research. This study provides a comprehensive approach about the two models of teacher training: the technical rationalism and the emerging based on the social agent principles, followed by a short historical of the pedagogy in Brazil, right through focusing on dichotomous conceptions and units of the practical and theoretical knowledge, furthermore, analyze the construction and mobilization of the educational knowledge. The relevance of the supervised traineeship stands out in the training process; its role integrates different types of knowledge. After, Put the Pedagogy course: from UVAIAP into context, their legal arrangements, focusing on the subjects "Supervised Traineeship I and II", included in the study programme. Then is made an overview of the methodology used in this research, that is descriptive in nature, also be guided by a bibliographical research and a field research. The data collection resources were semi-structured interview and a questionnaire, with the traineeships supervisor and the trainee-student’s agents of this research. Concluding with the data processing and analysis, graphically presented according to the traineeships supervisor and trainee-students information and also analysis of the trainee-students comprehension in the semi-structured interview, which are interpreted in accordance of the theoretical framework used in the literary review. The results prove that the methodology proposed was appropriated to appreciate about the initial educator training and the construction of knowledge at the moment of the supervised traineeship.


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Introduction: The training of nursing students in the context of clinical practice, is characterized by educational experiences, subject to various emotional stress (stress, ambivalence, frustration, conflict), sometimes making it very vulnerable student.However not all students use the same strategies minimizing their meanings and negative effects on the level of your health and well-being Objetiv:To analyze the perception that nursing students have about the determinants of their health status and well-being in clinical practice Methods: Exploratory research Results:The results reveal the complexity of the teaching / learning process in clinical practice, identified determinants that limit and / or promote health and well-being of students, or not contributing to their motivation, self-confidence and learning. All students value the presence of the following dimensions: affective-emotional (humanization in learning experiences); relational dynamics (interactions developed with all stakeholders); methods used (professional competence of the clinical supervisor and teacher); school curriculum (adaptation of learning in theory); socialization to the profession (become nurse).Conclusions: The results indicate, that although all students evidencing the dimensions described as fundamental to learning in clinical practice, the study results are dichotomous and ambivalent. Students 2nd and 3ºanos refer a low perception in clinical practice, the indicated dimensions, and for these source of concern and uncertainty in learning, such as limiting their health condition and well-being. For students of the 4th year, these dimensions are percecionadas as gifts, and sources of motivation, learning and catalysts such as promoting their health and well-being.