950 resultados para supercontinuum emission
CO2 Emission from two old mine drillings (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy) as a possible example of storage and leakage of deep-seated CO2
1. Introduction 2. Air Quality Modeling system 3. Emission Inventories 4. Applications and Results 5. Conclusions
Modeling is an essential tool for the development of atmospheric emission abatement measures and air quality plans. Most often these plans are related to urban environments with high emission density and population exposure. However, air quality modeling in urban areas is a rather challenging task. As environmental standards become more stringent (e.g. European Directive 2008/50/EC), more reliable and sophisticated modeling tools are needed to simulate measures and plans that may effectively tackle air quality exceedances, common in large urban areas across Europe, particularly for NO2. This also implies that emission inventories must satisfy a number of conditions such as consistency across the spatial scales involved in the analysis, consistency with the emission inventories used for regulatory purposes and versatility to match the requirements of different air quality and emission projection models. This study reports the modeling activities carried out in Madrid (Spain) highlighting the atmospheric emission inventory development and preparation as an illustrative example of the combination of models and data needed to develop a consistent air quality plan at urban level. These included a series of source apportionment studies to define contributions from the international, national, regional and local sources in order to understand to what extent local authorities can enforce meaningful abatement measures. Moreover, source apportionment studies were conducted in order to define contributions from different sectors and to understand the maximum feasible air quality improvement that can be achieved by reducing emissions from those sectors, thus targeting emission reduction policies to the most relevant activities. Finally, an emission scenario reflecting the effect of such policies was developed and the associated air quality was modeled.
A new material, C12A7 : electride, which might present a work function as low as 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, was recently proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Arising from heating under space operation, current is emitted by thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment. A preliminary study on the space-charge-limited (SCL) double layer in front of the cathodic segment is presented using Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes and orbital-motion-limited ion-collection sheath. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects and the transition from SCL to full Richardson-Dushman emission included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission leads to a short cathodic section and may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas feed requirements and power subsystem, which results in a truly “propellant-less” tether system for such basic applications as de-orbiting low earth orbit satellites.
A numerical description is given for the pulsating emission of droplets from an electrified meniscus of an inviscid liquid of infinite electrical conductivity which is injected at a constant flow rate into a region of uniform, continuous or time periodic, electric field. Under a continuous field, the meniscus attains a periodic regime in which bursts of tiny droplets are emitted from its tip. At low electric fields this regime consists of sequences of emission bursts interspersed with sequences of meniscus oscillations without droplet emission, while at higher fields the bursts occur periodically. These results are in qualitative agreement with experimental results in the literature. Under a time periodic electric field with square waveform, the electric stress that acts on the surface of the liquid while the field is on may generate a tip that emits tiny droplets or may accelerate part of the meniscus and lead to a second emission mode in which a few large droplets are emitted after the electric field is turned off. Conditions under which each emission mode or a combination of the two are realized are discussed for low frequency oscillatory fields. A simplified model is proposed for high electric field frequencies, of the order of the capillary frequency of the meniscus. This model allows computing the average emission rate as a function of the amplitude, duration and bias of the electric field square wave, and shows that droplet emission fails to follow the applied field above a certain frequency
Existing descriptions of bi-directional ammonia (NH3) land–atmosphere exchange incorporate temperature and moisture controls, and are beginning to be used in regional chemical transport models. However, such models have typically applied simpler emission factors to upscale the main NH3 emission terms. While this approach has successfully simulated the main spatial patterns on local to global scales, it fails to address the environment- and climate-dependence of emissions. To handle these issues, we outline the basis for a new modelling paradigm where both NH3 emissions and deposition are calculated online according to diurnal, seasonal and spatial differences in meteorology. We show how measurements reveal a strong, but complex pattern of climatic dependence, which is increasingly being characterized using ground-based NH3 monitoring and satellite observations, while advances in process-based modelling are illustrated for agricultural and natural sources, including a global application for seabird colonies. A future architecture for NH3 emission–deposition modelling is proposed that integrates the spatio-temporal interactions, and provides the necessary foundation to assess the consequences of climate change. Based on available measurements, a first empirical estimate suggests that 5°C warming would increase emissions by 42 per cent (28–67%). Together with increased anthropogenic activity, global NH3 emissions may increase from 65 (45–85) Tg N in 2008 to reach 132 (89–179) Tg by 2100.
The aim of this work is to test the present status of Evaluated Nuclear Decay and Fission Yield Data Libraries to predict decay heat and delayed neutron emission rate, average neutron energy and neutron delayed spectra after a neutron fission pulse. Calculations are performed with JEFF-3.1.1 and ENDF/B-VII.1, and these are compared with experimental values. An uncertainty propagation assessment of the current nuclear data uncertainties is performed.
The determination of the plasma potential Vpl of unmagnetized plasmas by using the floating potential of emissive Langmuir probes operated in the strong emission regime is investigated. The experiments evidence that, for most cases, the electron thermionic emission is orders of magnitude larger than the plasma thermal electron current. The temperature-dependent floating potentials of negatively biased Vpmenor queVpl emissive probes are in agreement with the predictions of a simple phenomenological model that considers, in addition to the plasma electrons, an ad-ditional electron group that contributes to the probe current. The latter would be constituted by a fraction of the repelled electron thermionic current, which might return back to the probe with a different energy spectrum. Its origin would be a plasma potential well formed in the plasma sheath around the probe, acting as a virtual cathode or by collisions and electron thermalization pro-cesses. These results suggest that, for probe bias voltages close to the plasma potential Vp?Vpl, two electron populations coexist, i.e., the electrons from the plasma with temperatureTeand a large group of returned thermionic electrons. These results question the theoretical possibility of measuring the electron temperature by using emissive probes biased to potentials Vp about lower equal than ?Vpl.
We discuss two different approaches to overcome the power limitations of CW THz generation imposed to conventional photomixers. The increase in power achievable by using arrays of AEs is studied. Then ?large area emitters? are proposed as an alternate approach to overcome the power limitations. In this antenna-free new scheme of photomixing, the THz radiation originates directly from the acceleration of photo-induced charge carriers generated within a large semiconductor area. The quasi-continuous distribution of emitting elements corresponds to a high-density array and results in particularly favorable radiation profiles.
Activity of radon gas in natural soils is commonly low (in the order of few thousands of Bq·m-3) due to the fast decay (half-life= 3.8 days in the case of 222Rn) that prevents accumulation in soil pores. Exceptionally, high Rn soil activity (up to 430 KBq·m-3) is found around point sources of deep CO2 fluxes. These fluxes allow the transport of trace gases (including Rn) to long distances in the geosphere leading to a potential hazard as Rn accumulation in buildings. CO2 degassing is common in active or ancient volcanic fields and occurs as free gas fluxes or dissolved in groundwater. In this work, the occurrence of Rnbearing, CO2 fluxes from the Campo de Calatrava region in Central Spain has been studied in order to determine their (1) magnitude, (2) migration paths and (3) potential impact on the environment, and (4) methodologies to best detection and measurement.
Conservation tillage and crop rotation have spread during the last decades because promotes several positive effects (increase of soil organic content, reduction of soil erosion, and enhancement of carbon sequestration) (Six et al., 2004). However, these benefits could be partly counterbalanced by negative effects on the release of nitrous oxide (N2O) (Linn and Doran, 1984). There is a lack of data on long-term tillage system study, particularly in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of long-term (>17 year) tillage systems (no tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT)); and crop rotation (wheat (W)-vetch (V)-barley (B)) versus wheat monoculture (M) on N2O emissions. Additionally, Yield-scaled N2O emissions (YSNE) and N uptake efficiency (NUpE) were assessed for each treatment.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the main greenhouse gas (GHG) produced by agricultural soils due to microbial processes. The application of N fertilizers is associated with an increase of N2O losses. However, it is possible to mitigate these emissions by the introduction of adequate management practices (Snyder et al., 2009). Soil conservation practices (i.e.no tillage, NT) have recently become widespread because they promote several positive effects (increases in soil organic carbonand soil fertility, reduction of soil erosion, etc). In terms of GHG emissions, there is no consensus in the literature on the effects of tillage on N2O. Several studies found that NT can produce greater (Baggs et al., 2003), lower (Malhi et al., 2006) or similar (Grandey et al., 2006) N2O emissions compared to traditional tillage (TT). This large uncertainty is associated with the duration of tillage practices and climatic variability. Liming is widely use to solve problems of soil acidity (Al toxicity, yield penalties, etc). Several studies show a decrease in N2O emissions with liming (Barton et al., 2013) whereas no significant effects or increases were observed in others (Galbally et al., 2010). The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of tillage (NT vs TT) and liming application or not of Ca-amendment) on N2O emissions from an acid soil during a rainfed crop.
Los pernos conectores aportan múltiples ventajas de uso, entre las que se encuentra el elevado margen de seguridad que ofrecen sus soldaduras ejecutadas mediante arco eléctrico. Estas soldaduras, aunque ampliamente fiables, son difícilmente comprobadas mediante ensayos no destructivos. Aparte de la inspección visual, que aporta gran información sobre la calidad de ejecución de la soldadura, el resto de ensayos no destructivos (líquidos penetrantes, partículas magnéticas, ultrasonidos, radiografías, etc.) resultan inviables en estos elementos. Por otro lado, los ensayos acústicos de piezas metálicas han existido siempre. Su comprobación se basaba en el análisis por medio de ¿un oído fino¿ del sonido resultante tras ser golpeado el elemento a evaluar. Con estas premisas se plantea el presente estudio de inspección de las soldaduras en pernos conectores mediante su espectro acústico. Analíticamente, la investigación se ha centrado en el cálculo informático de los primeros modos propios de vibración mediante elementos finitos. Se han modelizado diferentes grados de penetración de la soldadura mediante la modificación de las condiciones de contorno. Se ha observado que variando el número de movimientos coaccionados en los nodos pertenecientes a la soldadura se produce una reducción en su frecuencia de vibración.