975 resultados para stage 4 and 5
"21 June 1960."
"27 June 1962."
"October 1961."
"28 September 1964."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The title of v. 6 (combined table of cases and index) is the same as the added titles of v. 4 and 5.
Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 issued with cover-titles only. Title-pages, with original date, were issued for all volumes with part 6.
"Serial no. 95-H55."
"June 29, 1987"--Pt. 4.
Trägerband: 'Spirae 3a Julii 1655'; Vorbesitzer: Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main
L'articolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca comparativa tra bambini di 4 e 5 anni appartenenti a due contesti linguistici diversi circa il fenomeno delle alternanze grafo-foniche. Nell'indagine è stato richiesto a 60 bambini (30 argentini e 30 italiani) di scrivere sotto dettatura dell'adulto uno stesso elenco di parole, prima in forma manoscritta e poi con l'uso del pc; e successivamente di confrontare le due versioni. In questo modo è stato possibile cogliere le diverse modalità di risoluzione dei problemi legati alla scrittura degli stessi segmenti sillabici: dall?utilizzo di modalità più stabili, come l?identità totale, ad altre più instabili, come le alternanze. Come già indagato nella lingua spagnola, nei diversi livelli di concettualizzazione, in entrambe le lingue sono state individuate alternanze grafo-foniche molto simili per frequenza e percentuali. Questo fenomeno ci offre maggiori informazioni sulle conoscenze che i bambini possiedono rispetto al sistema di scrittura, poiché riflette il modo in cui essi esplorano e introducono i valori sonori convenzionali, soprattutto nel livello sillabico di concettualizzazione. I risultati indicano, inoltre, che la presenza e l?uso della tastiera del pc non incide in modo significativo sulla maggiore varietà o quantità (numero) di grafemi utilizzati nella produzione digitale rispetto a quella manuale
Cognitive complexity and control theory and relational complexity theory attribute developmental changes in theory of mind (TOM) to complexity. In 3 studies, 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds performed TOM tasks (false belief, appearance-reality), less complex connections (Level 1 perspective-taking) tasks, and transformations tasks (understanding the effects of location changes and colored filters) with content similar to TOM. There were also predictor tasks at binary-relational and ternary-relational complexity levels, with different content. Consistent with complexity theories: (a) connections and transformations were easier and mastered earlier than TOM; (b) predictor tasks accounted for more than 80% of age-related variance in TOM; and (c) ternary-relational items accounted for TOM variance, before and after controlling for age and binary-relational items. Prediction did not require hierarchically structured predictor tasks.
Neuropsychiatric complications are common in patients with chronic hepatitis C undergoing treatment with interferon alpha. These side effects include alterations of mood, cognition, and neuroendocrine function and are unpredictable. In a number of neurological disorders characterized by neuropsychiatric symptoms and cognitive dysfunction, inheritance of an apolipoprotein E (APOE) epsilon4 allele is associated with adverse neuropsychiatric outcomes. The authors present evidence that the APOE genotype may influence a patient's neuropsychiatric response to interferon alpha treatment. The inheritance of APOE genotypes was examined in 110 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with interferon alpha. A retrospective investigation was conducted by assessing the rates of psychiatric referral and neuropsychiatric symptoms experienced during treatment along with other complaints indicating psychological distress. A highly statistically significant association was seen between APOE genotypes and interferon-induced neuropsychiatric symptoms. Patients with an epsilon4 allele were more likely to be referred to a psychiatrist and had more neuropsychiatric symptoms during antiviral treatment than those without an epsilon4 allele. Additionally, patients with an epsilon4 allele were more likely to experience irritability or anger and anxiety or other mood symptoms. These data demonstrate that an individual's APOE genotype may influence the neuropsychiatric response to antiviral therapy with interferon alpha. Prospective studies evaluating the importance of APOE in susceptibility to interferon alpha-induced neuropsychiatric complications are needed. Moreover, pathways involving APOE should be considered in understanding the pathophysiology of interferon alpha-induced neuropsychiatric complications.