963 resultados para spirit drinks
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Lorsqu'il est amené à témoigner de sa conversion, le membre d'une assemblée pentecôtiste insiste avant tout sur la dimension personnelle de son choix de vie et sur les manifestations divines qui l'ont encouragées et qui l'encouragent encore chaque jour dans cette voie. Avoir fait l'expérience personnelle de l'agir divin est un élément constitutif de tout récit de conversion. Cet article, basée sur des recherches doctorales menées auprès de deux assemblées pentecôtistes de l'Est de la France, cherche à mettre en évidence que cette relation personnelle et intime entre le fidèle et son créateur se construit dans le cadre communautaire : à travers l'harmonisation des récits de conversion et la structuration des réunions de prières assurant par les manifestations charismatiques la mise en présence de l'Esprit Saint au sein de la communauté des fidèles. C'est en effet sur une validation communautaire que reposent en partie les convictions individuelles. When he has to testify of his conversion, the member of a Pentecostal assembly insists above all on the personal dimension of his choice of life and on the divine intervention which has encouraged him and which will encourage him in his everyday life in this way. The personal experience of God's action is a constituent element of any narrative of conversion. This article, based on my PhD researches carried on with two Pentecostal assemblies located in the east of France, tries to highlight that this personal and intimate relation between the believer and his creator is built in the community framework : harmonization of the narratives of conversion, structuralization of the meetings of prayers and charismatic interventions of the Holy Spirit within the community of the believers. Individual convictions are partly based and validated by the community.
The IDPH Public Health Tracking Program is an excellent way to collect data related to various indicators for Iowans, but those looking for national statistics or data from other states may want to check out the Health Indicators Warehouse (healthindicators.gov). Run and maintained by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, this site is a centralized source for national, state, and county data for a wide variety of indicators. The data is available to the public, and can be accessed either through the tables and charts directly on the website, or indicators can be downloaded to use in a spreadsheet. Once on the site, users are able to search for their desired data either by topic or geographic region. Filters can then be applied to the chosen field to narrow down the user’s search and obtain the preferred statistics. In addition, users are also able to search for indicators derived from state and federal health indicator initiatives: County Health Rankings, Community Health Status Indicators, Healthy People 2020, and CMS Community Indicators. The warehouse provides an overview of each indicator after the user has made their selection. This overview includes information on how the data was calculated and what characteristics are being represented. For example, percent of binge drinking adults is prefaced in the overview that data was based on the question: “Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have [5 for men, 4 for women] or more drinks on an occasion?" Data is viewable either in the basic table format, chart format, or for some indicators it is possible to view it in terms of a national map. The Health Indicators Warehouse updates indicators as data becomes available, but the collection of years varies amongst the indicators. Nonetheless, this site is a useful resource to anyone looking for comparative indicators throughout the nation or is interested in one of the hundreds of indicators housed by the site. For more information or to check out what the warehouse has to offer visit: http://healthindicators.gov/
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" states the WHO. However, the current focus in this important area seems to be on reducing diseases, while less attention is paid on aspects how to increase the well-being of populations. This paper reviews three examples where well-being has drawn attention of the public and policy makers, and compares the policies of two wealthy countries. The first example is noise. Noise can reduce sleep quality and cause physiological, mental, and social effects. In Switzerland, noise receives a lot of attention by the public. Swiss laws are extensive, e.g., they prohibit trucks and planes from traveling at night. In the USA, there is little public attention and no national strategy against environmental noise. The second example is aesthetics and recreation. Many humans seek contact with the beauty of nature. The USA and Switzerland have similar strategies for achieving clear waters, while the protection of scenic views is approached very differently. Lifestyle is the last example. In the USA, the desire for individual freedom is a leading cause for suburban sprawl, a car-dependent sedentary lifestyle resulting in obesity, asthma and loss of community spirit. In Switzerland, a strict land use planning seeks to balance individual and public interests and stresses public transportation, which seems to be a more promising approach. Paying attention to aspects of well-being while developing political strategies might be a promising model to tackle environmental problems. Successful strategies employed so far seem to include the public, local authorities, politicians and scientists in this process, which might have been a key for their success. [Authors]
This article reviews the different steps taken during the past 20 years for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Seychelles. National surveys revealed high levels of several cardiovascular risk factors and prompted an organized response, starting with the creation of an NCD unit in the Ministry of Health. Information campaigns and nationwide activities raised awareness and rallied increasingly broad and high-level support. Significant policy was developed including comprehensive tobacco legislation and a School Nutrition Policy that bans soft drinks in schools. NCD guidelines were developed and specialized 'NCD nurses' were trained to complement doctors in district health centers. Decreasing smoking prevalence is evidence of success, but the raising so-called diabesity epidemic calls for an integrated multi-sector policy to mould an environment conducive to healthy behaviors. Essential components of these efforts include: effective surveillance mechanisms supplemented by focused research; generating broad interest and consensus; mobilizing leadership and commitment at all levels; involving local and international expertise; building on existing efforts; and seeking integrated, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approaches.
The ISO 9000-2000 standard provides eight quality management principles. They may be used by senior managers as a framework to guide their organizations towards improved performance. The article analyzes the way the specialized consultants implementing the norm enable their costumers to assume the principles. It had been found that the better a consultant transmits the spirit of the norm, the better for himself and for their clients as well. In fact, the consultancy will get a higher recommendation degree; ant the organization will get more benefits
BACKGROUND: Patient behavior accounts for half or more of the variance in health, disease, mortality and treatment outcome and costs. Counseling using motivational interviewing (MI) effectively improves the substance use and medical compliance behavior of patients. Medical training should include substantial focus on this key issue of health promotion. The objective of the study is to test the efficacy of teaching MI to medical students. METHODS: Thirteen fourth-year medical students volunteered to participate. Seven days before and after an 8-hour interactive MI training workshop, each student performed a video-recorded interview with two standardized patients: a 60 year-old alcohol dependent female consulting a primary care physician for the first time about fatigue and depression symptoms; and a 50 year-old male cigarette smoker hospitalized for myocardial infarction. All 52 videos (13 students×2 interviews before and after training) were independently coded by two blinded clinicians using the Motivational Interviewing Training Integrity (MITI, 3.0). MITI scores consist of global spirit (Evocation, Collaboration, Autonomy/Support), global Empathy and Direction, and behavior count summary scores (% Open questions, Reflection to question ratio, % Complex reflections, % MI-adherent behaviors). A "beginning proficiency" threshold (BPT) is defined for each of these 9 scores. The proportion of students reaching BPT before and after training was compared using McNemar exact tests. Inter-rater reliability was evaluated by comparing double coding, and test-retest analyses were conducted on a sub-sample of 10 consecutive interviews by each coder. Weighted Kappas were used for global rating scales and intra-class correlations (ICC) were computed for behavior count summary scores. RESULTS: The percent of counselors reaching BPT before and after MI training increased significantly for Evocation (15% to 65%, p<.001), Collaboration (27% to 77%, p=.001), Autonomy/Support (15% to 54%, p=.006), and % Open questions (4% to 38%, p=.004). Proportions increased, but were not statistically significant for Empathy (38% to 58%, p=.18), Reflection to question ratio (0% to 15%, p=.12), % Complex reflection (35% to 54%, p=.23), and % MI-adherent behaviors (8% to 15%, p=.69). There was virtually no change for the Direction scale (92% to 88%, p=1.00). The reliability analyses produced mixed results. Weighted kappas for inter-rater reliability ranged from .14 for Direction to .51 for Collaboration, and from .27 for Direction to .80 for Empathy for test-retest. ICCs ranged from .20 for Complex reflections to .89 for Open questions (inter-rater), and from .67 for Complex reflections to .99 for Reflection to question ratio (test-retest). CONCLUSION: This pilot study indicates that a single 8-hour training in motivational interviewing for voluntary fourth-year medical students results in significant improvement of some MI skills. A larger sample of randomly selected medical students observed over longer periods should be studied to test if MI training generalizes to medical students. Inter-rater reliability and test-retest findings indicate a need for caution when interpreting the present results, as well as for more intensive training to help appropriately capture more dimensions of the process in future studies.
En la literatura sobre creació d’empreses, les dones empresàries són considerades un re· servori de desenvolupament econòmic i un model de gestió empresarial alternatiu. D’al· tra banda, els immigrants posseeixen un fort esperit emprenedor. El paper de les adminis· tracions locals per donar suport a aquests col· lectius en la creació d’empreses és rellevant. L’intens procés migratori viscut a Osona en els darrers anys mereix una anàlisi des de la perspectiva de l’emprenedoria de gènere. Aquest estudi fa una comparació de les em· presàries autòctones i immigrades de la co· marca, així com de les polítiques de suport realitzades pels ajuntaments.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.