952 resultados para spiral bevel gear


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Mitochondria are inherited maternally in most metazoans. However, in some bivalves, two mitochondrial lineages are present: one transmitted through eggs (F), the other through sperm (M). This is called Doubly Uniparental Inheritance (DUI). During male embryo development, spermatozoon mitochondria aggregate and end up in the primordial germ cells, while they are dispersed in female embryos. The molecular mechanisms of segregation patterns are still unknown. In the DUI species Ruditapes philippinarum, I examined sperm mitochondria distribution by MitoTracker, microtubule staining and TEM, and I localized germ line determinants with immunocytochemical analysis. I also analyzed the gonad transcriptome, searching for genes involved in reproduction and sex determination. Moreover, I analyzed an M-type specific open reading frame that could be responsible for maintenance/degradation of M mitochondria during embryo development. These transcripts were also localized in tissues using in situ hybridization. As in Mytilus, two distribution patterns of M mitochondria were detected in R. philippinarum, supporting that they are related to DUI. Moreover, the first division midbody concurs in positioning aggregated M mitochondria on the animal-vegetal axis of the male embryo: in organisms with spiral segmentation this zone is not involved in further cleavages, so aggregation is maintained. Moreover, sperm mitochondria reach the same embryonic area where germ plasm is transferred, suggesting their contribution in male germ line formation. The finding of reproduction and ubiquitination transcripts led to formulate a model in which ubiquitination genes stored in female oocytes during gametogenesis would activate sex-gene expression in the early embryonic developmental stages (preformation). Only gametogenetic cells were labeled by in situ hybridization, proving their specific transcription in developing gametes. Other than having a role in sex determination, some ubiquination factors could also be involved in mitochondrial inheritance, and their differential expression could be responsible for the different fate of sperm mitochondria in the two sexes.


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The brown rot fungi belong to a group of fungal pathogens that causes considerable damage to cultivated fruits trees, particularly stone fruits and apples in the temperate regions of the World and during the postharvest with an important economic impact. In particular in Italy, it is important to monitor the Monilinia population to control economic losses associated to the peach and nectarine market. This motivates the research steps presented in this dissertation on Monilinia Italian isolates. The Monilinia species collected from stone fruits have been identified using molecular analysis based on specific primers. The relevant role of M. fructicola was confirmed and, for the first time, it was found also on apple fruits. To avoid the development of resistant strains and implement valid treatment strategies, the understanding of the fruit natural resistance during different developmental stages and the assessment of the Monilinia sensitivity/resistance to fungicides are required. The relationship between the inhibition spots and the phenolic compounds in peach fruit peel was highlighted in this research. Three methods were used to assess isolate resistance/sensitivity, the amended medium, the Spiral Gradient Endpoint Method (SGD) and the Alamar Blue method. The PCR was used to find possible mutation points in the b-tubulin gene that is responsible for fungicide resistance. Interestingly, no mutation points were observed in resistant M. laxa isolates, suggesting that the resistance could be stimulated by environmental factors. This lead to the study of the effect of the temperature on the resistance and the preliminary results of in vitro tests showed that maximum inhibition was observed at 30°C.


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Dynamical models of galaxies are a powerful tool to study and understand several astrophysical problems related to galaxy formation and evolution. This thesis is focussed on a particular type of dynamical models, that are widely used in literature, and are based on the solution of the Jeans equations. By means of a numerical Jeans solver code, developed on purpose and able to build state-of-the-art advanced axisymmetric galaxy models, two of the main currently investigated issues in the field of research of early-type galaxies (ETGs) are addressed. The first topic concerns the hot and X-ray emitting gaseous coronae that surround ETGs. The main goal is to explain why flat and rotating galaxies generally exhibit haloes with lower gas temperatures and luminosities with respect to rounder and velocity dispersion supported systems. The second astrophysical problem addressed concerns instead the stellar initial mass function (IMF) of ETGs. Nowadays, this is a very controversial issue due to a growing number of works on ETGs, based on different and independent techniques, that show evidences of a systematic variation of the IMF normalization as a function of galaxy velocity dispersion or mass. These studies are changing the previous opinion that the IMF of ETGs was the same as that of spiral galaxies, and hence universal throughout the whole large family of galaxies.


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The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is widely considered as the first step of the cosmological distance ladder, since it contains many different distance indicators. An accurate determination of the distance to the LMC allows one to calibrate these distance indicators that are then used to measure the distance to far objects. The main goal of this thesis is to study the distance and structure of the LMC, as traced by different distance indicators. For these purposes three types of distance indicators were chosen: Classical Cepheids,``hot'' eclipsing binaries and RR Lyrae stars. These objects belong to different stellar populations tracing, in turn, different sub-structures of the LMC. The RR Lyrae stars (age >10 Gyr) are distributed smoothly and likely trace the halo of the LMC. Classical Cepheids are young objects (age 50-200 Myr), mainly located in the bar and spiral arm of the galaxy, while ``hot'' eclipsing binaries mainly trace the star forming regions of the LMC. Furthermore, we have chosen these distance indicators for our study, since the calibration of their zero-points is based on fundamental geometric methods. The ESA cornerstone mission Gaia, launched on 19 December 2013, will measure trigonometric parallaxes for one billion stars with an accuracy of 20 micro-arcsec at V=15 mag, and 200 micro-arcsec at V=20 mag, thus will allow us to calibrate the zero-points of Classical Cepheids, eclipsing binaries and RR Lyrae stars with an unprecedented precision.


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Einleitung und Literaturdiskussion: Gentamicin ist ein aus Bakterien gewonnenes Aminoglykosid-Antibiotikum, das seit vielen Jahren im klinischen Alltag zur Therapie von bakteriellen Infektionen und zur Behandlung des Morbus Ménière eingesetzt wird. Ein bedeutender, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener, Pathomechanismus ist dabei die Entstehung von 4-HNE durch Lipid Peroxidation und die konsekutive Schädigung durch das gebildete Aldehyd. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Beeinflussung der Expression von 4-HNE in sieben verschiedenen Regionen der Kochlea (SV, SL, CO, NF, LF, IDZ und SGZ) durch Gentamicin zu beschreiben und quantitativ zu ermitteln.rnMaterial und Methoden: Die Meerschweinchen wurden in vier Gruppen unterteilt: eine unbehandelte Kontrollgruppe und je eine Gruppe 1, 2 und 7 Tage nach Gentamicin-Applikation. Nach Ablauf der Inkubationszeit wurden die Kochleae den Tieren entnommen, das Gewebe fixiert, geschnitten und auf Objektträgern aufgebracht. Die Schnitte wurden mit 4-HNE-Antikörpern behandelt und die Immunreaktion mikroskopisch lokalisiert und zelluläre quantitative Unterschiede am Computer berechnet.rnErgebnisse: Die Auswertung der Daten ergab signifikante Anstiege der Immunreaktion auf 4-HNE von der Kontrollgruppe zu allen drei Behandlungsgruppen in vier der sieben untersuchten Regionen (Stria vascularis, Spirales Ligament, Cortisches Organ und Nervenfasern). In zwei Bereichen (Fibrozyten im Limbus und Interdentalzellen) kam es zwischen Kontrollgruppe und nur einer Behandlungsgruppe D (7d) zu einer signifikanten Erhöhung. Lediglich die Spiralganglionzellen erbrachten keine signifikanten Differenzen. Der Vergleich der Einzelwindungen erbrachte für die Stria vascularis, das Spirale Ligament, das Cortische Organ und die Nervenfasern signifikante Anstiege innerhalb der drei Windungen von der Kontrollgruppe zu den drei Behandlungsgruppen. Bei der Stria vascularis zeigte sich als einzige Region eine signifikant erhöhte Immunfärbung in allen drei Einzelwindungen von der Kontrollgruppe zu allen Behandlungsgruppen. Beim Vergleich der Gesamtwindungen ließ sich ausschließlich für die Region der Stria vascularis von der ersten zur dritten Windung ein Anstieg der Braunfärbung feststellen. Zudem konnten Korrelationen der Färbeintensitäten einerseits zwischen den beiden Regionen der Lateralen Wand und andererseits zwischen zwei Zelltypen im Limbus aufgezeigt werden.rnDiskussion: Die durch Gentamicin-gesteigerte 4-HNE-Expression kann durch genomische und nicht-genomische Prozesse hervorgerufen werden.


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Feedback from the most massive components of a young stellar cluster deeply affects the surrounding ISM driving an expanding over-pressured hot gas cavity in it. In spiral galaxies these structures may have sufficient energy to break the disk and eject large amount of material into the halo. The cycling of this gas, which eventually will fall back onto the disk, is known as galactic fountains. We aim at better understanding the dynamics of such fountain flow in a Galactic context, frame the problem in a more dynamic environment possibly learning about its connection and regulation to the local driving mechanism and understand its role as a metal diffusion channel. The interaction of the fountain with a hot corona is hereby analyzed, trying to understand the properties and evolution of the extraplanar material. We perform high resolution hydrodynamical simulations with the moving-mesh code AREPO to model the multi-phase ISM of a Milky Way type galaxy. A non-equilibrium chemical network is included to self consistently follow the evolution of the main coolants of the ISM. Spiral arm perturbations in the potential are considered so that large molecular gas structures are able to dynamically form here, self shielded from the interstellar radiation field. We model the effect of SN feedback from a new-born stellar cluster inside such a giant molecular cloud, as the driving force of the fountain. Passive Lagrangian tracer particles are used in conjunction to the SN energy deposition to model and study diffusion of freshly synthesized metals. We find that both interactions with hot coronal gas and local ISM properties and motions are equally important in shaping the fountain. We notice a bimodal morphology where most of the ejected gas is in a cold $10^4$ K clumpy state while the majority of the affected volume is occupied by a hot diffuse medium. While only about 20\% of the produced metals stay local, most of them quickly diffuse through this hot regime to great scales.


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Treatment guidelines recommend strong consideration of thrombolysis in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) that present with arterial hypotension or shock because of the high risk of death in this setting. For haemodynamically stable patients with PE, the categorization of risk for subgroups may assist with decision-making regarding PE therapy. Clinical models [e.g. Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)] may accurately identify those at low risk of overall death in the first 3 months after the diagnosis of PE, and such patients might benefit from an abbreviated hospital stay or outpatient therapy. Though some evidence suggests that a subset of high-risk normotensive patients with PE may have a reasonable risk to benefit ratio for thrombolytic therapy, single markers of right ventricular dysfunction (e.g. echocardiography, spiral computed tomography, or brain natriuretic peptide testing) and myocardial injury (e.g. cardiac troponin T or I testing) have an insufficient positive predictive value for PE-specific mortality to drive decision-making toward such therapy. Recommendations for outpatient treatment or thrombolytic therapy for patients with PE necessitate further development of prognostic models and conduct of clinical trials that assess various treatment strategies.


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The influence of positioning and geometry of ventricular cannulas for contemporary continuous flow Left Ventricular Assist Devices (LVADs) was evaluated in a non-beating isolated heart preparation with borescopic visualization. Preload and LVAD flow were varied to evaluate degrees of ventricular decompression up to the point of ventricular collapse. The performance of a flanged cannula was compared to a conventional bevel-tipped cannula: quantitatively by the maximal flow attainable, and qualitatively by visualization of fluid tracer particles within the ventricular chamber. Three forms of ventricular suck-down occurred: concentric collapse, gradual entrainment and instantaneous entrainment. In some circumstances, unstable oscillations of the ventricle were observed prior to complete collapse. Under conditions of low preload, the flanged cannula demonstrated less positional sensitivity, provided greater flow, and exhibited fewer areas of stagnation than the beveled cannula. These observations warrant further consideration of a flanged ventricular cannula to mitigate complications encountered with conventional cannulae.


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Bonding a flexible spiral wire retainer to the lingual surfaces of all 6 anterior mandibular teeth is a commonly used type of retention. Complications are rare but can be serious enough to produce biologic damage. This article presents a serious complication of a lingual flexible spiral wire retainer. Four years after the orthodontic treatment, a 20-year-old man sought treatment for a broken flexible spiral wire retainer. The clinical examination showed about 35° of buccal root torque of that tooth. A cone-beam computed tomography image showed that the root and the apex of the tooth were almost completely out of the bone on its buccal side. Surprisingly, the tooth's vitality was preserved. The tooth was moved back, nearly to its original position; clinically, only a gingival recession remained. Orthodontists and dentists should be aware of possible complications of bonded retainers. Patients should be clearly informed how to detect problems at an early stage.


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In an effort to understand the fate of inhaled submicron particles in the small sacs, or alveoli, comprising the gas-exchange region of the lung, we calculated the flow in three-dimensional (3D) rhythmically expanding models of alveolated ducts. Since convection toward the alveolar walls is a precursor to particle deposition, it was the goal of this paper to investigate the streamline maps' dependence upon alveoli location along the acinar tree. On the alveolar midplane, the recirculating flow pattern exhibited closed streamlines with a stagnation saddle point. Off the midplane we found no closed streamlines but nested, funnel-like, spiral, structures (reminiscent of Russian nesting dolls) that were directed towards the expanding walls in inspiration, and away from the contracting walls in expiration. These nested, funnel-like, structures were surrounded by air that flowed into the cavity from the central channel over inspiration and flowed from the cavity to the central channel over expiration. We also found that fluid particle tracks exhibited similar nested funnel-like spiral structures. We conclude that these unique alveolar flow structures may be of importance in enhancing deposition. In addition, due to inertia, the nested, funnel-like, structures change shape and position slightly during a breathing cycle, resulting in flow mixing. Also, each inspiration feeds a fresh supply of particle-laden air from the central channel to the region surrounding the mixing region. Thus, this combination of flow mixer and flow feeder makes each individual alveolus an effective mixing unit, which is likely to play an important role in determining the overall efficiency of convective mixing in the acinus.


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Muscarinic acetylcholine (M) and adrenergic (AR) receptors mediate gastrointestinal motility. Using radioligand binding assays and real-time polymerase chain reaction, the densities of binding sites and mRNA levels of M(2), M(3), alpha(2AD)- and beta(2)-AR were compared in muscle tissues from the abomasal fundus, pylorus, duodenum, caecum, and external loop of the spiral colon of eight cows with left displacement of abomasum (LDA), and of eight healthy cows. Specific binding of the [(3)H]-ligands to each of the four receptors was competitive and saturable. Binding sites of M(2) (all intestinal sites), M(3) (duodenum and caecum), and of alpha(2AD)-AR (abomasal fundus) were lower (P<0.05) in cows with LDA than in healthy cows. The coefficients of correlation between binding sites and mRNA transcripts of receptors were dissimilar in cows with LDA and healthy cows. The decrease in densities of M (intestine) and of alpha(2AD)-AR (abomasum) receptors suggests their implication in the impairment of motility associated with or leading to LDA.


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In a majority of species, leaf development is thought to proceed in a bilaterally symmetric fashion without systematic asymmetries. This is despite the left and right sides of an initiating primordium occupying niches that differ in their distance from sinks and sources of auxin. Here, we revisit an existing model of auxin transport sufficient to recreate spiral phyllotactic patterns and find previously overlooked asymmetries between auxin distribution and the centers of leaf primordia. We show that it is the direction of the phyllotactic spiral that determines the side of the leaf these asymmetries fall on. We empirically confirm the presence of an asymmetric auxin response using a DR5 reporter and observe morphological asymmetries in young leaf primordia. Notably, these morphological asymmetries persist in mature leaves, and we observe left-right asymmetries in the superficially bilaterally symmetric leaves of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Arabidopsis thaliana that are consistent with modeled predictions. We further demonstrate that auxin application to a single side of a leaf primordium is sufficient to recapitulate the asymmetries we observe. Our results provide a framework to study a previously overlooked developmental axis and provide insights into the developmental constraints imposed upon leaf morphology by auxin-dependent phyllotactic patterning.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of muscarinic receptor subtypes M(1) to M(5) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness samples were collected from the fundus, corpus, and pyloric part of the abomasum and from the duodenum, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon, and both external loops of the spiral colon of 5 healthy dairy cows after slaughter. PROCEDURES: Samples were fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Muscarinic receptor subtypes and ICCs were identified by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Staining for M(1) receptors was found in the submucosal plexus and myenteric plexus. Antibodies against M(2) receptors stained nuclei of smooth muscle cells only. Evidence of M(3) receptors was found in the lamina propria, in intramuscular neuronal terminals, on intermuscular nerve fibers, and on myocytes of microvessels. There was no staining for M(4) receptors. Staining for M(5) receptors was evident in the myocytes of microvessels and in smooth muscle cells. The ICCs were detected in the myenteric plexus and within smooth muscle layers. Distribution among locations of the bovine gastrointestinal tract did not differ for muscarinic receptor subtypes or ICCs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The broad distribution of M(1), M(3), M(5), and ICCs in the bovine gastrointestinal tract indicated that these components are likely to play an important role in the regulation of gastrointestinal tract motility in healthy dairy cows. Muscarinic receptors and ICCs may be implicated in the pathogenesis of motility disorders, such as abomasal displacement and cecal dilatation-dislocation.


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is involved in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) motor functions through binding to specific receptors located in the GIT walls. The objectives of the current study were to compare mRNA levels and binding sites of 5-HT(4) receptors (5-HTR(4)) in smooth muscle layers from the fundus abomasi, pylorus, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and external loop of the spiral colon (ELSC) of healthy dairy cows, and to verify whether mRNA and protein expression were correlated. Smooth muscle samples were prepared by scraping the mucosa and submucosa from full-thickness intestinal wall samples. The mRNA levels of 5-HTR(4) were measured by real-time PCR and expressed relative to those of the housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase. Binding studies were performed using the 5-HTR(4) antagonist [(3)H]GR113808. The mRNA levels of 5-HTR(4) were affected (P < 0.05) by location along the GIT. The mRNA levels of 5-HTR(4) in the ELSC and the ileum were greater than in the PLAC (P = 0.05 and P = 0.07, respectively) but similar to those of all other locations. The competitive binding of [(3)H]GR113808 to suspended membranes from the fundus abomasi, pylorus, cecum, and ELSC was best fit by a 2-site receptor model, whereas it was best fit by a 1-site receptor model in the ileum and PLAC. The mRNA levels and numbers of 5-HTR(4) were not correlated (r = 0.14; P = 0.71). In conclusion, mRNA and binding sites for 5-HTR(4) are present in the smooth muscle layer of the entire GIT of dairy cows and may play a role with respect to motility. The effects of activation of this receptor subtype may be different among GIT locations due to differences in the amount of high- relative to low-affinity binding sites.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution of mRNA coding for 9 adrenoceptor subtypes in the intestines of healthy dairy cows and cows with cecal dilatationdislocation (CDD). SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness specimens of the intestinal wall were obtained from the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and external loop of the spiral colon (ELSC) of 15 cows with CDD (group 1) and 15 healthy (control) cows (group 2, specimens collected during laparotomy; group 3, specimens collected after slaughter). PROCEDURES: Concentrations of mRNA for 9 adrenoceptor subtypes (alpha(1A), alpha(1B), alpha(1D), alpha(2AD), alpha(2B), alpha(2C), beta(1), beta(2), and beta(3)) were measured by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR assay. Results were expressed relative to mRNA expression of a housekeeping gene. RESULTS: Expression of mRNA for alpha(1B)-, alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, beta(1)-, and beta(2)-adrenoceptors was significantly lower in cows with CDD than in control cows. In the ileum, these receptors all had lower mRNA expression in cows with CDD than in control cows. The same effect was detected in the ELSC for mRNA for alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, beta(1)-, and beta(2)-adrenoceptors, and in the cecum and PLAC for alpha(2B)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Groups did not differ significantly for alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors. The mRNA expression for alpha(1D)-, alpha(2C)-, and beta(3)-adrenoceptors was extremely low in all groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in expression of mRNA coding for adrenoceptors, most pronounced in the ileum and spiral colon, between cows with CDD and control cows support the hypothesis of an implication of adrenergic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of CDD in dairy cows.