964 resultados para source and sink


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In this paper, a power management strategy (PMS) has been developed for the control of energy storage in a system subjected to loads of random duration. The PMS minimises the costs associated with the energy consumption of specific systems powered by a primary energy source and equipped with energy storage, under the assumption that the statistical distribution of load durations is known. By including the variability of the load in the cost function, it was possible to define the optimality criteria for the power flow of the storage. Numerical calculations have been performed obtaining the control strategies associated with the global minimum in energy costs, for a wide range of initial conditions of the system. The results of the calculations have been tested on a MATLAB/Simulink model of a rubber tyre gantry (RTG) crane equipped with a flywheel energy storage system (FESS) and subjected to a test cycle, which corresponds to the real operation of a crane in the Port of Felixstowe. The results of the model show increased energy savings and reduced peak power demand with respect to existing control strategies, indicating considerable potential savings for port operators in terms of energy and maintenance costs.


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During the past decade, several observational and theoretical works have provided evidence of the binary nature of eta Carinae. Nevertheless, there is still no direct determination of the orbital parameters, and the different current models give contradictory results. The orbit is, in general, assumed to coincide with the Homunculus equator although the observations are not conclusive. Among all systems, eta Car has the advantage that it is possible to observe both the direct emission of line transitions in the central source and its reflection by the Homunculus, which is dependent on the orbital inclination. In this work, we studied the orbital phase-dependent hydrogen Paschen spectra reflected by the south-east lobe of the Homunculus to constrain the orbital parameters of eta Car and determine its inclination with respect to the Homunculus axis. Assuming that the emission excess originates in the wind-wind shock region, we were able to model the latitude dependence of the spectral line profiles. For the first time, we were able to estimate the orbital inclination of eta Car with respect to the observer and to the Homunculus axis. The best fit occurs for an orbital inclination to the line of sight of i similar to 60 degrees +/- 10 degrees, and i* similar to 35 degrees +/- 10 degrees with respect to the Homunculus axis, indicating that the angular momenta of the central object and the orbit are not aligned. We were also able to fix the phase angle of conjunction as similar to -40 degrees, showing that periastron passage occurs shortly after conjunction.


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We consider the two-level network design problem with intermediate facilities. This problem consists of designing a minimum cost network respecting some requirements, usually described in terms of the network topology or in terms of a desired flow of commodities between source and destination vertices. Each selected link must receive one of two types of edge facilities and the connection of different edge facilities requires a costly and capacitated vertex facility. We propose a hybrid decomposition approach which heuristically obtains tentative solutions for the vertex facilities number and location and use these solutions to limit the computational burden of a branch-and-cut algorithm. We test our method on instances of the power system secondary distribution network design problem. The results show that the method is efficient both in terms of solution quality and computational times. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a new method of measuring the very slow paramagnetic ion diffusion coefficient using a commercial high-resolution spectrometer. If there are distinct paramagnetic ions influencing the hydrogen nuclear magnetic relaxation time differently, their diffusion coefficients can be measured separately. A cylindrical phantom filled with Fricke xylenol gel solution and irradiated with gamma rays was used to validate the method. The Fricke xylenol gel solution was prepared with 270 Bloom porcine gelatin, the phantom was irradiated with gamma rays originated from a (60)Co source and a high-resolution 200 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer was used to obtain the phantom (1)H profile in the presence of a linear magnetic field gradient. By observing the temporal evolution of the phantom NMR profile, an apparent ferric ion diffusion coefficient of 0.50 mu m(2)/ms due to ferric ions diffusion was obtained. In any medical process where the ionizing radiation is used, the dose planning and the dose delivery are the key elements for the patient safety and success of treatment. These points become even more important in modern conformal radio therapy techniques, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, where the delivered dose in a single session of treatment can be an order of magnitude higher than the regular doses of radiotherapy. Several methods have been proposed to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution. Recently, we proposed an alternative method for the 3-D radiation dose mapping, where the ionizing radiation modifies the local relative concentration of Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) in a phantom containing Fricke gel and this variation is associated to the MR image intensity. The smearing of the intensity gradient is proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) in the phantom. There are several methods for measurement of the ionic diffusion using NMR, however, they are applicable when the diffusion is not very slow.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is based on the association of a light source and tight sensitive agents in order to cause the selective death of tumor cells. To evaluate topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid (5-ALA) and diode laser photodynamic single session therapy single session for non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), a long-term follow-up was performed. Nineteen Bowen`s disease (BD) and 15 basal cell. carcinoma (BCC) lesions were submitted to 6-h topical and occlusive 20% 5-ALA plus DMSO and EDTA, and later were exposed to 630 nm diode laser, 100 or 300 J cm(-2) dose. At 3 months tumor-free rate was 91.2% (31/34) whereas at 60 months, 57.7% (15/26), slightly higher in BCC (63.6%; 7/11). The relation between the reduction of the clinical response and the increase of tumor dimension observed at 18 months was lost at 60 months. The sBCC recurrence was earlier compared to the nBCC one. ALA-PDT offered important advantages: it is minimally invasive, an option for patients under risk of surgical complications; clinical feasibility; treatment of multiple lesions in only one session or lesions in poor heating sites and superior esthetical results. However, the recurrence rate increase after ALA-PDT diode laser single session can be observed at tong-term follow-up, and the repetitive sessions, an additional. advantage of the method, is strongly recommended. The clinical response and recurrence time seem to be related to the laser light dose and NMSC types/sub-types, thickness and dimension, which must be considered for the choice of the ALA-PDT. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Establishing metrics to assess machine translation (MT) systems automatically is now crucial owing to the widespread use of MT over the web. In this study we show that such evaluation can be done by modeling text as complex networks. Specifically, we extend our previous work by employing additional metrics of complex networks, whose results were used as input for machine learning methods and allowed MT texts of distinct qualities to be distinguished. Also shown is that the node-to-node mapping between source and target texts (English-Portuguese and Spanish-Portuguese pairs) can be improved by adding further hierarchical levels for the metrics out-degree, in-degree, hierarchical common degree, cluster coefficient, inter-ring degree, intra-ring degree and convergence ratio. The results presented here amount to a proof-of-principle that the possible capturing of a wider context with the hierarchical levels may be combined with machine learning methods to yield an approach for assessing the quality of MT systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Essential oils are good candidates for the substitution of conventional medicinal treatments. Many articles and patents for their use have been published in recent years. The most attractive aspects of using essential oils as medicaments are their natural source and rapid permeability. Besides permeability, the solubility behavior of a drug is a key determinant of its oral bioavailability. Based on these characteristics, the aim of this study was to synthesize an essential oil derivative compound, using the raw oil extracted from Syzygium aromaticum L., without previous purification. The Eugenol molecular modification may diminish the problems of water solubility and bioavailability. The Eugenyl acetate molecule was characterized and its molecular modification investigated, including its structural properties and stereochemistry. This study was performed applying techniques, such as carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (C-13 NMR), X-ray crystallographic analysis (XRD), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and microscopic recording.


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Nowadays in the world of mass consumption there is big demand for distributioncenters of bigger size. Managing such a center is a very complex and difficult taskregarding to the different processes and factors in a usual warehouse when we want tominimize the labor costs. Most of the workers’ working time is spent with travelingbetween source and destination points which cause deadheading. Even if a worker knowsthe structure of a warehouse well and because of that he or she can find the shortest pathbetween two points, it is still not guaranteed that there won’t be long traveling timebetween the locations of two consecutive tasks. We need optimal assignments betweentasks and workers.In the scientific literature Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) is a wellknownproblem which deals with the assignment of m workers to n tasks consideringseveral constraints. The primary purpose of my thesis project was to choose a heuristics(genetic algorithm, tabu search or ant colony optimization) to be implemented into SAPExtended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM) by with task assignment will be moreeffective between tasks and resources.After system analysis I had to realize that due different constraints and businessdemands only 1:1 assingments are allowed in SAP EWM. Because of that I had to use adifferent and simpler approach – instead of the introduced heuristics – which could gainbetter assignments during the test phase in several cases. In the thesis I described indetails what ware the most important questions and problems which emerged during theplanning of my optimized assignment method.


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Drinking water distribution networks risk exposure to malicious or accidental contamination. Several levels of responses are conceivable. One of them consists to install a sensor network to monitor the system on real time. Once a contamination has been detected, this is also important to take appropriate counter-measures. In the SMaRT-OnlineWDN project, this relies on modeling to predict both hydraulics and water quality. An online model use makes identification of the contaminant source and simulation of the contaminated area possible. The objective of this paper is to present SMaRT-OnlineWDN experience and research results for hydraulic state estimation with sampling frequency of few minutes. A least squares problem with bound constraints is formulated to adjust demand class coefficient to best fit the observed values at a given time. The criterion is a Huber function to limit the influence of outliers. A Tikhonov regularization is introduced for consideration of prior information on the parameter vector. Then the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is applied that use derivative information for limiting the number of iterations. Confidence intervals for the state prediction are also given. The results are presented and discussed on real networks in France and Germany.


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Em função da importância do processo de jigagem no beneficiamento de carvão no Brasil, onde 95% da produção bruta, ROM, é beneficiada em jigues para a obtenção de carvão energético ou carvão pré-lavado, e da inexistência de um trabalho sistemático de caracterização deste processo, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo detalhado do desempenho de jigues no beneficiamento de carvão nacional, através do levantamento dos critérios de avaliação de performance dependentes e independentes derivados das curvas de partição e análises densimétricas dos diversos produtos. São desenvolvidos "softwares" para o processamento dos diversos dados levantados "in situ", com aplicação nas áreas de cálculo de balanços de massas e metalúrgico, processamento de análises densimétricas, cálculo de coeficientes de partição, modelamento matemático de curvas de partição e cálculo dos critérios de avaliação de performance. Conclue-se que, de um modo geral, o processo de jigagem é mal empregado no Brasil, conduzindo obtenção de produtos de baixa recuperação. Isto ocorre basicamente em função das características peculiares do carvão nacional e do fato que, no Brasil, utiliza-se jigues de fabricação estrangeira, dimensionados para outros tipos de carvões de melhor qualidade. Este trabalho pretende alertar aos profissionais da área e oferece algumas sugestões com o objetivo de melhorar a baixa eficiência do beneficiamento de carvão observada em diversos lavadores.


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O trabalho procura mapear e interpretar o processo de formação de caixa decompondo e analisando as atividades que contribuem para liberar ou retirar recursos do fluxo de caixa. Procura também avançar no problema da determinação do nível ótimo de liquidez que deve ser mantido pelas empresas.


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Como em países de tradição civil law, o sistema jurídico brasileiro consagra a lei como fonte primária e garantia do Estado de Direito. A hermenêutica, como teoria científica da arte de interpretar, impõe-se em nosso sistema como canal destinado a suprir as vaguezas e imprecisões da lei e resolver-lhe os conflitos normativos, pelos métodos e critérios tradicionais. A jurisprudência, entendida como um conjunto uniforme e constante de decisões sobre assuntos similares, tem um papel secundário, e as ideias de Direito e Justiça, nesse contexto, muito se aproximam da lei. Com a promulgação da Constituição democrática de 1988, e o renascimento do direito constitucional brasileiro, cujo marco filosófico é o pós-positivismo, o constituinte atribuiu normatividade aos princípios constitucionais. Mas não sistematizou as relações dos princípios entre si, e destes com regras igualmente positivadas na Constituição, fazendo emergir certas tensões principiológicas e também entre princípios e regras constitucionais. Superado o modelo positivista, que equiparava o Direito à lei, ganharam grande importância as discussões relacionadas à neutralidade do aplicador da norma, e os voluntarismos e personalismos praticados sob ideais subjetivos de justiça. Nesse novo contexto, a jurisprudência assume papel protagonista, e aproxima o modelo brasileiro das jurisdições do common law. Entretanto, a vinculação apenas extraordinária dos julgadores aos precedentes, que deita raízes no regime de livre convencimento, induz falta de uniformidade e de coerência dos julgados, acerca de questões jurídicas similares, comprometendo a estabilidade, gerando incerteza e insegurança jurídica, e por via de consequência, relevantes empecilhos ao planejamento empresarial e aos investimentos que dele dependem, o que tende a gerar prejuízos ao ambiente de negócios do País. Essa perspectiva tem o objetivo de demonstrar que o Direito, enquanto sistema harmônico de normas, requer limites claros, e que esses limites, em nosso sistema constitucional, significam precisamente a imposição de métodos que assegurem à sociedade pronunciamentos uniformes e coerentes por parte do aplicador da norma, mediante observância de precedentes adequadamente sopesados em direção à harmonia, segurança jurídica e previsibilidade.


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GAUDENCIO, Sale Mario; BORBA, Maria do Socorro de Azevedo. O cordel como fonte de informaçao: a vivacidade dos folhetos de cordeis no Rio Grande do Norte. Biblioonline, Joao Pessoa, v.6, n. 1, p.82-92, 2010.


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The urban growth without the prior infrastructure has caused many environmental impacts such as the damage to quality of the water resources in the cities. Along with natural scarcity in some regions, this is one of the factors that limit the availability of drinking water. As a result, the conservation of drinking water is becoming one of the major concerns in sustainable architectural projects. Within this context, this dissertation proposes to develop the design of an educational building focusing on water consumption rationalization. The proposed project is located in UFRN Campus at Currais Novos, an area of warm and dry climate and low rainfall. The proposal seeks to integrate ways to reduce water consumption o to architecture, in order to exploit the advantages and savings. After quantifying the benefits achieved, it was concluded that it is possible to reduce significantly the drinking water consumption in educational buildings in universities using three principles: reduction the water consumption at the point of use, replacement of the water source and internal recycling. Calculations and simulations indicated that the proposed building may have water consumption up to 56% lower than if it would be provided by conventional facilities. Rationalization of water consumption brings direct and indirect benefits, with influences on the environmental, social and economic fields


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The Iota, Kappa and Lambda commercial carrageenans are rarely pure and normally contain varying amounts of the other types of carrageenans. The exact amount of impurity depends on the seaweed source and extraction procedure. Then, different analysis methods have been applied for determination of the main constituents of carrageenans because these three carrageenans are extensively used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The electrophoresis of these compounds proved that the carrageenans are constituted by sulfated polysaccharides. These compounds were characterized by colorimetric methods and was observed that the Lambda carrageenan shown the greater value (33.38%) of sulfate. These polymers were examined by means of 13C NMR spectroscopy and infrared spectra. The polysaccharides consisted mainly of units alternating of sulfated galactoses and anhydrogalactoses. The aim of the study was also to test the inflammatory action of these different polysaccharides. A suitable model of inflammation is acute sterile inflammation of the rat hind limb induced by carrageenan. Paw edema was induced by injecting carrageenans (κ, ι and λ) in saline into the hind paw of a male Wistar rats (175–200 g). The pathway to acute inflammation by carrageenan (kappa, iota and lambda) were expressed as time-edema dependence and measured by paw edema volume. For this purpose, was used an apparatus (pakymeter), which makes it possible to measure the inflammation (swelling of the rat foot) with sufficient accuracy. The results showed that κ-carrageenan (1%) have an edema of 3.7 mm and the paw edema increase was time and dose dependent; the ι-carrageenan (0.2%) caused an edema of 4 mm and the λ-carrageenan (1%) caused an edema of 3.6 mm. Other model was used in this study based in the inflammation of pleura for comparatives studies. Injection of carrageenans into the pleural cavity of rat induced an acute inflammatory response characterized by fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity, a large number of neutrophils and raised NO production. The levels of NO were measured by Griess reactive. The ι-carrageenan caused the greater inflammation, because it has high concentration of nitrite/nitrate (63.478 nmoles/rat), exudato volume (1.52 ml) and PMNs (4902 x 103 cells). Quantitative evaluation of inflammations of rats is a useful and important parameter for the evaluation of the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs