916 resultados para solution and solubility


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Heuristics for stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing problems are often kept relatively simple, in part due to the high computational burden resulting from having to consider stochastic information in some form. In this work, three existing heuristics are extended by three different local search variations: a first improvement descent using stochastic information, a tabu search using stochastic information when updating the incumbent solution, and a tabu search using stochastic information when selecting moves based on a list of moves determined through a proxy evaluation. In particular, the three local search variations are designed to utilize stochastic information in the form of sampled scenarios. The results indicate that adding local search using stochastic information to the existing heuristics can further reduce operating costs for shipping companies by 0.5–2 %. While the existing heuristics could produce structurally different solutions even when using similar stochastic information in the search, the appended local search methods seem able to make the final solutions more similar in structure.


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Filmes à base de biopolímeros podem ser utilizados para produção de embalagens ativas, que além de proteger os alimentos, podem interagir com o produto. No caso de embalagens ativas com atividade antioxidante, tem-se privilegiado o uso de agentes antioxidantes naturais, considerando-se que o uso de antioxidantes sintéticos tem sido questionado, sobretudo em relação à sua inocuidade. Existem muitos extratos de plantas já conhecidos por sua atividade antioxidante, que têm sido utilizados com frequência em estudos de filmes à base de biopolímeros, não somente por serem ricos em polifenóis, mas principalmente por sua boa interação com a matriz polimérica. O extrato de boldo-do-Chile (Peumus boldus) possui atividade antioxidante comprovada, entretanto, não existem relatos sobre sua adição em filmes. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral desta tese foi o desenvolvimento de filmes à base de colágeno ou gelatina adicionados de extrato de boldo-do-Chile, com propriedades físicas e funcionais para seu emprego como embalagens bioativas. Foram realizadas as caracterizações (fenólicos totais, ABTS, DPPH, cor, °Brix e pH) do extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile, preparado em quatro diferentes temperaturas. Além disso, foram avaliadas as propriedades reológicas e térmicas da solução de gelatina, e também foram elaborados filmes com as soluções de gelatina e colágeno a partir de soluções filmogênicas com diferentes concentrações de macromoléculas e extrato de boldo. Esses filmes foram caracterizados para conhecimento de suas propriedades mecânicas (tração e perfuração), propriedades óticas (cor e opacidade), espessura, umidade e solubilidade em água. Uma concentração de macromoléculas foi escolhida para a realização de análises complementares, a saber: análises térmicas (DSC), cristalinidade por difração de raio X (DRX), permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), brilho, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), ângulo de contato, propriedades de barreira UV/Visível e atividade antioxidante. A adição do extrato de boldo-do-Chile nos filmes de gelatina e colágeno produziu filmes com atividade antioxidante, sem prejuízo às demais propriedades estudadas. Observou-se que o extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile apresentou propriedades antioxidantes, mas que foram dependentes da temperatura de extração. O extrato de boldo-do-Chile foi capaz de modificar as propriedades térmicas das soluções filmogênicas de gelatina, não sendo observado efeito nas análises reológicas. Por outro lado, o extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile não influenciou as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, umidade, cristalinidade e a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes de gelatina ou colágeno. Algumas propriedades térmicas sofreram efeito dos extratos, mas as análises de FTIR não mostraram a formação de novas interações. As propriedades óticas e de barreira UV/Visível foram influenciadas pelo extrato de boldo-do-Chile, sendo que os filmes se apresentaram mais amarelados com o aumento da concentração do extrato de boldo-do-Chile. As micrografias mostraram filmes de gelatina bastante homogêneos e filmes de colágeno com superfícies mais rugosas. Os resultados de brilho e ângulo de contato corroboraram com estas respostas. Em conclusão, os filmes de ambas macromoléculas apresentaram atividade antioxidante, podendo dessa forma, serem considerados como filmes ativos.


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We report near-infrared radial velocity (RV) measurements of the recently identified donor star in the high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system OAO 1657−415 obtained in the H band using ISAAC on the Very Large Telescope. Cross-correlation methods were employed to construct a RV curve with a semi-amplitude of 22.1 ± 3.5 km s−1. Combined with other measured parameters of this system it provides a dynamically determined neutron star (NS) mass of 1.42 ± 0.26 M⊙ and a mass of 14.3 ± 0.8 M⊙ for the Ofpe/WN9 highly evolved donor star. OAO 1657−415 is an eclipsing HMXB pulsar with the largest eccentricity and orbital period of any within its class. Of the 10 known eclipsing X-ray binary pulsars OAO 1657−415 becomes the ninth with a dynamically determined NS mass solution and only the second in an eccentric system. Furthermore, the donor star in OAO 1657−415 is much more highly evolved than the majority of the supergiant donors in other HMXBs, joining a small but growing list of HMXBs donors with extensive hydrogen depleted atmospheres. Considering the evolutionary development of OAO 1657−415, we have estimated the binding energy of the envelope of the mass donor and find that there is insufficient energy for the removal of the donor’s envelope via spiral-in, ruling out a common envelope evolutionary scenario. With its non-zero eccentricity and relatively large orbital period the identification of a definitive evolutionary pathway for OAO 1657−415 remains problematic, we conclude by proposing two scenarios which may account for OAO 1657−415 current orbital configuration.


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Fine-grained clay subfractions (SFs) with particle size of <0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.3, 0.3-0.6, 0.6-2.0, and 2-5 µm separated from claystone of Upper Precambrian Pumanskaya and Poropelonskaya formations on the Srednii Peninsula were studied by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Rb-Sr methods. All subfractions consist of low-temperature illite and chlorite, and contribution of chlorite decreases with diminishing particle size. The crystallinity index and I002/I001 ratio increase from coarse- to fine-grained SFs. Leaching by ammonium acetate solution and Rb-Sr systematics in combination with mineralogical and morphological data indicate that illite in Upper Proterozoic claystone from the Srednii Peninsula formed during three time intervals: 810-830, 610-620, and about 570 Ma ago. The first generation of this mineral with low Rb/Sr ratio dominates in coarse-grained SFs while the second and third generations with a high Rb/Sr ratio prevail in fine-grained SFs. All of three generations are known in Poropelon claystone, whereas Puman claystone contains only illite of the first and second generations. Geological processes responsible for multistage illite evolution in claystones are discussed.


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The purpose of this work is to study the mobility and budget of Fe isotopes in the oceanic crust and in particular during low-temperature interaction of seawater with oceanic basalt. We carried out this investigation using samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 801C drilled during Leg 129 and Leg 185 in Jurassic Pacific oceanic crust seaward of the Mariana Trench. The site comprises approximately 450 m of sediment overlying a section of 500 m of basalt, which includes intercalated pelagic and chemical sediments in the upper basaltic units and two low-temperature (10-30°C) ocherous Si-Fe hydrothermal deposits. Fe was chemically separated from 70 selected samples, and 57Fe/54Fe ratios were measured by MC-ICP-MS Isoprobe. The isotopic ratios were measured relative to an internal standard solution and are reported relative to the international Fe-standard IRMM-14. Based on duplicate measurements of natural samples, an external precision of 0.2? (2 sigma) has been obtained. The results indicate that the deep-sea sediment section has a restricted range of d57Fe, which is close to the igneous rock value. In contrast, large variations are observed in the basaltic section with positive d57Fe values (up to 2.05?) for highly altered basalts and negative values (down to ?2.49?) for the associated alteration products and hydrothermal deposits. Secondary Fe-minerals, such as Fe-oxyhydroxides or Fe-bearing clays (celadonite and saponite), have highly variable d57Fe values that have been interpreted as resulting from the partial oxidation of Fe(2+) leached during basalt alteration and precipitated as Fe(3+)-rich minerals. In contrast, altered basalts at Site 801C, which are depleted in Fe (up to 80%), display an increase in d57Fe values relative to fresh values, which suggest a preferential leaching of light iron during alteration. The apparent fractionation factor between dissolved Fe(2+) and Fe remaining in the mineral is from 0.5? to 1.3? and may be consistent with a kinetic isotope fractionation where light Fe is stripped from the minerals. Alternatively, the formation of secondary clays minerals, such as celadonite during basalt alteration may incorporate preferentially the heavy Fe isotopes, resulting in the loss of light Fe isotopes in the fluids. Because microbial processes within the oceanic crust are of potential importance in controlling rates of chemical reactions, Fe redox state and Fe-isotope fractionation, we evaluated the possible effect of this deep biosphere on Fe-isotope signatures. The Fe-isotope systematics presented in this study suggest that, even though iron behavior during seafloor weathering may be mediated by microbes, such as iron-oxidizers, d57Fe variations of more than 4? may also be explained by abiotic processes. Further laboratory experiments are now required to distinguish between various processes of Fe-isotope fractionation during seafloor weathering.


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The chemical and mineralogical composition of pelagic sediments from the East Pacific Ocean has been determined with the aim of defining the ultimate sources and the mechanisms of formation of the solid phases. The distribution of elements between sea-water, the pore solution and the various solid components of the sediments permits interpretations of the variations in time and space of the gross chemical composition of pelagic clays. For example, manganese, present in sea-water in a divalent form, is apparently oxidized at the sediment-water interface to tetravalent species which subsequently become a part of the group of ferromanganese oxide minerals which are found in the marine environment. It is suggested the rate of manganese accumulation in sediments is some function of the length of time the sediment surface is in contact with sea-water. The contribution of chemical species from the different geospheres is considered. The quantitative importance of pelagic clays in the major sedimentary cycle is studied on the basis of the distribution of the weathered igneous rock products between continental and pelagic deposits and sea-water. These analyses of a wide variety of pelagic clays allow a reformulation of the geochemical balance and it is concluded that pelagic clays account for approximately 13 per cent of the total mass of sediments produced over geologic time.


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The presence of sedimentary organic matter blanketing midocean ridge crests has a potentially strong impact on metal transport in hydrothermal vent fluids. To constrain the role of organic matter in metal mobility during hydrothermal sediment alteration, we reacted organic-rich diatomaceous ooze from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, and organic-poor hemipelagic mud from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, with seawater and a Na-Ca-K-Cl fluid of seawater chlorinity, at 275° to 400°C, 350 to 500 bars, and initial fluid: sediment mass ratios ranging from 1.6 to 9.8. Reaction of these fluids with both sediment types released CO2 and high concentrations of ore-forming metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb) to solution. Relatively low concentrations of Cu were observed in solution and likely reflect the reducing conditions that resulted from the presence of sedimentary organic matter. Both the concentrations of CO2 and dissolved metals were lower in fluids reacted with Middle Valley sediment compared with aqueous concentrations in fluids reacted with Guaymas Basin sediment. During alteration of both sediment types, metal concentrations varied strongly as a function of temperature, increasing by up to an order of magnitude over the 75°C range of each experiment. Major element fluid chemistry and observed alteration assemblages suggest that during hydrothermal alteration of organic-lean sediment from Middle Valley a feldspar-quartz-illite mineral assemblage buffered in situ pH. In contrast, data from the experimental alteration of organic-rich Guaymas Basin sediment suggest that a calcite-plagioclase-quartz assemblage regulated in situ pH. Fluid speciation calculations suggest that in situ pH during Guaymas Basin sediment alteration was lower than during alteration of Middle Valley sediment and accounts for the substantially greater metal mobility at a given temperature and pressure during the former experiment. Comparison of our results with the results of basalt alteration experiments indicate that except for Cu, hydrothermal sediment alteration results in equal or greater concentrations of ore-forming metals at a given temperature and pressure. Accordingly, the presence of ore-forming metals in fluids currently venting from sediment-covered hydrothermal systems at concentrations substantially lower than in fluids from bare-rock systems may reflect chemical reequilibration during subsurface cooling within the sediment pile.


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The Boussinesq equation appears as the zeroth-order term in the shallow water flow expansion of the non-linear equation describing the flow of fluid in an unconfined aquifer. One-dimensional models based on the Boussinesq equation have been used to analyse tide-induced water table fluctuations in coastal aquifers. Previous analytical solutions for a sloping beach are based on the perturbation parameter, epsilon(N) = alphaepsilon cot beta (in which beta is the beach slope, alpha is the amplitude parameter and epsilon is the shallow water parameter) and are limited to tan(-1) (alphaepsilon) much less than beta less than or equal to pi/2. In this paper, a new higher-order solution to the non-linear boundary value problem is derived. The results demonstrate the significant influence of the higher-order components and beach slope on the water table fluctuations. The relative difference between the linear solution and the present solution increases as 6 and a increase, and reaches 7% of the linear solution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Both stimulation of purinergic receptors by ATP and activation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) inhibit amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport and activate Cl-secretion. These changes in ion transport may well affect cell volume. We therefore examined whether cell shrinkage or cell swelling do affect amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport in epithelial tissues or Xenopus oocytes and whether osmotic stress interferes with regulation of Na+ transport by ATP or CFTR. Stimulation of purinergic receptors by ATP/UTP or activation of CFTR by IBMX and forskolin inhibited amiloride-sensitive transport in mouse trachea and colon, respectively, by a mechanism that was Cl- dependent. When exposed to a hypertonic but not hypotonic bath solution, amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport was inhibited in mouse trachea and colon, independent of the extracellular Cl- concentration. Both inhibition of Na+ transport by hypertonic bath solution and ATP were additive. When coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, activation of CFTR by IBMX and forskolin inhibited the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in a Cl(-)dependent fashion. However, both hypertonic and hypotonic bath solutions showed only minor effects on amiloride-sensitive conductance, independent of the bath Cl- concentration. Moreover, CFTR-induced inhibition of ENaC could be detected in chocytes even after exposure to hypertonic or bypotonic bath solutions. We conclude that amiloride-sensitive Na+ absorption in mouse airways and colon is inhibited by cell shrinkage by a mechanism that does not interfere with purinergic and CFTR-mediated inhibition of ENaC.


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New tin(IV) complexes of empirical formula, Sn(NNS)I-3 (NNS = anionic forms of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff bases of S-methyl- and S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques. In the solid state, the Schiff bases exist as the thione tautomer but in solution and in the presence of tin(IV) iodide they convert to the thiol tautomer and coordinate to the tin atom in their deprotonated thiolate forms. The structures of the free ligand, Hqaldsbz and its triiodotin(IV) complex, [Sn(qaldsbz)I-3] have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The complex, [Sn(qaldsbz)I-3] has a distorted octahedral structure with the Schiff base coordinated to the tin atom as a uninegatively charged tridentate chelating agent via the quinoline nitrogen atom, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom. The three iodo ligands are coordinated meridionally to the tin atom. The distortion from an ideal octahedral geometry of [Sn(qaldsbz)I-3] is attributed to the restricted bite size of the tridentate Schiff base ligand. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, were encapsulated into uncoated calcium alginate beads and the same beads were coated with three types of material, chitosan, sodium alginate, and poly-L-lysine in combination with alginate. The thickness of the alginate beads increased with the addition of coating materials. No differences were detectable in the bead strength by texture analysis or in the thickness of the beads with different types of coating materials by transmission electron microscopy. The survivability of three probiotics in uncoated beads, coated beads, and as free cells (unencapsulated) was conducted in 0.6% bile salt solution and simulated gastric juice (pH 1.55) followed by incubation in simulated intestinal juice with and without 0.6% bile salt. Chitosan-coated alginate beads provided the best protection for L. acidophilus and L. casei in all treatments. However, B. bifidum did not survive the acidic conditions of gastric juice even when encapsulated in coated heads. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A parallel computing environment to support optimization of large-scale engineering systems is designed and implemented on Windows-based personal computer networks, using the master-worker model and the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). It is involved in decomposition of a large engineering system into a number of smaller subsystems optimized in parallel on worker nodes and coordination of subsystem optimization results on the master node. The environment consists of six functional modules, i.e. the master control, the optimization model generator, the optimizer, the data manager, the monitor, and the post processor. Object-oriented design of these modules is presented. The environment supports steps from the generation of optimization models to the solution and the visualization on networks of computers. User-friendly graphical interfaces make it easy to define the problem, and monitor and steer the optimization process. It has been verified by an example of a large space truss optimization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Living radical polymerization has allowed complex polymer architectures to be synthesized in bulk, solution, and water. The most versatile of these techniques is reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT), which allows a wide range of functional and nonfunctional polymers to be made with predictable molecular weight distributions (MWDs), ranging from very narrow to quite broad. The great complexity of the RAFT mechanism and how the kinetic parameters affect the rate of polymerization and MWD are not obvious. Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide useful insights into the important kinetic parameters that control the rate of polymerization and the evolution of the MWD with conversion. We discuss how a change in the chain-transfer constant can affect the evolution of the MWD. It is shown how we can, in principle, use only one RAFT agent to obtain a poly-mer with any MWD. Retardation and inhibition are discussed in terms of (1) the leaving R group reactivity and (2) the intermediate radical termination model versus the slow fragmentation model. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nitrate (NO3) accumulations (up to 1880 kg NO3-N/ha for a 12-m profile) in the soils of the Johnstone River catchment (JRC) may pose a serious environmental threat to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon if the NO3 were released. The: leaching of artificial rainwater through repacked soil columns was investigated to determine the effect of low NO3/low ionic strength inputs on the NO3 Chemistry of the JRC profiles. Repacked soil columns were used to simulate the 11.5-m profiles, and the soil solution anion and cation concentrations were monitored at 10 points throughout the soil column. As the rainwater was applied, NO3 leached down the profile, with substantial quantities exiting the columns. Anion exchange was discounted as the major mechanism of NO3 release due to the substantial net loss of anions from the system (up to 2740 kg NO3-N/ha over the experimental period). As the soils were dominated by variable charge minerals, the effect of changing pH and ionic strength on the surface charge density was investigated in relation to the release of NO3 from the exchange. It was concluded that the equilibration of the soil solution with the low ionic strength rainwater solution resulted in a lessening of both the positive and negative surface charge. Nitrate was released into the soil solution and subsequently leached due to the lessening of the positive surface charge. Loss of NO3 from the soil profile was slow, with equivalent field release times estimated to be tens of years. Although annual release rates were high in absolute terms (up to 175 kg NO3-N/ha.year), they are only slightly greater than the current loss rates from fertilised sugarcane production (up to 50 kg NO3-N/ha.year). In addition to this, the large-scale release of NO3 from the accumulations will only occur until a new equilibrium is established with the input rainwater solution.


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The free-ion model (FIM) describes iron ( Fe) uptake by barley [ Hordeum vulgare ( L.) 'Grammett'] as being controlled by the activity of the buffered, free, uncomplexed Fe3+ in solution. Chelators' effect on Fe uptake by barley was evaluated and the rate of exchange of Fe between chelators was examined. Barley was grown for two weeks in a low-Fe nutrient solution and transferred to solutions varying in Fe and chelators for 6 h assays. Shoot Fe-59 was higher in barley grown in citrate (7743 and 1928 Fe-59 Bq g(-1)) than in NTA(3220 and 1113 Fe-59 Bq g(-1); P = 0.045) despite similar free-Fe3+ activities. A comparison of Fe uptake by barley from solutions with pFe(3+) activities of 17.1 and 24.6 showed < 5% was from indiscriminate apoplastic-flow uptake (3250 Fe-59 Bq g(-1) vs. 160 Fe-59 Bq g(-1)). Using nutrient solutions from the barley studies but without plants, Fe exchange between chelators and a simulant for the barley phytosiderophore occurred within hours ( for NTA and citrate), or days ( EDTA and HEDTA). Results were similar between the barley and Fe-exchange experiments for the two nutrient-solution treatments where the same Fe3+ activities but different total-Fe concentrations were used: the higher total-Fe treatment resulted in six-fold higher shoot Fe-59, while in the Fe-exchange study that treatment had six-fold more Fe bound to the phytosiderophore simulant after 2 d. Results indicated deviations from the FIM were not explained by indiscriminate-flow uptake, and that sluggish Fe-exchange reactions between chelate and phytosiderophoresimulant, not FIM guidelines, may be more important in explaining Fe uptake from synthetic chelates by Fe-deficient barley.