971 resultados para soft tissue lesions
BACKGROUND: Breast reconstruction by latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap in combination with a prosthesis is a widely used, well-established procedure. Short- and medium-term evaluation after this procedure is well described in the literature, but there have been no evaluations of the late course (over 10 years) published until now. METHODS: In a retrospective study, 68 patients operated on by means of this technique at the authors' institution from 1981 to 1993 resulting in a minimal follow-up of 10 years were included. Patients were invited to an interrogation, clinical examination, and photographic documentation (n = 51). Incidence of late flap or prosthesis-related complications, number of and indications for corrective procedures, and the correlation of the patients' subjective judgment and objective results in the late course have been the main interest of the authors' survey. RESULTS: The authors found that 50 percent of the patients needed a late reoperation for change or removal of the prosthesis. Seven (10 percent) of 68 patients needed a definitive removal of the implant in the late course. Assessment of the photographic documentation of the late result by four nonprofessionals showed that the objective aesthetic results of a considerable number of the authors' reconstructions were not sufficient. CONCLUSION: The procedure combines two basic techniques of reconstructive surgery, the soft-tissue restoration by a pedicled flap as the autologous reconstructive component and the volume reconstruction by prosthesis. Therefore, these patients are subject to a cumulation of the basic morbidity of the two techniques. The authors conclude that the indication for this procedure should be restricted to patients not qualifying for "pure" reconstructive techniques.
Progressive retropatellar arthrosis is often seen in dated rigid distal realignment (i.e. osteotomy of tuberositas) at long-term follow-ups. Therefore, operations for lateral dislocation of the patella are still discussed controversially. Dynamic, proximal realignments seem to have lower rates of arthrosis but higher rates of redislocation. Recently, in anatomic and biomechanic studies, the m. vastus medialis obliquus (vmo) was found to be one of the most important proximal restraints to lateral dislocation of the patella.A total of 28 patients (mean age 21.5 years) were treated between 1994 and 2003 with a plasty of the vmo for lateral patellar dislocation. The technique was performed for most etiologies of femoropatellar instability.For this proximal soft tissue technique, the muscle tendon is detached from its patellar insertion. Subsequently, the tendon is reinserted at the patella 10-15 mm more distally and fixed with Mitek anchors. Full weight bearing in extension is possible immediately after surgery. An active vastus medialis training is started after 6 weeks.Of the patients, 27 were evaluated clinically and radiologically in 2004 (a mean of 5 years postoperatively). A total of 83% of the patients estimated the result to be good or excellent, 10% were satisfied and 7% were discontent. The mean Lysholm-Knee-Score was 83.1 points. Two patients suffered a patella redislocation (7%). A statistically significant improvement of the congruence angle was noted in the radiographs, even in medium-term controls. In 89% of the cases no or only little retropatellar arthrosis was observed. These 5 year results are comparable to those of other techniques for distal or proximal realignments. The rate of redislocation was below average. Compared to the rate of retropatellar arthrosis in long-term results of rigid distal realignment, our patients demonstrated a relative low rate after 5 years. We attribute this to the minimal interference in physiological joint mechanics and to the restored anatomy. In terms of future long-term results, our findings are promising. The idea of a proximal dynamic stabilization and the causal operative approach at the origin of pathology using vmo-plasty was confirmed in recent anatomic and biomechanic studies. Over or under correction of soft tissues could be adapted. More rigid techniques of distal realignment do not allow an adaptation to this extent and can lead to prearthrotic hyperpression in the medial femoropatellar and femorotibial joints.
Invasive "body-opening" autopsy represents the traditional means of postmortem investigation in humans. However, modern cross-sectional imaging techniques can supplement and may even partially replace traditional autopsy. Computed tomography (CT) is the imaging modality of choice for two- and three-dimensional documentation and analysis of autopsy findings including fracture systems, pathologic gas collections (eg, air embolism, subcutaneous emphysema after trauma, hyperbaric trauma, decomposition effects), and gross tissue injury. Various postprocessing techniques can provide strong forensic evidence for use in legal proceedings. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has had a greater impact in demonstrating soft-tissue injury, organ trauma, and nontraumatic conditions. However, the differences in morphologic features and signal intensity characteristics seen at antemortem versus postmortem MR imaging have not yet been studied systematically. The documentation and analysis of postmortem findings with CT and MR imaging and postprocessing techniques ("virtopsy") is investigator independent, objective, and noninvasive and will lead to qualitative improvements in forensic pathologic investigation. Future applications of this approach include the assessment of morbidity and mortality in the general population and, perhaps, routine screening of bodies prior to burial.
The intraoral lipoma is a benign, slowly growing, painless soft tissue neoplasia, which can cause esthetic or functional problems for the patient, depending on its size. All parts of the body can be affected, whereas the oral cavity is rarely involved. Clinically, the tumour often exhibits an exophytic growth pattern, a soft consistency, a broad base connected to the underlying tissue, and frequently has a reddish-yellowish colour. Instead of a superficial mucosal involvement, a deep localization in the soft tissues is also possible. Depending on the localization of the tumour, the diagnosis and the resulting therapy can turn out to be a challenge for the clinician. A clear differentiation to malign neoplasias of the fat tissues and other soft tissue expansions is essential. The following case report presents a female patient who is affected by a lipoma in the proximity of the mental nerve. The diagnostic work-up and resulting therapy including a review of the current literature are presented and discussed.
In a prospective randomized controlled double-blind study in 50 acutely injured patients, bacterially contaminated type 2-4 soft tissue wounds were treated with moist dressings of 0.2% Lavasept (fractionated polyhexamethylenbiguanide and macrogolum 4000) solution (n=28) in comparison with Ringer solution (n=22). Standardized swabs were taken on days 0, 2, 8 and 15 and investigated for microorganisms. For a quantitative evaluation, the number of colony forming units (CFU) was determined by a serial dilution technique. The tissue compatibility and anti-inflammatory effect were rated on a scale of 0 (=bad) to 3 (=very good). The most frequently found microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus, which was isolated from 13 wounds. Use of Lavasept led to a faster and significant reduction in microorganisms on the wound surfaces. The number of CFU per wound remained constant or decreased, in contrast to the wounds treated with Ringer solution. This was true for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. There was no evidence of impaired wound healing in either group. The anti-inflammatory effect and the tissue compatibility of Lavasept were rated significantly better than that of Ringer solution. It is concluded that Lavasept combines antiseptic action with good tissue compatibility.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a pathological bone formation process in which ectopic bone is formed in soft tissue. The formation of bone depends on the expression of the osteoblast phenotype. Earlier studies have shown conflicting results on the expression of phenotype markers of cells originating from HO and normal bone. The hypothesis of the present study is that cells from HO show an altered expression of osteoblast-specific phenotype markers compared to normal osteoblasts. The aims of the study were to further characterize the expression of osteoblast phenotypemarkers and to provide a comparison with other study results. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Using an in vitro technique, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry, we compared the phenotype gene expression (type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, Cbfa-1, osteocalcin) of osteoblasts from resected HO and normal bone (iliac crest). RESULTS: Cells from HO expressed the osteoblast phenotype (type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase) but were characterized by a depleted osteocalcin expression. The expression of Cbfa-1 (osteocalcin transcription gene) showed a large variety in our study. Preoperative radiotherapy had no effect on phenotype expression in cells from HO. CONCLUSION: Our results provide a characterization of cells originating from HO and support the thesis of an impaired osteoblast differentiation underlying the formation of HO. The transcription axis from Cbfa-1 to osteocalcin could be involved in the pathogenesis of HO.
The objective of this investigation was to determine the fate of thin buccal bone encasing the prominent roots of maxillary anterior teeth following extraction. Resorption of the buccal plate compromises the morphology of the localized edentulous ridge and makes it challenging to place an implant in the optimal position for prosthetic restoration. In addition, the use of Bio-Oss as a bone filler to maintain the form of the edentulous ridge was evaluated. Nine patients were selected for the extraction of 36 maxillary anterior teeth. Nineteen extraction sockets received Bio-Oss, and seventeen sockets received no osteogenic material. All sites were completely covered with soft tissue at the conclusion of surgery. Computerized tomographic scans were made immediately following extraction and then at 30 to 90 days after healing so as to assess the fate of the buccal plates and resultant form of the edentulous sites. The results were assessed by an independent radiologist, with a crest width of 6 mm regarded as sufficient to place an implant. Those sockets treated with Bio-Oss demonstrated a loss of less than 20% of the buccal plate in 15 of 19 test sites (79%). In contrast, 12 of 17 control sockets (71%) demonstrated a loss of more than 20% of the buccal plate. In conclusion, the Bio-Oss test sites outperformed the control sites by a significant margin. No investigator was able to predict which site would be successful without the grafting material even though all were experienced clinicians. This leads to the conclusion that a patient has a significant benefit from receiving grafting materials at the time of extraction.
Clinical aspects of a simple treatment concept with fixed prostheses in the edentulous jaw are described. Fixed implant-supported reconstructions in the edentulous jaw require multiple implants, are technically complex, aesthetically demanding and metal-ceramic solutions are expensive. Specific surgical techniques to enhance the hard and soft tissue conditions become often necessary. Thus the bar-supported overdenture may be preferred, because problems with aesthetics and alveolar ridge deficiencies can be solved more easily and the number of implants is reduced. Both, the "All-on-Four" technique and the "Procera implant bridge" are simple type of fixed prostheses, comparable to overdentures or complete dentures with regard to design and technology. They present a cost-effective alternative, with predictable aesthetics and optimum passive fit.
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the effects of a commercial CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride) mouthrinse containing 0.07% CPC (Crest® ProHealth Rinse) versus those provided by a commercial essential flavor oil mouthrinse (Listerine® Antiseptic) on dental plaque accumulation and prevention of gingivitis in an unsupervised 6 month clinical study. Methods: This was a double blind, 6-month, parallel group, positive controlled study involving 128 subjects who were balanced and randomly assigned to either positive control (essential oil) or experimental (CPC) mouthrinse treatment groups. The CPC mouthrinse passed proposed performance assays by the FDA for an OTC CPC mouthrinse. At baseline, subjects received a dental prophylaxis and began unsupervised rinsing twice daily with 20 ml. of their assigned mouthrinse for 30 seconds after brushing their teeth for 1 min. Subjects were assessed for gingivitis and gingival bleeding by the Gingival Index (GI) of Loe and Silness and plaque by the Silness and Loe Plaque Index (PI) at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of product use. Oral soft tissue health was also assessed. Microbiological samples were also taken for community profiling by the DNA-DNA checkerboard method. Results: Results show that after 3 and 6 months use there was no significant difference (p = 0.05) between the CPC and essential oil mouthrinse treatment groups for overall gingivitis status, gingival bleeding, and plaque. At 6 months the covariant (baseline) –adjusted mean GI and bleeding sites numbers for the CPC and essential oil mouthrinses were 0.52 and 0.53 and 5.5 and 6.3, respectively. Both mouth rinses were well tolerated by the subjects. Microbiological community profiles were similar for the 2 treatment group. Conclusion: This study shows that the 0.07% CPC mouthrinse can provide similar plaque and gingivitis benefits to those provided by an essential oil mouthrinse over a 6 month period.
A systematic review of the 5-year survival and complication rates of implant-supported single crowns
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological and technical complications. METHODS: An electronic MEDLINE search complemented by manual searching was conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on SCs with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson's regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5-year proportions. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies from an initial yield of 3601 titles were finally selected and data were extracted. In a meta-analysis of these studies, survival of implants supporting SCs was 96.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 95.9-97.6%] after 5 years. The survival rate of SCs supported by implants was 94.5% (95% CI: 92.5-95.9%) after 5 years of function. The survival rate of metal-ceramic crowns, 95.4% (95% CI: 93.6-96.7%), was significantly (P=0.005) higher than the survival rate, 91.2% (95% CI: 86.8-94.2%), of all-ceramic crowns. Peri-implantitis and soft tissue complications occurred adjacent to 9.7% of the SCs and 6.3% of the implants had bone loss exceeding 2 mm over the 5-year observation period. The cumulative incidence of implant fractures after 5 years was 0.14%. After 5 years, the cumulative incidence of screw or abutment loosening was 12.7% and 0.35% for screw or abutment fracture. For supra-structure-related complications, the cumulative incidence of ceramic or veneer fractures was 4.5%. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that after an observation period of 5 years, high survival rates for implants and implant-supported SCs can be expected. However, biological and particularly technical complications are frequent.
BACKGROUND: This study compared bone regeneration following guided bone regeneration with two bioabsorbable collagen membranes in saddle-type bone defects in dog mandibles. METHODS: Three standardized defects were created, filled with bone chips and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM), and covered by three different methods: control = no membrane; test 1 = collagen membrane; and test 2 = cross-linked collagen membrane (CCM). Each side of the mandible was allocated to one of two healing periods (8 or 16 weeks). The histomorphometric analysis assessed the percentage of bone, soft tissue, and DBBM in the regenerate; the absolute area in square millimeters of the bone regenerate; and the distance in millimeters from the bottom of the defect to the highest point of the regenerate. RESULTS: In the 8-week healing group, two dehiscences occurred with CCM. After 8 weeks, all treatment modalities showed no significant differences in the percentage of bone regenerate. After 16 weeks, the percentage of bone had increased for all treatment modalities without significant differences. For all groups, the defect fill height increased between weeks 8 and 16. The CCM group showed a statistically significant (P = 0.0202) increase over time and the highest value of all treatment modalities after 16 weeks of healing, CONCLUSIONS: The CCM showed a limited beneficial effect on bone regeneration in membrane-protected defects in dog mandibles when healing was uneventful. The observed premature membrane exposures resulted in severely compromised amounts of bone regenerate. This increased complication rate with CCM requires a more detailed preclinical and clinical examination before any clinical recommendations can be made.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of an experimental mouth rinse containing 0.07% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) (Crest Pro-Health) with those provided by a commercially available mouth rinse containing essential oils (EOs) (Listerine) on dental plaque accumulation and prevention of gingivitis in an unsupervised 6-month randomized clinical trial. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This double-blind, 6-month, parallel group, positively controlled study involved 151 subjects balanced and randomly assigned to either positive control (EO) or experimental (CPC) mouth rinse treatment groups. At baseline, subjects received a dental prophylaxis procedure and began unsupervised rinsing twice a day with 20 ml of their assigned mouthwash for 30 s after brushing their teeth for 1 min. Subjects were assessed for gingivitis and gingival bleeding by the Gingival index (GI) of Löe ; Silness (1963) and plaque by the Silness ; Löe (1964) Plaque index at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of rinsing. At 3 and 6 months, oral soft tissue health was assessed. Microbiological samples were also taken for community profiling by the DNA checkerboard method. RESULTS: Results show that after 3 and 6 months of rinsing, there were no significant differences (p=0.05) between the experimental (CPC) and the positive control mouth rinse treatment groups for overall gingivitis status, gingival bleeding, and plaque accumulation. At 6 months, the covariant (baseline) adjusted mean GI and bleeding sites percentages for the CPC and the EO rinses were 0.52 and 0.53 and 8.7 and 9.3, respectively. Both mouth rinses were well tolerated by the subjects. Microbiological community profiles were similar for the two treatment groups. Statistically, a significant greater reduction in bleeding sites was observed for the CPC rinse versus the EO rinse. CONCLUSION: The essential findings of this study indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in the anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis benefits between the experimental CPC mouth rinse and the positive control EO mouth rinse over a 6-month period.
OBJECTIVE: Lateral ridge augmentations are traditionally performed using autogenous bone grafts to support membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR). The bone-harvesting procedure, however, is accompanied by considerable patient morbidity. AIM: The aim of the present study was to test whether or not resorbable membranes and bone substitutes will lead to successful horizontal ridge augmentation allowing implant installation under standard conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve patients in need of implant therapy participated in this study. They revealed bone deficits in the areas intended for implant placement. Soft tissue flaps were carefully raised and blocks or particles of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) (Bio-Oss) were placed in the defect area. A collagenous membrane (Bio-Gide) was applied to cover the DBBM and was fixed to the surrounding bone using poly-lactic acid pins. The flaps were sutured to allow for healing by primary intention. RESULTS: All sites in the 12 patients healed uneventfully. No flap dehiscences and no exposures of membranes were observed. Nine to 10 months following augmentation surgery, flaps were raised in order to visualize the outcomes of the augmentation. An integration of the DBBM particles into the newly formed bone was consistently observed. Merely on the surface of the new bone, some pieces of the grafting material were only partly integrated into bone. However, these were not encapsulated by connective tissue but rather anchored into the newly regenerated bone. In all of the cases, but one, the bone volume following regeneration was adequate to place implants in a prosthetically ideal position and according to the standard protocol with complete bone coverage of the surface intended for osseointegration. Before the regenerative procedure, the average crestal bone width was 3.2 mm and to 6.9 mm at the time of implant placement. This difference was statistically significant (P<0.05, Wilcoxon's matched pairs signed-rank test). CONCLUSION: After a healing period of 9-10 months, the combination of DBBM and a collagen membrane is an effective treatment option for horizontal bone augmentation before implant placement.
BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis is associated with the presence of submarginal plaque, soft-tissue inflammation and advanced breakdown of the supporting bone. The progression of peri-implantitis following varying periods of continuing plaque accumulation has been studied in animal models. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current experiment was to study the progression of peri-implantitis around implants with different surface roughness. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In five beagle dogs, three implants with either a sandblasted acid-etched surface (SLA) or a polished surface (P) were installed bilaterally in the edentulous premolar regions. After 3 months on a plaque control regimen, experimental peri-implantitis was induced by ligature placement and plaque accumulation was allowed to progress until about 40% of the height of the supporting bone had been lost. After this 4-month period, ligatures were removed and plaque accumulation was continued for an additional 5 months. Radiographs of all implant sites were obtained before and after 'active' experimental peri-implantitis as well as at the end of the experiment. Biopsies were harvested and the tissue samples were prepared for light microscopy. The sections were used for histometric and morphometric examinations. RESULTS: The radiographic examinations indicated that similar amounts of bone loss occurred at SLA and P sites during the active breakdown period, while the progression of bone loss was larger at SLA than at polished sites following ligature removal. The histological examination revealed that both bone loss and the size of the inflammatory lesion in the connective tissue were larger in SLA than in polished implant sites. The area of plaque was also larger at implants with an SLA surface than at implants with a polished surface. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that the progression of peri-implantitis, if left untreated, is more pronounced at implants with a moderately rough surface than at implants with a polished surface.
PURPOSE: The objective of the present experiment was to study the morphogenesis of the mucosal attachment to implants made of c.p. titanium. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All mandibular premolars were extracted in 20 Labrador dogs. After a healing period of 3 months, four implants (ITI Dental Implant System) were placed in the right and left sides of the mandible. A non-submerged implant installation technique was used and the mucosal tissues were secured to the conical marginal portion of the implants with interrupted sutures. The sutures were removed after 2 weeks and a plaque control program including daily cleaning of the remaining teeth and the implants was initiated. The animals were sacrificed and biopsies were obtained at various intervals to provide healing periods extending from Day 0 (2 h) to 12 weeks. The mandibles were removed and placed in the fixative. The implant sites were dissected using a diamond saw and processed for histological analysis. RESULTS: Large numbers of neutrophils infiltrated and degraded the coagulum that occupied the compartment between the mucosa and the implant during the initial phase of healing. At 2 weeks after surgery, fibroblasts were the dominating cell population in the connective tissue interface but at 4 weeks the density of fibroblasts had decreased. Furthermore, the first signs of epithelial proliferation were observed in specimens representing 1-2 weeks of healing and a mature barrier epithelium occurred after 6-8 weeks of healing. The collagen fibers of the mucosa were organized after 4-6 weeks of healing. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that the soft-tissue attachment to implants placed using a non-submerged installation procedure is properly established after several weeks following surgery.