997 resultados para slow science
Fin observateur des mutations du religieux au cours des trente dernières années, Pierre Gisel fait l'objet, dans ce livre, d'analyses sur les enjeux qui marquent ses recherches fondamentales : la mise à l'épreuve des religions par leurs confrontations avec la science, la culture et le politique. La pensée de Pierre Gisel est l'une des rares à prendre en compte les défis que pose la sécularisation aux postulats des traditions religieuses en général, et au christianisme en particulier. Le statut des textes sacrés, la légitimité des institutions religieuses, les généalogies des monothéismes : autant d'objets auxquels Pierre Gisel adresse des questions exigeantes et « théologiquement incorrectes », pour le meilleur des débats actuels sur les transformations et les valeurs de nos sociétés. Dans ce livre, sociologues, philosophes, théologiens, historiens, journalistes ainsi qu'une représentante politique rendent compte de la réception qu'ils accordent aux travaux de Pierre Gisel, pour les prolonger, les déplacer et les critiquer, tout en soulignant leur incontestable pertinence.
It is now possible to perform resections of slow-growing tumors in awake patients. Using direct electrical stimulation, real-time functional mapping of the brain can be used to prevent the resection of essential areas near the tumor. Simple clinical observations of patients with a resection of slow-growing tumors have demonstrated substantial recovery within a few days of such 'awake surgery'. The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of recovery following the resection of slow-growing tumors invading the left parietal area and to focus mainly on its rapidity. Two patients were assessed by standard line bisection tests and compared with eight healthy individuals. Independently of the pure nature of the symptoms, we report that the patients rapidly and substantially recovered from pronounced right neglect. They were tested 48 hours after the surgery and the recovery was significant for both patients after less than 4 hours. Strikingly, for one patient, recovery was ultra fast and substantial in the first practice session within less than 7 minutes: it occurred without verbal feedback and was substantially retained during the following testing session. Its rapidity suggests a process of unmasking redundant networks. With the slow growth of the lesion, the contralesional hemisphere is probably progressively prepared for rapid unmasking of homologue networks. These results have major clinical implications. For patients with an invading left-side tumor, it is now clear that line bisections are required before, during, and after awake surgery to: plan the surgery, control the quality of the resection, and also optimize the rehabilitation of the patient
INTRODUCTION We functionally analyzed a frameshift mutation in the SCN5A gene encoding cardiac Na(+) channels (Nav1.5) found in a proband with repeated episodes of ventricular fibrillation who presented bradycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Seven relatives also carry the mutation and showed a Brugada syndrome with an incomplete and variable expression. The mutation (p.D1816VfsX7) resulted in a severe truncation (201 residues) of the Nav1.5 C-terminus. METHODS AND RESULTS Wild-type (WT) and mutated Nav1.5 channels together with hNavβ1 were expressed in CHO cells and currents were recorded at room temperature using the whole-cell patch-clamp. Expression of p.D1816VfsX7 alone resulted in a marked reduction (≈90%) in peak Na(+) current density compared with WT channels. Peak current density generated by p.D1816VfsX7+WT was ≈50% of that generated by WT channels. p.D1816VfsX7 positively shifted activation and inactivation curves, leading to a significant reduction of the window current. The mutation accelerated current activation and reactivation kinetics and increased the fraction of channels developing slow inactivation with prolonged depolarizations. However, late INa was not modified by the mutation. p.D1816VfsX7 produced a marked reduction of channel trafficking toward the membrane that was not restored by decreasing incubation temperature during cell culture or by incubation with 300 μM mexiletine and 5 mM 4-phenylbutirate. CONCLUSION Despite a severe truncation of the C-terminus, the resulting mutated channels generate currents, albeit with reduced amplitude and altered biophysical properties, confirming the key role of the C-terminal domain in the expression and function of the cardiac Na(+) channel.